home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- - set desktop environment (like PATH, HOME, and other things for shells)
- from \AUTO folder.
- Place ENVIRON.PRG in the \AUTO folder.
- Uses ENVIRON.DAT as a standard ASCII text file containing the
- environment (e.g try "printenv >c:\environ.dat" and use that
- after fixing the PATH= as shown below).
- Note that GEM can find .RSC files on the first entry in the path,
- but ignores the first character, e.g. the following works:
- Note | the extra semicolon, and that you need semicolons and not commas
- | for the PATH to work for the desktop and .rsc files.
- v
- PATH=;d:\gemprogs;d:;d:\bin;d:\lang;d:\scripts;d:\usrbin;.
- TEMP=c:\tmp\
- INCLUDE=d:\include\
- All my .rsc files (and some configs and such) are in my d:\gemprogs,
- so I can double click a document (installed as per the desktop
- dialog, e.g. .DOC=1stword) anywhere on any disk and the program
- will come up properly, and I can go "gem program doc" from any
- folder under a shell and everything will work.
- (Tech note: It is documented somewhere that the way GEM searches
- for the .RSC files (and there is a call that looks for files
- in the same way for setups, etc.) is to first search the current
- directory, then the root directory on the disk, then the PATH=
- value, which defaults to A:, which is why it spins your floppy
- before it says it can't find the resource. What my program does
- is to read in environ.dat (must be in root), change linefeeds
- to nulls and delete the carriage returns and put nulls at the
- end, then point the desktop environment to that buffer.)
- What is also useful is that most shells will take these values
- so you don't have to have a big profile.sh or login.sh files
- just to set the environment.
- Make sure all lines are of the form SYM=value, and don't put
- any blank lines or spaces unless needed (see your shell docs).
- Source is included for the curious.
- Example environ.dat file:
- PATH=;d:\gemprogs;d:;d:\bin;d:\lang;d:\scripts;d:\usrbin;.
- TEMP=c:\tmp\
- INCLUDE=d:\include\
- SYMB=d:\lang\
- LIB=d:\lib\
- STARTUP=d:\lib\gemstart
- RUNTIME=d:\lib\gemlib
- SUFF=,.prg,.ttp,.tos
- LIBPATH=d:\mwlib,d:\lang,.
- INCDIR=d:\mwinc\
- TMPDIR=c:\tmp\
- EDITOR=sedt.ttp
- SEDT=d:\include\
- SHELL=csh.tos
- HOME=d:\