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From sce!mitel!uunet!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!hplabs!hplabsz!mayer Thu Jan 11 12:51:21 EST 1990
Article: 2234 of comp.lang.lisp
Path: cognos!sce!mitel!uunet!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!hplabs!hplabsz!mayer
From: mayer@hplabsz.HPL.HP.COM (Niels Mayer)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Subject: Re: XLISP Object Method Selectors :new and :isnew.
Message-ID: <4613@hplabsz.HPL.HP.COM>
Date: 10 Jan 90 07:26:26 GMT
References: <1511@dinl.mmc.UUCP>
Reply-To: mayer@hplabs.hp.com (Niels Mayer)
Organization: Hewlett-Packard Labs, Software Technology Lab, Palo Alto, CA.
Lines: 308
In article <1511@dinl.mmc.UUCP> noren@dinl.UUCP (Charles Noren) writes:
>It's been a while since I've been on the net. I can no longer
>access comp.lang.lisp.x from our site, I suppose it went away?
it's still there...
>I've just starting playing with XLISP v2.0, particularly the
>object-oriented features of it. I've created new classes with
>instance and class variables, and I've used the :new selector
>to do so and it works just fine. However, I see the :isnew
>selector in the documentation and I was wondering how that works
>compared to :new.
When I first looked at XLISP, I too found the documentation on the
object system to be a little terse. Everything becomes much clearer
once you see some examples.
I recently wrote up some documentation on XLISP's object system for
use with WINTERP (an XLISP-based rapid prototyping environment for
applications based on the OSF Motif widgets). The following excerpt
from winterp/doc/winterp.doc may help (get winterp via anonymous ftp
from expo.lcs.mit.edu:oldcontrib/winterp.tar.Z). In particular, your
question about :ISNEW is answered in the "object initialization"
* Introduction to XLISP objects and Widgets.
WINTERP uses XLISP's object system as its interface to the class hierarchy
of widgets provided by Motif. Specifically, each Motif widget class is
represented by one or more object classes in WINTERP. In order to best
understand the capabilities of WINTERP's Motif interface, a brief review of
the XLISP object system is in order. You may also want to consult the XLISP
documentation ./winterp/doc/xLisp.doc for a more precise definition of the
object system.
XLISP Classes describe the type of a particular object by declaring a set
of variables held in each object. These "instance variables" may only be
accessed by "methods" that respond to "messages" sent to the object.
Methods are defined for particular classes, and functionality of other
classes may be incorporated into new classes via "inheritance". From
XLISP, Motif widget classes look just like normal XLISP objects -- that
means that you can easily extend the functionality of Motif widgets by
adding your own methods to a particular widget class. You may also use
inheritance to attach your own data structures to widgets. The result is
that WINTERP provides a very clean way to interactively rapid-prototype an
application, while also providing mechanisms for code structuring and reuse.
The latter is necessary in evolving from prototype to a structured,
maintainable, and customizable deliverable.
** Creating new objects.
Create a new instance of a class by sending the message :NEW to
(SEND <a_class_instance> :NEW <parameters>)
<a_class_instance> is in fact an instance of class CLASS. Class CLASS allows
you to define new class instances by specifying the instance variables and
parent class of a particular class.
** Declaring a class.
To declare a "base class" object, that is, an object with no parent object,
just send message :NEW to the object <CLASS>
(SEND CLASS :NEW '(<ivar0> ... <ivarN>)
['(<cvar0> ... <cvarM>)])
'(<ivar0> ... (ivarN>) are a list of symbols. Each <ivar-i> names an
instance variable of the class. '(<cvar0> ... <cvarM>)]) are an optional
list of variables that are shared among all instances of that particular
** Defining methods.
When a "message" is sent to an object, XLISP searches for a "method" to
answer the message. A method is a piece of Lisp code that is executed when
a particular message is sent to an object. Within the code of a method, all
object instance and class variables are accessible. Furthermore, the symbol
'self' is bound to the object the message was sent to.
Methods are defined by sending the message :ANSWER to <a_class_instance>:
(SEND a_class_instance :ANSWER <:msg> <parameters> <code>)
where <:msg> is a keyword symbol (a symbol with a ':' prefix) representing
the message; <parameters> are the arguments given along with the message.
