GEMini Atari
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134 lines
Some notes on the XLISP EDITOR:
I don't claim any copyright to the editor, and I actually
welcome any alterations or additions you may want to make to it.
In fact, to make things extra easy, I provide the following:
This editor works on the basis that:
(setq a 'b)
(setq b '(x y z))
(x y z)
So that:
(eval a)
(x y z)
In the editor program, "curloc" is used where you see "a" above.
To create your own functions you need only define your new
function and then add its name to "comset" which contains the list
of available commands. To rename the functions, you need only
change the current function name to what you want, and change it's
corresponding entry in "comset".
On Using the Editor:
Creating new functions:
If you want to create a new function, you will have to create
it outside the editor. A good way to start of a new function is
to enter the following: (defun <fname> (<parameters>))
For example, if I wanted to create a function that computed the
factorial of a number, I would type in the following:
(defun fact (x))
followed by:
(ef 'fact)
I have tested the editor on a variety of lisp functions and
taken care of what errors appeared. Of course, I am sure that
those of you out there who use my little creation with any
regularity will certainly find a plethora of new ones. In my
defense, I can only say this: Tell me what you find, and I'll
incorporate the fix into a later version.
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You may have noticed that insertions may only be made after
elements. This would seem to make it impossible to insert
anything at the very beginning of a list... it doesn't. However,
short of writing you own insertion function, you should try the
following: "pre" some dummy atom to the first item of the list,
then "rmp" the parentheses, then insert what you want, then delete
the dummy atom. It's really not as involved as it sounds, and
spares me the headache of trapping for all the special cases that
would pop up otherwise.
The variable "sxpr", which is used by the move function, is
only altered when something is "Cut" to it by "mv c". This allows
you to make multiple "Paste"s using "mv p", and even allows you to
cut from one function definition and paste to another. To make
this possible, one potential avenue for error was purposely left
un-trapped. So please, don't try to paste anything until you have
cut at least once. If you do, I guarantee the program will crash.
Entering commands:
Whether or not it is obvious, more than one command may be
entered at the "Edit: >" prompt. For example, "d d a a d a a"
will get you quickly into the heart of the function you're
While I didn't include any, you may want to add some macros.
For instance, the command series "d d a a d a a" could be
incorporated into a new function called "dth" for Descend To Heart
of the function. Note that in my next revision I will have
redesigned a number of the editor's functions so that creating
macros will be easier.
Things to stay away from:
The following variables are destructively altered by the
editor program: sf, base, curloc, comset, sxpr, tmp, tmp2; so don't
use them in your own programs. Additionally, if you choose to use
the save function provided, you should steer clear of the
following variables: fp, bse, nmf, tpe, prms, rst.
Things to look forward to in upcoming revisions:
A viewing toggle that causes only a screen size portions of
the list being edited to be displayed. (Useful for those BIG
Tab stops in combination with an improved "pp" function that
allows you to pretty-print a larger section of the list without
having it scroll off the screen.
An improved version of GOTO. I have tried a number of ways
already, but so far it refuses to comply.
An insert function that inserts in front of elements.
Improved advance, backup, and descend functions, that let you
move in leaps and bounds if you so desire.
Revision of a number of functions to facilitate macro
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