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----------****-----Operating Environment for the Atari ST-----*************--
(C) Copyright 1989 DW Software. Written by David Wild.
U S E R ' S M A N U A L
System 2 operating environment User's Guide index page 1
Introduction and details intro
About the author author
A note on the syntax used in this manual syntax
Starting System2 starting
General usage of System2 general
Special characters special
Device names devices
Redirection & piping redirection
Macros macros
Variables variables
System Variables system
XSL programs xsl-programs
The little things in life oddments
Writing programs to run under System2 technical
Internal Commands
baud baud
cat cat
cd cd
chmod chmod
clear clear
contains contains
cp cp
date date
decr decr
del del
dir dir
diskfree diskfree
drive drive
echo echo
else else
endif endif
equal equal
exists exists
exit exit
false false
getc getc
goto goto
if if
incr incr
input input
istrue istrue
locate locate
ls ls
mcat mcat
mkdir mkdir
mkill mkill
mv mv
notequal notequal
path path
pr pr
putc putc
System 2 operating environment User's Guide index page 2
pwd pwd
quit quit
ren ren
result result
rm rm
rmdir rmdir
set set
time time
true true
type type
unset unset
xsl xsl
. .
$ $
* *
External commands
help help
bombs bombs
tl50 tl50
tl25 tl25
Glossary glossary
System 2 operating environment User's Guide Introduction
System 2 is an operating system shell for the Atari ST computer. It should
work without problem on all versions of the computer and TOS.
What is an operating system shell (a.k.a Command Line Interpreter)?
An OS shell, like System2, provides a different method of giving commands
to the computer. The usual way of controlling things on the ST is via the
GEM desktop, where you drag files around, etc. with the mouse. This is all
good stuff, but there are many instances when it can be restrictive, such
as in copying & deleting files, formatting text, running TOS programs, etc.
This is where System2 comes into it's own. It allows commands to be typed
in, instead of using a graphical front end, and is in many ways similar to
Unix*. Here are some of it's features:
o Unix Style command entry
o Full input/output redirection & piping
o Around 50 built-in commands
o Ability to quickly recall the last 10 commands typed
o Only takes up around 45K of memory
o Aliasing and variables
o Mini programming language with IFs and GOTOs
o Built in expression evaluator
System2 is Copyright (C) 1989 by DW Software, and was written using
Mark Williams C and assembler by:
David Wild
62 Lascelles Avenue
North Humberside
HU19 2EB
* UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories
System 2 operating environment User's Guide About the author
About the author
Hello! I'm David Wild, the author of System2, and I just thought I'd say
a bit about myself. I'm 19, and am currently doing a computer science
degree at Aston University in Birmingham. The idea for writing System2
came from an interest in Unix, so many of the commands have a similar
"Look and feel" to them (Oh dear, I shouldn't have said that. What's
betting I have 100 lawsuits from AT&T through the door in a few weeks
time!!). System2 isn't anywhere near as powerful as Unix (TM (R) (C) etc..)
but it is hopefully a useful program.
If you have any suggestions, queries, complaints, etc., please write to me
62 Lascelles Avenue
North Humberside
HU19 2EB
Or send JANET EMail to
System 2 operating environment User's Guide syntax
The following syntax conventions are used in this manual when describing
o Items of text written directly should be typed in directly
o Text enclosed in < and > signifies where you should supply some
information, eg a filename
o Items in square brackets, ie [ and ], are optional
o Items separated by a bar (|) mean you can enter ONE of the separated
o An ellipsis (...) means that the last item can be repeated several times
Do not confuse the < and > above with the redirection operators, or
the | sign with the piping operator.
cat [<filespec> ... ]
^ ^ ^
type supplied may be
directly value repeated
\______ ______/
System 2 operating environment User's Guide starting
To start up System2, insert the disk and double click on the SYSTEM2.TOS
icon. System2 will only work in medium or high resolution.
System 2 operating environment User's Guide general usage
When you first load up System2, an introductory message will appear, and a
prompt (a $ sign) will appear, which means that the computer is telling you
it's waiting for you to type something (the prompt can be changed with the
set command). At this prompt, you can type in a command line. A command
line takes the following form:
command [<qualifiers>] [<parameters>] [< <input>] [> <output>]
After a command line is typed, the RETURN key is pressed in order to
carry out a command.
The command is the name of the command which you want to carry out, which
can be either the name of an in-built command (see the internal commands
section of the manual), or the name of an external command (ie a program
on a disk that you wish to run. The following are examples of valid
External commands are assumed to have the filename extension .tos, .ttp
or .prg. Note that GEM programs (ie that use the mouse) cannot be run
under System2.
The parameters are values that are supplied to a command, such as
filenames and data. The qualifiers are only used in some commands, and
are a special type of parameter: they start with a '-' and consist of a
set of letters which dictate the ways in which the commands work.
For example, in the dir command,
dir -w *.c
the w qualifier sets the dir command to work in wide mode.
The <input and >output parts define any redirection that may take place,
and are discussed in the section on redirection & piping.
More than one command line can be placed on one line. Command lines are
separated by a ; or a | character. A ; allows several commands to be
entered on one line as if they had been typed consecutively on several
lines, for example
dir -w ; cat
is the same as typing
dir -w
System 2 operating environment User's Guide general usage page 2
If the | (pipe) character is used, then the output of one command is
fed into the next. See the section on redirection & piping for more
A few control keys will work whilst typing, which allows simple editing.