See the documentation on "lambda lists" in /winterp/doc/xLisp.doc p.12 for
details. <code> is a list of s-expressions which get evaluated in response
to a message. The lexical environment that existed for the call to :ANSWER
will be used for value and functional bindings during method evaluation.
If you need to remember what the syntax is, consider the memory-helper
"this class :ANSWERs to :MESSAGE..." == (send <cls> :ANSWER :MESSAGE ...)
** Inheritance
So far, the object system we just described supports *encapsulation*.
Encapsulation is good programming practice because it helps localize and
detangle complexity. Unfortunately, encapsulation runs counter to
flexibility because making flexible use of an object may require that
certain groups of instance variables be accessed by different layers of new
functionality. Most often, one wants to *reuse* aspects of a particular
class in creating code that specializes and alters the functionality of
that class. A compromise between encapsulation and flexibility is found by
using *inheritance* in an object system. Inheritance is used to allow a
*subclass* to specialize the functionality of it's *parent class* (aka,
the *superclass*):
(send Class :NEW '(<ivar0> ... <ivarN>)
'(<cvar0> ... <cvarM>)
(<ivar0> ... <ivarN>) is a list of new instance variables in the subclass;
(<cvar0> ... <cvarN>) is a list of new class variables in the subclass;
<superclass> is a class instance representing the parent from which
the new subclass inherits variables and methods.
"Inheritance" is occurring because all the instance variables of all the
parent classes of the new subclass become the variables of each subclass
instance. Furthermore, all methods defined on a parent class may also be
used on a subclass instance. Note that while a subclass' methods can access
the variables defined on the parent classes, the reverse isn't true.
** Object initialization.
As mentioned earlier, new object instances are created by sending the
message :NEW to a class object. Sending the message :NEW to a class
automatically sends message :ISNEW to the newly created instance. By
default :ISNEW on an instance is a no-op method defined on class 'Object',
which is the implicit [(grand)*]parent of all instances. If you want to
initialize the instance/class variables of a particular class, you must
define an :ISNEW method on the class. Any parameters originally sent to
the :NEW method will be passed on to the :ISNEW method and may be used to
initialize an object to outside-world parameters.
** Example of using OOP features of XLISP with Motif widgets:
As currently implemented, the Motif class xmListWidgetClass makes it a bit
baroque to create browsers (hopefully this will change in Motif 1.1). The
problem is that a "browser" is a kind of application that lends itself to
object oriented techniques that are not always straightforward to support
in C. One often has a collection of 'things' that one wants to display in a
'list' and perform actions on the 'thing' corresponding to the visual
selection of an element in the displayed list. xmListWidgetClass will
display an arrray of XmStrings in a list. When one or more elements in the
list are selected, XmStrings corresponding to the selected elements are
returned. Since the XmStrings you put into the list widget are not the
XmStrings you get out, you must call XmStringCompare on each element of the
collection of 'things' to find out which ones are selected. Presumably,
you'll want to do more than just get back an XmString... normally one will
want to access data structures associated with the XmString so as to perform
an action dependent on those structures. This could be done with a lookup
table, but there's also a better way...
WINTERP allows us to subclass the Motif list widget so as to make it have
the kind of functionality we want. This subclass will contain an additional
instance variable 'items' which is an array of arbitrary XLISP objects to
be displayed in a textual browser made from the list widget. These objects
can have completely different internal representations -- the only
requirement is that they follow the protocol of being able to respond to
string representation of the object to be displayed in the browser.
:DEFAULT_ACTION is the action to be performed when a list item is browsed
(by double clicking on the item).
