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- /* xsfun1.c - xscheme built-in functions - part 1 */
- /* Copyright (c) 1988, by David Michael Betz
- All Rights Reserved
- Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
- #include "xscheme.h"
- /* gensym variables */
- static char gsprefix[STRMAX+1] = { 'G',0 }; /* gensym prefix string */
- static int gsnumber = 1; /* gensym number */
- /* external variables */
- extern LVAL xlenv,xlval,default_object,true_lval;
- extern LVAL s_unbound;
- /* external routines */
- extern int eq(),eqv(),equal();
- /* forward declarations */
- FORWARD LVAL member();
- FORWARD LVAL assoc();
- FORWARD LVAL eqtest();
- /* xcons - construct a new list cell */
- LVAL xcons()
- {
- LVAL carval,cdrval;
- /* get the two arguments */
- carval = xlgetarg();
- cdrval = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- /* construct a new cons node */
- return (cons(carval,cdrval));
- }
- /* xcar - built-in function 'car' */
- LVAL xcar()
- {
- LVAL list;
- list = xlgalist();
- xllastarg();
- return (list ? car(list) : NIL);
- }
- /* xicar - built-in function '%car' */
- LVAL xicar()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (car(arg));
- }
- /* xcdr - built-in function 'cdr' */
- LVAL xcdr()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgalist();
- xllastarg();
- return (arg ? cdr(arg) : NIL);
- }
- /* xicdr - built-in function '%cdr' */
- LVAL xicdr()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (cdr(arg));
- }
- /* cxxr functions */
- LVAL xcaar() { return (cxr("aa")); }
- LVAL xcadr() { return (cxr("da")); }
- LVAL xcdar() { return (cxr("ad")); }
- LVAL xcddr() { return (cxr("dd")); }
- /* cxxxr functions */
- LVAL xcaaar() { return (cxr("aaa")); }
- LVAL xcaadr() { return (cxr("daa")); }
- LVAL xcadar() { return (cxr("ada")); }
- LVAL xcaddr() { return (cxr("dda")); }
- LVAL xcdaar() { return (cxr("aad")); }
- LVAL xcdadr() { return (cxr("dad")); }
- LVAL xcddar() { return (cxr("add")); }
- LVAL xcdddr() { return (cxr("ddd")); }
- /* cxxxxr functions */
- LVAL xcaaaar() { return (cxr("aaaa")); }
- LVAL xcaaadr() { return (cxr("daaa")); }
- LVAL xcaadar() { return (cxr("adaa")); }
- LVAL xcaaddr() { return (cxr("ddaa")); }
- LVAL xcadaar() { return (cxr("aada")); }
- LVAL xcadadr() { return (cxr("dada")); }
- LVAL xcaddar() { return (cxr("adda")); }
- LVAL xcadddr() { return (cxr("ddda")); }
- LVAL xcdaaar() { return (cxr("aaad")); }
- LVAL xcdaadr() { return (cxr("daad")); }
- LVAL xcdadar() { return (cxr("adad")); }
- LVAL xcdaddr() { return (cxr("ddad")); }
- LVAL xcddaar() { return (cxr("aadd")); }
- LVAL xcddadr() { return (cxr("dadd")); }
- LVAL xcdddar() { return (cxr("addd")); }
- LVAL xcddddr() { return (cxr("dddd")); }
- /* cxr - common car/cdr routine */
- LOCAL LVAL cxr(adstr)
- char *adstr;
- {
- LVAL list;
- /* get the list */
- list = xlgalist();
- xllastarg();
- /* perform the car/cdr operations */
- while (*adstr && consp(list))
- list = (*adstr++ == 'a' ? car(list) : cdr(list));
- /* make sure the operation succeeded */
- if (*adstr && list)
- xlbadtype(list);
- /* return the result */
- return (list);
- }
- /* xsetcar - built-in function 'set-car!' */
- LVAL xsetcar()
- {
- LVAL arg,newcar;
- /* get the cons and the new car */
- arg = xlgacons();
- newcar = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- /* replace the car */
- rplaca(arg,newcar);
- return (arg);
- }
- /* xisetcar - built-in function '%set-car!' */
- LVAL xisetcar()
- {
- LVAL arg,newcar;
- /* get the cons and the new car */
- arg = xlgetarg();
- newcar = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- /* replace the car */
- rplaca(arg,newcar);
- return (arg);
- }
- /* xsetcdr - built-in function 'set-cdr!' */
- LVAL xsetcdr()
- {
- LVAL arg,newcdr;
- /* get the cons and the new cdr */
- arg = xlgacons();
- newcdr = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- /* replace the cdr */
- rplacd(arg,newcdr);
- return (arg);
- }
- /* xisetcdr - built-in function '%set-cdr!' */
- LVAL xisetcdr()
- {
- LVAL arg,newcdr;
- /* get the cons and the new cdr */
- arg = xlgetarg();