Pressing BACKSPACE deletes the last character entered. Pressing
CONTROL and A restores deleted characters one by one, and CONTROL R
will move back through the last 10 command lines typed, allowing you
to repeat commands. For example, if you had typed "cobmands" instead
of "commands", you could press BACKSPACE 6 times, type "m", then press
CONTROL A five times, to restore the other deleted characters.
By default, all characters on the line are converted to upper case, and
items of text cannot contain spaces (as these would be interpreted as
separating parameters, etc). To remedy this, items may be placed in quotes
(either double or single) which allows spaces, and text in quotes is not
put into upper case. Also, items in quotes will not be treated as
potential variables or be subject to macro substitution (see section on
macros & variables). For example, the echo command displays it's parameters
on the screen, so
echo hello
would display HELLO on the screen. However,
echo "hello"
or echo 'hello'
would display
on the screen.
If you wish to include a quote character within quotes, use the opposite
type of quotes for the text. For example,
echo "This is 'some' text"
displays This is 'some' text
and echo 'This is "some" text'
displays This is "some" text
A command line may only be 80 characters long. Unpredictable results may
occur with lines longer than this.
System 2 operating environment User's Guide special characters
" or ' For enclosing literal text
; Separates commands on a line
| Pipes commands together
< Allows input redirection
> Allows output redirection
% Starts a variable name
BACKSPACE Deletes last character entered
CONTROL A Undelete character
CONTROL R Recall command line
System 2 operating environment User's Guide devices
When using System2, there are three reserved filenames which correspond
to actual physical devices - the screen, the RS232 port and the printer.
The device names may be used in place of file names, and allow the
devices to be treated as files. The devices are:
CON: Refers to screen for output
& keyboard for input
AUX: Refers to a device connected to the RS232 port
PRN: Refers to the printer for output.
Inputting from this device is not possible.
These devices are especially useful in redirection, for example,
echo "Hello" > prn:
prints "Hello" on the printer. By default, input and output is to the
CON: device.
System 2 operating environment User's Guide redirection & piping
Most commands allow data to output to a theoretical device called the
standard output (stdout) and input from a theoretical standard input
(stdin). By default, the stdin and stdout are mapped to the CON: device
(see section on devices), corresponding to keyboard for input and the
screen for output, but these can be changed. This is known as redirection.
A device can be permanently set for stdin or stdout by using the set
command. For example, after typing
set stdin=AUX:
all input will be taken from a device, such as a terminal, connected to the
RS232 port. Correspondingly,
set stdout=PRN:
will send all output to the printer instead of the screen. Issuing a
set stdout=CON:
command will return back to normal screen output.
There is another method of redirection, which allows a single command
to output to either a device or a disk file, and input from either a
device or disk file. It is carried out using the '<' and '>' symbols;
'<' stands for input redirection and '>' for output redirection. These
symbols, if given, should come after the command and it's parameters. The
symbols are followed by either the name of a disk file, or the name of
a device (CON:, AUX:, or PRN:). For example,
echo "Hello" > prn:
prints "Hello" on the printer
cat > fred.doc
Takes input from the keyboard, & puts it into file fred.doc
cat <bill.doc >fred.doc
Takes input from the file bill.doc and puts it into fred.doc (effectively
copying file bill.doc to file fred.doc.
System2 is not fussy about whether spaces are present or not between the
command and the '<' or '>' symbol, or between the symbol and the filename.
There is a special kind of output redirection to a file: if two '>' symbols
are placed together, then output will be added to the end of an existing
file, instead of a new file being created. For example,
cat bill.doc >> fred.doc
will append file bill.doc onto the end of file fred.doc.
System 2 operating environment User's Guide redirection & piping page 2
There is yet another kind of redirection - piping. Piping allows the
output of one command to be taken as the input of another. The
commands are separated by the '|' (bar) symbol. For example,
dir | pr -i10
will display a disk directory with a left margin of 10 spaces - the output
of dir (a directory listing) is fed in as the input to the pr command
which, in this case, displays it on the screen with a left margin.
Piping & redirection can be mixed, so
dir | pr -i10 > neatdir.doc
would do the same as above, but it sends the output to a file called
neatdir.doc. Pipes can be used together, for example, if you had a disk
program called uniq.ttp which removed identical lines from a file, then
you could type
dir | uniq | pr -i10 > neatdir.doc
You cannot both redirect and pipe the output of a command - for instance,
dir > fred.doc | pr
is not valid.
The pipe has to create a temporary file while in use, which is deleted when
no longer needed (named PIPE.TMP). The place where this is created can be
set by setting the TMPPATH system variable.
Another theoretical device, stderr, exists within System2, which determines
where error messages are sent. For example
set stderr=AUX:
sends all System2 error messages to the AUX: device. Note that this may
not work with external TOS programs, since stderr is not normally defined
on the ST.
Also look at - set, system variables
System 2 operating environment User's Guide macros
Suppose you wanted the dir command to split it's output into pages of
length 20 lines with 2 lines between pages. You can do this by typing
dir | pr -l20s2
but it is tedious typing this every time. However if you type in
set neatdir:"dir | pr -l20s2"
then every time you type in neatdir, you will get a split listing - try
it! The name 'neatdir' is called a macro.
