GEMini Atari
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316 lines
* This file contains routines which can be used to determine the character
* present at a given location in a window. These functions are used to
* determine the character under the mouse cursor, and for the log-top printer
* function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <osbind.h>
#include "windefs.h"
extern struct wi_str w[];
int highlighted_wdes = -1; /* make this global now for use in winmain.c*/
* char_at returns the ascii code of the character in wdes window at
* (x_loc, y_loc) cursor position. Zero is returned if the character can
* not be identified.
int char_at(wdes, x_loc, y_loc)
int wdes, x_loc, y_loc;
register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
int ch, width, boffset, count, cur_y, cur_x;
register unsigned long mask;
register unsigned long *dptr;
register int shift;
register FNT *fnt = wp->font;
static char pa[32]; /* pixel array containing character image */
cur_x = x_loc * fnt->inc_x + X0;
cur_y = y_loc * fnt->inc_y + wp->top_y;
width = 2 * wp->wi_mf.wwords;
boffset = wp->m_off+cur_x+fnt->inc_x-1;
dptr = ((char *)(wp->wi_mf.ptr)) + cur_y * width
+ ((boffset >> 4) << 1) - 2;
shift = 15 - (boffset & 15);
mask = (-1L<<(shift+fnt->inc_x)|(1<<shift)-1);
for (count = 0; count < fnt->inc_y; count ++)
pa[count] = (*dptr & (~ mask)) >> shift;
((char *) dptr) += width;
ch = which_char(fnt, &fnt->f_hash, pa);
if (ch == 0) /* Not found, check for inverse vidio case */
for (count = 0; count < fnt->inc_y; count ++)
pa[count] = ~pa[count] & (1<< fnt->inc_x) - 1;
ch = which_char(fnt, &fnt->f_hash, pa);
return (ch);
* which_char returns the ascii code of the character bitmap in pa from font
* font using hash table htbl.
int which_char(font, htbl, pa)
FNT *font;
HTBL *htbl;
char *pa;
register int i, h, n;
h = hash_char (pa, font->inc_y);
if ((htbl->h_t[h] & 128) == 0) /* collision bit set? */
for (i=0; i<font->inc_y; i++)
if (font->f_data[(htbl->h_t)[h] * 16 + i] != pa[i])
if (i < font->inc_y){
return 0;
return (htbl->h_t[h]);
else /* collision, search colision list for char */
n = htbl->h_t[h] & 127;
while (n != 0)
for (i=0; i<font->inc_y; i++)
if (font->f_data[(htbl->h_colision)[n].h_try * 16 + i] != pa[i])
if (i < font->inc_y)
n = htbl->h_colision[n].h_next;
return (htbl->h_colision[n].h_try);
return 0;
* gen_hash initalizes htbl with the hash table for font font.
void gen_hash(font, htbl)
FNT *font;
HTBL *htbl;
register int overflowcnt = 1;
register int np, tp, i, j;
int h;
for (i=0; i<128; i++) /* initalize */
htbl->h_colision[i].h_next = '\0';
for (i=0; i<(1<<HASHBITS); i++)
htbl->h_t[i] = '\0';
for (i=32; i<128; i++)
{ /* for each character */
h = hash_char(&font->f_data[i*16], font->inc_y);
if (htbl->h_t[h] == 0)
htbl->h_t[h] = i;
if ((htbl->h_t[h] & 128) == 0) /* already overflowed? */
{ /* No, move first element to overflow list */
htbl->h_colision[overflowcnt].h_try = htbl->h_t[h];
htbl->h_t[h] = 128 | overflowcnt;
tp = htbl->h_t[h] & 127;
j=0; /* dbug */
while ((np = htbl->h_colision[tp].h_next) != 0){
tp = np;
j++; /* dbug */
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("overflow=%d depth=%d hash %d = %d\n",overflowcnt, j, i, h);
htbl->h_colision[tp].h_next = overflowcnt;
htbl->h_colision[overflowcnt].h_try = i;
++ overflowcnt;
#ifdef DEBUG /* verify sanity of hash table */
for (i=32; i<128; i++) /* dbug */
if ((j = which_char(font, htbl, &font->f_data[i*16])) != i)
printf("%d != %d\n", i, j);
* hash_char returns the hash code for the character pixel image in pa of
* height height.
int hash_char(pa, height)
char *pa;
int height;
register int h, i, j;
for (i=0; i<height; i++)
h += pa[i] << i*3 % HASHBITS;
j = (1<<HASHBITS) - 1;
h = (h + (h >> HASHBITS + 1)) & j;
return h;
* dump_line send the y_coord'th line in the window wdes to the printer.
