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- /* xsint.c - xscheme bytecode interpreter */
- /* Copyright (c) 1988, by David Michael Betz
- All Rights Reserved
- Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
- #include "xscheme.h"
- #include "xsbcode.h"
- /* sample rate (instructions per sample) */
- #define SRATE 1000
- /* macros to get the address of the code string for a code object */
- #define getcodestr(x) ((unsigned char *)getstring(getbcode(x)))
- /* globals */
- int trace=FALSE; /* trace enable */
- int xlargc; /* argument count */
- jmp_buf bc_dispatch; /* bytecode dispatcher */
- /* external variables */
- extern LVAL xlfun,xlenv,xlval;
- extern LVAL s_stdin,s_stdout,s_unbound;
- extern LVAL s_unassigned,default_object,true_lval;
- /* external routines */
- extern LVAL xadd(),xsub(),xmul(),xdiv(),xlss(),xeql(),xgtr();
- /* local variables */
- static unsigned char *base,*pc;
- static int sample=SRATE;
- /* xtraceon - built-in function 'trace-on' */
- LVAL xtraceon()
- {
- xllastarg()
- trace = TRUE;
- return (NIL);
- }
- /* xtraceoff - built-in function 'trace-off' */
- LVAL xtraceoff()
- {
- xllastarg()
- trace = FALSE;
- return (NIL);
- }
- /* xlexecute - execute byte codes */
- xlexecute(fun)
- LVAL fun;
- {
- LVAL findvar(),make_continuation();
- register LVAL tmp;
- register unsigned int i;
- register int k;
- int off;
- /* initialize the registers */
- xlfun = getcode(fun);
- xlenv = getenv(fun);
- xlval = NIL;
- /* initialize the argument count */
- xlargc = 0;
- /* set the initial pc */
- base = pc = getcodestr(xlfun);
- /* setup a target for the error handler */
- setjmp(bc_dispatch);
- /* execute the code */
- for (;;) {
- /* check for control codes */
- if (--sample <= 0) {
- sample = SRATE;
- oscheck();
- }
- /* print the trace information */
- if (trace)
- decode_instruction(curoutput(),xlfun,(int)(pc-base),xlenv);
- /* execute the next bytecode instruction */
- switch (*pc++) {
- case OP_BRT:
- i = *pc++ << 8; i |= *pc++;
- if (xlval) pc = base + i;
- break;
- case OP_BRF:
- i = *pc++ << 8; i |= *pc++;
- if (!xlval) pc = base + i;
- break;
- case OP_BR:
- i = *pc++ << 8; i |= *pc++;
- pc = base + i;
- break;
- case OP_LIT:
- xlval = getelement(xlfun,*pc++);
- break;
- case OP_GREF:
- tmp = getelement(xlfun,*pc++);
- if ((xlval = getvalue(tmp)) == s_unbound) {
- if (xlval = getvalue(xlenter("*UNBOUND-HANDLER*"))) {
- oscheck();
- pc -= 2; /* backup the pc */
- tmp = make_continuation();
- check(2);
- push(tmp);
- push(getelement(xlfun,pc[1]));
- xlargc = 2;
- xlapply();
- }
- else
- xlerror("unbound variable",tmp);
- }
- break;
- case OP_GSET:
- setvalue(getelement(xlfun,*pc++),xlval);
- break;
- case OP_EREF:
- k = *pc++;
- tmp = xlenv;
- while (--k >= 0) tmp = cdr(tmp);
- xlval = getelement(car(tmp),*pc++);
- break;
- case OP_ESET:
- k = *pc++;
- tmp = xlenv;
- while (--k >= 0) tmp = cdr(tmp);
- setelement(car(tmp),*pc++,xlval);
- break;
- case OP_AREF:
- i = *pc++;
- tmp = xlval;
- if (!envp(tmp)) badargtype(tmp);
- if ((tmp = findvar(tmp,getelement(xlfun,i),&off)) != NIL)
- xlval = getelement(car(tmp),off);
- else
- xlval = s_unassigned;
- break;
- case OP_ASET:
- i = *pc++;
- tmp = pop();
- if (!envp(tmp)) badargtype(tmp);
- if ((tmp = findvar(tmp,getelement(xlfun,i),&off)) == NIL)
- xlerror("no binding for variable",getelement(xlfun,i));
- setelement(car(tmp),off,xlval);
- break;
- case OP_SAVE: /* save a continuation */
- i = *pc++ << 8; i |= *pc++;
- check(3);
- push(cvsfixnum((FIXTYPE)i));
- push(xlfun);
- push(xlenv);
- break;
- case OP_CALL: /* call a function (or built-in) */
- xlargc = *pc++; /* get argument count */
- xlapply(); /* apply the function */
- break;
- case OP_RETURN: /* return to the continuation on the stack */
- xlreturn();
- break;
- case OP_FRAME: /* create an environment frame */
- i = *pc++; /* get the frame size */
