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*********** L I C E N S E A G R E E M E N T ********************
You may freely and give this demo version to anyone, but you must
always copy ALL the files provided with the demo. The Demo files
may NOT be modified in any way whatsoever. The demo version of
Solutions may be copied onto a BBS without Elan Software's
This program and all accompanying data are the sole proprety of
Elan Software, Copyright 1992, all rights reserved.
*********** L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y ********************
Because of the way the demo version of the program is distributed,
Elan Software may not offer any warranty whatsoever.
You use this demonstration version of Solutions at your own risk.
Elan Software specifically disclaims all warranties express or
implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
- GDOS cannot be bundled with the version demo, so unless you
have GDOS yourself, you will have some strange characters appearing
on screen.
- Loading, saving and printing are disabled.
- The software will only plot the equation 'SIN(X)-COS(1.3*X)'
despite the equation you enter.
- The demo version does not allow any object of more than 9 nodes.
Of course, is no such limit in the original version. Any such
object will be rejected and the message "ERROR: Too complex for
demo version" will appear.
Before using the Solutions demo, it is necessary to install it
using the installation program (INSTALL.PRG).
- Solutions' installation may be done from any drive.
- You may install Solutions on diskette by installing on B: when
asked for paths and file names. In that case, use a double-sided
pre-formatted diskette and, on single drive systems, always swap
your destination and source diskettes when the system asks "Please
insert disk ? into Drive B:". - The installation itself will not
begin until you answer "Yes" to the dialog box "Are you ready to
begin installation?" showing all the settings you have made. If
anything is wrong, answer "No" and run "INSTALL.PRG" again.
Before using Solutions, you must reboot, so that GDOS and the
Solutions fonts are correctly installed.
Thank you for trying Solutions!
To order or for any additionnal information:
Elan Software
550 Charest Est
P.O. Box 30232
Quebec, G1K 8Y2
Voice: (418) 692-0565
Fax: (418) 683-9189
CompuServe: 70471,3676
December 1, 1992
Solutions est aussi disponible en français.
**************************** T U T O R I A L **********************
Solutions uses some special characters that cannot be reproduced in
normal ascii text. Those caracters are represented in this text in
this way: (*symbol*). For example (*integral*) means the
integration symbol. The special caracters are all represented and
accessible in the "Special Keys" item under the "Help" menu. The
right arrow symbol is represented as -> in this text but takes only
one character within solutions. The same thing is true for <=, >=.
Chapter 1
This text is intended to teach you how to use the software more
efficiently and be able to concentrate more on your mathematical
problems than on software problems. There are important notions
you should read in the following pages, followed by explanations by
the editor, different modes (display mode, multi-line, angle mode,
etc.), recovery commands, memory library, loading and saving to
disk, printing. The following sections explain in detail the
particularities of every object type and family of functions.
Solutions is designed with a user friendly interface and has many
functions to solve mathematical, engineering and computer science
problems. And you are not limited to working with numbers,
problems can be formulated symbolically, and equations can be
manipulated directly and converted into numerical results later if
Solutions will assist you in the following areas:
∙ Algebraic computation: simplification, manipulation and
expansion of expressions are just a few clicks away.
∙ Calculus: Solutions features numerical integration as well
as fully algebraic differentiation.
∙ Graphics: you can plot algebraic expressions and
statistical data.
∙ Statistics: you can handle single-variable and multi-
variable statistics, and instantly obtain the mean, standard
deviation, etc.
∙ Integer and bit manipulations: you can execute many
functions with binary integer numbers, from base conversion to bit
manipulation. These numbers can have up to 64 bits.
∙ Unit conversions: you can convert from one unit to another
amongst the 120 built-in units. If that is not enough, you can
define your own units.
Since the documentation focuses on the use of Solutions, it assumes
that you are already familiar with mathematics.
Chapter 2
Using Solutions
2.1. Installation
Please read the instructions at the beginning of this file.
2.2. Concepts used in Solutions
Solutions is a mathematical package that will assist you in solving
a wide range of mathematical, engineering and computer science
problems. It is intended to be easy to use and provides you with
many helpful functions.
The way it works is very uniform, efficient and versatile.
