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Text File | 1991-06-04 | 67.6 KB | 1,253 lines |
- ELF-BOOT! by Randy Constan, Elfin Magic Software (c)1991
- Thanks for trying ELF-BOOT!, a powerful new startup utility for
- the ATARI ST, from Elfin Magic Software. While there are many startup
- utilities for the ST which go in your auto folder, this is the only one
- that provides a familiar GEM-like interface, complete with mouse
- pointer, dialog boxes, one click functions, and even a file select
- window! If you decide not to install ELF-BOOT, because you think your
- current startup utility is probably just as good, you're really missing
- out! Try it... I guarantee you'll like it! Finally, I must mention
- that the user interface is so instinctive, that you may be tempted to
- lay the docs aside. READ THESE DOCS! Otherwise, you'll never get
- optimum use out of the system.
- ***** Important Note on DEMO version! *****
- If the your main program file is called "ELFBOOTD.PRG", this is a
- demonstration copy of the program, but don't worry... It contains
- every single feature that the "registered" version contains. However,
- a commercial message about shareware has been added to the code. Which
- brings us to an important point. This program IS a shareware offering.
- In actual use you will find it to be a very complete and thoroughly
- planned application, with features you would expect to find in a
- commercial offering. If you agree and find ELF-BOOT to be a valuable
- asset to your system, you'll want to register your ownership by sending
- $15 to:
- Randy Constan c/o Elfin Magic Software
- 23 Brook Plane, E. Islip, NY 11730
- In return, You'll receive a copy of the registered version in the mail,
- along with printed documentation (if you request), full support for any
- problems you encounter, and access to updates and revisions at a
- substantial discount. In fact, it is possible that by the time you
- register, more features will have been added! The demo version contains
- a 40 second commercial message, which will appear only 1 out of 4 times
- the program is used. It is a simple reminder that a lot of time and
- effort went into this product, and shareware authors gotta eat too!
- ******** DISCLAIMER ********
- Although I (and several 'beta' testers) have beaten the program to
- death forcing every conceivable error, I must hereby state that I nor
- the Elfin Magic company assume any responsibility for lost time or data
- resulting from the use or misuse of ELF-BOOT. The user assumes
- responsibility for backing up his system to prevent such disasters. I
- can only affirm that to the best of my knowledge, the program will
- perform as stated in the docs, and at the time of distribution
- contained no 'viruses' of any kind.
- Page 1
- ELF-BOOT! by Randy Constan, Elfin Magic Software (c)1991
- Before proceeding, be sure you have all the following files in
- your ELFBOOT package:
- ELFBOOT.PRG Main program (or ELFBOOTD.PRG for demo version) .
- ELFHELP.PRG Utility to assist in preparing special batch files.
- STARTGEM.PR A public domain program run utility.
- RAMDISK.PRG ATARI's public domain reset proof ramdisk.
- RDSET.TTP A freeware utility from Elfin Magic to set the
- default drive and size of the ramdisk.
- DESKTOP.L Some default desktop.inf files for each resolution
- ELFBOOT.DOC The file you're reading.
- README.DOC May contain last minute changes. Check it out!
- ELF-BOOT: What it does...
- ELF-BOOT normally resides in the AUTO folder of your hard disk. It can
- also be re-run from the desktop at any time. For maximum utility, it
- also requires that the file "STARTGEM.PR" (notice the missing "G") be
- placed in the AUTO folder, after ELF-BOOT has been added. When it runs,
- ELF-BOOT will allow you to:
- 1) Load, and modify up to 50 desktop.inf files. Desktop colors,
- printer configuration, keyboard repeat, delay, bell silence and
- key click can all be controlled, as well the option to confirm
- copies & deletes, and turn disk write verify on or off.
- 2) Automatically select a default desktop file based on the
- current monitor (color or mono), so that your system can boot
- up properly with no manual intervention.
- 3) Install an option called 'AUTOCOLOR' which keeps your selected
- desktop colors in place when the system completes it's startup.
- This feature also prevents other applications from changing
- your colors, unless you want them to.
- 4) Completely eliminate the need for the ATARI control panel desk
- accessory, freeing up 2 valuable 'slots' for other accessories.
- 5) Enable or disable programs in your AUTO folder.
- 6) Easily change the order in which programs in your AUTO folder
- will run.
- 7) Activate any one of up to 50 ASSIGN.SYS files for use with
- GDOS, or prevent any from becoming active.
- 8) Enable and disable Desk accessories.
- 9) Automatically transfer any number of files from up to 50 user
- defined lists, from any drive (and path) to an active ramdisk.
- 10) Cause your ST to run any of 50 preset programs without having
- to double click them from the desktop. As of the time of this
- writing though, THIS OPTION IS UN-USABLE WITH TOS 1.4.
- Hopefully, this will soon change.
- page 2
- ELF-BOOT! by Randy Constan, Elfin Magic Software (c)1991
- 11) Create and or activate up to 50 macro files, which can perform
- all the above functions, in one mouse click!
- 12) View and/or modify the system time and date, for those without
- a real time clock.
- Best of all, even though the program runs in an AUTO folder, It
- provides an active mouse, dialog and alert boxes, multiple fonts,
- button click functions, and even displays a file select window with
- scrolling arrows! No, I have not discovered some hidden feature in the
- ATARI to make this possible. Rather, I wrote my own 'mini-GEM' in 100%
- assembly code. Because of the familiar environment, you'll find that
- in most cases, just guessing what to do will give you the expected
- result. But again.... read _ALL_ the documentation!
- **********************************************
- ELF-BOOT can be used with or without desktop.inf files. But unless
- you're a rare breed that likes ATARI's default lo res. desktop, these
- files are important. The first thing you should do is prepare at least
- one "default" desktop file for each of the 3 normal ATARI resolutions.
- Since many users don't have both color and mono monitors, a sample
- DESKTOP file for each res. is provided on the ELF-BOOT disk, so you can
- accomplish this step even if you have only one monitor.
- If you have a color monitor, prepare your own desktop.inf file in
- medium resolution, with the desired colors, window/icon placement, and
- installed applications you desire. If you do not currently use a
- ramdisk, setup an icon for one now. To do this, just select any disk
- icon, and select "INSTALL DISK" from the desktop menu. Then, specify
- an unused drive identifier from D: thru P: at the prompt. Finally,
- place the new icon in a convenient location on the desktop.
- Set up your colors using ATARI's CONTROL.ACC for now. See your
- ATARI manual for details. When you've saved the file using the 'SAVE
- DESKTOP' option, rename the file "DESKTOP.M". Then, close all your
- windows and switch to LO res with the set preferences option from the
- desktop. When you're satisfied with your LO res setup, again save the
- file, and RENAME it to DESKTOP.L. If you have a monochrome monitor,
- follow the same procedure, this time renaming the file "DESKTOP.H".
- Finally, switch to the resolution you use most often, set up your
- screen, and do one final DESKTOP save, without renaming the file. If
- you have only/Ç ê@6ã⇨ÿÇ`⇧0sπ ⇧αôα`Γ③Γb⇩#Ç `pβ⓪ôΓ ⇧3α`Γ③Γ Çb⇧③αÇ ③π⇨Ç2 |3≤≤≤≤α⇨Ç⇩③αÇ ⇧!⇩ b0sΓ!