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- Over the last several months, I have read and heard many negative
- comments about Atari's new computer; the 'TT030'. In fact, the
- complaints were so numerous that I had almost decided that I didn't
- want to waste my time or money on one, and was seriously looking at
- products available from other vendors. That's when fate stepped in.
- Last month, I had the pleasure of attending COMDEX to help Ditek
- International show a product called DynaCADD. Since I was already
- familiar with the 'ST', I was assigned to work the Atari booth, and
- given my very own 'TT030' for the week. I had only a brief exposure
- to the machine before COMDEX, so on the first day I decided to come
- in a little early and 'play' with it. I was impressed!! Where was the
- slow machine that I had been reading about? The TT was really fast.
- By the end of the week I had decided that there was little or no
- justification for much of the complaining that was going on.
- Since COMDEX, I have obtained my own TT (yes, they are available
- through VAR's even as you read this), and I am now even more
- impressed than before. All of the well written software already works
- on the machine in the ST resolutions. And the really good stuff (DynaCADD
- and NeoDesk for instance) also support the new TT resolutions AND the
- TT's faster RAM. From my own experience, every program that I have
- written which doesn't work has been because 'I' have broken the rules
- for programming the GEM environment.
- I have also done a little testing to see just how fast the machine
- is. For the tests, I used Quick Index 1.8 from Branch Always
- Software. This program gives a nice comparison to a 'plain ST' in
- several performance catagories. I ran the tests in all ST resolutions
- (it's not really fair to compare modes the ST doesn't have) and
- averaged the results:
- CPU Memory 566% 172% 811% 264%
- CPU Register 825% 197% 825% 319%
- CPU Divide 1022% 768% 1022% 867%
- CPU Shifts 3528% 2050% 3528% 3106%
- DMA 64K read 5853% 5853% 5853% 5853%
- GEMDOS file read 2419% 2348% 2419% 2419%
- TOS text 252% 153% 268% 161%
- TOS String 238% 159% 239% 160%
- TOS Scroll 229% 156% 229% 156%
- GEM Dialog 175% 125% 179% 125%
- So, what does all this mean? It means that the TT is faster than the
- ST, up to 58 times faster in some areas. That's pretty impressive!
- As for some of the other complaints:
- "It would sell better IF it didn't say Atari on it..."
- "It would sell better IF it had a different case..."
- "It would be faster IF it had a BLITTER..."
- IF, IF, IF...
- "If frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their ass so much!!"
- "If developers spent less time running down the machine, and more
- time developing software, Atari might have something to advertise
- about."
- In closing, let me say that in my opinion, the TT is well worth the
- wait and the money. I recommend that anyone looking for a more
- powerful system than their ST look real close at the TT; you'll be
- glad you did.
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