Once a macro has been set as above, then EVERY occurrence of this string
on the command line (except text in quotes) is replaced by the supplied
string. For example, after typing
set much:"a load of"
echo "This is "much" rubbish"
would display This is a load of rubbish
and echo thismuchrubbish
Care should be taken - if you defined a macro, for example,
set in:"set stdin=aux:"
then typing
echo i-think-we-made-a-mess
Macros can be unset by the mkill command or by using unset. Note that the
macro name should be placed in quotes, eg
unset "much"
or else the name of the macro to be unset will be taken as the VALUE of
Commands to look at - set, unset, mkill, incr, decr, eval, echo
System 2 operating environment User's Guide variables
Variables are a special type of macro, and in most instances, a macro can
be used in place of a variable. Variables are set up in exactly the same
way as a macro, but they are distinguished from macros by putting a % sign
at the start of the name, for example,
set %age=19
The main differences from macros are:
o In the input, unset, incr, etc. commands, the name of the variable
does not need to be put in quotes, eg incr %age instead of incr "age"
o Substitution of the value only occurs if the variable is given on
its own as a parameter, eg
set age="fred"
echo 123age456
displays 123fred456
but set %age="fred"
echo 123%age456
displays 123%age456
Variables' values can be easily changed with the set, incr and decr
commands. See the relevant sections for details.
System 2 operating environment User's Guide system variables
There are several variables which are already defined in System2. These
can be split into two types - ones which can be set with the Set command,
and ones which cannot. If system variables are being set with the set
command, then the % sign is not entered - eg to set the %stderr system
variable to AUX:, you would enter
set stderr=aux:
but you would still type
echo %stderr
System variables which can be set:
%colour 0-3 Sets colour pen used for text output
%echo ON or OFF Determines whether text input is
echoed on the standard output (useful
for entering passwords and on echoing
%lf ON or OFF Sets if linefeeds contain LF character
%paper 0-3 Sets colour pen used for background
%prompt any string Contains system prompt
%stderr CON: AUX: or PRN: Standard error device
%stdin CON: AUX: or PRN: Standard input device
%stdout CON: AUX: or PRN: Standard output device
%syscol 0-3 Colour pen used for text input
%tmppath pathname place where temporary pipe files are
System variables which can't be set:
%result Contains returned result of last command
screenres Contains screen resolution - 0=low, 1=medium, 2=high
System 2 operating environment User's Guide xsl-programs
System2 has a batch programming facility known as XSL (eXternal Script
Language). This allows System2 commands to be placed in sequence in a file,
and this file is read in using the xsl command, and the commands are
executed as if they had been typed into System2. Simple programming
constructs are catered for, namely IF and GOTO.
Files containing XSL programs should have the extension .XSL. Some sample
XSL files are provided in the directory SAMPLE.XSL. XSL programs can be
created with any text editor, such as the micro emacs editor.
XSL programs can be passed parameters like programs. These paramaters are
assigned to variables %1, %2, ... etc up to %9. So if an XSL program
was run as follows (assuming it was called fred.xsl):
XSL fred hello there
then %1 would equal HELLO and %2 would equal THERE. Another variable,
%argc, contains the number of parameters supplied.
If a file PROFILE.XSL exists in the same directory as System2, then when
System2 is executed, this XSL program is read in and executed.
See also: xsl, if, goto
System 2 operating environment User's Guide oddments
The Little things in life...
Here are some handy uses of System2 which may not be immediately obvious...
Printing out files
Often, you want to print a file on the printer to put into a binder, say.
Unfortunately, the GEM printing function does not have any formatting
capabilities. Using the pr command, you can set the left hand margin, and
split the file into neat pages for printing.
Sending control codes to the printer
If you wish to set your printer to a certain print mode, then this can
easily be done using the putc command.
Copying files
The cp and cat commands are much more powerful than the GEM equivalents
Putting control codes at the start or end of files
To do this, use the putc command to create a file with the control codes
in, and use the cat command to join the files, or use the appending
redirection (>>).
System 2 operating environment User's Guide technical
Writing programs to run under System2
When System2 loads up an external program, it passes to it a command line
containing the parameters, and also an environment string which contains:
(i) The name of a file used for input redirection, or a space if non exists
(ii) A space
(iii) The name of the current stderr device (CON:, AUX:, or PRN:)
These can be used in C by the following main construct:
main(argc,argv,envp) int argc; char *argv[]; char *envp[];
/* your program */
argc contains the number of parameters, argv[1]..argv[argc] contains
the parameters, and envp[0] contains the environment string.
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands baud
Command baud
Syntax baud <rate>
The baud command allows the baud rate for the RS232 port (referenced as
AUX: under System2) to be set. The <rate> parameter refers to the baud
rate, and can be one of the following values: 19200,9600,4800,3600,2400,
2000,1800,1200,600,300,200,150,134,110,75,50. The default baud rate on
the ST is 9600 baud.
baud 9600
baud 75
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands cat
Command cat
Syntax cat [<filespec> ... ]
The primary function of the cat command is to join files together
(concatenation, hence the command name cat). However, it serves many
other purposes.
The cat command can be supplied with one or more parameters, each of which
can be a filename or a file specification containing wildcards. All
files which match the file specifications are joined together, and the
result is sent to standard output. If no parameters are supplied, then
input is taken from the standard input.
cat is very useful for use with redirection, as shown in the examples
cat > fred.doc Copies input from the keyboard to fred.doc
cat fred.doc Displays the file fred.doc on the screen
cat fred.doc bill.doc Displays fred.doc and bill.doc
cat fred.doc > bill.doc Copies file fred.doc to file bill.doc
cat a*.* b*.* Displays all files starting with a or b
cat *.c fred.doc Displays all files ending in .c, followed
by fred.doc
cat ch1.wp ch2.wp > book.wp Makes a new file book.wp containing ch1.wp
and ch2.wp joined together.
cat ch3.wp >>book.wp Adds ch3.wp on to the end of book.wp
cat fred.doc > prn: Sends file fred.doc to the printer
cat < fred.doc Displays the file fred.doc on the screen
cat <aux: >prn: Takes input from a console connected to the
RS232 port, and sends it to the printer.
