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C/C++ Source or Header
202 lines
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef __MINT__
# ifdef __STDC__
# define __PROTO(x) x
# else
# define __PROTO(x) ()
# endif
typedef struct macro {
int nargs;
unsigned char flags;
#define MAGIC 0x01 /* system special #define */
#define MAGIC2 0x02 /* as above, but not always visible */
#define HASARGS 0x04 /* check for arguments */
#define MARKED 0x08 /* used for recursive #definitions */
#define UNDEF 0x10 /* -U argument */
struct token *argnames;
struct token *m_text;
} Macro;
typedef struct token {
char *txt;
char *pre_ws;
long val;
unsigned int hashval;
int type;
char subtype;
unsigned char flags;
#define BLUEPAINT 0x01 /* not available for expansion */
#define UNS_VAL 0x02 /* value is unsigned */
#define STRINGIZE_ME 0x04 /* stringized macro arg */
#define CONCAT_NEXT 0x08 /* concatenate this token with next token */
#define TRAIL_SPC 0x10 /* add spc to prevent accidental token merge */
struct token *next;
} Token, *TokenP;
/* token types */
#define UNKNOWN 1
#define DONT_CARE 2
#define EOL 3
#define NUMBER 4
#define FP_NUM 5
#define ID 6
#define STR_CON 7
#define CHAR_CON 8
#define UNARY_OP 9
#define MUL_OP 10
#define ADD_OP 11
#define SHIFT_OP 12
#define REL_OP 13
#define EQ_OP 14
#define B_AND_OP 15
#define B_XOR_OP 16
#define B_OR_OP 17
#define L_AND_OP 18
#define L_OR_OP 19
#define LPAREN 20
#define RPAREN 21
#define COMMA 22
#define INC_NAM 23
#define POUND 24
#define TOK_CAT 25
#define MACRO_ARG 26
#define EOF_ 27
#define STOP 28
#define UNMARK 29
/* tokenizer modes */
#define NORMAL 0
#define INCLUDE_LINE 1
#define IF_EXPR 2
#define SLURP 4
/* types of synchronization lines */
#define SL_NONE 0
#define SL_NORMAL 1
#define SL_LINE 2
#if defined(__MINT__) || defined(__GNUC__)
#define PATH_SEP '/'
#define PATH_SEP '\\'
#define STDIN_NAME "standard input"
#define streq(s,t) (strcmp((s),(t))==0)
#define nelems(arr) (sizeof(arr)/sizeof((arr)[0]))
/* Global variables and functions from each file */
/* comment.c */
char *suck_ws __PROTO((char *, char **));
/* define.c */
void do_define __PROTO((void));
void do_undefine __PROTO((void));
int macro_eq __PROTO((Macro *, Macro *));
/* hash.c */
Macro *lookup __PROTO((char *, unsigned int));
unsigned int hash_id __PROTO((char *, char **));
void hash_add __PROTO((char *, unsigned int, Macro *));
void hash_clean_undef __PROTO((void));
void hash_free __PROTO((void));
void hash_remove __PROTO((char *, unsigned int));
void hash_setup __PROTO((void));
/* if_expr.c */
int if_expr __PROTO((void));
/* include.c */
void do_include __PROTO((void));
extern unsigned long include_level;
/* input.c */
/* HSC #defines the following if and only if it is in a mode that gives
external identifiers more than 7 characters of significance. If your
compiler can handle long identifiers, feel free to delete this
#defin'ition. */
#ifndef __HSC_LONGNAMES__
#define expand_rest_of_line E_rol
TokenP tokenize_string __PROTO((char *));
char *getline __PROTO((FILE *));
char *rest_of_line __PROTO((void));
void expand_rest_of_line __PROTO((void));
void flush_line __PROTO((void));
extern char *cur_file;
extern unsigned long last_line, this_line, next_line;
/* macro.c */
TokenP expand_tlist __PROTO((TokenP));
void expand __PROTO((TokenP, Macro *));
extern char *magic_words[];
extern int N_MWORDS;
/* main.c */
extern FILE *inf;
extern FILE *outf;
extern char *argv0;
extern char **I_list;
extern char date_string[], time_string[];
extern int nerrs;
extern int sl_style, keep_comments, do_trigraphs, ansi, w_bad_chars,
w_nest_cmts, f_cpp_cmts;
/* pound.c */
void cond_setup __PROTO((void));
void cond_shutdown __PROTO((void));
void directive __PROTO((void));
void endif_check __PROTO((void));
extern int *if_sp;
#define COND_TRUE 1
#define COND_NESTED 2
#define cond_true() ((if_sp[-1]&(COND_TRUE|COND_NESTED))==COND_TRUE)
/* process.c */
void process_file __PROTO((char *));
void sync_line __PROTO((int));
void synchronize __PROTO((void));
/* token.c */
char *xlate_token __PROTO((char *, TokenP));
TokenP alloc_token __PROTO((void));
TokenP copy_tlist __PROTO((TokenP));
TokenP copy_token __PROTO((TokenP));
TokenP merge_tokens __PROTO((TokenP, TokenP));
TokenP mk_eol __PROTO((void));
TokenP mk_stopper __PROTO((void));
TokenP mk_unmarker __PROTO((TokenP));
TokenP token __PROTO((void));
int get_mode __PROTO((void));
void change_mode __PROTO((int, int));
void flush_tokenizer __PROTO((void));
void free_tlist __PROTO((TokenP));
void free_token __PROTO((TokenP));
void print_token __PROTO((TokenP));
void push_tlist __PROTO((TokenP));
void set_mode __PROTO((int));
void tok_shutdown __PROTO((void));
TokenP exp_token __PROTO((void));
TokenP _one_token __PROTO((void));
void _tokenize_line __PROTO((void));
/* utils.c */
char *copy_filename __PROTO((char *, int));
#ifndef __GNUC__
char *strdup __PROTO((char *));
FILE *xfopen __PROTO((char *, char *));
#define NEWBUFSIZ ((size_t)4096)
void *mallok __PROTO((size_t));
void *reallok __PROTO((void *, size_t));
char *grow __PROTO((char **, size_t *, char *, int));
/* ztype.c */
void Z_type_init __PROTO((void));