- newcdr = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- /* replace the cdr */
- rplacd(arg,newcdr);
- return (arg);
- }
- /* xlist - built-in function 'list' */
- LVAL xlist()
- {
- LVAL last,next,val;
- /* initialize the list */
- val = NIL;
- /* add each argument to the list */
- if (moreargs()) {
- val = last = cons(nextarg(),NIL);
- while (moreargs()) {
- next = nextarg();
- push(val);
- next = cons(next,NIL);
- rplacd(last,next);
- last = next;
- val = pop();
- }
- }
- /* return the list */
- return (val);
- }
- /* xliststar - built-in function 'list*' */
- LVAL xliststar()
- {
- LVAL last,next,val;
- /* initialize the list */
- val = NIL;
- /* add each argument to the list */
- if (moreargs()) {
- for (;;) {
- next = nextarg();
- if (moreargs()) {
- push(val);
- next = cons(next,NIL);
- val = pop();
- if (val) rplacd(last,next);
- else val = next;
- last = next;
- }
- else {
- if (val) rplacd(last,next);
- else val = next;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* return the list */
- return (val);
- }
- /* xappend - built-in function 'append' */
- LVAL xappend()
- {
- LVAL next,this,last,val;
- /* append each argument */
- for (val = last = NIL; xlargc > 1; )
- /* append each element of this list to the result list */
- for (next = xlgalist(); consp(next); next = cdr(next)) {
- push(val);
- this = cons(car(next),NIL);
- val = pop();
- if (last == NIL) val = this;
- else rplacd(last,this);
- last = this;
- }
- /* tack on the last argument */
- if (moreargs()) {
- if (last == NIL) val = xlgetarg();
- else rplacd(last,xlgetarg());
- }
- /* return the list */
- return (val);
- }
- /* xreverse - built-in function 'reverse' */
- LVAL xreverse()
- {
- LVAL next,val;
- /* get the list to reverse */
- next = xlgalist();
- xllastarg();
- /* append each element of this list to the result list */
- for (val = NIL; consp(next); next = cdr(next)) {
- push(val);
- val = cons(car(next),top());
- drop(1);
- }
- /* return the list */
- return (val);
- }
- /* xlastpair - built-in function 'last-pair' */
- LVAL xlastpair()
- {
- LVAL list;
- /* get the list */
- list = xlgalist();
- xllastarg();
- /* find the last cons */
- if (consp(list))
- while (consp(cdr(list)))
- list = cdr(list);
- /* return the last element */
- return (list);
- }
- /* xlength - built-in function 'length' */
- LVAL xlength()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- /* get the argument */
- arg = xlgalist();
- xllastarg();
- /* find the length */
- for (n = (FIXTYPE)0; consp(arg); ++n)
- arg = cdr(arg);
- /* return the length */
- return (cvfixnum(n));
- }
- /* xmember - built-in function 'member' */
- LVAL xmember()
- {
- return (member(equal));
- }
- /* xmemv - built-in function 'memv' */
- LVAL xmemv()
- {
- return (member(eqv));
- }
- /* xmemq - built-in function 'memq' */
- LVAL xmemq()
- {
- return (member(eq));
- }
- /* member - common routine for member/memv/memq */
- LOCAL LVAL member(fcn)
- int (*fcn)();
- {
- LVAL x,list,val;
- /* get the expression to look for and the list */
- x = xlgetarg();
- list = xlgalist();
- xllastarg();
- /* look for the expression */
- for (val = NIL; consp(list); list = cdr(list))
- if ((*fcn)(x,car(list))) {
- val = list;
- break;
- }
- /* return the result */
- return (val);
- }
- /* xassoc - built-in function 'assoc' */
- LVAL xassoc()
- {
- return (assoc(equal));
- }
- /* xassv - built-in function 'assv' */
- LVAL xassv()
- {
- return (assoc(eqv));
- }
- /* xassq - built-in function 'assq' */
- LVAL xassq()
- {
- return (assoc(eq));
- }
- /* assoc - common routine for assoc/assv/assq */
- LOCAL LVAL assoc(fcn)
- int (*fcn)();
- {
- LVAL x,alist,pair,val;
- /* get the expression to look for and the association list */
- x = xlgetarg();
- alist = xlgalist();
- xllastarg();
- /* look for the expression */
- for (val = NIL; consp(alist); alist = cdr(alist))
- if ((pair = car(alist)) && consp(pair))
- if ((*fcn)(x,car(pair),fcn)) {
- val = pair;
- break;
- }
- /* return the result */
- return (val);
- }
- /* xlistref - built-in function 'list-ref' */
- LVAL xlistref()
- {
- return (nth(TRUE));
- }