If input is taken from the keyboard and redirected to another output, as
in the first example above, the typed information will still be displayed
on the screen to allow for verification.
If input is taken from the keyboard, or a redirected input, then as soon
as a CONTROL Z character is encountered (character 27), then input is
terminated. So, in the first example above, you would type the information
that you wished to be in the file fred.doc, then hold down the CONTROL key
and press Z to end the input. CONTROL Z's in unredirected files are treated
as any other character.
Pressing CONTROL S and CONTROL Q during displaying a file on the screen will
cause the screen to freeze and be released, enabling text to be viewed
before it scrolls off the screen. Do not press CONTROL C during output, or
else you may be aborted to the desktop.
Note that pressing return while typing into a file using cat will only
result in a carriage return being sent (sending the cursor to the left
of the screen). To send a line feed (go to next line), press CONTROL J.
See also: type, cp, echo
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands cd
Command cd
Syntax cd <path>
This command changes the current directory to the given path. All further
commands (eg ls) will now operate on files in this directory. It is similar
to double clicking on a folder from GEM.
To return to the root directory (the default, top level directory that
contains all other directories and files), enter
cd \
cd \bin
cd database\customer
See also: mkdir, rmdir, pwd, drive
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands chmod
Command chmod
Syntax chmod <hrw> file
The chmod command allows the read/write and visibility status of a file
to be altered. The first parameter consists of three flags, each of
which can be the character shown above, or a dash ('-'). If the character
is supplied, then the status corresponding to that character is set to on,
otherwise it is set to off. h stands for hidden (ie not shown on the
desktop), r for read access, and w for write access.
chmod -rw fred.doc Sets fred.doc to be visible, readable,
and writable
chmod hrw fred.doc Sets fred.doc to be hidden, readable, and
chmod -r- fred.doc Sets fred.doc to be visible and read only
chmod hr- fred.doc Sets fred.doc to be hidden and read only
If a file is set to read only (ie r- as opposed to rw) then it cannot be
altered or erased unless it's status is set back to rw. All files must
be readable, so the r flag is compulsory, and only included for
familiarity with Unix users. Any other characters apart from h, r & w
in their appropriate positions are treated as being equivalent to a dash.
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands clear
Command clear
Syntax clear
The clear command clears the screen, and sets the cursor position to the
upper left hand corner of the screen.
See also: locate
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands commands
Command commands
Syntax commands
This commands produces a list of all the built-in System2 commands.
The list does not include the commands command!
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands contains
Command contains
Syntax contains <string1> <string2>
The contains command returns a value of true (0) if <string2> is contained
in <string1>, or false (-1) if it isn't. It is intended for use with the if
command, for example,
if contains %birdname "gull" ; echo "Seabird" ; echo ; endif
would print 'Seabird' on the screen if the variable %birdname contains
the string 'gull'. All tests are case sensitive.
contains "this is some text" "some" returns 0
contains "this is some text" "SOME" returns -1
contains "this is some text" some returns -1
contains "this is SOME text" some returns 0
contains thisissometext some returns 0
All tests are case sensitive, so "FRED" will not match 'Fred','fred', etc.
See also: equal, notequal, istrue
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands cp
Command cp
Syntax cp <filespec> <destfilespec>
The cp command is used to copy files from one place to another (akin to
dragging files using the GEM desktop, only more powerful). The <filespec>
parameter describes the source file(s), and can contain wildcards. The
<destfilespec> parameter either specifies the path to which the files are
to be copied, or supplies the path/file name of a single file. Except in
the latter case, files will be given the same names as the files that
are being copied.
cp a:*.c b:\source
cp *.c source
cp fred.dat b:
cp fred.dat b:john.dat
cp a:\source\*.c d:\src
Copying multiple files to one destination file (eg cp *.c b:fred.dat) is
allowed, but will result in only the last file being copied. If you wish
to create a composite file, use the cat command.
See also: cat, type
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands date
Command date
Syntax date [<dd> <mm> <yyyy>]
The date command will display the current date, or will allow the date to
be set if the three parameters (corresponding to day, month, year) are
supplied. The month is in numeric format (1-12) and the year is in four
digit format (1980-2099).
date 2 4 1989
date 14 8 1985
Validity checking is carried out on the dates, but this does not extend to
preventing the date being set to 30 February, 31 September, etc.
See also: time
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands decr
Command decr
Syntax decr <variable>
The decr command will subtract 1 from the value held in a variable.
decr %count
decr %value
decr is very useful if used in a loop in an xsl program. For example, the
xsl program:
set %count=10
. loop
echo "Hello"
decr %count
if istrue %count}0 ; goto loop ; endif
will display "Hello" 10 times
All arithmetic is in two byte integer form; decrementing below -32768 will
cause spurious results.
This command is equivalent to a two byte form of
set <variable>=<variable>-1
See also: incr, set, xsl
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands del
Command del
Syntax del <filespec>
This command is used to remove disk files that are no longer needed. A
The filespec parameter can be a single filename, in which case the given
file is deleted, or a wildcard, in which case all files that match the
specification are deleted.
