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- Features of PKPAK FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility,
- PKUNPAK FAST! Archive Extract Utility and
- PKSFX FAST! Self-Extract Utility:
- o PKPAK can compress your files to increase disk storage capacity
- and reduce modem transmission time. PKPAK can typically compress
- files better than any other comparible archive utility.
- o PKPAK can place many files into one archive file, reducing the
- number of files needed to be stored on diskettes or a hard disk.
- The files within each archive can be listed in alphabetical
- order, and the exact number of files in each archive displayed.
- Each archive and each file within an archive can be given a
- comment up to 32 characters in length, allowing for easy
- self-documenting archives.
- o PKPAK employs several differnt state-of-the-art data compression
- algorithms, and uses the most optimal method for each file. The
- result of the compression is an average savings in disk space of
- 40-60%, with spreadsheet and database files oftentimes compressing to
- 1/10th of their original size or less. In addition to doubling disk
- storage capacity, this can reduce modem transmission time in half!
- o PKPAK and PKUNPAK have full archive maintenance functions and
- advanced features, such as file encryption, configuartion
- options, and multitasking & network support. Data intregity
- is ensured by a 16 bit CRC.
- o PKSFX converts an archive file into an executable file that
- automatically extracts and decompresses your files when run,
- creating convenient self-extracting archives.
- o PKPAK, PKUNPAK, and PKSFX are written in C, with highly optimized
- assembly language routines, making them the FASTEST archive programs
- available anywhere.
- o PKPAK, PKUNPAK, and PKSFX will run on any MS-DOS computer using MS-DOS
- version 2.0 or above, and require only 90K of free memory to run.
- o PKPAK, PKUNPAK, and PKSFX are not copy protected.
- Features of StupenDOS, the only DOS shell you'll ever need:
- o Menu driven, easy to use keyboard commands and full mouse support.
- o Copy or Move multiple files to any drive or subdirectory.
- o Delete tagged files from the current subdirectory.
- o Delete all *.BAK or other specfied files from the entire hard disk.
- o Tree feature shows the entire hard disk subdirectory structure.
- Easily change drive and/or subdirectory, with memory recall.
- o Sort files by name, size, date & time, or extension, ascending or
- descending order.
- o View text files on the screen using the DOS "type" command or
- use your favorite program to display a file.
- o Make and Remove subdirectories.
- o Select and run other programs or DOS commands from within StupenDos.
- o Change file attributes. Hide and unhide files and subdirectories.
- o StupenDOS supports Black & White and Color monitors, including
- EGA 43 line mode. Requires an IBM or compatible computer with 128K
- free memory StupenDOS is not copy protected.
- PKWARE Inc., 1988
- ORDER FORM✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓__________
- PKWARE, Inc. Name: __________________________________
- 7032 Ardara Avenue
- Glendale, WI 53209 (Company): __________________________________
- 414-352-3670 Voice (Title): __________________________________
- 414-352-7176 BBS
- Address: __________________________________
- Today's
- date: ___________ City,State: __________________________________
- Zip Code
- Phone Number: _________________________
- PKPAK, PKUNPAK, and PKSFX Current Version: 3.61
- * Diskette with programs and manual ................... $45. ______
- * Commercial site license for the use of PKPAK, PKUNPAK & PKSFX.
- (Includes one diskette with programs & manual.
- Additional program disks with manuals $7.00 each) ___x 7 ______
- 2 to 9 computers ..... at $32 each # computers ___x 32 ______
- 10 to 24 computers ..... at $23 each # computers ___x 23 ______
- 25 to 49 computers ..... at $18 each # computers ___x 18 ______
- 50 to 99 computers ..... at $14 each # computers ___x 14 ______
- 100 or more computers .. $1400 one time fee ______
- StupenDOS Current Version: 1.0
- ** Diskette with program and documentation files ....... $35. ______
- ** Commercial site license for the use of StupenDOS
- (Includes one diskette with programs & documentation files
- additional program disks available for $5.00 each) ___x 5 ______
- 2 to 9 computers ..... at $25 each # computers ___x 25 ______
- 10 to 24 computers ..... at $21 each # computers ___x 21 ______
- 25 to 49 computers ..... at $18 each # computers ___x 18 ______
- 50 to 99 computers ..... at $15 each # computers ___x 15 ______
- 100 or more computers .. $1500 one time fee ______
- Please add $3.50 for shipping and handling. $5.00 / 3.50
- (Please add $5.00 for overseas orders.)
- Wisconsin residents add 5% sales tax. ______
- Total enclosed ______
- Diskette format (choose one) 5.25" disk ____ 3.5" disk ____
- Terms: Check drawn on a U.S. banks in U.S. funds.
- International bank or postal money order in U.S. funds.
- Purchase orders accepted from larger corporations.
- All foreign orders must be prepaid.
- * Includes one free upgrade to an ALL NEW data compression utility,
- when avaliable, with better & different compression methods,
- enhanced functionality, and increased user friendliness.
- ** Includes one free upgrade of the software, when available.
- PKWARE, Inc. 1988
- Information on Site & Commercial Licenses and Custom Versions
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Corporate Site License
- This is a license for use of the software within your
- company, and is not transferable. This allows internal use
- and copying of the software by as many users/machines as
- contracted for. (See the order form for Site License price
- schedule). An unlimited Site License allows unlimited
- copying of the software for internal use by your company.
- Distribution, repackaging, or reselling of the software to
- third parties is not allowed.
- Distribution License
- This allows distribution of the software with commercial
- software that is manufactured by your company. This license
- is non-exclusive and non-transferable. Please complete and
- return the application for a distribution license on the
- reverse side of this form. Once we receive the completed
- application you will be sent a quote for a one time
- Distribution License fee.
- This license is not necessary for clubs or users groups
- distributing the software on a ShareWare basis providing that
- the entire PKPAK/PKUNPAK/PKSFX package with accompanying
- documentation files is included in the distribution and no
- more than a nominal fee (not to exceed $10) is charged for
- such distribution.
- Custom Versions of the Software
- If you require any modifications or changes to the software,
- please include detailed information describing all changes
- you are interested in. Customization fees will be based on
- the extent of modifications required to the software so that
- it performs as you describe. Depending on the changes
- requested, please allow up to four weeks for custom versions
- of the software.
- Availability of Source Code
- It is the policy of PKWARE Inc. not to release source code
- for its products.
- PKWARE, Inc. 1988
- Application for Distribution License
- ------------------------------------
- Name: __________________________________
- (Company): __________________________________
- (Title): __________________________________
- Address: __________________________________
- City,State: __________________________________
- Zip Code
- Phone #: (✓_____)✓___________________
- Today's date: ________________________________
- Please complete as best as possible:
- 1) I am interested in distributing the program(s) PKUNPAK ___
- PKPAK ___ PKSFX ___ (check all that apply).
- 2) In what quantity do you estimate distributing the software
- indicated above? __________ copies. This is per year ___ or
- one time ___ (check only one).
- 3) If you are interested in distributing PKUNPAK or PKSFX to save
- diskettes required to distribute your software, how many
- disks does your software package require without
- compression _____, and how many disks are required if the
- software is distributed in compressed form _____?
- 4) Please describe the intended usage of the PKWARE programs
- indicicated in question 1. If possible, please describe the
- software package(s) that you intend to distribute with the
- PKWARE programs and their price. Also, list below any other
- relevant information:
- 5) Your company is incorporated in what State/Country _________________
- PKWARE, Inc. 1988
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