GEMini Atari
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533 lines
# Look over config.X before building.
# You will probably want to edit where it says "EDIT HERE" below;
# the Makefile will update all other files to match.
# If you want to build non-English hash files, search for the string
# "foreignhashes" and add command lines there.
# the argument syntax for buildhash to make alternate dictionary files
# is simply:
# buildhash <dictfile> <affix-file> <outfile>
ARCH = -m68020 -m68881
CC = cgcc $(ARCH)
CFLAGS = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrength-reduce $(DEFINES)
$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -o $*.oo -c $*.c
# If you need any special libraries to get things to link, put them here.
# BINDIR - where to install user-executable binaries
# Don't forget CC above!
BINDIR = /bin
# LIBDIR - where library files (notably the hash file) go.
LIBDIR = /lib
# DEFHASH - default name for the hash file
# FOREIGNHASHES - list of other hash files
DEFHASH = english.hsh
#FOREIGNHASHES = german.hash
# DEFLANG - default language file to use when building DEFHASH
# FOREIGNLANGS - list of other language files to use when building
DEFLANG = english.aff
#FOREIGNLANGS = german.aff
# DEFDICT - default dictionary to use to build DEFHASH. Choices, in
# approximate order of increasing size: english.sml, english.sml+,
# english.med, english.med+, english.lrg, english.lrg+. Note that larger
# dictionaries increase ispell's startup time.
# Note that making the "+" dictionaries requires LOTS of temp file space
# (in either /usr/tmp or wherever your environment variable TMPDIR points).
# The biggest, "english.lrg+", takes up to 30000 blocks of temp file space
# to create. (By contrast, the non-"+" versions take temp space of about
# twice the size of the completed dictionary, except for "sml", which needs
# no temp space at all).
# Also, you should be aware that the two smaller dictionaries are much more
# accurate than the "lrg" and "lrg+" dictionaries. The smaller dictionaries
# have been checked for errors and are believed to be error-free, but the
# ones based on "english.lrg" are known to contain spelling errors. Because
# of the nature of ispell, these errors are not fatal flaws, but you should
# still be aware that they exist and be suspicious of the "lrg*" dictionaries.
# FOREIGNDICTS - list of foreign dictionaries.
DEFDICT = english.med+
#FOREIGNDICTS = german.med
GERMANDICTS = german.0
# DICTVARIANTS - variants of the English dictionary that are desired.
# Choose from "british", "american", or "altamer". (The latter is an
# extension to the American dictionary, with alternate spellings, and
# should be used together with the American list). It is possible to
# include all three variants, or to add your own, if you wish.
# British users should be a bit suspicious of the British lists,
# especially the larger ones, as the final versions were compiled by
# an American.
DICTVARIANTS = american altamer
# EXTRADICT - system dictionary (dictionaries) to be included with
# the distributed dictionaries to make the "+" versions above. Usually
# /usr/dict/words, /usr/dict/web2, or both. (Warning: /usr/dict/web2 is
# extremely big. You don't want it in most cases.)
EXTRADICT = /usr/dict/words
# MAN1DIR - where chapter-1 man pages go
MAN1DIR = /man/man1
# MAN4DIR - where chapter-4 man pages go
MAN4DIR = /man/man4
# MAN1EXT - what extension to put on chapter-1 man pages
MAN1EXT = .1
