GEMini Atari
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233 lines
* History : Written by tjalk.cs.vu.nl ( I got no name from the article)
* Hacked to use termcap by: Josh Siegel (josh@hi.unm@hc.dspo.gov)
* Please note, The hack that handles loading the atributes into the system
* is exactly that... a hack. I had little time and little want to make
* it better.
* --Josh Siegel
#define MaxNrOfWorms 32 /* You can't alter this without altering
* the zoo! (Zoo: see somewhere else in
* this program) */
#define MaxLength 64 /* This really is long enough! */
int ScreenWidth;
int ScreenHeigth;
char cm[16], cl[16];
#include <stdio.h>
char *strcpy();
int wormlength = 20;/* 20 by default, can be redefined by
* -l<nr> */
int nrofworms = 3; /* 3 by default, can be redefined by
* -n<nr> */
char *message = " W O R M S ! ! !";
/* message can be redifined by -m<string> */
int x_direction[8] = {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1};
int y_direction[8] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1};
int screen[100][100];
main(argc, argv)
char **argv;
int wormx[MaxNrOfWorms][MaxLength], wormy[MaxNrOfWorms][MaxLength];
int dir[MaxNrOfWorms], i, j;
int ptr1, ptr2, x, y, *direction;
long dummy;
char *pos();
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
/* First test for any flags... */
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
switch (argv[i][1]) {
case 'l':
case 'L':
if (
sscanf(argv[i], "-l%d", &wormlength) == 0 ||
wormlength < 2 || wormlength > MaxLength) {
puts("Bad length.");
} break;
case 'n':
case 'N':
if (
sscanf(argv[i], "-n%d", &nrofworms) == 0 ||
nrofworms < 1 || nrofworms > MaxNrOfWorms) {
puts("Bad number of worms.");
} break;
case 'm':
case 'M':
message = argv[i] + 2;
printf(" -%c: bad option.\n", argv[i][1]);
} else {
printf("Syntax: %s [ -l<nr> ] [ -n<nr> ] \
[ -m<message> ]\n", argv[0]);
/* Now let's initialize !! */
printf("%s%s", pos(0, 22), message);
for (j = 0; j < nrofworms; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < wormlength; i++)
wormx[j][i] = wormy[j][i] = 0;
dir[j] = 1; /* direction of worm j */
screen[0][0] = nrofworms * wormlength;
ptr1 = ptr2 = 0;
/* They point to the front and the back of a worm, respectively. */
/* init randomizer... I hope this will work, it works on UNIX */
srand((int) time(&dummy));
while (1) {
ptr2 = (ptr1 + 1) % wormlength;
/* Take the next part of each worm. */
for (i = 0; i < nrofworms; i++) {
int enough = 0;
x = wormx[i][ptr2];
y = wormy[i][ptr2];
* x and y are the coordinates of the tail of worm i, which has
* to be removed.
if ((--screen[x][y]) == 0)
printf("%s ", pos(x, y));
* It will only be removed when there are no other "parts" of
* worms on that spot on the screen.
/* Now put a head somewhere. */
* We'll modify the direction just until we've got a correct
* direction (so that the worm will not cross or overlap another
* worm or itself, nor will run of the screen), or that we've had
* enough, since than there probably is no such direction.
direction = &dir[i];
*direction = (*direction + (rand()) % 3 + 7) % 8;
while ((x = wormx[i][ptr1] + x_direction[*direction]) < 0 ||
x > ScreenWidth - 1 ||
(y = wormy[i][ptr1] + y_direction[*direction]) < 0 ||
y > ScreenHeigth - 2 ||
((screen[x][y] != 0 || cross(x, y, *direction))
&& enough++ < 19));
if (enough >= 19) { /* We can't move this poor worm */
x = wormx[i][ptr1]; /* old coordinates */
y = wormy[i][ptr1];
* x and y now contain the new coordinates of the worms head. Let's
* just place it on the screen (and in memory)
wormx[i][ptr2] = x;
wormy[i][ptr2] = y;
printf("%s%c", pos(x, y),
/* Welcome to the zoo!! ^^^^ */
ptr1 = ptr2;
cross(x, y, d)
{ /* keeps two worms from crossing */
if (d & 1 == 0)
return 0; /* worm moving diagonally? */
return (screen[x][y - y_direction[d]] && screen[x - x_direction[d]][y]);
* I assume there are betters ways of doing this but since I had no
* interest in spending more then 5 minutes making this use termcap ...
static char hasrun = 0, bp[1024], bp2[1024], *tgetstr(), *p1;
char *tmp, *getenv();
tgetent(bp, getenv("TERM"));
strcpy(bp2, bp);
p1 = bp2;
tmp = tgetstr("cl", &p1);
strcpy(cl, tmp);
strcpy(bp2, bp);
p1 = bp2;
tmp = tgetstr("cm", &p1);
strcpy(cm, tmp);
strcpy(bp2, bp);
p1 = bp2;
if ((ScreenHeigth = tgetnum("li", &p1) - 1) > 99) {
printf("I cannot handle a terminal that has more then 99 lines\n");
strcpy(bp2, bp);
p1 = bp2;
if ((ScreenWidth = tgetnum("co", &p1) - 1) > 99) {;
printf("I cannot handle a terminal that has more then 99 rows\n");
char *
pos(x, y)
char *ret, *tgoto();
ret = tgoto(cm, x, y);
return ret;