- /* xlisttail - built-in function 'list-tail' */
- LVAL xlisttail()
- {
- return (nth(FALSE));
- }
- /* nth - internal nth function */
- LOCAL LVAL nth(carflag)
- int carflag;
- {
- LVAL list,arg;
- int n;
- /* get n and the list */
- list = xlgalist();
- arg = xlgafixnum();
- xllastarg();
- /* range check the index */
- if ((n = (int)getfixnum(arg)) < 0)
- xlerror("index out of range",arg);
- /* find the nth element */
- for (; consp(list) && n; n--)
- list = cdr(list);
- /* make sure the list was long enough */
- if (n)
- xlerror("index out of range",arg);
- /* return the list beginning at the nth element */
- return (carflag && consp(list) ? car(list) : list);
- }
- /* xboundp - is this a value bound to this symbol? */
- LVAL xboundp()
- {
- LVAL sym;
- sym = xlgasymbol();
- xllastarg();
- return (boundp(sym) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xsymvalue - get the value of a symbol */
- LVAL xsymvalue()
- {
- LVAL sym;
- sym = xlgasymbol();
- xllastarg();
- return (getvalue(sym));
- }
- /* xsetsymvalue - set the value of a symbol */
- LVAL xsetsymvalue()
- {
- LVAL sym,val;
- /* get the symbol */
- sym = xlgasymbol();
- val = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- /* set the global value */
- setvalue(sym,val);
- /* return its value */
- return (val);
- }
- /* xsymplist - get the property list of a symbol */
- LVAL xsymplist()
- {
- LVAL sym;
- /* get the symbol */
- sym = xlgasymbol();
- xllastarg();
- /* return the property list */
- return (getplist(sym));
- }
- /* xsetsymplist - set the property list of a symbol */
- LVAL xsetsymplist()
- {
- LVAL sym,val;
- /* get the symbol */
- sym = xlgasymbol();
- val = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- /* set the property list */
- setplist(sym,val);
- return (val);
- }
- /* xget - get the value of a property */
- LVAL xget()
- {
- LVAL sym,prp;
- /* get the symbol and property */
- sym = xlgasymbol();
- prp = xlgasymbol();
- xllastarg();
- /* retrieve the property value */
- return (xlgetprop(sym,prp));
- }
- /* xput - set the value of a property */
- LVAL xput()
- {
- LVAL sym,val,prp;
- /* get the symbol and property */
- sym = xlgasymbol();
- prp = xlgasymbol();
- val = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- /* set the property value */
- xlputprop(sym,val,prp);
- /* return the value */
- return (val);
- }
- /* xtheenvironment - built-in function 'the-environment' */
- LVAL xtheenvironment()
- {
- xllastarg();
- return (xlenv);
- }
- /* xprocenvironment - built-in function 'procedure-environment' */
- LVAL xprocenvironment()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgaclosure();
- xllastarg();
- return (getenv(arg));
- }
- /* xenvp - built-in function 'environment?' */
- LVAL xenvp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (envp(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xenvbindings - built-in function 'environment-bindings' */
- LVAL xenvbindings()
- {
- LVAL env,frame,names,val,this,last;
- int len,i;
- /* get the environment */
- env = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- /* check the argument type */
- if (closurep(env))
- env = getenv(env);
- else if (!envp(env))
- xlbadtype(env);
- /* initialize */
- frame = car(env);
- names = getelement(frame,0);
- len = getsize(frame);
- check(1);
- /* build a list of dotted pairs */
- for (val = last = NIL, i = 1; i < len; ++i, names = cdr(names)) {
- push(val);
- this = cons(cons(car(names),getelement(frame,i)),NIL);
- val = pop();
- if (last) rplacd(last,this);
- else val = this;
- last = this;
- }
- return (val);
- }
- /* xenvparent - built-in function 'environment-parent' */
- LVAL xenvparent()
- {
- LVAL env;
- env = xlgaenv();
- xllastarg();
- return (cdr(env));
- }
- /* xvector - built-in function 'vector' */
- LVAL xvector()
- {
- LVAL vect,*p;
- vect = newvector(xlargc);
- for (p = &vect->n_vdata[0]; moreargs(); )
- *p++ = xlgetarg();
- return (vect);
- }
- /* xmakevector - built-in function 'make-vector' */
- LVAL xmakevector()
- {
- LVAL arg,val,*p;
- int len;
- /* get the vector size */
- arg = xlgafixnum();
- len = (int)getfixnum(arg);
