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- SYSOP: The following can be split
- into separate documentation
- files and bundled with the
- related software in an ARC
- file.
- R. Gigengack
- -------------------------------------
- General Information
- ===================
- The following files are simple DOS
- utilities which have been downloaded
- from various bulletin boards. I have
- tried many such (small) utilities: most
- do not work. These have worked for me
- so far. The files are:
- - SORTF.COM sorts an ASCII file
- - CIFER.COM encrypts an ASCII file
- - QUERY.COM get user input in a batch
- file using error level
- - STRIP.BAS filters a file made with
- the Portfolio ROM editor
- for word processors
- File-by file description
- ========================
- This program allows an ASCII file to be
- sorted. Just type SORTF, and the
- program will prompt you for file names.
- In this case, sorting will proceed on
- the basis of the first character. If
- the sort must be on, for example, the
- third character, the following command
- can be used:
- sortf in_file out_file /+3
- If a reversed sort is desired, enter
- sortf in_file out_file /r/+3
- ------------------
- This is a simple encryption program. It
- uses DOS redirection to identify the
- input and output device (NB: files, but
- also CON can be used).
- The program is called as follows:
- CIFER <in_dev >out_dev key
- EXAMPLE: encrypt the file text.doc to
- text.xxx using the key "rosebud".
- cifer <text.doc >text.xxx rosebud
- EXAMPLE: read the encrypted file
- text.xxx made as in the example above.
- cifer <text.xxx >con blowjob
- EXAMPLE: Type a file named hide.xxx,
- and encrypt it directly, using the key
- "hangman"
- cifer <con >hide.xxx hangman
- NB: Use a CTRL-Z to end.
- NB: The Portfolio bug preventing a
- "COPY CON ..." to be performed with
- lines exceeding 9 characters must first
- be fixed before the last example can be
- performed.
- ------------------
- This is a variant of the well-known
- class of programs which can be used in
- a batch file to get user input.
- This version is used as follows:
- query prompt @abc..z
- if errorlevel=26 goto l_26
- ..
- if errorlevel=3 goto l_3
- if errorlevel=2 goto l_2
- if errorlevel=1 goto l_1
- The "l_#" are labels in the batch file.
- The "PROMPT" can be any sequence of
- (extended) ASCII characters.
- The "abc..z" can be any digit or
- capital(!) letters. The position which
- the digit or letter takes in the
- "abc..z" sequence determines the error
- level returned (note that this is very
- different from popular variants of the
- program, where the error level returned
- is the ASCII value of the character
- itself).
- EXAMPLE: ask whether or not to back up
- files to a RAM card in a batch file.
- ..
- ..
- query Back up files to A: @YN
- if errorlevel=2 goto no_back
- ..
- .. (statements to perform back-up)
- ..
- :no_back
- ..
- ..
- NB: The check on the errorlevel must
- always be done from highest to lowest!
- NB: To simulate the DOS "PAUSE"
- statement, for example, use
- query Hit any key done! @?
- The question mark is a wild card, and
- matches any key pressed.
- Finally, note that the user MUST press
- a key appearing in the "abc..z"
- sequence. Thus, in the backup example
- above, the user must press either "Y"
- or "N"; any other response will only
- produce a "beep". So it is wise to
- include a "Q" for "quit" option in the
- option list.
- ------------------
- One of the "professional" tips to be
- found in the downloadable file
- "PRTFTIPS.TXT" is that to filter the
- files generated by the Portfolio's
- internal editor, or WS_EDIT, so that
- they can be read-in by eg. WordPerfect,
- you can use one of the PD "stripper"
- programs. In case you don't have one,
- this simple BASIC program will remove
- all hard carriage return-line feed
- combinations, unless a sequence of two
- consequtive hard carriage return-line
- feeds is encountered. In other words,
- if you remember to separate paragraphs
- by a blank line (containing only a
- carriage return-line feed), then this
- program will allow you to make the file
- readable by your word processor. The
- program is not elegant, but it works.
- {EOF}