# MAN4EXT - what extension to put on chapter-4 man pages
MAN4EXT = .4
# TERMLIB - where to get the termcap library. Should be -ltermcap or -lcurses
# on most systems.
# TERMLIB = -lcurses
TERMLIB = -ltermcap
# REGLIB - where to get the regular-expression routines, if SYSTEM_LOOKUP is
# not defined. Should be -lPW on USG systems, null (I think) on BSD systems.
# If your sort command accepts the -T switch to set temp file locations
# (try it out; it exists but is undocumented on some systems), make the
# following variable null. Otherwise make it the sed script.
#SORTTMP = -e '/!!SORTTMP!!/s/=.*$$/=/'
# If your sort command accepts the -T switch (see above), make the following
# variable refer to a temporary directory with lots of space. Otherwise
# make it null.
MAKE_SORTTMP = -T $${TMPDIR-/usr/tmp}
SHELL = /bin/sh
all: programs ispell.info
all: $(DEFHASH)
all: foreignhashes
programs: buildhash.ttp findaffix tryaffix fixdict ispell.ttp icombine munchlist
programs: subset sq unsq zapdups
$(DEFHASH): buildhash.ttp $(DEFDICT) $(DEFLANG)
./buildhash.ttp $(DEFDICT) $(DEFLANG) $(DEFHASH)
# The following target provides an easy way to rebuild your default
# dictionary when you wish to do so. This dependency isn't all that
# smart, but it tries to handle the possibility that you might have
# run "make dictclean" or "make kitclean".
if [ -r english.0 ]; then \
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.st DBUILD= $(DEFDICT); \
else \
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.st BUILD= $(DEFDICT); \
install: all
cd $(BINDIR); rm -f ispell buildhash munchlist findaffix tryaffix
cp ispell buildhash munchlist findaffix tryaffix sq unsq $(BINDIR)
$(FOREIGNLANGS) icombine
chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/icombine $(BINDIR)/ispell $(BINDIR)/munchlist \
$(BINDIR)/findaffix $(BINDIR)/tryaffix $(BINDIR)/buildhash \
$(BINDIR)/sq $(BINDIR)/unsq
cd $(LIBDIR); chmod 644 $(DEFHASH) $(DEFLANG) \
rm -f $(MAN1DIR)/ispell$(MAN1EXT) $(MAN4DIR)/ispell$(MAN4EXT) \
cp ispell.1 $(MAN1DIR)/ispell$(MAN1EXT)
cp sq.1 $(MAN1DIR)/sq$(MAN1EXT)
cp ispell.4 $(MAN4DIR)/ispell$(MAN4EXT)
cp english.4 $(MAN4DIR)/english$(MAN4EXT)
if [ -d $(ELISPDIR) ]; then \
rm -f $(TEXINFODIR)/ispell $(ELISPDIR)/ispell.el; \
cp ispell.info $(TEXINFODIR)/ispell; \
chmod 644 $(TEXINFODIR)/ispell; \
cp ispell.el $(ELISPDIR); \
echo '(byte-compile-file "$(ELISPDIR)/ispell.el")' \
> /tmp/emi$$$$; \
$(EMACS) -batch $(ELISPDIR)/ispell.el -l /tmp/emi$$$$; \
rm -f /tmp/emi$$$$; \
chmod 644 $(ELISPDIR)/ispell.el $(ELISPDIR)/ispell.elc; \
ispell.info: ispell.texinfo
if [ -d $(ELISPDIR) ]; then \
$(EMACS) -batch dummy -i ispell.texinfo \
-f texinfo-format-buffer -f save-buffer; \
rm -f ispell.info~; \
fix-dictionary: all
PATH=:$$PATH sh fixdict $(DEFDICT)
munchable: findaffix tryaffix munchlist buildhash.ttp ispell.ttp icombine sq unsq
munch-dictionary: munchable
PATH=:$$PATH munchlist -l $(DEFLANG) $(DEFDICT)
# Dependencies to build extra hash files
allhashes: normhashes plushashes foreignhashes
normhashes: sml.hash med.hash lrg.hash
plushashes: sml+.hash med+.hash lrg+.hash
# Add dependencies here to build non-English hash files.
foreignhashes: $(FOREIGNHASHES)
german.hash: buildhash.ttp german.aff german.med
rm -f german.hash
if [ "$(DEFDICT)" = german.med ]; then \
make -f Makefile.st $(DEFHASH); ln $(DEFHASH) $@; \
else \
./buildhash.ttp german.med german.aff $@; \
$(DBUILD)german.med: munchable $(GERMANDICTS)
