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369 lines
* Simple test program for regexp(3) stuff. Knows about debugging hooks.
* Copyright (c) 1986 by University of Toronto.
* Written by Henry Spencer. Not derived from licensed software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely,
* subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of
* this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise
* from defects in it.
* 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either
* by explicit claim or by omission.
* 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
* be misrepresented as being the original software.
* Usage: try re [string [output [-]]]
* The re is compiled and dumped, regexeced against the string, the result
* is applied to output using regsub(). The - triggers a running narrative
* from regexec(). Dumping and narrative don't happen unless DEBUG.
* If there are no arguments, stdin is assumed to be a stream of lines with
* five fields: a r.e., a string to match it against, a result code, a
* source string for regsub, and the proper result. Result codes are 'c'
* for compile failure, 'y' for match success, 'n' for match failure.
* Field separator is tab.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <regexp.h>
/* build test strings in ++jrb */
char *test_input[] = {
"abc abc y & abc",
"abc xbc n - -",
"abc axc n - -",
"abc abx n - -",
"abc xabcy y & abc",
"abc ababc y & abc",
"ab*c abc y & abc",
"ab*bc abc y & abc",
"ab*bc abbc y & abbc",
"ab*bc abbbbc y & abbbbc",
"ab+bc abbc y & abbc",
"ab+bc abc n - -",
"ab+bc abq n - -",
"ab+bc abbbbc y & abbbbc",
"ab?bc abbc y & abbc",
"ab?bc abc y & abc",
"ab?bc abbbbc n - -",
"ab?c abc y & abc",
"^abc$ abc y & abc",
"^abc$ abcc n - -",
"^abc abcc y & abc",
"^abc$ aabc n - -",
"abc$ aabc y & abc",
"^ abc y & ",
"$ abc y & ",
"a.c abc y & abc",
"a.c axc y & axc",
"a.*c axyzc y & axyzc",
"a.*c axyzd n - -",
"a[bc]d abc n - -",
"a[bc]d abd y & abd",
"a[b-d]e abd n - -",
"a[b-d]e ace y & ace",
"a[b-d] aac y & ac",
"a[-b] a- y & a-",
"a[b-] a- y & a-",
"a[b-a] - c - -",
"a[]b - c - -",
"a[ - c - -",
"a] a] y & a]",
"a[]]b a]b y & a]b",
"a[^bc]d aed y & aed",
"a[^bc]d abd n - -",
"a[^-b]c adc y & adc",
"a[^-b]c a-c n - -",
"a[^]b]c a]c n - -",
"a[^]b]c adc y & adc",
"ab|cd abc y & ab",
"ab|cd abcd y & ab",
"()ef def y &-\\1 ef-",
"()* - c - -",
"*a - c - -",
"^* - c - -",
"$* - c - -",
"(*)b - c - -",
"$b b n - -",
"a\\ - c - -",
"a\\(b a(b y &-\\1 a(b-",
"a\\(*b ab y & ab",
"a\\(*b a((b y & a((b",
"a\\\\b a\\b y & a\\b",
"abc) - c - -",
"(abc - c - -",
"((a)) abc y &-\\1-\\2 a-a-a",
"(a)b(c) abc y &-\\1-\\2 abc-a-c",
"a+b+c aabbabc y & abc",
"a** - c - -",
"a*? - c - -",
"(a*)* - c - -",
"(a*)+ - c - -",
"(a|)* - c - -",
"(a*|b)* - c - -",
"(a+|b)* ab y &-\\1 ab-b",
"(a+|b)+ ab y &-\\1 ab-b",
"(a+|b)? ab y &-\\1 a-a",
"[^ab]* cde y & cde",
"(^)* - c - -",
"(ab|)* - c - -",
")( - c - -",
" abc y & ",
"abc n - -",
"a* y & ",
"([abc])*d abbbcd y &-\\1 abbbcd-c",
"([abc])*bcd abcd y &-\\1 abcd-a",
"a|b|c|d|e e y & e",
"(a|b|c|d|e)f ef y &-\\1 ef-e",
"((a*|b))* - c - -",
"abcd*efg abcdefg y & abcdefg",
"ab* xabyabbbz y & ab",
"ab* xayabbbz y & a",
"(ab|cd)e abcde y &-\\1 cde-cd",
"[abhgefdc]ij hij y & hij",
"^(ab|cd)e abcde n x\\1y xy",
"(abc|)ef abcdef y &-\\1 ef-",
"(a|b)c*d abcd y &-\\1 bcd-b",
"(ab|ab*)bc abc y &-\\1 abc-a",
"a([bc]*)c* abc y &-\\1 abc-bc",
"a([bc]*)(c*d) abcd y &-\\1-\\2 abcd-bc-d",
"a([bc]+)(c*d) abcd y &-\\1-\\2 abcd-bc-d",
"a([bc]*)(c+d) abcd y &-\\1-\\2 abcd-b-cd",
"a[bcd]*dcdcde adcdcde y & adcdcde",
"a[bcd]+dcdcde adcdcde n - -",
"(ab|a)b*c abc y &-\\1 abc-ab",
"((a)(b)c)(d) abcd y \\1-\\2-\\3-\\4 abc-a-b-d",
"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* alpha y & alpha",
"^a(bc+|b[eh])g|.h$ abh y &-\\1 bh-",
"(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k)) effgz y &-\\1-\\2 effgz-effgz-",
"(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k)) ij y &-\\1-\\2 ij-ij-j",
"(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k)) effg n - -",
"(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k)) bcdd n - -",
"(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k)) reffgz y &-\\1-\\2 effgz-effgz-",