The following creates the subclass <List_Browser> from superclass
(setq List_Browser
(send Class :NEW ;create a class inst
'(items) ;new instance vars
'() ;no class vars
XM_LIST_WIDGET_CLASS)) ;superclass
So now all instances of <List_Browser> will contain an instance variable
<items> and will respond to all the messages understood by the
XM_LIST_WIDGET_CLASS. We want our list browser to behave as described
above, so we define an :ISNEW method to initialize instance variable
<items> to the list of arbitrary objects to be displayed. <items> gets
initialized to an array of objects, the list widget is created, and a
XmNdefaultActionCallback is setup so that a double click will send the
message :DEFAULT_ACTION to the browsed item:
;; (send List_Browser :new <items_list> <args-for-the-list-widget>)
;; <items_list> is a list of BROWSER_OBJECTs as described above.
;; <args-for-the-list-widget> -- these are the arguments that
;; will be passed on to the list widget
(send List_Browser :answer :isnew '(items_list &rest args)
(let* (
(items_end_idx (length items_list))
(display_items (make-array items_end_idx)))
;; initialize the 'items' instance variable so that it
;; holds all the BROWSER_OBJECTs passed in <items_list>
(setq items (make-array items_end_idx)) ;create the array
(do ( ;copy elts from list to array
(i 0 (1+ i))
(elts items_list (cdr elts)))
;; loop till no more elts
((null elts))
;; loop body
(setf (aref items i) (car elts))
(setf (aref display_items i)
(send (car elts) :display_string))
;; initialize the widget, passing in the browser items.
(apply 'send-super `(:isnew
:xmn_selection_policy :browse_select
:xmn_items ,display_items
:xmn_item_count ,items_end_idx
;; set up a callback on the list widget initialized above such
;; that a double click on the browser-item will send the
;; message :default_action to the BROWSER_OBJECT.
(send-super :add_callback :xmn_default_action_callback
'((send (aref items (1- callback_item_position))
In the above code, SEND-SUPER works just like send, except that it doesn't
require you to give it the object to send the message to. Instead, it
implicitly assumes that it will be called from within a method, and will
automatically send the message to a superclass of the object's class. The
(apply 'send-super ...) form is actually calling the :ISNEW (instance
initializer) method on XM_LIST_WIDGET_CLASS, which actually creates the
widget via XmCreateList() or XmCreateScrolledList(). The APPLY '`'
(BACKQUOTE) and '&rest args' (LAMBDA LIST) features of Lisp allow us to
splice in the argument list passed to the instance of List_Browser into the
function that actually creates the widget. Finally, method :add_callback is
the WINTERP equivalent of XtAddCallback(). See the documentation on methods
on WIDGET_CLASS for more details.
The Motif List widget also defines a number of "methods" implemented as C
routines such as XmListAddItem(), XmListAddItemUnselected(),
XmListDeleteItem(), and XmListDeletePos(). In WINTERP, we define these as
respectively. Since these methods modify the collection of objects
represented by the list widget, we must update the internal array of
objects <items> to correspond with the items displayed. We do this by
intercepting those messages to the superclass of class <List_Browser> and
handle them in <List_Browser> so as to update the appropriate data:
(send List_Browser :answer :ADD_ITEM '(item position)
(setq items (array-insert-pos items (1- position) item))
(send-super :add_item
(send item :display_string)
(send List_Browser :answer :ADD_ITEM_UNSELECTED '(item position)
(setq items (array-insert-pos items (1- position) item))
(send-super :add_item_unselected
(send item :display_string)
(send List_Browser :answer :DELETE_ITEM '(item)
;; this is too lame to implement... requires that we compare
;; item with the result of :display_string done on every elt
;; of ivar 'items'
(error "Message :DELETE_ITEM not supported in List_Browser")
(send List_Browser :answer :DELETE_POS '(position)
(setq items (array-delete-pos items (1- position)))
(send-super :delete_pos position)
To see how this subclassed list browser is used, and also to see how one
might write a sample application in WINTERP using the object oriented
features of XLISP, see ./winterp/examples/grep-br.lsp. That file
implements a simple search browser based on the UN*X command 'grep'. See
also ./winterp/examples/mail-br.lsp to see how you can build a simple
mh-based mail browser. Finally, as another example of subclassing Motif
widgets, see ./winterp/examples/radiobox2.lsp.
Niels Mayer -- hplabs!mayer -- mayer@hplabs.hp.com
Human-Computer Interaction Department
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
Palo Alto, CA.