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- NeoNeXT desktop Profile for NeoDesk3 by J. Hurwitz
- v1.0 May 1992 (c)1992 1 zer0 Systems.
- NeoNeXT is a NeXT-like desktop profile for NeoDesk3. After I saw some
- of the ZeST wares. I thought it would be nice to have NeoDesk3 look
- like NeXT's and Window's chorme style icons and buttons. So, I
- redesigned Neodesk to make my own slick looking desktop. To see what
- the desktop looks like installed on my system, check out the sreenshot
- included in the archive.
- NeoNeXT was made to run in High RES on the ST. The Icons look good in
- all resolutions. Unfortunately, due to the awkward pixel sizes in the
- color modes, it was difficult to work background PICs into the
- desktops. In this case a fine grid checkered pattern for the
- background is suggested.
- To load the NeoNeXT desktop:
- ----------------------------
- 1) Make a backup of the NEODESK?.RCS, NEOPIC_?.P??, NEODESK?.MAC,
- NEODESK.EXE, AND NEODESK*.INF files presently in your NEODESK3 folder.
- To restore your original desktop, simply copy the backups back to your
- NeoDesk3 folder.
- 2) Unarc the NEONEXT.ARC and copy the files you want to use to your
- NeoDesk3 directory. If you want only the icons, install only the
- icons. If you want the background PIC, intsall it...etc...it's your
- chioce.
- The archived file should contain the following:
- -NEONINFO.DOC - The doc you are reading now.
- -NEODESKH.MAC - NeoNext Macros. Letter opens drive from keyboard.
- -NEODESKM.MAC - " " " "
- -NEODESKL.MAC - " " " "
- -NEONEXTI.NIC - Icons for those who like an Inverted Hi RES desktop.
- -NEONEXTH.NIC - Icons for Hi RES desktop.
- -NEONEXTM.NIC - Icons for MED RES color desktop.
- -NEONEXTL.NIC - Icons for LOW RES color desktop.
- -NEOPIC_H.PC3 - Background PIC for NeoNeXT Desktop.
- -NEOPIC_H.PI3 - Background PIC for inverted NeoNeXT Desktop.
- -NEONEXTT.PC3 - Screen shot of installed NeoNeXT desktop.
- 3) Go to the Icon Editor. Delete all the neodesk Icons(This must be
- done for each resoultion). Then, open the directory contining the
- NEONEXT?.NIC files. Choose either the NEONEXTI.NIC file, for those who
- like an inverted screen or the normal (NEONEXTH.NIC) Hi RES files for
- those who like a white background. Next, double click on the .NIC
- file of your choice. A window with the new icons will open up. Select
- all the icons and copy tne NeoNeXT icons in place of the old icons.
- Quit and save the new icons.
- 4) NeoNeXT was designed to use either one of the NEOPIC_H.PC3(white
- background) or NEOPIC_H.PI3(black background) files provided. For
- those who want their own background, use a PIC you prefer. If a
- background PIC is not desired. Then, the fine grid checkered desktop
- pattern is suggested. See screen shot for an example.
- 5) Enjoy new desk top.
- Thanx to Matt Grace for Beta and QC. If people like the look and I
- get some feedback. I will put out more Icons and maybe even design
- some other new profiles. Oh yeah, if you like this idea, think it's
- a worth while thing, and would like to see some new NeoDesk
- profiles, send a donation of $5 to SUPPORT THE SHAREWARE EFFORT.
- Please direct your comments, ideas and/or donations to the following
- address:
- 1 zer0 Systems
- 7 Woodsend Pl
- Rockville, MD
- 20854 USA
- GEnie - J.HURWITZ3
- Internet - jhurwitz@digex.com