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- ; xscheme.ini - initialization code for XScheme version 0.16
- ; Actually, version 0.22 (BCB, 4-7-90)
- (load "macros.s")
- (load "qquote.s")
- ; this version of EVAL knows about the optional enviroment parameter
- (define (eval x #!optional env)
- ((if (default-object? env)
- (compile x)
- (compile x env))))
- (define old-apply apply)
- (define (apply f . args)
- (old-apply f (old-apply list* args)))
- (define (autoload-from-file file syms #!optional env)
- (map (lambda (sym) (put sym '%autoload file)) syms)
- '())
- (define (*unbound-handler* sym cont)
- (let ((file (get sym '%autoload)))
- (if file (load file))
- (if (not (bound? sym))
- (error "unbound variable" sym))
- (cont '())))
- (define head car)
- (define (tail x) (force (cdr x)))
- (define empty-stream? null?)
- (define the-empty-stream '())
- (macro cons-stream
- (lambda (x)
- (list 'cons (cadr x) (list 'delay (caddr x)))))
- (macro make-environment
- (lambda (x)
- (append '(let ()) (cdr x) '((the-environment)))))
- (define initial-user-environment (the-environment))
- (macro case
- (lambda (form)
- (let ((test (cadr form))
- (sym (gensym)))
- `(let ((,sym ,test))
- (cond ,@(map (lambda (x)
- (cond ((eq? (car x) 'else)
- x)
- ((atom? (car x))
- `((eqv? ,sym ',(car x)) ,@(cdr x)))
- (else
- `((memv ,sym ',(car x)) ,@(cdr x)))))
- (cddr form)))))))
- ; load the files mentioned on the command line
- (define (loader n)
- (let ((arg (getarg n)))
- (if arg
- (begin
- (display ";Loading ")
- (write arg)
- (newline)
- (load arg)
- (loader (1+ n))))))
- (loader 1)
- ; (trace-on)
- (define (*initialize*)
- (loader 1)
- (*toplevel*))