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- LenoxWare Extend-O-Save Modules for Warp 9
- by John Dillenburg
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- Swarm !
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- Note to registered users:
- The module(s) included in this distribution can be registered
- using your current key, see the registration instructions included
- in the first distribution (savers.doc). Altogether, you you have
- seven screen savers for your $10 registration fee.
- Disclaimer:
- Since the are unreasonable people out there, I must state the
- following: I take no responsibility for any damage incured from
- the use (or misuse) of these screen saver(s). While I have made
- every reasonable effort to insure that these screen savers are
- as compataible as possible, I cannot guarantee that their use
- will not harm your computer or the data stored therein.
- I. Introduction
- LenoxWare Extend-O-Save modules are SHAREWARE screen savers
- designed for use with Warp 9 version 3.7 or above. You must have
- Warp 9 in order to use these screen savers. Even without the
- Extend-O-Save feature, Warp 9 is well worth having, so buy it!
- These screen savers should work on any ST/STe or TT machine
- in low, medium, high, TT medium and TT high modes. They should
- also work on Moniterm monitors.
- II. Installation
- Included in this distribution should be the following files:
- REGISTER.PRG - registration program
- REGISTER.RSC - required for register.prg
- SWARM.EXT - screen saver module
- SWARM.DOC - the file you are now reading
- Installing these screen savers is very easy. Simply uncompress
- the files and copy them into the directory you normally use for
- Extend-O-Save modules. It doesn't really matter where you put
- the modules, since a file selector in Warp 9 will allow you to
- load the modules no matter where they are.
- III. What am I missing by not registering?
- The screen saver modules in this distribution all work fine.
- HOWEVER, one important feature will not work. Normally, when
- you change one of the settings in a module (like the number of
- shapes in ROAMSHAP), the setting will automatically be saved
- into the module. This feature has been disabled in unregistered
- versions of the modules. This doesn't mean that you can't
- change the settings in a module, it simply means that when you
- turn off your computer, you'll lose whatever settings you changed.
- You'll find yourself stuck with the default settings the next
- time you boot your computer.
- Having the ability to save the settings into the modules
- will allow you to create multiple versions of the same module with
- different settings saved into each module. Registered users
- can simply make a copy of a module and save different settings
- into each module.
- IV. How do I Register?
- Registering is fairly easy and painless:
- 1) Write out a check for $10.00 (US funds only!) and send it to:
- John Dillenburg
- 820 Regent St.
- New Lenox, IL 60451
- Be sure to include your return address. P.O. Boxes will
- not be acceptable.
- 2) I will MAIL back an eight digit code. Run the included
- registration program (REGISTER.PRG) from the directory
- where you placed the modules. Enter your name, address,
- and key in the blanks provided. Then, click on the "Register
- Me!" button.
- 3) The registration program will automatically locate all
- LenoxWare Extend-O-Save modules in the directory it was
- run from and place your name, address, and key into them.
- 4) Pull down the Warp 9 desk accessory and load one of the
- modules. Then, click the Configure button. You should
- see your name in the configuration dialog box. If you
- see "***Unregistered***", then you have not entered your
- name, address or key correctly.
- V. Using the Screen Savers
- The screen savers are very easy to use. Simply bring up the Warp 9
- desk accessory, go to the Screen configuration, and then click on the
- "Preferences" box. From here, you can load, remove or configure
- the currently loaded screen saver.
- A. Loading a screen saver
- Click on the "Load" button from the Extend-O-Save preferences dialog.
- A file selector will appear. Locate a screen saver module (a .EXT
- file), select it, and then hit the OK button. Any previously loaded
- screen saver will be unloaded and the selected module will become
- active.
- B. Removing a screen saver
- Click on the "Remove" button from the Extend-O-Save preferences
- dialog.
- C. Configuring a screen saver
- Click on the "Configure" button from the Extend-O-Save preferences
- dialog. A new dialog box will appear in which you can enter any
- settings for the currently loaded module. The dialog box that
- appears will depend on which module you currently have loaded:
- Size of swarm - This controls the number of bees in the swarm.
- The lower limit is just one bee, the upper limit is 100 bees.
- Follow leader - This controls how long one bee will follow (chase)
- the queen. The lower limit is 0 seconds and the upper limit is
- 4 seconds. After a bee follows the queen, it will randomly
- switch to either following, ignoring, or mimicking the queen.
- Mimick leader - This controls how long a bee will match the heading
- of the queen. The lower limit is 0 seconds and the upper limit is
- 4 seconds. After a bee follows the queen, it will randomly
- switch to either following, ignoring, or mimicking the queen.
- Ignore leader - This controls how long a bee will completely
- ignore the queen. The lower limit is 0 seconds and the upper
- limit is 4 seconds. After a bee follows the queen, it will
- randomly switch to either following, ignoring, or mimicking the
- queen.
- Leader speed - This controls how fast the queen bee is.
- Swarm speed - This controls how fast the swarm is.
- Clear screen - Controls whether the screen will be cleared before
- the swarm appears.
- OK - Saves your settings (registered version only) and exits the
- control panel.
- VI. What does shareware mean?
- Shareware means that you are free to copy and distribute this
- package of unregistered screen savers. It means that I expect
- you to pay me for the screen savers if and when you decide you
- want to keep them. As a further incentive, I have disabled the
- SAVE feature of these screen savers. To enable the SAVE feature,
- you need to enter a key into the registration program which I
- will provide. After this, these screen savers will be
- "personalized" with your name (and address) to discourage you
- from distributing registered copies.