If you are not familiar with the concepts used in Solutions, we
suggest that you carefully read this chapter in order to make
efficient use of the software. You are provided with 11 object
types for your calculation needs, as follows:
∙ Real numbers: range from -9.999999999999E4899 to
9.999999999999E4899, the lowest representable numbers being +/-
∙ Complex numbers: both the real and imaginary parts each have the
same range as real numbers.
∙ Strings: characters strings of arbitrary length.
∙ Vectors: unidimensional arrays containing real and/or complex
∙ Matrices: bidimensional arrays containing real and/or complex
∙ Binary integers: integer numbers up to 64 bits long.
∙ Lists: data structures of arbitrary length containing objects of
any type.
∙ Names: used to identify variables in the mathematical sense of
the word.
∙ Algebraics: equations containing names and operators (e.g. 'X^2
+ SIN(Y)' )
∙ Programs: contain a series of instructions to be executed
sequentially. The flow of control can be altered by special
functions (IF...THEN...ELSE, DO...UNTIL, WHILE...REPEAT,
∙ Operations: this object type performs all the work you want to
do. They are the base of the kernel. There are more than 240
functions, each one capable of accomplishing many different tasks.
Because Solutions not only works with simple numbers, but with many
different types of data, we have introduced the concept of object.
An object is a piece of information with which you intend to work.
There are 11 different types of objects which you can work with.
These objects can be combined in various ways by applying operators
to them in order to obtain new objects. To correctly harness the
power of objects, Solutions makes use of a STACK. Every object is
manipulated on the stack. Functions always take their arguments
from the stack and return their results to it. The stack has
arbitrary depth, and it can hold intermediate results for use in
further calculations. Remember that pressing Esc will always
cancel the current system operation.
Solutions uses a simple technique, called RPN (Reverse Polish
Notation), to combine all these functions and facilities. When you
work in RPN, function arguments must precede the function.
For example, if you want to add 1 and 2, in RPN you would enter 1,
2, +.
This notation was chosen for several reasons. First of all,
with RPN, you will be able to keep intermediate results on the
stack. Secondly, when using RPN, there is no need for parentheses.
Finally, the technique is consistent through the use of all
functions (which is not what you see on most handheld calculators:
e.g. arithmetic operations are used in true algebraic notation, and
trigonometric functions used in RPN). With a little practice, it
will become easy and natural. If you prefer, you may also enter
your equations in true algebraic notation by typing a quote (')
before the equation and evaluating it (EVAL) by pressing CTRL-H.
The following example illustrates the use of RPN:
Suppose you want to calculate 3+LOG(100)
Type 3 and ENTER.
Type 100 and ENTER.
The stack will look like this:
| Stack |
| (2 pi) |
|4: |
|3: |
|2: 3|
|1: 100|
Now type LOG and ENTER.
The stack will look like this:
| Stack |
| (2 pi) |
|4: |
|3: |
|2: 3|
|1: 2|
Finally press +.
The final result (5) will appear on the first level of the stack:
| Stack |
| (2 pi) |
|4: |
|3: |
|2: |
|1: 5|
All functions take their arguments from the stack (they remove the
objects from the stack) and return the result to the stack.
The tools palette contains functions associated with the currently
selected entry in the class menu. If you select a function from
the tools palette, and the command editor is not empty, the
function name will either be inserted in the command editor buffer,
or normally executed after the execution of the content of the
command editor buffer (depending on the current entry mode). To
see the tool palette select "Show Tools Menu" in the "Options"
menu. For more information, refer to the next section: "Editor".
2.3. Editor
This section explains how to work efficiently with the editor. You
will learn what the editor and its numerous related functions can
All the data for your calculations must be entered via the
keyboard. This information first goes through the command editor.
When you are finished editing, press "Enter" (or "Return"), and the
command editor buffer will be analyzed. If an error is found
during the analysis, a dialog box appears displaying which error
has been detected. The cursor is then set at the point where the
error is located.
You insert a new line in the editor by pressing Control-Return.
2.3.1. Entry modes
There are 3 different entry modes: numeric, text and algebraic.
The current mode is displayed on the move bar of the editor window.
Numeric mode is used to enter simple data. If you select a command
or a function in the menu, the command editor buffer is analyzed
and executed (if no errors occur), just as if you had pressed
"Enter" before selecting the menu item.
