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- Just a few things to remember during the use of
- Ascii-View. The left mouse button is used in ALL
- instances EXCEPT to scroll slowly through a file in
- which case the right mouse button is used. When a
- word or letter is underlined all you need to do is
- press that letter to select that option. ALWAYS
- leave the Caps Lock key in the down (lower case)
- position.
- To select an item from the Options, Block, Help,
- Load, Search or Set Marker screens via the mouse,
- move the mouse cursor up and down through the choices
- until the one you want is highlighted and then click
- on it. To select an item via the keyboard, use the
- cursor up and the cursor down keys to scroll through
- the choices until the one you want is highlighted and
- then press the Return key.
- Line Up (fast) Left click inside Line Up box.
- [Control]
- Line Up (slow) Right click inside Line Up box.
- [Shift]+[Control]
- Line Down (fast) Left click inside Line Down box.
- [Alternate]
- Line Down (slow) Right click inside Line Down box.
- [Shift]+[Alternate]
- [Return]
- Line Up and Line Down will display the next line of
- text towards the beginning or end of a file
- respectively.
- Page Up Click inside Page Up box.
- [Shift]+[Cursor Up]
- Page Down Click inside Page Down box.
- [Shift]+[Cursor Down]
- [Space Bar]
- Page Up and Page Down will display the next page of
- text towards the beginning or end of a file
- respectively.
- Top Click inside Top box.
- [Clr Home]
- Bottom Click inside Bottom box.
- [Shift]+[Clr Home]
- Top will display the first page of text in a file.
- Bottom will display the last page of text in a file.
- Line/Page Click inside Line/Page box.
- [T]
- Line/Page will alternately display which line or page
- of text you are currently viewing out of the total
- amount of lines or pages there are in the file.
- Options Click inside Options box.
- [O]
- All commands except the navigation commands can be
- accessed from this screen. The Options screen
- directs you to whatever selection that you choose.
- To select a command from the left side dialog box
- refer to the General Use help screen. The commands
- located in the right side dialog box will be covered
- now beginning with the Help screen.
- Help Click inside Help box.
- [Help]
- The Help screen offers insight as to how a command
- can be selected as well as what the command is
- supposed to do. Use of the Help screens are optional
- and users familiar with Ascii-View or users short on
- memory may choose not to use the Help screens. If
- you wish to use the Help screens be sure to place the
- file AV380.HLP in the same directory as AV380.PRG.
- To select a Help screen use the mouse or the cursor
- up/down keys to scroll through the choices and then
- either click the left mouse button or press the
- Return key on your highlighted choice. Other help
- commands include:
- Forward Left click inside (F)orward box.
- [F]
- Reverse Left click inside (R)everse box.
- [R]
- Undo to Exit Left click inside Undo box.
- [Undo]
- Forward will display the next Help screen. Reverse
- will display the previous Help Screen. Undo to Exit
- will return you to the screen that you selected the
- Help command from.
- Maximum Lines Left click inside Maximum Lines
- Per File Per File box.
- [M]
- The default setting for this command is 5000 lines.
- This represent a very large file. Users low on
- memory may wish to decrease this figure allowing only
- smaller files to be loaded. Users who wish to view a
- file that has many lines per file (such as a
- dictionary word list) may increase the amount of
- lines per file.
- Un-Corrupt Left click inside Un-Corrupt
- Screen Screen box.
- [U]
- This command was included because once in a great
- while a Non-Ascii file can slip past Ascii-Views'
- error trapping and get loaded into memory. If this
- happens, the file can, and usually will, corrupt the
- integrity of the screen. One type of files that
- seems very adept at sneaking past the error trapping
- are files that have been 'Squished'. If the screen
- becomes corrupted simply select this command, press
- Return, and the screen will return to normal and the
- file in memory will be erased off the screen and
- deleted from the Previously Viewed Files list.
