GEMini Atari
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--------------------------------- Copyright ---------------------------------
EVAL.CPX V0.9 (c) 1992 L Hendry
This program is shareware. If you use it regularly you are required by law
to register it with me by sending £4.00 to the address given below.
This program may be freely distributed only on condition that no more than
£2.80 is charged to cover costs (inclusive of the disk), that it is not
modified, and that an unmodified copy of this file is included with it.
I take no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by the use or misuse
of this program.
-------------------------------- Instructions -------------------------------
So what does it do?
EVAL.CPX will evaluate an expression typed in by you. It supports a wide
range of operations and number bases, including base 60, allowing hours/
degrees, minutes, seconds calculations with ease. In addition most imperial
to metric conversions are included.
System requirements/incompatabilities
This program should work on any set-up that XCONTROL.ACC works in, subject
to there being enough additional memory (about 17K) to load EVAL.CPX.
Note that on 512K machines there will be insufficient memory to load some
programs (Degas Elite for example) when XCONTROL.ACC is installed. Also,
some older \AUTO programs and accessories are incompatable with XCONTROL.ACC,
causing the machine to crash.
EVAL.CPX is a Control Panel Extension for Atari's XCONTROL.ACC. If you
don't have XCONTROL.ACC then it can be obtained from any good PD outlet, or
from me when you register. The documentation that comes with XCONTROL.ACC
explains how to install Control Panel Extensions.
If you use an autobooting hard disk it is recommended that you insure you
have a floppy disk containing the hard drive boot software avaliable when
installing new \AUTO programs, accessories or CPXs - incompatabilities may
result in the system cashes continuiously during booting, and you losing
access to your hard disk.
Select the "Control Panel" option from the "Desk" menu, find the text
"Expression Eval" using the scroll bar and double-click on it.
Then just type in the expression (for example 2000/7) and click on "Eval"
or press return. The answer will be displayed in floating point (big numbers
at the top), rounded decimal (top left small text), base 60 (after clock
symbol), hexadecimal and binary (at the bottom).
Measure conversions work simply by postfixing the number with the symbol or
letter representing the imperial measure. All conversions are to the
standard SI units, with the execption of temperature which is converted to
degrees celcius rather than Kelvin. For example, if you wanted to boast to a
non-english friend that you had drunk 12 pints the previous night simply type
12p <RETURN> and the answer is given in litres.
Hexadecimal numbers can be used by prefixing them with $, binary numbers by
using %. Base 60 calculations are done using colons to seperate the parts.
For example to calculate what time it will be in 4 hours twenty minutes time
if it is 3:55 now simply type 3:55+4:20. Read the answer from numbers after
the clock symbol. Up to a maximum of two colons can be used.
Normal operator precedence is used, and brackets can be used to override
this. The bracket handling is quite forgiving, so for example (3+4)*3) is
acceptable and is evaluated as ((3+4)*3).
The # symbol represents the last answer, which can be used to calculate
longer expressions since the maximum length is quite limited by the CPX
window size. It can also be used produce series, for example 0 <RETURN>
followed by #+7 gives the seven times table as you press return repeatedly.
Click on Help for a full list of the operator precedence, conversions and
This program is V0.90 which means it has not been quite as fully tested as
my V1.00+ programs. Precision is limited to IEEE 64 bit floating point (52
bit fractional part). Integers are limited to 32 bit signed format. If you
find any bugs or non-trivial mistakes in this document, or have any comments
then please contact me.
----------------------------- Other Programs --------------------------------
Also available (Works on all machines unless otherwise specified):
LOCK.CPX - Prevent unauthorised access to your ST. When run the
computer is locked until the correct password is entered.
Each time the password is incorrectly entered you must
wait a longer and longer time before you are allowed to
try again, giving extra security. Fully configurable,
including option to prompt for password each time you boot
up. Survives power on/off on autobooting hard drive
system. Integrates with forthcoming screen saver.
Registration £4.00
PRNTSTYL.CPX - Allows simple setting of printer styles. Uses a selector
like the standard file selector for style selection.
Includes a full-function text editor with which to make
control files. Also includes a button to allow Deskjets
and other problem printers to be used when they were off
during booting.
Registration £4.00
GSELECT.PRG - Auto folder program to allow GDOS CONFIG.SYS file section
\AUTO program runation, accessory installation and
application launchation to be controlled by one of 45
menu options. Also sets printer type to EPSON (for
proper screen dumps), switches keyclick off (optional)
and adds 1 hour to the time during BST (optional). Also
allows you switch into colour mode without having to
unplug the monochrome monitor (This feature Britsh
V1.02 only at present). CTRL-ALT V1.0 included - warm and
cold resets, slow and crawl modes from keyboard. Medium or
high resolutions only (ie. slightly fuzzy on cheap TVs)
Registration £4.00
In development:
FASTTEXT.PRG - Auto folder BIOS V52 replacement. QINDEX mono ratings:
Bios Text:400%, Bios String:2000%, Bios scroll:200%
<8K long!
SCRSAVER.CPX - Screen saver with mandelbrot sets, life, dancing squares,
and (possibly) scrolling bouncing prime numbers.
Nearly finished, will be FREE TO ALL REGISTRANTS
Thinking about:
MWORD - Multi tasking editor (on any TOS version) in the form of a
desk accessory. Multi document, pop up menus, auto-reform-
ating, dictionary. Let me know if you are interested, it
could be ready in June if there is going to be any support.
-------------------------------- Registration -------------------------------
To register my programs add up the total of the registration fees and
send it to me at one of the addresses below with details of what you are
registering and which versions you have. If you don't already own a copy of
one of the programs being registered, you want the latest versions, or you
want a copy of XCONTROL.ACC, give me your Email address (or snail mail
address plus 50p (UK)/£1 (elsewhere)) so I can send you copies.
If you send cash (at your own risk) tape down any coins to a piece of card
or they will escape out of the corners of the envelope (in my experience).
You can send foregn currency at the current exchange rate, but you will have
to add the equivalent of £1 to cover the exchange rate flat fee and round
the total up to the nearest combination of notes as I can't change coins.
University (summer '92 term only): Home (The rest of the time):
Mr L Hendry Mr L Hendry
14G Whitefields The Nursery
University of Warwick Mill Lane
Coventry Combs, Stowmarket
CV4 7AL Suffolk
University term time Email address (Until summer '94):
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