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166 lines
by Odisseas Kosmatos
CyberDialer was made to replace the slow dialers you can find in
most terminal programs, while supporting multiple selection dialing. This
means that if the places you like to dial are very busy and it is hard to
get the line, CyberDialer will take care of dialing the system(s) you want
to get access to repeatedly until one of them answers and a connection is
made. This program works with any terminal program that can run external
programs, and returns control to the terminal program when the connection
is made and you acknowledge it.
To use CyberDialer, you run it from your terminal program, such as
FLASH (press <INSERT> and type "EX CDIAL.PRG"), and you then see the main
screen of CyberDialer. From the main screen you have the following options:
The load option lets you load a dial directory (CyberDialer format)
into memory and displays its contents onto the main screen. It also loads
the configuration which you can change in the setup section.
The Ram-Dial button is what you use to start the dialing process.
Before you press Ram-Dial, you must, of course, have selected which places
you want to attempt to call. Do this by simply clicking on the boxes with
the names of the systems you wish to dial.
While ram-dialing (dialing multiple times until a connection is
made), you can do 3 things. You can click on the SKIP button to dial
the next system in the list, in case, for example, you notice your modem
hasnt responded to a busy signal, and you want to hurry the dialing beyond
your modems ability. You can click on REMOVE, this will SKIP the current
system being dialed, and also remove it from the dialing list. And finally,
you can click on STOP, and this will stop the dialing process.
This option lets you change the name or add a name to the list of
systems in your dial directory. To use this option, you must have selected
only 1 slot you wish to change. You will then see the current name, number
and a comment on the system. Of course, if you clicked on an empty box,
you will not see any name/number/comment. To change the name/number or
comment, just click on the apropriate box, and enter the name. The STs
complete font can be accessed. If you want, for example, while entering
a name, to get an accent, lets say ASCII character 141, press CONTROL-A,
then type in the ASCII number of the character, followed by <Return> if
the number is less than 3 digits.
This is an important option. Selecting this will display a list
of the current modem configuration that you are using.
The Setup section is where you change stuff around in order to
make CyberDialer work best (and faster) with your model modem.
Here is a description of all the parameters:
Modem dial command >> This is the string CyberDialer sends
to your modem with the telephone number
to dial. Change it to suit your modems
command set, or your telephone lines
tone (ATDT) or pulse (ATDP) capabilities.
Modem init command >> This is a string which CyberDialer sends
to your modem when you load it. You
can resend this string by clicking on the
"re-send INIT string" button.
Seconds to timeout >> This is the maximum number of seconds
Cyber-Dialer spends on each dial. It
helps because if your modem sometimes
does not detect a busy signal or spends
too much extra time waiting for a carrier
on each dial, it aborts faster.
No connect strings >> There are 5 of them. These are the strings
your modem sends if there has not been
a connection, the line is busy, something
went wrong, etc. CyberDialer must know
these strings (=text). Examples for
Hayes-Compatible modems are "NO CARRIER",
"BUSY" and "ERROR" and some modems
also say "NO DIALTONE" although you
should disable the DIALTONE checking
(most modems can) because it is quite
useless and slows down the dialing
process, thus decreasing your chances
of getting a connection before someone
else beats you to it.
Connect string >> This is the string your modem sends to
you when it has made a connection. On
most modems it is usually "CONNECT"
or "CONNECT 1200" or "CONNECT 2400",
so you enter the part which your modem
always shows when it connects: "CONNECT".
But if you do not have a Hayes-Compatible
modem, change this to the string your
brand of modem sends.
A.A.R.T and A.C.R.T >> These are internal parameters. If you
notice that CyberDialer is going to fast
for your modem, and it keeps displaying
"-- Modem Error --" or just doesnt
work, then change the times (in seconds)
of these internal "pauses" to larger
numbers. CyberDialer should then work
with your modem. On most modems, such
as your average 2400, the 1sec. delay
works quite well. You may try to
decrease these values if you are
confident your modem can respond fast
enough for st@⇨נäÄ⇧üנçÄ⇦✓⇦Oé≡pנננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננ£⇩ê⇦Öé⇧ê⇦נÇ⇩נëé⇧éêOäÇ⇧éê@≡p≡pננננננננÿéÄ⇧üéAנÄ⇦OäנÄ⇦OÄOîÇê⇧éנé⇦OÇ êOÄëנé⇦נÇ êOä✓ëäOüâêppîÇê⇧נä⇧äéêAנ£⇩ê⇦Öé⇧ê⇦נÇ✓⇦OÄOäê◆ê⇧ê נîê⇧üנäëנÄëנê⇩ê⇦OéOüâêppÇÄ✓OÇ✓נüâêOçüÄ✓OéOîÇê⇧ê נüÇAנÄëנüâêנÇ✓êê⇦äOüÇOüê⇧נéOê⇨é⇧נîÄppüÇOé⇦נüê⇦Ç⇩Ä⇧נçäÇ✓⇦Ä@≡p≡pÆêÇ@≡pij@@@@pp≡pננננננננüâé⇦Oä✓⇧éנäê⇩ëäOéOüâÄ⇧נüâé⇦OçäÇ✓⇦ÄOé⇦Oä⇨Ä⇦ê⇦êOÄëנüâêOÄëנüâêOÄëנüâêOÄëנüâêOÄëנüâ③"]Õ>ÖIJAòטCܵ≈æחX∈wצØ╱¥àª;ϕי^' זCΓcG③éãfPא♪òØבÜéŒτ]«DWª®בÆÑβיk(ê⑧`Dç ❎IJK❎
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than GEM, and works just as beautifully in Mono as it does in Color modes.
Theoretically, depending on how Atari will choose to expand TOS in later
editions*, it should work in higher resolutions than the ones currently
available on 520/1040sts.
* Note: Author did not get the chance to try it on a moniterm
giant-monitor / on a TT / On any "graphics" expansion.
(But who cares if the window is half the screen?)
This program is shareware. You can find out more information
about shareware by clicking on the INFO option while in CyberDialer, and
by reading a clip from Z*NET-Magasine about the status of shareware, which
IS included in the ARC file CyberDialer comes in.
The author of CyberDialer (me) has made quite a few programs for
the P.D. and will continue to do so for the ST and any new computers that
come out from Atari (the TT is what I have in mind) if the userbase seems
to be supportive. I joined GEnie recently and plan to upload the programs
I have made.
Odisseas Kosmatos
Montreal, Quebec
Support on:
Probe BBS (514) 484-2497