PATH=:$$PATH munchlist -l german.aff $(GERMANDICTS) > german.med
# Note that we don't use $(MAKE) in the following dependencies. There
# is a good reason for this -- if we did, "make -n" would still run buildhash.
sml.hash: buildhash.ttp english.aff english.sml
rm -f sml.hash
if [ "$(DEFDICT)" = english.sml ]; then \
make -f Makefile.st $(DEFHASH); ln $(DEFHASH) $@; \
else \
./buildhash.ttp english.sml english.aff $@; \
sml+.hash: buildhash.ttp english.aff english.sml+
rm -f sml+.hash
if [ "$(DEFDICT)" = english.sml+ ]; then \
make -f Makefile.st $(DEFHASH); ln $(DEFHASH) $@; \
else \
./buildhash.ttp english.sml+ english.aff $@; \
med.hash: buildhash.ttp english.aff english.med
rm -f med.hash
if [ "$(DEFDICT)" = english.med ]; then \
make -f Makefile.st $(DEFHASH); ln $(DEFHASH) $@; \
else \
./buildhash.ttp english.med english.aff $@; \
med+.hash: buildhash.ttp english.aff english.med+
rm -f med+.hash
if [ "$(DEFDICT)" = english.med+ ]; then \
make -f Makefile.st $(DEFHASH); ln $(DEFHASH) $@; \
else \
./buildhash.ttp english.med+ english.aff $@; \
lrg.hash: buildhash.ttp english.aff english.lrg
rm -f lrg.hash
if [ "$(DEFDICT)" = english.lrg ]; then \
make -f Makefile.st $(DEFHASH); ln $(DEFHASH) $@; \
else \
./buildhash.ttp english.lrg english.aff $@; \
lrg+.hash: buildhash.ttp english.aff english.lrg+
rm -f lrg+.hash
if [ "$(DEFDICT)" = english.lrg+ ]; then \
make -f Makefile.st $(DEFHASH); ln $(DEFHASH) $@; \
else \
./buildhash.ttp english.lrg+ english.aff $@; \
# The six dictionaries, english.sml through english.lrg+, are built
# by the following dependencies. The macros "CBUILD" and
# "DBUILD" are a sneaky trick used to keep make from trying to
# run munchlist every time a minor change is made to one of the
# C programs. If you define these macros as null, "make all"
# will automatically build the dictionaries. If you leave them
# with their default definitions, "make all" will leave the
# dictionaries alone, and you will have to type something like
# "make buildenglish.med+" to build the dictionary using
# munchlist.
# Why two macros? So you can delete {eng,amer,altamer,brit}.[012].??
# to save space, and still type "make DBUILD= all".
# The following dependencies are convenient ways to make some or
# all of the dictionaries.
BUILD = build
alldicts: normdicts plusdicts
normdicts: $(DBUILD)english.sml $(DBUILD)english.med $(DBUILD)english.lrg
plusdicts: $(DBUILD)english.sml+ $(DBUILD)english.med+
plusdicts: $(DBUILD)english.lrg+
dictcomponents: $(CBUILD)english.0 $(CBUILD)english.1 $(CBUILD)english.2
dictcomponents: $(CBUILD)american.0 $(CBUILD)american.1 $(CBUILD)american.2
dictcomponents: $(CBUILD)altamer.0 $(CBUILD)altamer.1 $(CBUILD)altamer.2
dictcomponents: $(CBUILD)british.0 $(CBUILD)british.1 $(CBUILD)british.2
$(CBUILD)english.0: unsq eng.0.??
cat eng.0.?? | ./unsq > english.0
$(CBUILD)english.1: unsq eng.1.??
cat eng.1.?? | ./unsq > english.1
$(CBUILD)english.2: unsq eng.2.??
cat eng.2.?? | ./unsq > english.2
$(CBUILD)american.0: unsq amer.0.??
cat amer.0.?? | ./unsq > american.0
$(CBUILD)american.1: unsq amer.1.??
cat amer.1.?? | ./unsq > american.1
$(CBUILD)american.2: unsq amer.2.??