- Undo to Exit [Undo]
- About [A]
- About displays the fact that Ascii-View is a
- Shareware effort. If you enjoy OR use this program
- please pay for it and become a registered user.
- Registered users are entitled to receive a hardcopy
- of the documentation, access to the GFA-Basic 3.5E
- source code and will receive update notices as they
- become available. I am fairly active on GEnie and
- offer online support to registered users of Ascii-
- View.
- David M. Seberg GEnie Compuserve
- P.O. Box 420466 D.SEBERG 76505,2446
- San Diego, CA 92142-0466
- Accessories [Esc]
- This feature gives you access to the accessories that
- are loaded into memory. Selecting this command will
- present you with an alternate screen with a menu bar.
- The options available to you on this screen are:
- About [A]
- Same as the above description of the About command.
- Use Them [U]
- Stop Using Them [S]
- In order to use an accessory you must go through the
- Use Them filter. In order to exit the accessory
- screen you must go through the Stop Using Them
- filter. The need for these commands are, that since
- Ascii-View is not a GEM program, but is giving you
- access to a feature of GEM, certain precautions must
- be taken by the user to ensure compatibility between
- the two.
- Return to Main [Esc]
- Screen
- It does exactly what is say it does.
- Be Sure To ... [B]
- This is a reminder explaining why it is vital that
- you properly exit all accessories. Please read this.
- Bench Mark [H]
- The Bench Mark command offers the user a way to see
- how fast a file can be displayed on their own system.
- To use this command you must scroll through the
- ENTIRE file in order to get as accurate figure as
- possible. Selecting Bench Mark will display how long
- your file is, how long it took to scroll through the
- file and how many Lines Per Second (lps) that it
- displayed. An average scrolling speed is about
- 33lps. When used with a text accelerator such as
- Turbo ST or Quick ST this figure climbs to about
- 46lps. Figures will vary depending on the length of
- the file being displayed as well as the systems
- configuration.
- Block [B]
- The Block screen consists of several commands that
- can help manipulate a block of text. Block features
- are as follows.
- Delete Block [F1]
- If a legal block exists selecting this command will
- delete the block of text from the main file.
- Delete All But [F2]
- Block
- If a legal block exists selecting this command will
- delete everything EXCEPT the block of text from the
- main file.
- BLOCK (cont)
- Print Block [F3]
- If a legal block exists and there is a printer online
- selecting this command will print the block of text.
- Save Block [F4]
- If a legal block exists selecting this command will
- bring up an alert box giving you the choice to save
- the block of text as an ascii file, to append the
- block of text to a pre-existing ascii file or to
- abort the saving process. If you choose 'Save' enter
- your filename into the fileselector box and press the
- Return key. If you choose 'Append' a fileselector
- box will appear, locate the ASCII file you wish to
- append the block of text to and double click on it.
- BLOCK (cont)
- Block Start [S]
- Selecting this command will bring up an alert box
- giving you the choice to enter the Block Start line
- number as the first line of text on the screen or
- manually. If you choose manually a new dialog box
- will appear. Enter the line number you wish to use
- as the starting line number for your block of text.
- Block End [E]
- Virtually the same as the Block Start except this is
- to indicate the ending line of the block of text.
- BLOCK (cont)
- Block Clear [C]
- If a legal block exists selecting this command will
- give you the option to clear the previously set block
- markers.
- Block On [N]
- If legal block numbers exist selecting this command
- will turn on the Block Command.
- Block Off [F]
- If a legal block has been set this command will turn
- off the block of text.
- Undo to Exit [Undo]
- Doubled Line Mode [F]
- If you are using a monochrome monitor and you select
- this command the screen will now display 48 lines of
- text instead of the standard 24 lines. Even though
- the screen is in the 48 line mode all dialog boxes
- that may subsequently be displayed will be shown in
- the standard sized text. All of Ascii-Views'
- commands perform normally in this mode. To return to
- the standard 24 line mode press the [F] key once
- again.
