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Assembly Source File
252 lines
* *
* break.asm version 1.0 of 20 August 1988 (C) L.J.M. de Wit 1988 *
* *
* This software may be used and distributed freely if not used commercially *
* and the originator (me) is mentioned. *
* *
* break - stop current program on receipt of interrupt character
* break [-e|-d|-z] [-i|-c<code>]
* After installing break, any program can be interrupted.
* This is achieved by 'extending' the existing keyboard interrupt
* routine: after executing the old code the break character check
* is done.
* The various flags have the following meaning:
* e(nable) : the current break character will end the program.
* the code returned is -32, what seems to be the standard
* value for programs interrupted by ^C in GEMDOS.
* d(isable): no actions are done; this restores the old behaviour
* z(ero) : the current break character will be discarded (made 0)
* in the input buffer; this can be used to disable ^C.
* i(nput) : the break character is prompted for. Combinations with
* shift, control and alternate keys are also allowed.
* Useful for specifying the break character interactively.
* c(ode) : specifies the break character as a hexadecimal code.
* The hex code must follow the 'c' flag immediately.
* Useful for specifying the break character from a script.
* Of the flags e,d and z only one should be used; e is the default.
* Also, of the flags i and c only one should be used; control-delete is
* the default. This is done on purpose; you can always change it to ^C
* if you want to (or whatever key you like).
* The break program can be reused indefinitely, because a next invocation
* is not made memory resident; it only modifies parameters in the first
* invocation (the resident one).
* The program can be placed into the \AUTO folder to be installed
* automatically, or activated 'by hand'. If placed in the \AUTO folder, it
* should of course have a .PRG extension (break.prg); as \AUTO folder
* programs don't get arguments, the break will be enabled and the break
* character is control-delete in this case.
* A nice extension would be the possibility to catch the interrupt from
* a user program; this could be achieved by using a new trap. As this
* implies restoring the old interrupt catch routine when the program
* exits, and maybe also core dumps could be added to the action of an
* (other) interrupt character, such a more general signal mechanism is
* not added (yet). Gives me time to think of a nice implementation 8-).
* Gimme a break, huh?!
module break
section s.ccode
* character codes
tab equ 9
lf equ 10
cr equ 13
* GEMDOS & (X)BIOS stuff
gemdos equ 1
bios equ 13
xbios equ 14
ptermres equ $31
setexc equ 5
cconws equ 9
crawcin equ 7
super equ $20
pterm0 equ 0
pterm equ $4c
iorec equ 14
* divers
bpaglen equ $100
textlen equ 12
datalen equ 20
bsslen equ 28
intrupt equ -32 * Code returned by interrupted programs
curproc equ $602c * Contains base page start of current process
* iorec struct offsets; the buffer ptr. itself has offset 0
ibufsize equ 4
ibufhead equ 6
ibuftl equ 8
ibuflow equ 10
ibufhi equ 12
move.l 4(sp),a0
adda.w #$80,a0 * a0 points to argument string start
moveq.l #0,d0
move.b (a0)+,d0 * Get string length &
clr.b (a0,d0.w) * ensure '\0' termination
move.b (a0)+,d0
beq nxtdone * '\0' char is end of string
cmp.b #'A',d0
blt.s arge
cmp.b #'Z',d0
bgt.s arge
or.b #$20,d0 * Convert uppercase to lower
cmp.b #'e',d0 * enable
bne.s argd
st enabled * enabled = TRUE
bra.s nxtbyt
cmp.b #'d',d0 * disable
bne.s argi
sf enabled * enablad= FALSE
bra.s nxtbyt
cmp.b #'i',d0 * input
bne.s argc
move.l a0,-(sp)
pea.l inpmsg
move.w #cconws,-(sp)
trap #gemdos * Prompt for break char
addq.l #6,sp
move.w #crawcin,-(sp)
trap #gemdos * Read the char
addq.l #2,sp
move.l d0,breakcode * and store it
pea.l retmsg
move.w #cconws,-(sp)
trap rap rap rap rap e.w #super,-(sp)
trap #gemdos * Supervisor mode
addq.l #2,sp
move.l d0,(sp) * Save supervisor stack pointer on stack
lea.l magic,a0 * a0 points to 'magic' string in this prog
move.l diff,d0
lea.l (a0,d0.l),a1 * a1 points (perhaps) to 'magic' in old
move.l #(magicend-magic-1),d0 * # chars in 'magic' string minus one
cmp.b (a0)+,(a1)+ * Check strings for equality
dbne d0,chkmag
beq.s mageq * If old prog DID contain magic string; else:
move.w #super,-(sp)
trap #gemdos * Back to user mode (sp was still on stack)
addq.l #6,sp
clr.l diff * First incarnation: will be made resident
pea.l breakey * breakey will be new keyboard int. vector
move.w #$46,-(sp)
move.w #setexc,-(sp)
trap #bios * Set it
addq.l #8,sp
move.l 4(sp),a0 * basepage start
move.l #bpaglen,d0 * base page length
add.l textlen(a0),d0 * + text length
add.l datalen(a0),d0 * + data length
add.l bsslen(a0),d0 * + bss length
clr.w -(sp) * return value: 0 for success
move.l d0,-(sp) * # bytes to keep
move.w #ptermres,-(sp) * keep process
trap #gemdos * stops here...