cat amer.2.?? | ./unsq > american.2
$(CBUILD)altamer.0: unsq altamer.0.??
cat altamer.0.?? | ./unsq > altamer.0
$(CBUILD)altamer.1: unsq altamer.1.??
cat altamer.1.?? | ./unsq > altamer.1
$(CBUILD)altamer.2: unsq altamer.2.??
cat altamer.2.?? | ./unsq > altamer.2
$(CBUILD)british.0: unsq brit.0.??
cat brit.0.?? | ./unsq > british.0
$(CBUILD)british.1: unsq brit.1.??
cat brit.1.?? | ./unsq > british.1
$(CBUILD)british.2: unsq brit.2.??
cat brit.2.?? | ./unsq > british.2
$(DBUILD)english.sml: english.0 american.0 altamer.0 british.0
dicts="english.0"; \
for i in $(DICTVARIANTS); do \
dicts="$$dicts $$i.0"; \
done; \
set -x; \
sort -u -t/ +0f -1 +0 $(MAKE_SORTTMP) -o english.sml $$dicts
$(DBUILD)english.sml+: munchable $(EXTRADICT)
$(DBUILD)english.sml+: english.0 american.0 altamer.0 british.0
dicts="english.0 $(EXTRADICT)"; \
for i in $(DICTVARIANTS); do \
dicts="$$dicts $$i.0"; \
done; \
set -x; \
PATH=:$$PATH munchlist -l $(DEFLANG) $$dicts > english.sml+
$(DBUILD)english.med: english.0 american.0 altamer.0 british.0
$(DBUILD)english.med: english.1 american.1 altamer.1 british.1
dicts="english.0 english.1"; \
for i in $(DICTVARIANTS); do \
dicts="$$dicts $$i.0 $$i.1"; \
done; \
set -x; \
sort -u -t/ +0f -1 +0 $(MAKE_SORTTMP) -o english.med $$dicts
$(DBUILD)english.med+: munchable $(EXTRADICT)
$(DBUILD)english.med+: english.0 american.0 altamer.0 british.0
$(DBUILD)english.med+: english.1 american.1 altamer.1 british.1
dicts="english.0 english.1 $(EXTRADICT)"; \
for i in $(DICTVARIANTS); do \
dicts="$$dicts $$i.0 $$i.1"; \
done; \
set -x; \
PATH=:$$PATH munchlist -l $(DEFLANG) $$dicts > english.med+
$(DBUILD)english.lrg: english.0 american.0 altamer.0 british.0
$(DBUILD)english.lrg: english.1 american.1 altamer.1 british.1
$(DBUILD)english.lrg: english.2 american.2 altamer.2 british.2
dicts="english.0 english.1 english.2"; \
for i in $(DICTVARIANTS); do \
dicts="$$dicts $$i.0 $$i.1 $$i.2"; \
done; \
set -x; \
sort -u -t/ +0f -1 +0 $(MAKE_SORTTMP) -o english.lrg $$dicts
$(DBUILD)english.lrg+: munchable $(EXTRADICT)
$(DBUILD)english.lrg+: english.0 american.0 altamer.0 british.0
$(DBUILD)english.lrg+: english.1 american.1 altamer.1 british.1
$(DBUILD)english.lrg+: english.2 american.2 altamer.2 british.2
dicts="english.0 english.1 english.2 $(EXTRADICT)"; \
for i in $(DICTVARIANTS); do \
dicts="$$dicts $$i.0 $$i.1 $$i.2"; \
done; \
set -x; \
PATH=:$$PATH munchlist -l $(DEFLANG) $$dicts > english.lrg+
buildhash.ttp: buildhash.o hash.o makedent.o parse.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o buildhash.ttp buildhash.o hash.o makedent.o parse.o \
icombine: icombine.oo makedent.oo parse.oo
$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -o icombine icombine.oo makedent.oo parse.oo \
EDITFILE = notthere
OUTFILE = /dev/null
sed -e 's@!!LIBDIR!!@$(LIBDIR)@' -e 's@!!DEFDICT!!@$(DEFDICT)@' \
-e 's@!!DEFHASH!!@$(DEFHASH)@' -e 's@!!DEFLANG!!@$(DEFLANG)@' \
findaffix: findaffix.X Makefile.st
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.st EDITFILE=findaffix.X OUTFILE=findaffix doedit