- xlenv = newframe(xlenv,i);
- setelement(car(xlenv),0,getvnames(xlfun));
- break;
- case OP_MVARG: /* move required argument to frame slot */
- i = *pc++; /* get the slot number */
- if (--xlargc < 0)
- xlfail("too few arguments");
- setelement(car(xlenv),i,pop());
- break;
- case OP_MVOARG: /* move optional argument to frame slot */
- i = *pc++; /* get the slot number */
- if (xlargc > 0) {
- setelement(car(xlenv),i,pop());
- --xlargc;
- }
- else
- setelement(car(xlenv),i,default_object);
- break;
- case OP_MVRARG: /* build rest argument and move to frame slot */
- i = *pc++; /* get the slot number */
- for (xlval = NIL, k = xlargc; --k >= 0; )
- xlval = cons(xlsp[k],xlval);
- setelement(car(xlenv),i,xlval);
- drop(xlargc);
- break;
- case OP_ALAST: /* make sure there are no more arguments */
- if (xlargc > 0)
- xlfail("too many arguments");
- break;
- case OP_T:
- xlval = true_lval;
- break;
- case OP_NIL:
- xlval = NIL;
- break;
- case OP_PUSH:
- cpush(xlval);
- break;
- case OP_CLOSE:
- if (!codep(xlval)) badargtype(xlval);
- xlval = cvclosure(xlval,xlenv);
- break;
- case OP_DELAY:
- if (!codep(xlval)) badargtype(xlval);
- xlval = cvpromise(xlval,xlenv);
- break;
- case OP_ATOM:
- xlval = (atom(xlval) ? true_lval : NIL);
- break;
- case OP_EQ:
- xlval = (xlval == pop() ? true_lval : NIL);
- break;
- case OP_NULL:
- xlval = (xlval ? NIL : true_lval);
- break;
- case OP_CONS:
- xlval = cons(xlval,pop());
- break;
- case OP_CAR:
- if (!listp(xlval)) badargtype(xlval);
- xlval = (xlval ? car(xlval) : NIL);
- break;
- case OP_CDR:
- if (!listp(xlval)) badargtype(xlval);
- xlval = (xlval ? cdr(xlval) : NIL);
- break;
- case OP_SETCAR:
- if (!consp(xlval)) badargtype(xlval);
- rplaca(xlval,pop());
- break;
- case OP_SETCDR:
- if (!consp(xlval)) badargtype(xlval);
- rplacd(xlval,pop());
- break;
- case OP_ADD:
- tmp = pop();
- if (fixp(xlval) && fixp(tmp))
- xlval = cvfixnum(getfixnum(xlval) + getfixnum(tmp));
- else {
- push(tmp); push(xlval); xlargc = 2;
- xlval = xadd();
- }
- break;
- case OP_SUB:
- tmp = pop();
- if (fixp(xlval) && fixp(tmp))
- xlval = cvfixnum(getfixnum(xlval) - getfixnum(tmp));
- else {
- push(tmp); push(xlval); xlargc = 2;
- xlval = xsub();
- }
- break;
- case OP_MUL:
- tmp = pop();
- if (fixp(xlval) && fixp(tmp))
- xlval = cvfixnum(getfixnum(xlval) * getfixnum(tmp));
- else {
- push(tmp); push(xlval); xlargc = 2;
- xlval = xmul();
- }
- break;
- case OP_QUO:
- tmp = pop();
- if (fixp(xlval) && fixp(tmp))
- xlval = cvfixnum(getfixnum(xlval) / getfixnum(tmp));
- else if (fixp(xlval))
- badargtype(tmp);
- else
- badargtype(xlval);
- break;
- case OP_LSS:
- tmp = pop();
- if (fixp(xlval) && fixp(tmp))
- xlval = (getfixnum(xlval) < getfixnum(tmp) ? true_lval : NIL);
- else {
- push(tmp); push(xlval); xlargc = 2;
- xlval = xlss();
- }
- break;
- case OP_EQL:
- tmp = pop();
- if (fixp(xlval) && fixp(tmp))
- xlval = (getfixnum(xlval) == getfixnum(tmp) ? true_lval : NIL);
- else {
- push(tmp); push(xlval); xlargc = 2;
- xlval = xeql();
- }
- break;
- case OP_GTR:
- tmp = pop();
- if (fixp(xlval) && fixp(tmp))
- xlval = (getfixnum(xlval) > getfixnum(tmp) ? true_lval : NIL);
- else {
- push(tmp); push(xlval); xlargc = 2;
- xlval = xgtr();
- }
- break;
- default:
- xlerror("bad opcode",cvsfixnum((FIXTYPE)*--pc));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* findvar - find a variable in an environment */
- LOCAL LVAL findvar(env,var,poff)
- LVAL env,var; int *poff;
- {
- LVAL names;
- int off;
- for (; env != NIL; env = cdr(env)) {
- names = getelement(car(env),0);
- for (off = 1; names != NIL; ++off, names = cdr(names))
- if (var == car(names)) {
- *poff = off;
- return (env);
- }
- }
- return (NIL);
- }
- /* xlapply - apply a function to arguments */
- /* The function should be in xlval and the arguments should
- be on the stack. The number of arguments should be in xlargc.