- Load [L]
- The Load Screen allows you to load ASCII files into
- Ascii-View. Ascii-View checks to see if the file you
- are trying to load is an ASCII file. Upon rare
- occasions, non-ascii files may slip past the error
- trapping and load into Ascii-View, if this happens
- refer to the command Un-Corrupt Screen which is
- covered under the Option Screen help topic.
- Once you have loaded a file via the Load File or the
- Add File commands it's filename will be remembered
- and displayed in the Previously Viewed Files box. To
- select a file from this list, use the mouse pointer
- or the cursor up/down keys to scroll through the file
- names until the one you wish to load is highlighted
- and then click the mouse button or press Return.
- LOAD (cont)
- Up to 10 files will be remembered by the Previously
- Viewed File list. If more than 10 files have been
- viewed then files will be deleted on a first in /
- first out basis.
- Load File [L]
- Selecting this command will bring up the standard
- File Selector box. Select the ASCII file that you
- wish to view. Ascii-View will then load, format (if
- necessary) and display the first page of text on
- screen in the chosen display mode.
- LOAD (cont)
- Add File [A]
- This command is identical to the Load File command
- except it does not display the first page of text.
- Instead it simply adds the file to the Previously
- Viewed File list and returns the user to the Load
- Screen. The purpose for this is to allow several
- files to be loaded into the Previously Viewed File
- list at one time enabling the user to view the files
- without interruption.
- Delete File [D]
- From List
- Selecting this command will allow you to delete a
- file from the Previously Viewed File list. When
- prompted to do so selected the file name you wish to
- LOAD - Delete File From List (cont)
- delete. You will be asked to verify your intentions
- before the file is removed from the list.
- Clear All [C]
- Files From List
- Selecting this command will allow you to delete all
- the files in the Previously Viewed Files list. You
- will be asked to verify your intentions before
- clearing the entire list.
- Undo To Exit [Undo]
- Print [P]
- This command allows you to print all or part of your
- file. After selecting Print Ascii-View checks to see
- if a printer is online. If a printer is not online
- an alert box will be displayed allowing you to either
- place it online or to abort the printing of the file.
- If a printer is online then an alert box is displayed
- asking if you would like to print the entire file,
- the currently displayed page of text or if you would
- like to abort the printing request.
- Ascii-View does NOT use any special printer codes so
- ALL printers should be able to use this feature
- without any compatibility problems.
- Quit [Q]
- Selecting this command will display an alert box
- giving you the option to Exit back to the Desktop or
- to Stay and return to the current file.
- Search [S]
- This command allows you to search for a word or
- phrase (aka String) from within the current document.
- This String may be up to 30 characters in length.
- Once you have entered a String it will be remembered
- and displayed in the Previously Set String box. To
- select a String from this list, use the mouse pointer
- or the cursor up/down keys to scroll through the
- Strings until the one you wish to search for is
- highlighted and then either click the mouse button or
- press Return. Up to 10 Strings will be remembered by
- the Previously Set Strings list. If more than 10
- Strings have been entered then the Strings will be
- deleted on a first in / first out basis.
- SEARCH (cont)
- Enter Search [E]
- String
- Selecting this command will display a dialog box
- allowing you to enter your Search String. You may
- not exceed 30 characters in length. All standard
- dialog box editing commands are available. Press
- Return when you have completed. After pressing
- Return your Search String will be displayed in the
- Previously Set Strings box. You may now either enter
- another String or select the String as described
- above. If you select a String you will be sent to a
- screen that looks exactly like the main screen except
- the command line on the bottoM of the screen is
- changed. This line displays the String as well as
- what line number it is found on. You may press
- (N)ext to find the next occurrence of the of the of the of the of the e commands are, that since
- Ascii-View is not a GEM program, but is giving you
- access to a feature of GEM, certain precautions must
- be taken by the user to ensure compatibility between
- the two.
- Return to Main [Esc]
- Screen
- It does exactly what is say it does.