chmod +x findaffix
fixdict: fixdict.X Makefile.st
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.st EDITFILE=fixdict.X OUTFILE=fixdict doedit
chmod +x fixdict
munchlist: munchlist.X Makefile.st
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.st EDITFILE=munchlist.X OUTFILE=munchlist doedit
chmod +x munchlist
subset: subset.X Makefile.st
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.st EDITFILE=subset.X OUTFILE=subset doedit
chmod +x subset
tryaffix: tryaffix.X Makefile.st
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.st EDITFILE=tryaffix.X OUTFILE=tryaffix doedit
chmod +x tryaffix
zapdups: zapdups.X Makefile.st
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.st EDITFILE=zapdups.X OUTFILE=zapdups doedit
chmod +x zapdups
OBJS = ispell.o correct.o defmt.o dump.o good.o lookup.o hash.o \
makedent.o term.o tgood.o tree.o xgets.o
ispell.ttp: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ispell.ttp $(OBJS) $(TERMLIB) $(REGLIB) $(LIBES)
sym-ld -v -o ispell.sym /net/acae127/home/bammi/atari/cross-gcc/lib/crt0.o $(OBJS) $(TERMLIB) $(REGLIB) $(LIBES) -lgnu
$(OBJS) buildhash.o icombine.o hash.o parse.o: config.h ispell.h local.h msgs.h
ispell.o: version.h
buildhash.oo icombine.oo hash.oo parse.oo: config.h ispell.h local.h msgs.h
ispell.oo: version.h
config.h: config.X Makefile.st
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.st EDITFILE=config.X OUTFILE=config.h doedit
# Create a sample local.h if no such file currently exists
local.h: atari.h
cp atari.h local.h
tags: config.h *.[chy]
ctags -w -t *.[chy]
sed -e s/config.h/config.X/ tags > ntags
mv ntags tags
TAGS: config.h *.[chy]
etags -t *.[chy]
sed -e s/config.h/config.X/ TAGS > NTAGS
lint: config.h ispell.h msgs.h *.[cy]
@$(LINT) $(LINTFLAGS) ispell.c correct.c defmt.c dump.c good.c \
hash.c lookup.c makedent.c tgood.c term.c tree.c xgets.c
@yacc parse.y
@$(LINT) $(LINTFLAGS) buildhash.c hash.c makedent.c y.tab.c
@$(LINT) $(LINTFLAGS) icombine.c makedent.c y.tab.c
@rm -f y.tab.c
rm -f *.o *.oo core a.out mon.out hash.out \
*.stat *.cnt config.h $(DEFHASH) $(FOREIGNHASHES)
rm -f buildhash findaffix tryaffix fixdict ispell icombine \
munchlist subset sq unsq zapdups *.ttp
# The following target allows you to clean out the leftover raw
# files gotten from unpacking the kit. It makes sure that you
# have the combined files first, so it may take a little while
# to run.
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.st dictcomponents
rm -f eng.[012].?? amer.[012].?? altamer.[012].?? brit.[012].??
# The following target allows you to clean out the combined
# dictionary files. For safety, so you don't lose your files,
# it makes sure that there is something to work from, but it can
# only be so smart, so be careful!
rm -f english.sml english.sml+ english.med english.med+
rm -f english.lrg english.lrg+
ok=yes; \
for i in eng amer altamer brit; do \
for j in 0 1 2; do \
[ -r $$i.$$j.aa ] || ok=no; \
done; \
done; \
if [ $$ok = yes ]; then \
rm -f english.[012] american.[012]; \
rm -f altamer.[012] british.[012]; \