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Co-SysOp Commands - [.][C][?]
These commands may be used from any room prompt after typing [.][C]
by a user with Co-SysOp or higher access.
[A] Access User
Allows editing of the current user on-line via the local
keyboard. The system password is requested before editing can
[D] Debug
[R] Room Pointers
Displays room message and pointer information along with the
oldest message pointer, newest message pointer, and oldest
message on disk. Press [RETURN] at the "oldmsg%" prompt or
enter the "Oldest message on disk" number, they should always
be the same but may vary based on system activity.
[C] Chat Mode Toggle
Toggle to disable or enable chat mode ringer. If chat mode is
disabled, NOCHAT.BLB will be shown to the user instead of
notifying the SysOp via bell. The status line will also update
to reflect this selection.
[D] Disable BBS Toggle
If there is a situation where you wish to disable the BBS from
accepting any callers but you don't wish to shut your system off,
just use this command and all calls will be shown DISABLE.BLB and
won't be allowed to logon unless they know the system password.
After this file is show, you can press [CTRL-B] and a "Pw:"
prompt will display. Enter the disabled system password and you
can get on the BBS as normal.
[E] Execute File
Use the file selector to run any program under ST-Keep, keep in
mind that you should insure there is enough RAM available for both
programs. If this command is used from remote, the user must type
in the drive/path/filename and you must insure they they don't run
any programs that don't support modem I/O or the system will
effectively lock-up since you wouldn't be able to control them
over the modem.
[F] Floor Editor
Edit floor name and floor group access.
[G] Group Editor
Edit group names.
[K] Kill User
Delete a user account. Effectively changes their ACCESS level to
0, freeing up this userlog record for a new user.
[M] Mass Userlog Editor
This command executes BBS_ME.PRG in your system folder. You can
edit all accounts by selected fields with this program, rather
than one user at a time.
[P] Change System Password
Change the system password. This password allows access to any
user account and other secure features of the BBS, so protect it
with your life!
[S] Secure System Toggle
Make your system secure or open. If it's secure, all user
accounts are installed with access level 1, which means they can
not leave messages or make file transfers until the SysOp
upgrades their level. If your system is open, new users are
given access level 2 and the default on-line time and download
ratio that you entered with the configuration program.
[U] Userlog Editor
You will be prompted for a username to edit. Most of the users data
can be modified with this command. You can even print out the
user information from here. This command only works on an
account in the disk file, not the current user on-line.
[Z] Change Modem Init String
You can set your modem initialization string with this command.
The initialization string is sent out before the waitcall menu.
The start up string MUST contain "AT S0=1 S2=255 M0" at the very
least. These commands respectively place your modem in
auto-answer mode, refuse remote modem command access, and turn
your modem speaker off. ST-Keep handles DTR and CARRIER DETECT,
so do not force them on from your modem. If you have special high
speed modems or modems with other features, you can attempt to
include more options here if necessary so long as they don't
interfere with CD or DTR.
[?] This Menu