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- /* ststuff.c - atari-st specific routines */
- #include <osbind.h>
- #include "xscheme.h"
- #define STRMAX 100 /* maximum length of a string constant */
- /* char buf[STRMAX+1] = { 0 }; */
- static char buf[200];
- #define LBSIZE 200
- /* set MWC memory parameters */
- long _stksize = 16384; /* stack must be 16K */
- /* external variables */
- extern LVAL s_unbound,true;
- extern int errno;
- extern FILE *tfp;
- extern char buf[];
- /* line buffer variables */
- static char lbuf[LBSIZE];
- static int lpos[LBSIZE];
- static int lindex;
- static int lcount;
- static int lposition;
- /* osinit - initialize */
- osinit(banner)
- char *banner;
- {
- printf("\033v%s\n",banner);
- lposition = 0;
- lindex = 0;
- lcount = 0;
- }
- /* osfinish - clean up before a return to the operating system */
- osfinish()
- {
- }
- /* oserror - print an error message */
- oserror(msg)
- char *msg;
- {
- printf("error: %s\n",msg);
- }
- /* osrand - return a random number between 0 and n-1 */
- int osrand(n)
- int n;
- {
- return (rand() % n);
- }
- /* osaopen - open an ascii file */
- FILE *osaopen(name,mode)
- char *name,*mode;
- {
- return (fopen(name,mode));
- }
- /* osbopen - open a binary file */
- FILE *osbopen(name,mode)
- char *name,*mode;
- {
- char rmode[5];
- strcpy(rmode,mode); strcat(rmode,"b");
- return (fopen(name,rmode));
- }
- /* osclose - close a file */
- int osclose(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- return (fclose(fp));
- }
- /* osagetc - get a character from an ascii file */
- int osagetc(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- return (getc(fp));
- }
- /* osaputc - put a character to an ascii file */
- int osaputc(ch,fp)
- int ch; FILE *fp;
- {
- return (putc(ch,fp));
- }
- /* osbgetc - get a character from a binary file */
- int osbgetc(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- return (getc(fp));
- }
- /* osbputc - put a character to a binary file */
- int osbputc(ch,fp)
- int ch; FILE *fp;
- {
- return (putc(ch,fp));
- }
- /* ostgetc - get a character from the terminal */
- int ostgetc()
- {
- int ch;
- /* check for a buffered character */
- if (lcount--)
- return (lbuf[lindex++]);
- /* get an input line */
- for (lcount = 0; ; )
- switch (ch = xgetc()) {
- case '\r':
- lbuf[lcount++] = '\n';
- xputc('\r'); xputc('\n'); lposition = 0;
- if (tfp)
- for (lindex = 0; lindex < lcount; ++lindex)
- osaputc(lbuf[lindex],tfp);
- lindex = 0; lcount--;
- return (lbuf[lindex++]);
- case '\010':
- case '\177':
- if (lcount) {
- lcount--;
- while (lposition > lpos[lcount]) {
- xputc('\010'); xputc(' '); xputc('\010');
- lposition--;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '\032':
- xflush();
- return (EOF);
- default:
- if (ch == '\t' || (ch >= 0x20 && ch < 0x7F)) {
- lbuf[lcount] = ch;
- lpos[lcount] = lposition;
- if (ch == '\t')
- do {
- xputc(' ');
- } while (++lposition & 7);
- else {
- xputc(ch); lposition++;
- }
- lcount++;
- }
- else {
- xflush();
- switch (ch) {
- case '\002': xlbreak("CTL-b",TRUE); /* control-b */
- case '\003': xltoplevel(); /* control-c */
- case '\007': xlcleanup(); /* control-g */
- case '\020': xlcontinue(); /* control-p */
- case '\032': return (EOF); /* control-z */
- default: return (ch);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* ostputc - put a character to the terminal */
- ostputc(ch)
- int ch;
- {
- /* check for control characters */
- oscheck();
- /* output the character */
- if (ch == '\n') {
- xputc('\r'); xputc('\n');
- lposition = 0;
- }
- else {
- xputc(ch);
- lposition++;
- }
- /* output the character to the transcript file */
- if (tfp)
- osaputc(ch,tfp);
- }
- /* oscheck - check for control characters during execution */
- oscheck()
- {
- int ch;
- if (ch = xcheck())
- switch (ch) {
- case '\002': xflush(); xlbreak("BREAK",s_unbound); break;
- case '\003': xflush(); xltoplevel(); break;
- }
- }
- /* osflush - flush the input line buffer */
- osflush()
- {
- lindex = lcount = 0;
- }
- /* ostell - get the current file position */
- long ostell(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- return (ftell(fp));
- }
- /* osseek - set the current file position */
- int osseek(fp,offset,whence)
- FILE *fp; long offset; int whence;
- {
- return (fseek(fp,offset,whence));
- }
- /* xflush - flush the input line buffer */
- static xflush()
- {
- ostputc('\n');
- osflush();
- }
- /* xgetc - get a character from the terminal without echo */
- static int xgetc()
- {
- int ch;
- while ((ch = Crawio(0xFF)) == 0)
- ;
- return (ch & 0xFF);
- }
- /* xputc - put a character to the terminal */
- static xputc(ch)
- int ch;
- {
- Crawio(ch);
- }
- /* xcheck - check for a character */
- static int xcheck()
- {
- return (Crawio(0xFF));
- }
- /* file name extension table */
- char *ext[] = { ".prg",".tos",".ttp",NULL };
- /* xsystem - the built-in function 'system' */
- LVAL xsystem()
- {
- char *str,*p,cmd[100];
- int cmdlen,sts,i;
- /* get the command string */
- str = getstring(xlgastring());
- xllastarg();
- /* get the command name */
- for (p = cmd, cmdlen = 0; *str && !isspace(*str); ++cmdlen)
- *p++ = *str++;
- *p = '\0';
- /* skip spaces between the command name and the arguments */
- while (*str && isspace(*str))
- ++str;
- /* make a counted ascii argument list */
- for (p = &buf[1], buf[0] = '\0'; *str; ++buf[0])
- *p++ = *str++;
- *p = '\0';
- /* try each extension */
- for (i = 0; ext[i]; ++i) {
- strcpy(&cmd[cmdlen],ext[i]);
- if ((sts = Pexec(0,cmd,buf,"")) != -33)
- break;
- }
- /* return the completion status */
- return (cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)sts));
- }
- /* xgetkey - get a key from the keyboard */
- LVAL xgetkey()
- {
- xllastarg();
- return (cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)xgetc()));
- }
- /* ossymbols - lookup important symbols */
- ossymbols()
- {
- }