Text mode is used for free editing of any object. In text mode,
the only way to enter data into the stack is to press "Enter". If
you select a function or command, the name is inserted into the
command editor. When " or « is pressed, text mode is
automatically set (unless another mode is already locked in).
Algebraic mode is used to enter algebraic equations. The
particularity of this mode is that when you select a function, its
name is inserted into the command editor buffer with a parenthesis
following it, so that the function's arguments can be entered
immediately. If the entry mode is not locked, pressing ' allows
entry into and out of algebraic entry mode. The entry mode can be
changed by pressing "Tab". It then changes from numeric to text to
algebraic and finally back to numeric.
If you press Control-X (or click on the corresponding item in the
menu) while editing, a minus sign will be added to the object you
just entered. If you press Control-X again, it will toggle to a +.
If you press Control-X while not editing, the NEG function is
applied to the selected object (default is level 1).
Locking an entry mode
When you finish editing your data and enter it on the stack, the
entry mode is automatically reset to numeric mode, unless another
entry mode is locked in. You may lock in an entry mode by pressing
"Control" before selecting the mode. The indication "[Locked]"
will then appear in the menu, telling you that this entry mode is
set and will not be reset to numeric after editing. Even pressing
keys like ' or " will not change the entry mode. You may unlock
the entry mode by selecting another entry mode or by pressing
"Tab". If you press "Control" to unlock an entry mode, this new
entry mode will be locked in. The entry lock mode is also
controlled by flag 17.
Insert mode
When editing, you may insert instead of overwriting by pressing the
"Insert" key. It toggles between the overwrite and insert modes.
The insert mode is controlled by flag 16. The replace mode is the
Of course, using the arrow keys will move the cursor accordingly in
the direction of the arrow.
Being efficient at entering data
In this section, we will give you some tips to help you enter data
more efficiently by using less keystrokes and mouse operations.
Let's see, for example, how you can save keystrokes when computing
3+4. The long and slow way would be to type: 3, [Enter], 4,
[Enter], +. A more efficient way would be to type: 3 [space] 4 +.
In this last example, if the entry mode was numeric, the last
character (+) would not be entered into the command editor but
directly executed. You can almost always replace the space
delimiter with a comma (unless the radix character is the comma, in
which case you would use a period). Comma (or period) and space
are the two valid separators. They can be used in the editor to
enter several objects at a time.
Another way to save keystrokes is to use the tools palette
containing functions. You simply select a function from the menu
and this function is either executed or inserted into the command
editor buffer (depending on the entry mode). You make the tools
palette appear by selecting "Show Tools Menu" under Options (or by
pressing Control-O).
If you are only editing single objects, you don't have to type its
ending delimiter ( ], ), ", ', } or »). For example, if you want
to enter the vector [ 1 2 3 ], you would type [ 1 2 3 without the
ending ]. But if you want to enter the vector [ 1 2 3 ] and the
name xyz on the same line, you would have to type [ 1 2 3 ] xyz
and not [ 1 2 3 xyz, because otherwise xyz would be considered as
a vector element and an error would occur.
Name restrictions
You cannot use any variable name for object storage. There are a
few names you should avoid in order not to make any errors. All
Solutions' functions (in uppercase) cannot be used as variable
names. You must also avoid the built-in names i, e and (*Pi*).
There are also some variable names that are used for specific
functions, for example EQ for plotting and solving. As for PPAR,
(*SIGMA*)DAT, (*SIGMA*)PAR, you can use them, but is not
recommended. You should leave them to their specific Solutions'
2.3.2. Editing, Visiting
You can edit the object in level 1 by selecting Edit Object in the
menu or just pressing Control-E. You can then edit the object any
way you want. If you press ESC or delete all characters from the
editor buffer, editing is cancelled. Press Enter to confirm and
enter your modifications.
If you want to edit the contents of an object stored in user
memory, you just have to select Visit Variable or press Control-F
while the object name is on the stack. This operation is called
visiting. It is equivalent to 'name' RCL followed by editing and
'name' STO. If you press ESC or delete all characters from the
editor buffer, editing is cancelled. Press Enter to confirm and
enter your modifications.
