GEMini Atari
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257 lines
/* This file contains the main program, and the code which parses
* the commandline.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "utils.h"
#include "patchlevel.h"
/* Local prototypes. */
int ols (char **labels, float **data, int K, int ObsNum,
int purebeta, int pscript, int epp,
int *maptable, int labelcount);
int CommandLine (int argc, char **argv,
int *found_labels, char **labelstring,
int *found_model, char **modelstring,
char **dfname,
int *purebeta, int *pscript, int *epp);
void GiveUsage (char *execname);
char *cleanup_mstring (char *s);
/* End of local prototypes. */
#define MAXLABELS 1024
main (int argc, char **argv)
char *dfname; /* name of input data file */
int cols; /* Number of columns found in file */
float **data; /* main data matrix */
int ObsNum; /* How many observations? */
char **labels; /* labels for variables. */
char *labelstring; /* comes out of commandline parsing. */
int found_labels;
int purebeta, pscript, epp;
int found_model; /* is he specifying a model? */
char *modelstring;
int *maptable, labelcount;
if (1 == CommandLine (argc, argv,
&found_labels, &labelstring,
&found_model, &modelstring,
&dfname, &purebeta, &pscript, &epp))
return 1;
if (found_model && (!found_labels))
fprintf (stderr, "If you specify a model on the commandline,\n");
fprintf (stderr, "you should also specify data labels.\n");
return 1;
if (found_labels && (!found_model))
modelstring = strdup (labelstring);
found_model = TRUE;
} /* not writing a modelstring is just saying "use
everything in the labels */
if (NULL ==
(data = LoadFile (dfname, &cols, &ObsNum,
found_model, labelstring, modelstring,
&labels, &maptable, &labelcount)))
fprintf (stderr, "Errors in reading data.\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Say 'ols -h' for help.\n");
return 1;
/* at return,
cols is #columns in what is used.
ObsNum is #rows loaded from disk.
cols may have nothing to do with NF of labelstring.
Labels come back whether or not found_model.
maptable always comes back. */
free (labelstring);
free (modelstring);
/* Worry about weirdo datasets.*/
if ((ObsNum == 0) || (cols <= 1))
fprintf (stderr, "Nonsense dataset.\n");
return 1;
if (ObsNum <= (cols - 1))
fprintf (stderr, "Too few observations for fitting a line.\n");
return 1;
/* End of checks for weirdo datasets. */
if (1 == ols (labels, data, cols - 1, ObsNum,
purebeta, pscript, epp, maptable, labelcount))
fprintf (stderr, "Fatal errors, aborting.\n");
return 1;
return 0;
GiveUsage (char *execname)
fprintf (stderr, "\nThis is a tool to estimate linear regressions (OLS).\nUsage:\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\n\t%s [datafile] [-l labels_string] [-m model_spec] [-p] [-raw]\n", execname);
fprintf (stderr, "\nFinished example of usage:\n\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\t%s abc.dat -l 'x y z' -m 'z = x'", execname);
fprintf (stderr, "\n\nThis is just a quick summary; lookup man pages for more.\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\nThis is version %s.\n", PATCHLEVEL);
CommandLine (int argc, char **argv,
int *found_labels, char **labelstring,
int *found_model, char **modelstring,
char **dfname,
int *purebeta, int *pscript, int *epp)
int i, found_df, parsed;
found_df = *found_labels = *found_model =
*purebeta = *pscript = *epp = FALSE;
*modelstring = *labelstring = NULL;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (0 == strncmp (argv[i], "-", 1))
parsed = FALSE;
/* -h or -H */
if (
(0 == strncmp (argv[i], "-h", 2))
(0 == strncmp (argv[i], "-H", 2))
GiveUsage (argv[0]);
return 1;
/* -l */
if (0 == strncmp (argv[i], "-l", 2))
*labelstring = strdup (argv[++i]);
parsed = TRUE;
*found_labels = TRUE;
/* -m */
if (0 == strncmp (argv[i], "-m", 2))
if (NULL ==
(*modelstring = cleanup_mstring (strdup (argv[++i]))))
fprintf (stderr, "Error in model description.\n");
return 1;
parsed = TRUE;
*found_model = TRUE;
/* -raw */
if (0 == strncmp (argv[i], "-raw", 4))
parsed = TRUE;
*purebeta = TRUE;
/* -p */
if (0 == strncmp (argv[i], "-p", 2))
parsed = TRUE;
*pscript = TRUE;
/* -epp */
if (0 == strncmp (argv[i], "-epp", 4))
parsed = TRUE;
*epp = TRUE;
if (!parsed)
fprintf (stderr,
"Unrecognised switch: %s\n", argv[i]);
return 1;
/* if it's not "-" something then it's the dfname. */
if (found_df)
fprintf (stderr,
"You can't have two filenames on the commandline.\n");
fprintf (stderr,
"%s was supposed to be the datafile but you claim %s is a datafile too.\n", *dfname, argv[i]);
fprintf (stderr, "Say 'ols -h' for help.\n");
return 1;
*dfname = (char *) strdup (argv[i]);
found_df = TRUE;
/* Now we need to make sure the various flags are not incompatible.
The full list of flags is h l m beta p epp
Errors of mixing h with others are ignored.
Only one of beta, p and epp are ok.
We'll do a cheap implementation:
if (((*epp) + (*pscript) + (*purebeta)) > 1)
fprintf (stderr,
"Atmost one of these three flags '-p', '-beta' and '-epp'\n");
fprintf (stderr, "can be present at a time.\n");
return 1;
/* if you still don't have a dfname, it's coming from StdIn. */
if (!found_df)
*dfname = (char *) strdup ("-");
return 0;
char *
cleanup_mstring (char *s)
/* given a string "y = x z" produce "x z y".
Modifies the data which the pointer s points to.*/
char *words[2];
if (2 != split (s, words, 2, "="))
fprintf (stderr, "Model definition must look like 'y = x z'.\n");
return NULL;
words[0] = strdup (words[0]);
words[1] = strdup (words[1]);
/* So words are no longer pointers into contents of s */
/* Now we go around setting up s correctly. */
s = strcpy (s, words[1]);
s = strcat (s, " ");
s = strcat (s, words[0]);
free (words[0]);
free (words[1]);
return s;