GEMini Atari
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146 lines
-=> Message Commands <=-
[B] Backto Previous Room
Takes you back to the first room prior to this one that had new
messages when you logged on. Any new messages in the current
room will remain new.
[E] Enter Message
Use this command to enter a message in a room. You can just start
typing as if you were using a typewriter. When you wish to end
the message or edit your message, press [RETURN] twice.
[F] Read Forward
Messages Displays all the messages in the current room from the
first message in the room to the last message in the room.
[G] Goto Next Room With New Messages
All the messages in the current room will be marked as read by
you, then you will be moved to the next room with new messages.
[I] Inspect Room's Userlist
Displays a list of users with access to this room. If it is a
public room no list will be shown since everyone will have
access. At the prompt, press [RETURN] to be shown all users
with access to this room, or enter the name or partial name of
the user you wish to search for.
[J] Jumpto Room #
Move to the room that corresponds to the number that you enter.
Press [RETURN] or use [L] at any room prompt to see the room
[K] Known Rooms List
Displays a list of roomnames. You can use [G]oto, [J]umpto,
[.][G]oto [roomname], or [.][J]umpto [roomnumber] to move to one
of these rooms. If you have floor mode turned on, only the
rooms on this floor will be shown.
[L] List Room Numbers
Displays the list of rooms along with their room number and
message count. If you have floor mode turned on, only the rooms
on this floor will be shown.
[M] Goto Mail Room
Immediately moves you to the Mail> room in order for you to read
or enter mail.
[N] Read New Messages
Displays all the new messages in this room since your last visit.
[O] Read Old Messages
Displays all the messages in the room starting from the last to
the first, without showing any new messages.
[R] Read Messages
Puts you into [R]ead mode. Press [?] to view the list of read
commands, or just press one of the valid [R]ead keys.
[S] Skip Room
Moves you to the next room with new messages while saving the new
messages in this room for you to read at a later time.
[Z] Forget Room
Allows you to forget a room that you have no interest in. If you
forget a public room, the only way you can get back to it is by
using the [.][G][roomname] command. If you forget a hidden room,
you can only return by entering the exact roomname. If you
forget an invitation only room, you must be re-invited into that
room in order to return. Use [.][R][Z] to view public rooms you
have forgotten.
-=> File Transfer Commands <=-
[D] Download File
You will be prompted for the filename that you wish to download.
Wildcards are accepted. Your default protocol will be used. If
you have any files in the hold queue, all of them will be
downloaded when this key is pressed.
[U] Upload File
Type the filename that you are going to send with your default
[1] Directory
Displays a list of files in the current directory room with the
byte size. You may use wildcards or a filename at the prompt,
otherwise just hit [RETURN] to view all the files.
[2] Extended Directory
Displays a list of files in the current directory room with the
byte size, time and date stamp for the file, and a description.
You may use wildcards or a filename at the prompt, otherwise
just hit [RETURN] to view all thefiles.
[3] New File Descriptions
Displays a list of the new files uploaded since your last call,
including byte size, time and date stamp for the file, and a
description. You may use wildcards or a filename at the prompt,
otherwise just hit [RETURN] to view all the files.
-=> Other Commands <=-
[C] Call SysOp (Chat)
Notifies the SysOp that you wish to chat. If there is no answer
please leave Mail> to the SysOp with your question.
[H] Help Files
Specific user help files. These filenames contain text relating
to the command or help in question. Simply type the filename
and hit [RETURN] to view this help.
[Q] Quick Terminate
Immediately hangs up on you and saves your userlog information.
If you have new messages in the current room they will not be
made old, so be sure to leave the room if you don't want to read
them again.
[T] Terminate Connection
Asks you if you really wish to hang up, reply yes. Otherwise works
the same as [Q].
[X] Change Configuration
Allows you to change the various information for your personal
account. See the helpfile USEREDIT.
[.] Extended Commands ([.][?])
Extended (Dot) commands are very useful for features not available
or for more powerful features than are available with standard
single key commands.
[*] On-Line Games
Displays the menu for On-Line Games, make your choice and you'll
return to the BBS after your session.
[%] Die Roller
If the current room supports dice, you can roll your selection
of dice from the menu. This feature is usefull for BBSs that
have active Role Playing Games that require die rolls for
[?] Help
You can use this key virtually anywhere if you need to know what the
valid commands at any time are. It will work at any room prompt or
inside the extended commands or other prompts.