To do this, use the putc command to create a fh⇧êOÇ⇩⇧âנüâêOîüä7À⓪1ÃØ2¨åà4Ã⑥⓪0Ã2⓪:¨ØÉ:42É1ã´⓪1ÃÀÀãÃ2⓪:7É57œÃ⓪:42É34À2¨û⓪7¨⓪:¨ØÉ:42É0Õ82Ã24Ã3åà92Ø4¨2õ´4ÃÃ⓪④④ù╱à?╱à)¶¨´2ÀÉ⑨⓪7Õ2¨0´4Ã3É2Ã;4¨7Ã6ØÃ:⓪⓪⓪*¨Ø¨③¨É#´œØ2É⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪:2õœ74õãÀ╱à⑥ûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûûtance,
dir > fred.doc | pr
is not valid.
The pipe has to create a temporary file while in use, which is deleted when
no longer needed (named PIPE.TMP). The place where this is created can be
set by setting the TMPPATH system variable.
Another theoretical device, stderr, exists within System2, which determines
where error messages are sent. For example
set stderr=AUX:
sends all System2 error messages to the AUX: device. Note that this may
not work with external TOS programs, since stderr is not normally defined
on the ST.
Also look at - set, system variables
System 2 operating environment User's Guide macros
The decr command will subtract 1 from the value held in a variable.
decr %count
decr %value
decr is very useful if used in a loop in an xsl program ij#7¨⓪2¶0ÀÕ62û⓪:42åà<9À⓪897ø¨0À¥╱à╱à⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪9Ø´⓪②õôÃ:ÿÿ╱à⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⑦⓪67ÃÕ╱à⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪2õœ7É①$2À67æ╱à⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪2õœ7åà⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪22õ¨⓪②õôÃ:╱à⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪4ø⓪4¨´9:ØÉ②õôÃ:>ÿ⓪É3ô7É67ÃÕ⓪É2Ã24ø╱à⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪
Variables are a special type of macro, and in most instances, a macro can
be used in place of a variable. Variables are set up in exactly the same
way as a macro, but they are distinguished from macros by putting a % sign
at the start of the name, for example,
set %age=19
The main differences from macros are:
o In the input, unset, incr, etc. commands, the name of the variable
does not need to be put in quotes, eg incr %age instead of incr "age"
o Substitution of the value only occurs if the variable is given on
its own as a parameter, eg
set age="fred"
echo 123age456
displays 123fred456
but set %age="fred"
echo 123%age456
displays 123%age456
Variables' values can be easily changed with the set, incr and decr
commands. See the relevant sections for details.
System 2 operating environment User's Guide system variables
The mcat command will append a string to the end of a macro or variable,
and reassigns the resulting string to the macro or variable. An example
use of thh⇦OéÃ⓪0Ã⓪<9À⓪897õØØ:¨2É4¨É9œ7†Ã⓪12À7†¥╱à╱à⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⑤⓪$Ã8:´⓪3:À6⓪70ÀØåà⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪4Ã8:´⓪②œÃ4´4ãÀ9É①"Ã:2¨⓪4Ã4´4ãÀ9ƒ①╱à⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪4Ã8:´⓪②¨´¨70ÀØÉ①"Ã:2¨⓪9´¨70À؃①╱à⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪9Ø´⓪②Ã0ÀØßÆœÃ4´4ãÀ9åà⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪6õã´⓪②Ã0ÀØÉ②¨´¨70ÀØåà⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪2¶4´╱à╱à"¶0ÀÕ62¨¥╱à⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪ mcat %fred "abc"
mcat %fred %bill
See also: set, unset, mkill
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands mkdir