GEMini Atari
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LaTeX Document
100 lines
serr = "/dev/tty"; # standard error
bs = "\\"; # used anytime I want a backslash
mc = "multicolumn"; # short form
bsmc = bs mc; # short form
fnum = 4;
if (putfree==1) fnum++; if (putt==1) fnum++;
# how many fields/line is the generated table going to have?
# Header:
print bs "documentstyle[11pt]{article}";
print bs "begin{document}"; print "";
print bs "begin{table}[h]";
print bs "centering";
# Need to generate argument for \begin{tabular}
if (putfree==1) {
if (putt==1) llstring = "llcrrr";
else llstring = "llcrr";
else {
if (putt==1) llstring = "llrrr";
else llstring = "llrr";
print bs "begin{tabular}{|" llstring "|} " bs "hline";
# Headings at top of table:
print bsmc "{" fnum "} {|l|} {} " bs bs;
print " " bsmc "{1} {|l} {} & {Parameter}";
if (putfree==1) print "& " bsmc "{1} {c} {Free?}";
print "& " bsmc "{1} {c} {Estimate}";
if (putt==0) # no t-stat
print "& " bsmc "{1} {c|} {Standard Error}" bs bs;
else {
print "& " bsmc "{1} {c} {Standard Error}";
print "& " bsmc "{1} {c|} {t-statistic} " bs bs;
# horizantal line and a blank line:
print bsmc "{" fnum "}{|l|} {} " bs bs " " bs "hline";
print bsmc "{" fnum "}{|l|} {} " bs bs;
# action on all lines:
{taken = 0} # this line has not yet been parsed.
# Look for captions
($1 ~ /[Cc][Aa]/) {
# collect together text of caption:
s = ""; for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) s = s $i " ";
# file it away into variable "captionstring"
captionstring = s;
# it's used in END
taken = 1;
# say I have parsed this line.
# blank lines:
($1 ~ /[bB][lL]/) {
if (NF != 1) {
print "Error on line " NR ": only 1 field allowed." > serr;
goch=1; exit 1;
print bsmc "{" fnum "}{|l|} {} " bs bs;
taken = 1;
# parameter estimates
($1 ~ /[eE][sS]/) {
label = $2;
# parse "free":
free=-1; # error code is -1
if (($3 ~ /[yY][eE][sS]/) || ($3 ~ /^[tT]/)) free=1;
if (($3 ~ /[nN][oO]/) || ($3 ~ /^[fF]/)) free = 0;
if (free == -1) {
print "Error in FREE parameter on line " NR > serr;
goch=1; exit 1;
# Check number of fields on the line is ok.
expectfields = ((free == 0) ? 4 : 5);
if (NF != expectfields) {
print "Expect " expectfields " fields on line " NR > serr;
goch = 1; exit 1
# Grab estimate, serror, compute t if needed.
theta = $4;
se=""; if (free==1) se=$5;
t=""; if ((free==1) && (putt==1)) t = (1.0*theta)/(1.0*se);
# Start creating the line to be emitted:
s = "{} & {" label "}";
if (putfree==1) s = s " & {" ((free==1) ? "Yes":"No") "}";
s = s " & {" theta "} & {" se "}";
if (putt==1) s = s " & {" t "} " bs bs;
else s = s bs bs;
print s;
taken = 1;
# comment lines:
($1 ~ /[cC][oO]/) {
s = ""; for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) s = s $i " ";
print bsmc "{" fnum "}{|l|} {{" bs "sf " s "}}" bs bs;
# if taken is still zero for this line, it's garbage.
(taken == 0) {
print "Could not parse line " NR > serr;
goch = 1; exit 1;
# Now close down things nicely and quit.
if (goch == 1) {
print "Fatal error... exiting" > serr
exit 1;
print bs mc "{" fnum "}{|l|} {}" bs bs bs "hline";
print bs "end{tabular}"
print bs "caption{" captionstring "}";
print bs "end{table}";
print bs "end{document}";