- */
- xlapply()
- {
- LVAL tmp;
- /* check for null function */
- if (null(xlval))
- badfuntype(xlval);
- /* dispatch on function type */
- switch (ntype(xlval)) {
- case SUBR:
- xlval = (*getsubr(xlval))();
- xlreturn();
- break;
- case XSUBR:
- (*getsubr(xlval))();
- break;
- case CLOSURE:
- xlfun = getcode(xlval);
- xlenv = getenv(xlval);
- base = pc = getcodestr(xlfun);
- break;
- case OBJECT:
- xlsend(xlval,xlgasymbol());
- break;
- case METHOD:
- xlfun = getcode(xlval);
- xlenv = cons(top(),getenv(xlval));
- base = pc = getcodestr(xlfun);
- break;
- tmp = xlgetarg();
- xllastarg();
- restore_continuation();
- xlval = tmp;
- xlreturn();
- break;
- default:
- badfuntype(xlval);
- }
- }
- /* xlreturn - return to a continuation on the stack */
- xlreturn()
- {
- LVAL tmp;
- /* restore the enviroment and the continuation function */
- xlenv = pop();
- tmp = pop();
- /* dispatch on the function type */
- switch (ntype(tmp)) {
- case CODE:
- xlfun = tmp;
- tmp = pop();
- base = getcodestr(xlfun);
- pc = base + (int)getsfixnum(tmp);
- break;
- case CSUBR:
- (*getsubr(tmp))();
- break;
- default:
- xlerror("bad continuation",tmp);
- }
- }
- /* make_continuation - make a continuation */
- LOCAL LVAL make_continuation()
- {
- LVAL cont,*src,*dst;
- int size;
- /* save a continuation on the stack */
- check(3);
- push(cvsfixnum((FIXTYPE)(pc - base)));
- push(xlfun);
- push(xlenv);
- /* create and initialize a continuation object */
- size = (int)(xlstktop - xlsp);
- cont = newcontinuation(size);
- for (src = xlsp, dst = &cont->n_vdata[0]; --size >= 0; )
- *dst++ = *src++;
- /* return the continuation */
- return (cont);
- }
- /* restore_continuation - restore a continuation to the stack */
- /* The continuation should be in xlval.
- */
- LOCAL restore_continuation()
- {
- LVAL *src;
- int size;
- size = getsize(xlval);
- for (src = &xlval->n_vdata[size], xlsp = xlstktop; --size >= 0; )
- *--xlsp = *--src;
- }
- /* gc_protect - protect the state of the interpreter from the collector */
- gc_protect(protected_fcn)
- int (*protected_fcn)();
- {
- int pcoff;
- pcoff = pc - base;
- (*protected_fcn)();
- if (xlfun) {
- base = getcodestr(xlfun);
- pc = base + pcoff;
- }
- }
- /* badfuntype - bad function error */
- LOCAL badfuntype(arg)
- LVAL arg;
- {
- xlerror("bad function type",arg);
- }
- /* badargtype - bad argument type error */
- LOCAL badargtype(arg)
- LVAL arg;
- {
- xlbadtype(arg);
- }
- /* xlstkover - value stack overflow */
- xlstkover()
- {
- xlabort("value stack overflow");
- }