move.w #super,-(sp) * A next incarnation of break in this branch.
trap #gemdos * Back to user mode (sp was still on stack)
addq.l #6,sp
move.l diff,d0
lea.l enabled,a0
move.b (a0),(a0,d0.l) * Copy 'enabled' into old image
lea.l zeroed,a0
move.b (a0),(a0,d0.l) * Do this too for 'zeroed'
lea.l breakcode,a0
move.l (a0),(a0,d0.l) * And also for the current break char
move.w #pterm0,-(sp)
trap #gemdos * Exits here with 0 as status.
* The new interrupt routine
pea.l breaketc * Return to breaketc after executing old code
move.w sr,-(sp) * This is because old code ends with 'rte'
move.l oldvec,-(sp) * Push old vector onto stack
rts * and jump to it
movem.l d0-d1/a0-a2,-(sp)
tst.b enabled
beq.s breakend * If not enabled do nothing
move.l iop,a0
move.w ibuftl(a0),d0
cmp.w ibufhead(a0),d0
beq.s breakend * If empty keyboard buffer do nothing
moveq.l #2,d0
move.l curproc,a1
tst.l (a1) * At end of list?
beq.s breakend * Cur. prog was desktop or so; don't break
move.l 36(a1),a1 * Back link to previous process
dbra d0,testbp
moveq.l #0,d0
move.w ibufhead(a0),d0 * d0 is used as index into char buffer
move.l breakcode,d1
move.l (a0),a1 * a1 points to character buffer
cmp.w ibuftl(a0),d0
beq.s breakend * Checked them all
addq.l #4,d0 * Increment index in buffer
cmp.w ibufsize(a0),d0 * If at buffer size
bne.s notatend
moveq.l #0,d0 * wrap it (circular buffer)
cmp.l (a1,d0.w),d1 * Is char at this index the break char?
bne.s testbuf * No; check next
tst.b zeroed * Yes; is 'zeroed' flag set?
beq.s notzeroed
clr.l (a1,d0.w) * Make the break char in the buffer 0;
bra.s testbuf * this eliminates any special meaning
move.w ibuftl(a0),ibufhead(a0) * Clear the entire buffer
move.l #stop,22(sp) * Return will be to the routine 'stop'
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a2
move.w #intrupt,-(sp) * Code for interrupted programs
move.w #pterm,-(sp)
trap #gemdos * and stop here
section s.data
iop dc.l 0 * Pointer to iorec struct
breakcode dc.l $0053001f * Default is control_delete
diff dc.l 0 * Difference in byte distance old <-> new
oldvec dc.l 0 * previous val of interrupt vector
enabled dc.b $ff * 'enabled' is default true.
zeroed dc.b 0 * 'zeroed' is default false.
magic dc.b 'BREAK MARKER',0 * magic string that identifies this prog.
inpmsg dc.b 'Input the break code by hitting the key(s) : ',0
usemsg dc.b 'break: usage: break [-e|-d|-z] [-i|-c<code>]',cr,lf,0
retmsg dc.b cr,lf,0