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=== SOLAPAK v3.03 DEMO ===
This SOLAPAK demo set consists of the following files:
SOLAPAK.DOC - this file
SOLAPAK.PRG - installation program to place in AUTO folder
SOLAPAK.ACC - desk accessory to place on boot disk
DESKTOP.INF - saved desktop file with disk "M" pre-installed
- SolaPak is a multifunction utility program that loads on boot up when placed
in your AUTO folder. It has a companion desk accessory for control of some
of its features. The use of the desk accessory is optional in most cases.
SolaPak provides the following functions:
Screen Clock
Screen Saver
Reset tolerant ramdisk with file autoloading
True Print Spooler
Print Buffer
Sets time & date
Sets printer width
- Unlike some multipurpose desk accessories which take up RAM for
functions you're not interested in using, SOLAPAK v3.0 is different.
A new dynamic loading method has been introduced. Upon boot up, the
functions of the program which are not desired are removed from the
program image resulting in less memory used. So if you've already
got your favorite screen clock, for example, just disable SOLAPAK's
and there will be no penalty in RAM wasted.
Up to 8 files queued for printing, each can have different print
attributes. 32 user defined print option buttons lets SolaPak support
nearly every parallel printer. Setups for dozens of printers are
provided along with a utility for making your own custom printer control
buttons. Built-in features exist for producing top, bottom, and left
margins as well as printing double or triple spaced text. Queue controls
let you pause and continue printing or delete individual files from the
New PRINTERCEPTOR feature intercepts printer output from programs using
standard TOS calls and redirects it thru the spooler. Unlike most spoolers
or print buffers, SolaPak does not require a separate spooler buffer. It
"borrows" space from the integrated ramdisk.
=== RAMDISK ===
Low overhead, ultra fast, reset tolerant, autoloads user specified files on
boot up. User selected ramdisk size, drive ID, number of files. Hard
disk compatible.
Turns your monitor off during periods of keyboard and mouse inactivity.
Restores screen instantly at the touch of a key or mouse movement. New
modem activity sensor makes it great for BBS's.
=== and MORE... ===
SolaPak is not copy protected; will automatically install at boot; works
in all screen resolutions; sets time and date; disables disk write verify;
sets printer width; includes new screen clock; 30 page manual on disk;
An installation utility makes nearly every feature OPTIONAL! SolaPak is
written entirely in assembly language for the fastest speed and smallest
=== Ramdisk Autoloading === excerpt from the SolaPak manual
Built into SOLAPAK.PRG is the ability to load a user specified list of
files into the ramdisk. With this option enabled SolaPak looks for a
file called COPY2RAM.DEF in the AUTO folder of the boot disk. If this
file is found it is opened and used as the list of files to be loaded.
If this file can't be found then the line specified in SPMOD by
'RAM LOAD =xxxxx' is used. This line is treated as the equivalent of
COPY2RAM.DEF with a single line in it.
The ramdisk loading algorithm supports wildcards of '*' and '?'. It
will copy folder structures and files under those folder structures down
to a level of approximately 4 folders deep. It supports a "from,to"
syntax that lets you rename files, move files out of folders, or move
files into folders as you load them into the ramdisk.
Syntax: <source file> [, <dest file>] [; comments ]
Examples: file1.prg , \tools\file1.prg ; move down 1 level
file2.prg , \tools\editor.ttp ; move and rename
\auto\file3.doc, file3.doc ; move up 1 level
B:\include\*.h ; wildcard usage
\source\*.* , \source\*.* ; replicate a folder
\source\*.* ; copy folder into ramdisk
*.doc , \fold1\fold2\*.* ; move down 2 levels
A:\fold1\fold2\*.* , \fold2\*.* ; copy and move up 1 level
*.asm , *.s ; wildcard renames too!
=== Memory Usage ===
The following table identifies valid combinations of the five major
functions of SolaPak and the corresponding RAM usage resulting from
the installation of that particular combination. (numbers may vary
slightly for the DEMO version).
K R K R R usage
===================== =====
* - - - - 1536 bytes
- * - - - 512
- - * - - 512 +
- - * * - 1536 +
- - * * * 3072 +
* * - - - 1536
* - * - - 1536 +
* - * * - 2560 +
* - * * * 3584 +
- * * - - 1024 +
- * * * - 2048 +
- * * * * 3072 +
* * * * * 4096 +
"+" denotes additional ramdisk overhead.