"((((((((((a)))))))))) - c - -",
"(((((((((a))))))))) a y & a",
"multiple words of text uh-uh n - -",
"multiple words multiple words, yeah y & multiple words",
"(.*)c(.*) abcde y &-\\1-\\2 abcde-ab-de",
"\\((.*), (.*)\\) (a, b) y (\\2, \\1) (b, a)",
"abcd abcd y &-\\&-\\\\& abcd-&-\\abcd",
"a(bc)d abcd y \\1-\\\\1-\\\\\\1 bc-\\1-\\bc",
"[ -~]* abc y & abc",
"[ -~ -~]* abc y & abc",
"[ -~ -~ -~]* abc y & abc",
"[ -~ -~ -~ -~]* abc y & abc",
"[ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~]* abc y & abc",
"[ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~]* abc y & abc",
"[ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~]* abc y & abc",
(char *)NULL
char *progname;
extern char *mkprogname();
#ifdef DEBUG
extern int regnarrate;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
int errreport = 0; /* Report errors via errseen? */
char *errseen = NULL; /* Error message. */
int status = 0; /* Exit status. */
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
regexp *r;
int i;
progname = mkprogname(argv[0]);
if (argc == 1) {
r = regcomp(argv[1]);
if (r == NULL)
error("regcomp failure", "");
#ifdef DEBUG
if (argc > 4)
if (argc > 2) {
i = regexec(r, argv[2], 1);
printf("%d", i);
for (i = 1; i < NSUBEXP; i++)
if (r->startp[i] != NULL && r->endp[i] != NULL)
printf(" \\%d", i);
if (argc > 3) {
regsub(r, argv[3], buf);
printf("%s\n", buf);
char *s;
if (errreport)
errseen = s;
error(s, "");
#ifndef ERRAVAIL
error(s1, s2)
char *s1;
char *s2;
fprintf(stderr, "regexp: ");
fprintf(stderr, s1, s2);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
int lineno;
regexp badregexp; /* Implicit init to 0. */
char *rbuf;
char *field[5];
char *scan;
int i, j;
regexp *r;
extern char *strchr();
errreport = 1;
lineno = 0;
for(rbuf = test_input[0], j = 0; rbuf; rbuf = test_input[++j]) {
scan = rbuf;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
field[i] = scan;
if (field[i] == NULL) {
complain("bad testfile format", "");
scan = strchr(scan, '\t');
if (scan != NULL)
*scan++ = '\0';
/* And finish up with some internal testing... */
lineno = 9990;
errseen = NULL;
if (regcomp((char *)NULL) != NULL || errseen == NULL)
complain("regcomp(NULL) doesn't complain", "");
lineno = 9991;
errseen = NULL;
if (regexec((regexp *)NULL, "foo", 1) || errseen == NULL)
complain("regexec(NULL, ...) doesn't complain", "");
lineno = 9992;
r = regcomp("foo");
if (r == NULL) {
complain("regcomp(\"foo\") fails", "");
lineno = 9993;
errseen = NULL;
if (regexec(r, (char *)NULL, 1) || errseen == NULL)
complain("regexec(..., NULL) doesn't complain", "");
lineno = 9994;
errseen = NULL;
regsub((regexp *)NULL, "foo", rbuf);
if (errseen == NULL)
complain("regsub(NULL, ..., ...) doesn't complain", "");
lineno = 9995;
errseen = NULL;
regsub(r, (char *)NULL, rbuf);
if (errseen == NULL)
complain("regsub(..., NULL, ...) doesn't complain", "");
lineno = 9996;
errseen = NULL;
regsub(r, "foo", (char *)NULL);
if (errseen == NULL)
complain("regsub(..., ..., NULL) doesn't complain", "");
lineno = 9997;
errseen = NULL;
if (regexec(&badregexp, "foo", 1) || errseen == NULL)
complain("regexec(nonsense, ...) doesn't complain", "");
lineno = 9998;
errseen = NULL;
regsub(&badregexp, "foo", rbuf);
if (errseen == NULL)
complain("regsub(nonsense, ..., ...) doesn't complain", "");
char **fields;
regexp *r;
char dbuf[BUFSIZ];
errseen = NULL;
r = regcomp(fields[0]);
if (r == NULL) {
if (*fields[2] != 'c')
complain("regcomp failure in `%s'", fields[0]);
if (*fields[2] == 'c') {
complain("unexpected regcomp success in `%s'", fields[0]);
free((char *)r);
if (!regexec(r, fields[1], 1)) {
if (*fields[2] != 'n')
complain("regexec failure in `%s'", "");
free((char *)r);
if (*fields[2] == 'n') {
complain("unexpected regexec success", "");
free((char *)r);
errseen = NULL;
regsub(r, fields[3], dbuf);
if (errseen != NULL) {
complain("regsub complaint", "");
free((char *)r);
if (strcmp(dbuf, fields[4]) != 0)
complain("regsub result `%s' wrong", dbuf);
free((char *)r);
complain(s1, s2)
char *s1;
char *s2;
fprintf(stderr, "try: %d: ", lineno);
fprintf(stderr, s1, s2);
fprintf(stderr, " (%s)\n", (errseen != NULL) ? errseen : "");
status = 1;