GEMini Atari
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226 lines
/* (Not quite) Routines for doing pretty things ... */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "utils.h"
#include "linstats.h"
#include "distribs.h"
/* Prototypes: */
void GenAwk (double *beta, int K,
char **labels, int *maptable, int labelcount);
void GenEPP (char **labels, int K, double *beta, double *S, double sigma2);
/* ols(...) is the bottom line doer of all work, called by main() */
ols (char **labels, float **data, int K, int ObsNum,
int purebeta, int pscript, int epp,
int *maptable, int labelcount)
/* calls olsengine for computations and does display. */
double *beta, *S;
float *Yhat;
double sigma2, R2, probv, F;
int noinference, i, error, dof1, dof2;
char *DASHLINE =
if ((beta = (double *) malloc (K * sizeof (double))) == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory when allocating beta.\n");
return 1;
if ((S = (double *) malloc (K * sizeof (double))) == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory when allocating S.\n");
return 1;
if ((Yhat = (float *) malloc (ObsNum * sizeof (float))) == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory when allocating Yhat.\n");
return 1;
/* if pscript is on, you don't need to do inference. */
noinference = FALSE;
if (pscript)
noinference = TRUE;
if (1 == (error = olsengine (noinference, data, K, ObsNum,
beta, S, &sigma2, &R2, &F, Yhat)))
fprintf (stderr, "Errors in OLS calculations.\n");
return 1;
if (purebeta)
for (i = 0; i < K; i++)
printf (" %f ", beta[i]);
printf ("%f\n", sqrt (sigma2));
return 0;
if (pscript)
GenAwk (beta, K, labels, maptable, labelcount);
return 0;
if (epp)
GenEPP (labels, K, beta, S, sigma2);
return 0;
/* Now start printing results. */
printf ("%d observations, %d rhs regressors.\n", ObsNum, K);
printf ("%s\n", DASHLINE);
printf ("%12s | %12s %12s %8s %8s\n",
"t ",
printf ("%s\n", DASHLINE);
for (i = 0; i < K; i++)
if (S[i] == 0.0)
probv = 0.0;
if (1 == tprob ((double) -fabs (beta[i] / S[i]), ObsNum - K, &probv))
fprintf (stderr, "Fatal error in computing t probability.\n");
return 1;
printf ("%12s | %12.6f %12.6f %8.3f %8.3f\n",
(S[i] == 0.0 ? 0.0 : beta[i] / S[i]),
(probv * 2.0)
printf ("%s\n", DASHLINE);
dof1 = K - 1;
dof2 = ObsNum - K; /* F(dof1, dof2) */
printf ("R2 = %5.3f, F(%d, %d) = %3.1f, Prob>F = %5.3f\n",
R2, dof1, dof2, F, pF (F, dof1, dof2));
printf ("RMSE = %5.3f\n", sqrt (sigma2));
return 0;
GenAwk (double *beta, int K,
char **labels, int *maptable, int labelcount)
/* Recall layout of maptable:
entries are defined from 1..K (not 1..labelcount),
(maptable[i] == j) ==>
i'th field of beta comes from j'th field of input line.
int i;
char *ylabel;
printf ("\n#\n# This awk program was generated by ols.\n");
printf ("# It reads data from StdIn and prints predictions to StdOut.\n");
printf ("#\n");
printf ("# It is built for the data layout used when estimating.\n");
printf ("# However, this should not be hard to modify.\n");
printf ("#\n\n");
printf ("{\n");
for (i = 0; i < K; i++)
printf ("\t%s = $%d;\n", labels[i], (1 + maptable[i]));
ylabel = labels[K];
printf ("\t%s = $%d;\n", ylabel, (1 + maptable[K]));
printf ("\n\tpredicted = ");
for (i = 0; i < K; i++)
printf ("(%f*%s)", beta[i], labels[i]);
if (i != (K - 1))
printf (" \\\n\t\t+ ");
printf (";\n");
/* Now to find y. */
printf ("\terror = %s - predicted;\n", ylabel);
printf ("\tprint predicted \" \" %s \" \" error;\n", ylabel);
printf ("\tSSE += (error*error);\n");
printf ("}\n");
printf ("\nEND {\n");
printf ("\tMSE = SSE/NR;\n");
printf ("\tprint \"MSE = \" MSE \", SSE = \" SSE > \"/dev/tty\";\n");
printf ("}\n\n");
printf ("# End of generated script.\n\n");
/* Example of generated awk, when labels are unknown:
* #
* # This awk program was generated by ols.
* # It reads data from StdIn and prints predictions to StdOut.
* #
* # It is built for the data layout used when estimating.
* # However, this should not be hard to modify.
* #
* {
* $1 = $1;
* $2 = $2;
* $3 = $3;
* # In out-of-sample prediction, $3 defaults to 0.0.
* predicted = (1.500000*$1) \
* + (0.700000*$2);
* error = $3 - predicted;
* print predicted " " $3 " " error;
* SSE += (error*error);
* }
* END {
* print "MSE = " MSE ", SSE = " SSE > "/dev/tty";
* }
* # End of script.
GenEPP (char **labels, int K, double *beta, double *S, double sigma2)
/* Given estimation results, generate EPP. This can be
post-processed into TeX for sure. */
int i;
printf ("caption Results of OLS Regression for %s\n", labels[K]);
printf ("comment Regression Coefficients\n");
for (i = 0; i < K; i++)
printf ("estimate %s yes %12.6f %8.3f\n",
labels[i], beta[i], S[i]);
printf ("blank\n");
printf ("comment Regression Standard Error\n");
printf ("estimate $\\sigma$ yes %5.3f not-estimated\n", sqrt (sigma2));
/* Example:
* caption Typical display of results after OLS
* comment Regression Coefficients
* estimate $\beta$ yes -9.209 0.0286
* estimate $\tau$ yes -6.000 0.234
* estimate $\rho$ yes -1.078 0.0288
* estimate $\delta$ yes -2.303 0.21
* estimate $\theta$ yes -9.000 0.113
* estimate $\xi$ yes -9.000 1.00
* blank
* comment Regression Standard Error
* estimate $\sigma_v$ no 0.867