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- %TITLE "Password for Portfolio"
- ; /***************************************************************
- ; * password.c -- simple password protection for the portfolio *
- ; * *
- ; * Author : Alan Davis CIS:72317,3661 *
- ; * *
- ; * Original Implementation : TurboC v2.0 *
- ; * Current Implementation : Turbo Assembler v1.0 *
- ; * *
- ; * edits *
- ; * 1.1 added c_break protection *
- ; * 2.0 recode in assembler, (saved 8K in exe size) *
- ; ***************************************************************/
- ; Portions Copyright 1989 by Tom Swan
- MODEL small
- STACK 32
- ;----- Equates
- MaxLen EQU 10 ; length of password
- cr EQU 13 ; ascii cr
- lf EQU 10 ; ascii lf
- space EQU 32 ; ascii space
- exitCode db 0
- Prompt db 'Password : ',0
- Usage db 'passwd V2.0',cr,lf
- db 'Alan Davis, Oct 1990',cr,lf,lf
- db 'Usage : passwd phlugg',cr,lf
- db 'Where phlugg is the password',cr,lf
- db 'Password is limited to 10 chars',cr,lf,0
- PWString db MaxLen DUP (?),0
- UserPW db MaxLen DUP (?),0
- blanks db 21 DUP (space),0
- cseg dw ? ; saved vector
- cofs dw ? ; for cbrk int 1Bh
- cbseg dw ? ; saved vector
- cbofs dw ? ; for cbrk int 23h
- INCLUDE "longjmp.inc"
- Restart jmpbuf ; program state buffer
- ;----- From: Strings.obj:
- EXTRN StrCopy:proc, StrCompare:proc, StrLength:proc
- ;----- From: Strio.obj:
- EXTRN StrReadNE:proc, StrWrite:proc, NewLine:proc, CRnoLF:proc
- ;----- From : Params.obj;
- EXTRN Getparams:proc, GetOneParam:proc, ParamCount:proc
- ;----- From : Longjmp.obj
- EXTRN setjmp:proc, longjmp:proc
- PROC c_break
- mov ax,1 ; simulated exit code for longjmp
- push ax
- mov ax,OFFSET Restart ; stored program state
- push ax
- call longjmp
- iret
- ENDP c_break
- PROC setcbrk
- push dx
- push es
- push ax
- push bx
- DOS_GetVector 01bh ; set 1st cbrk intr
- mov [cseg], es ; store original
- mov [cofs], bx ; 1Bh handler address (bios)
- DOS_SetVector 01bh, c_break
- DOS_GetVector 023h ; set 2nd cbrk intr
- mov [cbseg], es ; store original
- mov [cbofs], bx ; 23h handler address (dos)
- DOS_SetVector 023h, c_break
- pop bx
- pop ax
- pop es
- pop dx
- ret
- ENDP setcbrk
- Start:
- mov ax,@data ; Set ax to data segment
- mov es,ax ; set es to data segment
- push ds ; save ds for getparams
- mov ds,ax
- call setcbrk ; disable c_break
- pop ds
- call GetParams ; Get parameters with ds = PSP
- call ParamCount ; Get number of parameter into dx
- ; check command line
- push dx ; Save dx on stack
- or dx,dx ; does dx = 0?
- jz Help ; Display usage
- pop dx ; restore number of params
- cmp dx,1 ; Is there only 1 param?
- jne Help ; No, display usage
- xor cx,cx ; Parameter 0 (first one)
- call GetOneParam
- mov dx,di ; adr string w/ ds:dx
- call StrLength ; is pw longer than 10 chars
- cmp cx,MaxLen
- jg help
- mov si,dx ; save password
- mov di,OFFSET PWString
- call StrCopy
- jmp clearline ; just to set setjmp target
- again:
- mov di, OFFSET Prompt ; display prompt
- call StrWrite
- mov di,OFFSET UserPW ; set adr of entered pw
- mov cl,MaxLen ; can only be MaxLen chars
- call StrReadNE ; get it, don't echo
- mov si, OFFSET PWString ; compare the two strings
- mov di, OFFSET UserPW
- call StrCompare
- jne clearline ; if not right pw, clear line
- ; and ask again
- done: ; pw verified, cleanup and exit
- DOS_RestoreVector 01Bh,cseg,cofs ; restore C-break
- DOS_RestoreVector 023h,cbseg,cbofs ; handler vectors
- Exit:
- mov ah,04Ch
- mov al,[exitCode]
- int 21h
- clearline: ; This is where we return to on Ctrl-C
- push ax
- mov ax,OFFSET Restart
- push ax
- call setjmp
- pop ax
- call CRnoLF
- mov di, OFFSET blanks
- call StrWrite
- call CRnoLF
- jmp again
- Help:
- mov di,OFFSET Usage
- call StrWrite
- jmp Exit
- END Start