Obviously, this command must be used with great care. If you wish, the
command RM can be used in place of DEL.
del fred.doc
del *.c
See also: rm, rmdir
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands dir
Command dir
Syntax dir [-[aw]] [<filespec>]
This command displays a list of all the files that are stored on a disk.
It is basically the same as the ls command, except that it produces an
MS-DOS(tm) style directory.
If the -w (wide) qualifier is specified, only the names of the files or
directories that match the filespec are output, and no distinction is made
between subdirectories and files. If the -w qualifier is not given, then the
output is of the form:
<name> <file size> <date & time of creation> <file status>
The file status is given as a decimal number. This is the standard ST
attribute byte.
If the -a qualifier is specified, then all files that match the filespec
are shown, including system files that are normally hidden from the directory
After the file list, the number of files matching the specification is shown
together with the number of bytes consumed by these files.
The optional filespec parameter can be (i) a filename with wildcards,
(ii) a disk drive letter followed by a colon, or (iii) a combination of
disk drive letter and filename.
dir *.c
dir -w a:\data\*.bak
dir -aw c:
See also: ls,cd,drive,pwd
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands diskfree
Command diskfree
Syntax diskfree [<drive letter>]
This command will show the amount of free space left on the specified
drive, or the current drive if none is specified. The message returned
is of the form:
n bytes free out of m
where n is the disk space free, and m is the total storage capability of
the disk.
The amount of space used is displayed with the dir or ls commands.
See also: dir, ls
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands drive
Command drive
Syntax drive <drive letter>
The drive command sets the default disk drive that is used by all commands.
<drive letter> must be in the range A-P, and the drive must exist. Drive A
corresponds to the first disk drive, and drive B to the second if you have
one fitted.
drive a
drive d
See also: cd
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands echo
Command echo
Syntax echo [<string1> <string2> ...]
This command outputs it's parameters to the standard output. No carriage
return is issued after the text is written. To issue a carriage return, use
echo without any parameters.
It is advisable to put direct text within quotes, otherwise it will be
converted to upper case, and will be subject to macro substitution.
Example session:
$ echo Hello
HELLO$ echo "Hello World"
Hello World$ echo "Hello World"; echo
Hello World
$ set %fred="Hello World"
$ echo %fred
Hello World$ echo Hello There World
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands else
Command else
Syntax else
The else command is intended for use with the if statement. It will execute
all commands up to the corresponding endif statement, if the result of
the last if operation was false (ie non zero). For further details, see
the if command.
See also: if, endif
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands endif
Command endif
Syntax endif
The endif command signifies the end of a conditional block of code
controlled by an if statement. For further details, see the if command.
See also: if, else
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands equal
Command equal
Syntax equal <string1> <string2>
The equal command returns a value of true (0) if <string2> is the same as
<string1>, or false (-1) if it isn't. It is intended for use with the if
command, for example,
if equal %birdname "puffin" ; echo "Seabird" ; echo ; endif
would print 'Seabird' on the screen if the variable %birdname was equal to
the string 'puffin'. All tests are case sensitive.
equal "fred" "fred" returns 0
equal "Fred" "fred" returns -1
equal "fred" fred returns -1
equal "fred" "james" returns 0
equal fred fred returns 0
All tests are case sensitive, so "FRED" will not match 'Fred','fred', etc.
See also: notequal, contains, istrue
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands eval
Command eval
Syntax eval <expression> [<expression> ...]
The eval command will evaluate a number of supplied expressions, and will
print the results out on the standard output. An expression can consist
of any one of the following:
(i) A numeric value, which is a number or a variable that gives a number.
Examples: 5, 300000, 12345678, %age, %value
(ii) A number of numeric values separated by operators
Examples: 5*8, 3+2*5, %age*2+71, %age/2=%value*50
Valid operators are (in order of precedence):
* (multiply) / (divide) + (add) - (subtract)
= (equal) { (less than) } (greater than)
If a non-numeric & non-variable string is found, it will yield a value of
eval 3*8+%age %age}17 3*3=9
- which, supposing age=15, results in 39 0 1 being displayed on the screen.
All arithmetic is integer, ie no decimal points are allowed. The =
operator yields 1 if the expressions to either side are equal, or 0 if
they are not. Similarly { and } yield 1 if the left expression is less
or greater than the right expression respectively, otherwise 0. These
symbols were chosen instead of the more common < and > in order to avoid
possible confusion with the redirection symbols < and >.
See also: istrue, echo
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands exists
Command exists
Syntax exists <filespec>
This command returns true (0) if a file exists that matches the given
file specification, otherwise it returns false (-1).
exists fred.doc
exists *.c
exists *.*
The primary use of exists is in conjunction with the if statement in xsl
program. For example, the xsl segment
if exists "database.def"
* do nothing
echo "You need to create a database.def file!"
exit -1
would exit with a suitable error message if the file database.def does
not exist.
See also: if, xsl, $
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands exit
Command exit
Syntax exit [<value>]
The exit command will stop execution of an xsl procedure, and return the
user to the System2 prompt. If a value is specified, this will be returned
to System2 as the return value of the xsl command, zero being returned by
exit -1
See also: xsl, quit
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands false
Command false
Syntax false
This command returns the value false (-1).