* zero is returned if the line was printed ok.
dump_line(wdes, y_coord)
int i;
char ch;
for (i = 0; i < w[wdes].x_chrs; i++){
ch = char_at(wdes, i, y_coord);
#if 0
if (Cprnout(ch) == 0) {
w[wdes].ptr_status = LOG_NONE;
return -1;
#if 0
if (Cprnout('\n') == 0 | Cprnout('\r') == 0) {
w[wdes].ptr_status = LOG_NONE;
return -1;
return 0;
* dump_window send the contents of wdes to the printer.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < w[wdes].y_chrs; i++){
dump_line(wdes, i);
/* copy_word fills buffer with the word at (x1, y1) from wdes
* No checks are made for buffer overflow.
copy_word(wdes, x1, y1, buffer)
int wdes, x1, y1;
char * buffer;
register int fx, lx, yo, xo;
yo = w[wdes].y_off / w[wdes].font->inc_y; /* adjust for scroll bar action */
xo = w[wdes].x_off / w[wdes].font->inc_x;
fx = x1 - 1;
lx = x1 + 1;
while (fx + xo >= 0 && char_at(wdes, fx + xo, y1 + yo) != ' ')
while (lx + xo < w[wdes].x_chrs && char_at(wdes, lx + xo, y1 + yo) != ' ')
copy_text(wdes, ++fx, y1, --lx, y1, buffer);
/* copy_text fills buffer with the text between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) from wdes
* where point 1 is before point 2. No checks are made for buffer overflow.
copy_text(wdes, x1, y1, x2, y2, buffer)
int wdes, x1, y1, x2, y2;
char * buffer;
static int old_hh;
static int old_y1;
register int cx, cy, i, lastnbi, lastnbx;
int inc_y, inc_x, top_y;
/* undo any old selected text which might be inverted on screen */
if (highlighted_wdes > 0 && w[highlighted_wdes].font != NULL)
w_update(highlighted_wdes, FM_COPY, 0, old_y1,
w[highlighted_wdes].x_chrs * w[highlighted_wdes].font->inc_x + X0 + 1,
if (y1 > y2) return; /* nothing to do */
inc_y = w[wdes].font->inc_y;
inc_x = w[wdes].font->inc_x;
top_y = w[wdes].top_y;
y1 = y1 + w[wdes].y_off / inc_y; /* adjust for scroll bar action */
y2 = y2 + w[wdes].y_off / inc_y; /* assumes _off is multiple of inc_ */
x1 = x1 + w[wdes].x_off / inc_x;
x2 = x2 + w[wdes].x_off / inc_x;
i = 0;
lastnbi = 0;
lastnbx = x1;
if (y1 > y2)
highlighted_wdes = -1; /* no undo required on next call */
old_y1 = y1 * inc_y + top_y;
old_hh = (y2 - y1 + 2) * inc_y + Y0;
highlighted_wdes = wdes;
cx = x1;
cy = y1;
while (cy < y2 || (cy == y2 && cx <= x2))
buffer[i] = char_at(wdes, cx, cy);
if (buffer[i] != ' ')
lastnbi = i;
lastnbx = cx;
cx ++;
if (cx >= w[wdes].x_chrs)
if (cy == y1) /* first line */
w_update(wdes, FM_INVERT, x1 * inc_x, cy * inc_y + top_y,
(++lastnbx - x1) * inc_x + X0, inc_y);
w_update(wdes, FM_INVERT, 0, cy * inc_y + top_y,
++lastnbx * inc_x + X0, inc_y);
cx = 0;
cy ++;
i = ++lastnbi;
lastnbx = -1;
buffer[i] = '\r';
if (cy == y1) /* one line */
w_update(wdes, FM_INVERT, x1 * inc_x, cy * inc_y + top_y,
(++lastnbx - x1) * inc_x + X0, inc_y);
w_update(wdes, FM_INVERT, 0, cy * inc_y + top_y,
++lastnbx * inc_x + X0, inc_y);
buffer[++lastnbi] = '\0';