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ST-LiNK - The Line Noise Killer - Copyright: Andy Inman 1988/1989
LiNK Version 3
Update: 7th May 1990
Previously, LiNK was distributed in a 'demo' version, with a 10-minute
time-limit. This is no longer the case - this is a FULL version of LiNK,
with NO time-limit. This version may be freely distributed, as long as it
is not modified in any way, and includes all documetation included in this
However, LiNK *remains* shareware. If you find it useful, please send your
contribution to the author! Read REGISTER.DOC for more info.
LiNK - The Line Noise Killer!!
Link does automatic error-correction of RS232 data, and is primarily
designed for BBS use. LiNK offers many of the advantages of an MNP modem
*without* the cost! Seperate data-compression modules (e.g. Turbo2)
work with LiNK to give increased throughput (a bit like having a faster
LiNK is a RESIDENT utility, ie run it once from an AUTO folder or from the
desktop etc. It remains in the system, ready to leap into action when
called upon. It only requires around 10k of memory.
The Speed of LiNK
A word of explanation about the speed at which LiNK works. Over-all, LiNK's
throughput is 98.5% of normal (this is assuming that no data-compression is
being used). The slight loss in throughput is due to the overhead of
block-checking (error correction) information (this overhead is actually
small by comparison to protocols such as X-Modem, Kermit, and MNP Level 2).
When LiNK is actually working, it sometimes LOOKS slower than it really is.
During transmission of say, 4 lines of text, you may find that the FIRST line
appears rather slowly, the 2nd and 3rd line at 'normal' speed, then the
4th line almost instantly (effectively 'recovering' the time 'lost' in the
first line). This is all due to a technique that is used by LiNK to prevent
the screen output from being 'jerky' as it tends to be with protocols like MNP.
Of course, if you get line errors while LiNK is working, then throughput
will drop, becuase LiNK will have to re-transmit the corrupted data. But,
recovery is very fast, and minimal re-transmission is performed.
Compatibility with Hardware & Software
LiNK works with nearly all major comms. packages, but there are bound to
be one or two packages that are incompatible with LiNK. You can easily find
out if YOUR comms software will work, by following the 'Test' procedure
described below.
Also, it is possible that LiNK may be incomptible with future versions of the
ST. If that happens, I will produce a new version to get round the problem!
How to use it
Make sure you're using 8-bit word length. Parity and Stop bits don't
really matter, but should be set to No Parity and One Stop Bit.
ST-LiNK is enabled/disabled by pressing both SHIFT keys together.
If you are on-line to a Host BBS also running ST-LiNK, you will get a
'Working' message. If not, you'll get an 'Host not responding' message.
If you get no message at all, then its probably because there is an
incompatibility between LiNK and your comms software.
You can test LiNK without being on-line to a BBS, by using the procedure
given below under 'Testing'. Note that certain other memory resident
utilities (e.g. TurboCTS) may interfere with LiNK's operation.
Auto-Enable (new in V3.13)
LiNK can now be made to auto-enable when it connects to a host system.
To activate the Auto-Enable feature, you need to transmit ":1" while
OFFLINE (Carrier Detect being LOW). The easiest way to do this is to store
it as part of the phone number in your comms package, e.g. 0734 320297 :1 for
Scary MonSTer BBS. That way, you can use Auto-enable only for those systems
you call where LiNK is available.
The Auto-Enable Feature automatically de-activates after LiNK has been
disabled, but can be forced to de-activate by transmitting ":0" while Offline.
The Carrier Detect signal (pin 8 on the RS232 interface) MUST be connected
for Auto-Enable to work.
Baud Rates
LiNK works at any baud rate from 300 baud upwards. V23 (1200/75 baud)
is currently not supported by LiNK 3 (although it *should* work!).
Flow Control
V3.13 (or greater) has built-in CTS flow-control. This works even when
LiNK is NOT enabled. LiNK itself works best when the RS232 baud rate and
modem connect baud rates are the same however. Do NOT use TurboCTS or other
'CTS Fix' programs with LiNK - They are liable to interfere!
File Transfers
LiNK 3 is fully 8-bit transparent. This means that you can do file transfers
THROUGH it. (Incidentally, thats NOT true of some versions of MNP 2 !)
Zmodem works best, and any protocol with a large block-size (1 Kbyte or more)
will work well. 'Old' Xmodem with 128-byte blocks will work, but run fairly
There is no real advantage in having LiNK enabled during a file transfer,
since the transfer protocol itslef will correct any errors - but at least you
don't have to remember to switch LiNK off!
You can test LiNK very easily to make sure it works with your Comms software.
Set your modem up so that it Echos all characters sent to it. AT E2 should
do this on a Hayes-compatible modem. Alternatively, connect pins 2 and 3
together on the ST's Modem port. Make sure you're set to 8-bit, No parity.
Then use the Shift-shift operation to enable LiNK. You should get a
"[LiNK] Working!" message. If it doesn't work with your comms software,
try it with the Atari VT52 Emulator to make sure all is well.
LiNK supports data-compression via external modules. LiNK has the ability
for up to 8 different modules to be used (Turbo2 is one such module).
Hopefully further modules will become available in the future - please contact
the author if you are interested in writing your own compression module for
Thats it for now! Please let me have any comments, bug-reports etc. ASAP.
- Andy Inman - Scary MonSTer BBS - Fnet Node #1003 - 0734 320297 -
- LiNK Version 3.13 - 10/09/89 - Copyright Andy Inman -