- /* check for an initialization value */
- if (moreargs()) {
- arg = xlgetarg(); /* get the initializer */
- xllastarg(); /* make sure that's the last argument */
- cpush(arg); /* save the initializer */
- val = newvector(len); /* create the vector */
- p = &val->n_vdata[0]; /* initialize the vector */
- for (arg = pop(); --len >= 0; )
- *p++ = arg;
- }
- /* no initialization value */
- else
- val = newvector(len); /* defaults to initializing to NIL */
- /* return the new vector */
- return (val);
- }
- /* xvlength - built-in function 'vector-length' */
- LVAL xvlength()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgavector();
- xllastarg();
- return (cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)getsize(arg)));
- }
- /* xivlength - built-in function '%vector-length' */
- LVAL xivlength()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)getsize(arg)));
- }
- /* xvref - built-in function 'vector-ref' */
- LVAL xvref()
- {
- LVAL vref();
- return (vref(xlgavector()));
- }
- /* xivref - built-in function '%vector-ref' */
- LVAL xivref()
- {
- LVAL vref();
- return (vref(xlgetarg()));
- }
- /* vref - common code for xvref and xivref */
- LOCAL LVAL vref(vector)
- LVAL vector;
- {
- LVAL index;
- int i;
- /* get the index */
- index = xlgafixnum();
- xllastarg();
- /* range check the index */
- if ((i = (int)getfixnum(index)) < 0 || i >= getsize(vector))
- xlerror("index out of range",index);
- /* return the vector element */
- return (getelement(vector,i));
- }
- /* xvset - built-in function 'vector-set!' */
- LVAL xvset()
- {
- LVAL vset();
- return (vset(xlgavector()));
- }
- /* xivset - built-in function '%vector-set!' */
- LVAL xivset()
- {
- LVAL vset();
- return (vset(xlgetarg()));
- }
- /* vset - common code for xvset and xivset */
- LOCAL LVAL vset(vector)
- LVAL vector;
- {
- LVAL index,val;
- int i;
- /* get the index and the new value */
- index = xlgafixnum();
- val = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- /* range check the index */
- if ((i = (int)getfixnum(index)) < 0 || i >= getsize(vector))
- xlerror("index out of range",index);
- /* set the vector element and return the value */
- setelement(vector,i,val);
- return (val);
- }
- /* xvectlist - built-in function 'vector->list' */
- LVAL xvectlist()
- {
- LVAL vect;
- int size;
- /* get the vector */
- vect = xlgavector();
- xllastarg();
- /* make a list from the vector */
- cpush(vect);
- size = getsize(vect);
- for (xlval = NIL; --size >= 0; )
- xlval = cons(getelement(vect,size),xlval);
- drop(1);
- return (xlval);
- }
- /* xlistvect - built-in function 'list->vector' */
- LVAL xlistvect()
- {
- LVAL vect,*p;
- int size;
- /* get the list */
- xlval = xlgalist();
- xllastarg();
- /* make a vector from the list */
- size = length(xlval);
- vect = newvector(size);
- for (p = &vect->n_vdata[0]; --size >= 0; xlval = cdr(xlval))
- *p++ = car(xlval);
- return (vect);
- }
- /* xmakearray - built-in function 'make-array' */
- LVAL xmakearray()
- {
- LVAL makearray1(),val;
- val = makearray1(xlargc,xlsp);
- drop(xlargc);
- return (val);
- }
- LVAL makearray1(argc,argv)
- int argc; LVAL *argv;
- {
- int size,i;
- LVAL arg;
- /* check for the end of the list of dimensions */
- if (--argc < 0)
- return (NIL);
- /* get this dimension */
- arg = *argv++;
- if (!fixp(arg))
- xlbadtype(arg);
- size = (int)getfixnum(arg);
- /* make the new array */
- cpush(newvector(size));
- /* fill the array and return it */
- for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- setelement(top(),i,makearray1(argc,argv));
- return (pop());
- }
- /* xaref - built-in function 'array-ref' */
- LVAL xaref()
- {
- LVAL array,index;
- int i;
- /* get the array */
- array = xlgavector();
- /* get each array index */
- while (xlargc > 1) {
- index = xlgafixnum(); i = (int)getfixnum(index);
- if (i < 0 || i > getsize(array))
- xlerror("index out of range",index);
- array = getelement(array,i);
- if (!vectorp(array))
- xlbadtype(array);
- }
- cpush(array); ++xlargc;
- return (xvref());
- }
- /* xaset - built-in function 'array-set!' */
- LVAL xaset()
- {
- LVAL array,index;
- int i;