See also: true
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands getc
Command getc
Syntax getc
The getc command allows a single character to be input from the standard
input (the keyboard in most circumstances). It returns a value between
0 and 255 corresponding to the ASCII value of the character that was
typed. If the input is from the keyboard (CON:, the default), then the
character is echoed on the screen.
See also: putc, input
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands goto
Command goto
Syntax goto label
The goto command is for use in xsl procedures, and causes a branch to
a part of the program that is labelled with the given label. A label
consists of a line in the program that contains a decimal point followed
by a space and the label name. See the decr command for a demonstration
of goto.
goto loop
See also: xsl,. ,decr
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands if
Command if
Syntax if <command-line>
The if command allows commands to be executed only in certain
circumstances. The if command is followed by any System2 command line, and
it executes all commands up to the corresponding else or endif statement
only if this command line returns a value of true (0). This makes it
especially useful with the contains, equal, exists, false, istrue, and
true commands. Any commands between an else and an endif command are
executed only if the command line returns false (non zero). After the
endif, all processing carries on as normal. The if command is usually used
in two ways, either directly typed into System2, as in
if istrue %age}17 ; echo "you can vote" ; echo ; endif
which displays "you can vote" if %age is greater than 17 (note the use of
the semicolon to separate the commands), or in an xsl program, such as the
segment below:
if istrue %age}17
echo "you can vote"
echo "you can't vote"
Nested ifs are allowed, provided they are all finished off with a
corresponding endif.
See also: else, endif, contains, equal, exists, false, istrue, true, xsl
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands incr
Command incr
Syntax incr <variable>
The incr command will add 1 to the value held in a variable.
incr %count
incr %value
incr is very useful if used in a loop in an xsl program. For example, the
xsl program:
set %count=0
. loop
echo "Hello"
incr %count
if istrue %count{10 ; goto loop ; endif
will display "Hello" 10 times
All arithmetic is in two byte integer form; incrementing over 32767 will
cause spurious results.
This command is equivalent to a two byte form of
set <variable>=<variable>+1
See also: decr, set, xsl
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands input
Command input
Syntax input <variable> [<prompt>]
The input command allows a line of text to be input from the keyboard, and
this text is assigned to the specified variable, as if the set command
had been used. If the prompt parameter is supplied, then this prompt is
displayed on standard output before the user is allowed to input. If no
prompt is supplied, then a dash ('-') is output as a prompt.
input %name
input %name "Please enter your name>"
If you do not wish a prompt to be output, then use input <variable> ""
See also: getc
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands istrue
Command istrue
Syntax istrue <expression>
This command yields a value of true (0) if the given expression is true,
else it returns a value of false. For a description of an expression, see
the eval command. The istrue command is very useful if used in conjunction
with the if command, as shown in the example below:
if istrue %size}1000 ; echo "Size too large" ; endif
istrue %fred+2=%bill-1
istrue %fred
See also: eval, equal, notequal
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands locate
Command locate
Syntax locate x y
The locate command will allow the cursor to be positioned on the screen.
The given x and y coordinates begin at 0, and are relative to the top left
of the screen. Usually, x should be from 0 to 79 and y from 0 to 24.
See also: clear
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands ls
Command ls
Syntax ls [-[la]][<filespec>]
This command displays a list of all the files that are stored on a disk.
Unless the -l (long) qualifier is specified, only the names of the files or
directories that match the filespec are output, and no distinction is made
between subdirectories and files. If the -l qualifier is given, then the
output is of the form:
<file status> <file size> <date & time of creation> <name>
The file status is given as three characters. An r indicates that the file
can be read (always the case), a w indicates that the file can be written
to (not read only), and a d indicates a subdirectory.
If the -a qualifier is specified, then all files that match the filespec
are shown, including system files that are normally hidden from the directory
After the file list, the number of files matching the specification is shown
together with the number of bytes consumed by these files.
The optional filespec parameter can be (i) a filename with wildcards,
(ii) a disk drive letter followed by a colon, or (iii) a combination of
disk drive letter and filename.
ls *.c
ls -l a:\data\*.bak
ls -al c:
See also: dir, cd, drive, pwd
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands mcat
Command mcat
Syntax mcat <macro> <string>
The mcat command will append a string to the end of a macro or variable,
and reassigns the resulting string to the macro or variable. An example
use of this in an xsl procedure is shown below:
* Input full name
input %initials "Enter initials>"
input %surname "Enter surname>"
set %name=%initials
mcat %name %surname
mcat %fred "abc"
mcat %fred %bill
See also: set, unset, mkill
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands mkdir
Command mkdir
Syntax mkdir <subdirectory>
The mkdir command creates a new subdirectory on the disk with the given
name. By default, the directory is created within the current directory.
This is similar to choosing 'Create New Folder' under the GEM desktop.
mkdir user
mkdir b:\database\files.dat
See also: cd, rmdir
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands mkill
Command mkill
Syntax mkill
The mkill command will remove all macros and variables. It is equivalent
to using unset on each individual macro or variable
See also: unset, set, mcat
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands mv
Command mv
Syntax mv <oldfilename> <newfilename>
The mv command (standing for move) allows files to be renamed. The
specified file <oldfilename> is given the name <newfilename>. The contents
of the file remain unchanged. No wildcards are allowed.
mv fred.wp fred.doc
mv thing.tmp prog.c
Files cannot be renamed across physical devices (ie disk drives), so the
command mv a:fred.doc b:fred.doc would not be valid. This command is
exactly equivalent to ren.