2.4. Evaluation
Evaluation plays a major part in Solutions since it occurs almost
all the time, usually automatically. For example when you enter
the name of a variable without entering the name delimiter ('), it
is automatically evaluated. When you click on a variable name with
the mouse in your tools palette, the variable name is entered on
the stack and is evaluated. Some functions will evaluate arguments
before using them (PUT, PUTI, GET, GETI, ->ARRAY, ROOT, and
There are two functions that can be used to "manually" evaluate an
object: EVAL and ->NUM.
2.5. Some modes
The Modes class contains several functions that involve the various
operational modes found in Solutions. The functions in the Modes
class deal with number representation modes, recovery modes, the
radix mode, and the multi-line display mode.
2.5.1. Number display
The number representation modes only affect the way numbers are
shown on the stack and have no impact on the precision of
computations. You can change modes by using the STD, FIX, SCI and
ENG commands.
The standard mode displays all significant digits skipping the
ending zeros.
The fix mode displays numbers to a fixed number of digits, padding
with zeros at the end of the number if necessary.
The scientific mode displays numbers with a fixed length mantissa
and an exponent preceded by an 'E'.
The engineering mode displays numbers with a fixed length mantissa
and an exponent preceded by an 'E'. The exponent is a factor of 3.
These four modes have an adjustable number of digits, i.e. you can
force Solutions to display less digits than the maximum.
2.5.2. Multi-line display
This mode determines if objects on the stack are displayed on more
than one line, when appropriate. This mode is controlled by flag
45. It can also be modified using the ML command, which you will
find in the Modes class.
2.5.3. Angle mode
This mode determines how computations involving angular
considerations will be done: in degrees or radians. This mode is
controlled by flag 60. It can also be changed by the DEG and RAD
2.5.4. Radix mark
The radix mark indicates how the decimal point is displayed: it can
be a period or a comma. This mode is controlled by flag 48. It
can also be changed by the RADIX, command; you will find this
command in the Modes class. When the radix mark is a comma, the
objects delimiter is a period, and vice versa.
2.5.5. System flags
There are two kind of flags: system flags and user flags. There
are 64 flags of each type. The 64 user flags can be freely used by
the user (you). The 64 system flags are dedicated to various
predefined system settings. You can change the state of any of
these flags, although, special care should be taken when using
system flags to avoid unexpected results.
The system flags are frequently updated without your knowledge.
For example, when you change the binary integer base
(DEC/BIN/OCT/HEX) or the number format (STD/FIX/SCI/ENG), the
corresponding flags are automatically updated. You could also
change the same flags directly with functions CSF and SSF to
achieve the same result.
2.6. Recovery commands
Some special commands automatically make a copy of the stack before
the execution of a function, or the arguments of the last function
The UNDO command allows you to recall the stack state as it was
before execution of the last function or program. When UNDO is
executed, after execution of a user program, the stack state is
restored to what it was before the execution of the program. The
UNDO mode is controlled by flag 29.
The "Last Arguments" command allows you to recall the arguments of
the last function executed. This command allows you to recall the
arguments of the last function that was executed before the
execution of the user program. The "Last Arguments" mode is
controlled by flag 31.
2.7. Memory library
Functions found in the Memory class deal with the management of
user memory. User memory is a region of memory that is reserved
for the user. The user can save objects in this memory for future
use. Objects stored in user memory can be recalled or, in the case
of programs, executed with a simple mouse selection. User memory
is organized in a manner very similar to the organization of a disk
You can save (STO) objects in a directory, and even create
subdirectories (CRDIR). Access to saved objects works on the
current directory and up; this means that if Solutions searches for
a certain name, it first checks if it can be found in the current
directory; if it is not found, the search proceeds upwards through
the directories, until the HOME directory is reached or the name is
To move into a subdirectory, you just have to click on the
corresponding name in the tools palette. Alternatively you may
type the directory name and press "Enter". Directory names are
shown with a down-arrow at their left. To go to the HOME directory
(root), just type or click on HOME; to go to the parent directory,
just type or click on UP.
RCL is used to recall an object associated with a name and PURGE is
used to delete it from user memory.
2.8. Load and Save
You may store all computed result on disk and recall them later.
