GEMini Atari
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47 lines
CodeHead Software Speaks Out About The New TT Desktop
Atari's new TT computer has many new features not found on the ST. One
of the most profound and unique changes is immediately apparent when you
first boot up the TT...a greatly enhanced desktop.
The TT's new desktop is truly exciting, with many of the features that
users have been wanting and seeking elsewhere since the ST first
appeared in 1985. These include everything from custom icons for
different files and folders to loading desktop setups from disk.
In fact, Atari has a version of the new desktop which loads from disk
and runs on the ST. Unfortunately, they have announced that it is their
decision not to release the disk-loaded version of the new desktop for
the ST, stating as their reason that they don't wish to put those
companies who make alternative desktops out of business.
This puts us at CodeHead Software in a rather awkward position. As one
of the companies which markets an alternative desktop for the ST, we
feel partially responsible for Atari's position regarding the new
desktop. In deference to their rationale, we'd like to go on record as
being strongly in favor of their releasing a disk version of the new
desktop. We feel it should be packaged with every ST/STe sold by Atari
in the US and Canada.
Such a release could be a real boon to the ST, spawning a rebirth of a
dying computer...something that could only benefit us all. When Atari
released the ST in 1985 there was an excitement that flowed even into
the PC and Macintosh arenas. Now after five years of stagnation, the ST
could proudly display a new facelift and walk hand in hand with the TT
back into the public eye. This resurgence would mean new buyers of
Atari computers and new potential customers for _all_ software
We certainly don't want it on our conscience that the progress and
possible rebirth of the ST was held back because of the two of us.
Furthermore, an illegal and buggy version of the new desktop has begun
to circulate through pirate channels. Atari, please don't allow the
pirates to be the only ones using the new desktop. Release it to the
public so that we may all benefit. We want our new ST desktop.
John Eidsvoog
Charles F. Johnson
CodeHead Software