See also: ren, cp
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands notequal
Command notequal
Syntax notequal <string1> <string2>
The notequal command returns a value of false (-1) if <string2> is the same
as <string1>, or true (0) if it isn't. It is intended for use with the if
command, for example,
if notequal %birdname "puffin" ; echo "Not puffin" ; echo ; endif
would print 'Not puffin' on the screen if the variable %birdname was not
equal to the string 'puffin'. All tests are case sensitive.
notequal "fred" "fred" returns -1
notequal "Fred" "fred" returns 0
notequal "fred" fred returns 0
notequal "fred" "james" returns -1
notequal fred fred returns -1
All tests are case sensitive, so "FRED" will not match 'Fred','fred', etc.
See also: equal, contains, istrue
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands path
Command path
Syntax path [<pathname>]
The path command changes the default directory for executable programs (such
as bombs) to the given pathname. For example, if you had a utility fred.ttp
in subdirectory \bin, then after typing
path \bin
you could just type
to execute the program, instead of
Note that if any colons(:) or backslashes (\) appear in the program name when
typed in to be executed, the default pathname will be overridden
See also: pwd
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands pr
Command pr
Syntax pr [-[l<x>s<x>i<x>t] [<title>]] [<filespec>]
pr is a flexible command that allows a text file to be formatted. The
output is of a form particularly suitable for printing. The filespec
consists of a filename which can contain wildcards. There are four
qualifiers which can be specified, details of which are given below.
The output is by default to standard output.
l The number following this qualifier specifies the length
of a page of output, which is used by the s qualifier. The
default is 66. The length is given in printed lines.
s The number following the s qualifier specifies the number
of lines that are to be left blank at the end of each page
(for instance to skip over a page break). The default is 0.
i The number following the i qualifier specifies the number
of spaces that are to be output before each line of text,
ie the left margin indent. The default is 0.
t Specifies that a title & page numbers are to be printed.
If this qualifier is given, then the <title> parameter
must be specified, which is the title.
pr fred.dat The same as cat fred.dat
pr -i5 fred.dat Show fred.dat with a left
margin of 5 spaces.
pr -l70s10i15 fred.dat Show fred.dat with a left
margin of 15 spaces, and
use a page length of 70
lines, missing the last 10
lines on each page.
pr -l60s5t "Data file" fred.dat Show fred.dat on the screen
and use a page length of 60
lines, skipping 5 lines at
the end of each page, and
putting the title "Data file"
& the page number at the top
of each page.
pr -l60s5t "Data file" fred.dat > prn: As above, but send to the
help index | pr -l70s10 Pipes output of help into
pr for formatting.
pr cannot accept input from the keyboard like cat, since it is line
See also: cat, type
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands putc
Command putc
Syntax putc <n> [<n> <n> ...]
The putc command translates the given number(s), which should be in the range
0-255, into their ASCII character equivalents, which are then sent to the
standard output. For example,
putc 72 69 76 76 79
displays HELLO on the screen, since ASCII 72='H', ASCII 69='E', etc.
One major application of putc is in the writing of control codes. For example,
in order to be put into emphasised text mode, most Epson compatible printers
need to be sent a sequence of control codes as ASCII characters, namely
character 27 followed by character 69 (ESC E). So, to put your printer into
emphasised mode, you could type
putc 27 69 > prn:
See also: getc, echo, cat, pr
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands pwd
Command pwd
Syntax pwd
The pwd command displays the letter of the current disk drive, and the
current subdirectory that you are in. It basically reminds you which
subdirectory you are in, if any.
Example session:
$ pwd
Current directory path is A:\
$ drive b
$ pwd
Current directory path is B:\
$ cd bin
$ pwd
Current directory path is B:\BIN\
pwd is a 'Unixism', and stands for print working directory.
See also: cd, drive
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands quit
Command quit
Syntax quit
The quit command will restore the colours to their values before System2
was started, and will return to the desktop or calling program
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands ren
Command ren
Syntax ren <oldfilename> <newfilename>
The ren command allows files to be renamed. The specified file
<oldfilename> is given the name <newfilename>. The contents of the file
remain unchanged. No wildcards are allowed.
ren fred.wp fred.doc
ren thing.tmp prog.c
Files cannot be renamed across physical devices (ie disk drives), so the
command ren a:fred.doc b:fred.doc would not be valid. This command is
exactly equivalent to mv.
See also: mv, cp
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands result
Command result
Syntax result
The result command displays on the standard output the value returned by
the last command executed.System2 commands usually return 0 or more
to mean successful completion, -1 to mean error, and -2 to mean that a
syntax message was output.
This command is equivalent to typing echo %result.
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands rm
Command rm
Syntax rm <filespec>
This command is used to remove disk files that are no longer needed. A
The filespec parameter can be a single filename, in which case the given
file is deleted, or a wildcard, in which case all files that match the
specification are deleted.
Obviously, this command must be used with great care. If you wish, the
command DEL can be used in place of RM.
rm fred.doc
rm *.c
See also: del, rmdir
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands rmdir
Command rmdir
Syntax rmdir <subdirectory>
The rmdir command removes an empty subdirectory from the disk. To delete a
subdirectory with files in it, the files within the subdirectory must first
be removed (using the rm command) before the rmdir command is issued.
rmdir documents
rmdir source\c_code
See also: cd, mkdir, rm
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands set
Command set
Syntax set [<macro>[ = | : ][<value]]
The set command controls the assigning of variables and macros, and is a
fairly complex command.