- /* get the array */
- array = xlgavector();
- /* get each array index */
- while (xlargc > 2) {
- index = xlgafixnum(); i = (int)getfixnum(index);
- if (i < 0 || i > getsize(array))
- xlerror("index out of range",index);
- array = getelement(array,i);
- if (!vectorp(array))
- xlbadtype(array);
- }
- cpush(array); ++xlargc;
- return (xvset());
- }
- /* xnull - built-in function 'null?' */
- LVAL xnull()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (null(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xatom - built-in function 'atom?' */
- LVAL xatom()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (atom(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xlistp - built-in function 'list?' */
- LVAL xlistp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (listp(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xnumberp - built-in function 'number?' */
- LVAL xnumberp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (numberp(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xbooleanp - built-in function 'boolean?' */
- LVAL xbooleanp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (arg == true_lval || arg == NIL ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xpairp - built-in function 'pair?' */
- LVAL xpairp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (consp(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xsymbolp - built-in function 'symbol?' */
- LVAL xsymbolp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (symbolp(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xintegerp - built-in function 'integer?' */
- LVAL xintegerp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (fixp(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xrealp - built-in function 'real?' */
- LVAL xrealp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (floatp(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xcharp - built-in function 'char?' */
- LVAL xcharp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (charp(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xstringp - built-in function 'string?' */
- LVAL xstringp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (stringp(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xvectorp - built-in function 'vector?' */
- LVAL xvectorp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (vectorp(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xprocedurep - built-in function 'procedure?' */
- LVAL xprocedurep()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (closurep(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xobjectp - built-in function 'object?' */
- LVAL xobjectp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (closurep(arg) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xdefaultobjectp - built-in function 'default-object?' */
- LVAL xdefaultobjectp()
- {
- LVAL arg;
- arg = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return (arg == default_object ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xeq - built-in function 'eq?' */
- LVAL xeq()
- {
- return (eqtest(eq));
- }
- /* xeqv - built-in function 'eqv?' */
- LVAL xeqv()
- {
- return (eqtest(eqv));
- }
- /* xequal - built-in function 'equal?' */
- LVAL xequal()
- {
- return (eqtest(equal));
- }
- /* eqtest - common code for eq?/eqv?/equal? */
- LOCAL LVAL eqtest(fcn)
- int (*fcn)();
- {
- LVAL arg1,arg2;
- arg1 = xlgetarg();
- arg2 = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- return ((*fcn)(arg1,arg2) ? true_lval : NIL);
- }
- /* xgensym - generate a symbol */
- LVAL xgensym()
- {
- char sym[STRMAX+11]; /* enough space for prefix and number */
- LVAL x;
- /* get the prefix or number */
- if (moreargs()) {
- x = xlgetarg();
- switch (ntype(x)) {
- case SYMBOL:
- x = getpname(x);
- case STRING:
- strncpy(gsprefix,getstring(x),STRMAX);
- gsprefix[STRMAX] = '\0';
- break;
- case FIXNUM:
- gsnumber = getfixnum(x);
- break;
- default:
- xlerror("bad argument type",x);
- }
- }
- xllastarg();
- /* create the pname of the new symbol */
- sprintf(sym,"%s%d",gsprefix,gsnumber++);
- /* make a symbol with this print name */
- return (cvsymbol(sym));
- }