The ramdisk overhead is determined by the size of the ramdisk plus the
number of files to be supported. We have tested many other ramdisks
and believe that SolaPak has the lowest overhead of them all when
configured only as a ramdisk.
The desk accessory memory usage is ~8,500 bytes. The use of the desk
accessory is optional, except when the use of the SPOOLER is desired.
The ramdisk speed has been benchmarked with the following results:
transfers of 1K files @ 1,241,200 bytes/second.
transfers of 100K files @ 1,500,350 bytes/second.
=== limitations of the SOLAPAK demo ===
- The demo will only print the first 8000 bytes of a file using the spooler.
However, files printed using the PRINTERCEPTOR are not limited.
- The demo does not come with SPMOD, a utility for changing the options and
configuration of SolaPak.
- The demo does not come with the full instructions. The commercial version
includes a 30 page instruction file on disk.
- The demo is set up with printer codes and printer buttons for an EPSON
FX-85 printer. The commercial version (real thing) lets you redefine
all buttons. The real thing comes with some example button definitions
for over 17 common printers. Printers not supported can be easily set up
by the user.
- You are prompted as to whether to install the SCREEN CLOCK. This can be
set as enabled, disabled, or prompt on boot-up in the real thing.
- The screen clock digits use the "digital" font in monochrome mode. é⇧ם]⇧Y∙±üij⑨±æ ±Çqij①⇧⇧9≡0 ±ח≡æ⇧1ijÖ±⓪⇧τ\⇧Õ>✓ו① real thing.
- You are prompted as to whether to i~staqÄ⑦§∮Ñ≡Ç4IÇ*q⇩Ü
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You can fix the size of the ramdisk, or have it ask on boot. You can
also adjust the number of files supported in the root directory up to a
value of 256 or have it prompt you on boot. And the drive ID used is
adjustable between "C" thru "P" in the real thing.
- The time and date are set on boot up. This can be disabled on the real
- Disk write verifies are disabled on boot up. This can be disabled on
the real thing.
- Printer width is set to 8 inches. This can be set for 15 inches or disabled
on the real thing.
- Ramdisk autoloading is enabled and in the absence of a COPY2RAM.DEF
file in the AUTO folder SolaPak will load all *.DOC files into the
ramdisk on boot up. The autoloading can be disabled in the real thing.
* format a fresh disk
* Create an AUTO folder on the new disk
* If you have an add on clock, place the time setting utility provided
by the manufacturer into the AUTO folder.
* Copy SOLAPAK.PRG into the AUTO folder.
* Copy SOLAPAK.ACC, SOLAPAK.DOC, and DESKTOP.INF into the new disk.
* Reboot your computer using a complete power off.
The Printerceptor should work transparently. Use the normal print
method of the utility you are working with. If it uses the standard TOS
and GEM printer calls it will be captured by the printerceptor and
queued thru the spooler/ramdisk.
In the desk accessory "SOLAPAK..."
* click on the watch icon to toggle the screen clock on/off.
* click on the monitor icon to toggle the screen saver on/off.
* click on the printer icon to halt output from the spooler and
printerceptor to the printer.
* click on the funnel icon to disable the printerceptor and allow
printer output to go straight to the printer rather than thru
the spooler's intercept scheme.
* click on buffer flush to send about 1000 null bytes to the printer
to flush the queue or unstick jammed graphics dumps.
* click on the hard reset button to simulate a power-off reset of
your computer (ramdisk contents will be lost).
* click on "PRINT FILE" to select a file to print, then select print
buttons and finish with PRINT/CANCEL.
* click on "SOLAPAK v3.0" and then select a filename to perform a
quick print using the last button settings.
=== HOW TO ORDER ===
Send cash, check, or money order for $30 to:
Tim Hunkler
Solar Powered Software
1807 N. Evergreen
Chandler, AZ 85224
Arizona residents add appropriate sales tax.
For questions leave mail on GENIE for T.HUNKLER
Join in the discussions on GENIE under the ATARI round table.