If issued without any parameters, set will respond with a list of the
current values of all system variables, followed by a list of all macros
and user defined variables if any exist.
Set allows values to be assigned to either system variables, macros or
user defined variables. The single parameter consists of a variable name,
followed by an = or a : , then the value that the variable is to take.
If the separator is an = sign, then an attempt will be made to evaluate
the value to a numeric expression (see eval), so, for example, 3*6 would
yield a value of 18. However, if the separator is a colon (:), the
value will be interpreted as a direct string, so 3*6 would yield a value
of "3*6". If a value is being assigned to a system variable, then the
separator type is arbitrary: the value is interpreted according to the
sort of value the system variable holds.
If no value is given, then the specified macro or variable is de-assigned,
as with the unset command.
set Produces a list of variables
set edit:"a:\bin\me" Make macro edit equal to the string
set %fred=%age+20 Makes variable %fred with a value
20 more than the value of %age
set %fred:"%age+20" Makes variable %fred equivalent to
the string "%age+20"
set %fred= De-assign variable %fred
There must be no spaces around the = or : sign.
See also: unset, mcat, mkill,incr, decr, eval
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands time
Command time
Syntax time [<hh> <mm> <ss>]
The time command will display the current time, or will allow the time to
be set if the three parameters (corresponding to hours, minutes, seconds)
are supplied. The hours are given in 24 hour format (0-23)
time 7 41 30
time 23 31 28
See also: date
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands true
Command true
Syntax true
This command returns the value true (0).
See also: false
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands type
Command type
Syntax type <filename1> [<filename2> ... ]
The type command displays the contents of each disk file specified. The
filenames cannot contain any wildcards.
type customer.rec
type test1.c test2.c test3.c
type test4.c > prn:
Pressing CONTROL S and CONTROL Q during displaying a file on the screen will
cause the screen to freeze and be released, enabling text to be viewed
before it scrolls off the screen. Do not press CONTROL C during output, or
else you may be aborted to the desktop.
See also: cat, pr
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands unset
Command unset
Syntax unset <macro>
The unset command allows a macro or variable to be disposed of. The contents
and store are lost.
unset %fred
unset edit
System variables cannot be unset
See also: mkill, set
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands xsl
Command xsl
Syntax xsl <filename> [<param1> ... <param9>]
The xsl command will execute an xsl program with the given filename. The
file must have the extension .XSL. The optional parameters are passed
to the program as variables %1 to %9. There can be between 0 and 9
parameters, the number of which is stored in a temporary variable %argc.
xsl dobackup
xsl deldir cprogs.c
xsl newecho "ABC" 123 ABC123 %fred
This command is exactly equivalent to $. This command cannot be used
within an XSL program.
See also: $
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands .
Command .
Syntax . <label>
The . command is followed by a label which is used by the goto command
in xsl programs. See goto for more details.
. loop
. do_exit
See also: goto, xsl
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands $
Command $
Syntax $ <filename> [<param1> ... <param9>]
The $ command will execute an xsl program with the given filename. The
file must have the extension .XSL. The optional parameters are passed
to the program as variables %1 to %9. There can be between 0 and 9
parameters, the number of which is stored in a temporary variable %argc.
$ dobackup
$ deldir cprogs.c
$ newecho "ABC" 123 ABC123 %fred
This command is exactly equivalent to xsl.
See also: xsl
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands *
Command *
Syntax * <string>
The * command completely ignores any parameters that follow it. It is
meant for placing comments in xsl programs, like the good old BASIC
REM statement.
* This is a load of rubbish
* Interesting comments
See also: xsl
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - External Commands help
Command HELP
Syntax HELP <topic>|FULL
Displays help information on the specified topic, or shows the full manual
if FULL is specified. A topic of ? gives a title page, and INDEX shows
an index to the manual. The file MANUAL. must be in the root directory
of the current disk.
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - External Commands bombs
Command BOMBS
Syntax BOMBS
This produces an exception analysis after a 68000 bomb out.
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - External Commands tl50
Command TL50
Syntax TL50
This changes the screen to 50 line mode. It is for MONO MONITOR use only,
and should be followed by a CLEAR command.
See also: tl25
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - External Commands tl25
Command TL25
Syntax TL25
The TL25 command restores the screen to a 50 line mode after a tl50
command. It should be followed by a CLEAR command.
See also: tl50
System 2 operating environment User's Guide - Internal Commands glossary
Directory Either the 'root directory' which is the default, top level
directory that contains all subdirectories, and is
referenced by the name '\', or a subdirectory
Filename The name given to a file on the disk, displayed under it's
icon in GEM.
Filespec A filename or pathname that can contain wildcards
Pathname A filename that also specifies the drive &/or directory
where a file lies. The general format is
[<drive>:][<directory>\ ...]<file>
eg: a:\bin\me
or \bin\fred
or d:
or a:\
or \
Most filenames in System2 can be given as pathnames
Stderr See section on redirection
String A string is a collection of characters, numbers, etc.
Subdirectory Same as a folder under GEM. A subdirectory has the same
format as a pathname.
Wildcard A special character - * or ? - used in a filespec, to
enable more than one file to be referenced by one
filespec. * stands for any number of any character, and
? stands for one of any character. So *.* matches all
files, *.doc matches all files with extension doc, a*.*
matches all files starting with a, chapt?.doc matches
chapt1.doc, chapt2.doc, chaptx.doc, etc.