This is easily accomplished with items Load... and Save... in the
File menu, but can also be done with functions LOAD and SAVE. You
do not need to specify the type when loading.
At startup, Solutions tries to load "SOLUTION.CFG", located in the
same directory as the program, as the default configuration. See
also section 2.8.7.
2.8.1. Objects
You can store single objects on disk with the Save... command from
the File menu. The object is taken from level one of the stack.
2.8.2 Variable
You can store a single variable from the memory library to disk by
pushing its name on the stack, selecting Save... from the File menu
and choosing the variable button in the dialog box.
2.8.3 Stack
You can store the contents of the stack to disk by selecting
Save... from the File menu and choosing Stack from the dialog box.
2.8.4. System flags
You can store all the system flags on disk by selecting Save...
from the File menu and choosing Flags from the dialog box. You
cannot directly save user flags. However, you can do 1 RCLUF 2
nLIST "filename" SAVE to save user flags and do "filename" LOAD
STOUF to recall saved user flags.
2.8.5. User library
You can store all objects in user memory along with their
associated names on disk by selecting Save... from the File menu
and choosing Library from the dialog box.
2.8.6. Graphic coordinates
The graphic coordinates option enables you to export the values of
a function in a text file. These values are comma delimited and
may easily be imported in most spreadsheet and graphic software.
2.8.7. Configuration
You can store Solutions' configuration by selecting Save... from
the File menu and choosing Configuration from the dialog box. The
configuration includes the location of every window, their size and
so on; in fact it includes a lot of system variables that are not
directly accessible to the user. User flags are also saved with
the configuration.
2.8.8. Context
You can store the Solutions context by selecting Save... from the
File menu and choosing Context from the dialog box. The context is
a combination of all objects on the stack, system flags, user
memory, and the configuration. Therefore loading a context will
return you to the exact state Solutions was in before saving the
2.9. Printing
The functions found in the Print class are used to output graphics
or stack objects to the printer. Graphics are sent to the printer
via the GDOS software interface. GDOS is bundled with Solutions
and should be installed following the instructions at the beginning
of this file. Any other type of output to the printer is done in
plain ASCII without any special control or formating codes. You
are free to set up your printer the way you like (NLQ mode,
condensed mode, etc.). You should make sure your printer is in a
mode where it recognizes the extended ASCII IBM character set or
some printouts will look strange.
2.9.1. A single stack level
You may print stack level 1 with function PR1. The object is
printed in multi-line format, when possible.
2.9.2. Stack
The PRSTACK function is used to print every stack level. Multi-
line format is used, when possible.
2.9.3. Objects in memory library
The PRUSR function is used to print all variables in the current
directory and their content. If the current directory holds no
user variables, the message No User Variables is printed.
2.9.4. Object names in memory library
The PRVAR function is used to print all variables in the current
2.9.5. Graphic
The PRGRAPH function is used to print the graphic appearing in the
current graphic window.
2.10. Unit conversions
Solutions allows you to convert from any unit into another unit
from the 120 predefined units or their combinations. CONVERT is
the function that computes the conversion.
Each one of the 120 predefined units is expressed in terms of SI
units (International System of Units). You may use units as you
find them in the Units catalog, or use a combination of units to
make a new unit, taking care to have consistent units. For
example, you can convert 'm' (meters) into 'ft' (feet) but not into
's' (seconds). You can build units by using operators *, / and ^.
Only one / symbol is allowed. The delimiters ', space and
parentheses are ignored. So, you could, for example, convert 'kph'
(kilometers per hour) into 'in/s' (inches per second). You may
also use a prefix preceding the unit which represents a
multiplicative power of 10.
CONVERT computes a multiplicative factor for the two units given in
argument. The operand is multiplied by this result and returned to
the stack.
Temperatures also involve additive constants. However, if any unit
includes a prefix, an exponent or any other unit that is not a
temperature unit, a relative conversion is done.
You may use user-defined units, that will act as built-in unit
types. The new unit type has to be stored in user memory and be
accessible for use with CONVERT.
For example, if you want to define a new unit called 'week',
{ 7 "d" } 'week' STO
You may now use 'week' in your future conversions.
You may also want to define dimensionless units or units that are
not expressible in SI units. You just have to use "?" for unit.