- Be Sure To ... [B]
- This is a reminder explaining why it is vital that
- you properly exit all accessories. Please read this.
- Bench Mark [H]
- The Bench Mark command offers the user a way to see
- how fast a file can be displayed on their own system.
- To use this command you must scroll through the
- ENTIRE file in order to get as accurate figure as
- possible. Selecting Bench Mark will display how long
- your file is, how long it took to scroll through the
- file and how many Lines Per Second (lps) that it
- displayed. An average scrolling speed is about
- 33lps. When used with a text accelerator such as
- Turbo ST or Quick ST this figure climbs to about
- 46lps. Figures will vary depending on the length of
- the file being displayed as well as the systems
- configuration.
- Block [B]
- The Block screen consists of several commands that
- can help manipulate a block of text. Block features
- are as follows.
- Delete Block [F1]
- If a legal block exists selecting this command will
- delete the block of text from the main file.
- Delete All But [F2]
- Block
- If a legal block exists selecting this command will
- delete everything EXCEPT the block of rameter doesn't
- care if the Search String is in upper or lower case
- where the Exact Match parameter does.
- Undo to Exit [Undo]
- Set Marker [G]
- This command allows you to set up a series of
- markers, which can be considered book markers. Once
- defined you can use these markers to immediately goto
- the pre defined marker.
- Once you have entered a marker it will be remembered
- and displayed in the Previously Set Marker box. To
- select a Marker from this list, use the mouse pointer
- or the cursor up/down keys to scroll through the
- Markers until the one you wish to goto is highlighted
- and then either click the mouse button or press
- Return. Up to 10 Markers will be remembered by the
- Previously Set Markers list. If more than 10 Markers
- have been entered then the Markers will be deleted on
- a first in / first out basis.
- SET MARKERS (cont)
- The markers in the Previously Set Markers box are
- numbered from 0 to 9. Once a marker has been set,
- you can while at the main screen, go directly to your
- pre defined marker by pressing the number equivalent
- on the NUMERIC keyboard. As an example if you
- defined Set Marker 0 as line number 250, pressing 0
- on the NUMERIC keyboard will instantly take you to
- line number 250 within your file.
- Set Marker [S]
- Selecting this command will display a dialog box
- allowing you to enter your Marker. All entries must
- be numeric and must be between the first and last
- line number within your file. All standard dialog
- box editing commands are available. Press Return
- when you have completed.
- SET MARKER - Set Marker (cont)
- After pressing Return your Marker will be displayed
- in the Previously Set Marker box. You may now either
- enter another Marker or select the Marker as
- described earlier. If you select a marker you will
- be sent immediately to that line number.
- Delete Marker [D]
- Selecting this command will allow you to delete a
- marker from the Previously Set Marker list. When
- prompted to do so select the marker you wish to
- delete. You will be asked to verify your intentions
- before the Marker is removed from the list.
- SET MARKERS (cont)
- Clear All Markers [C]
- Selecting this command will allow you to delete all
- the Markers in the Previously Set Markers list. You
- will be asked to verify your intentions before the
- entire list is cleared.
- Use Default [U]
- Markers
- This command will divide a file into 10 segments and
- allocate a marker to each segment. Text file must be
- at least 48 lines in length for this command to work.
- No need to use markers if you can see all the lines
- at once, right?.
- SET MARKERS (cont)
- Goto a [G]
- Specific Line
- Selecting this command will display a dialog box
- that will allow you to enter the exact line number
- that you wish to go to. Only numeric entries between
- the first and last line numbers will be accepted.
- Undo to Exit [Undo]
- Statistics [I]
- This screen displays some information that may be of
- some use during the use of Ascii-View. These are:
- System Date
- System Time
- Current Version
- Current Text Display Mode
- Current Page Number
- Total Number of Pages
- Current Line
- Total Number of Lines
- Current File Name
- Current File Size
- Remaining Memory