For example to convert between bytes and kilobytes define:
{ 1 "?" } 'byte' STO
{1024 "?" } 'Kbyte' STO
You may now convert between the two units.
Check section 2.11.2 for a list of all the available units
2.11. Catalogs
There are two useful catalogs that can be used for looking up a
function's arguments or a certain conversion unit.
2.11.1. Functions catalog
You can access the catalog of all Solutions functions from the Help
menu; it can also be accessed by pressing Control-J.
The small window shows all Solutions functions. You can scroll the
window up or down to view additional functions. You can select any
function and look at its possible argument types. There may be up
to three object types represented on stack levels. The Next and
Previous buttons are used to show the next and previous argument
type combinations. You can press the Help button to obtain more
information on the selected function. Pressing Fetch fetches the
function name for the command editor. Pressing the up and down
arrow keys moves the function selector up or down. Pressing a
letter on the keyboard brings you to the first function beginning
with that letter.
2.11.2 Units catalog
You can access the built-in SI unit catalog from the Help menu; it
can also be accessed by pressing Control-K.
The small window shows all SI units. You can scroll the window up
or down to view additional entries. Each line in this catalog
shows you a unit name, its symbol and its value given in SI units.
You can select a unit and fetch it for the command editor.
Pressing the up or down arrow keys moves the units selector up or
down. Pressing a letter on the keyboard brings you to the first
unit beginning with that letter.
2.12. Memory management
In order to maximize memory availability, it was necessary to
implement a new memory manager, which is totally transparent to the
user. This manager uses memory as efficiently as possible, and
warns you when you are out of memory. The item "Memory..." in the
"Help" menu displays the memory dialog box.
This is where the amount of remaining memory is displayed. The
"Garbage Collect" button can be used to force the system to perform
garbage collection. This process causes the system to optimize the
available memory. Automatic garbage collection is done by the
system when a request for more memory is done. The system may be
slowed down if you have just enough memory for a demanding task;
this happens because the system is continuously doing garbage
collection to obtain the memory it needs.
Chapter 3
Functions categories and object types
What follows is an explanation of each functions category and a
list of the functions related to these categories. There is one
category for each submenu in the Menus menu.
Some functions appear in more than one section, so you should check
all the appropriate sections to find the most pertinent information
for your needs.
3.1 Algebra
An algebraic object is an equation that may contain one or more of
the following:
∙ Real or complex numbers.
∙ Names (also called variables).
∙ Functions: any function that accepts algebraic objects as input.
The function name will appear followed by one or more arguments
within parentheses.
∙ Operators: There are two kinds of operators: prefix operators
such as NOT, (*square root*) and NEG (which appears as the unary -
sign in algebraic objects) and infix operators such as +, -, *, /,
^, =, ==, (*Not equal*), <, >, <=, >=, AND, OR and XOR. Prefix
operators precede their arguments, while infix operators act on the
expressions leading and trailing them.
Operator precedence
The evaluation of an algebraic object proceeds in an order
dictated by the relative priority (called precedence) of the
operators in it. The precedence rules are as follows:
1. Expressions within parentheses are always evaluated first; in
the case of nested parentheses, evaluation proceeds outwards from
the deepest nesting level.
2. Functions are evaluated once their arguments are evaluated and
before the expressions they belong to can be evaluated.
3. Operators are evaluated according to the following precedence
rules or from left to right when they have the same precedence.
a) Exponentiation (^) and square root
b) Negation (-), multiplication (*), and division (/)
c) Addition (+) and substraction (-)
d) Relational operators (==, (*Not equal*), <, >, (*less or
equal*), (*greater or equal*))
e) AND and NOT
f) OR and XOR
g) =
where a) is the highest precedence and g) the lowest.
When an equation contains the equality operator (=), the expression
is divided into two subexpressions which are the arguments of the
operator. When you apply a function to such an expression, the
function is applied to each subexpression. When the expression is
evaluated, the = operator is treated like a substraction (-).
Unlike certain computer languages (like BASIC), the = operator
doesn't mean "replace by" as in "A = 2". This operation is
performed by the STO function. The = operator involves two
arguments, and its purpose is to equate these two arguments. It
behaves like = in mathematics.
Automatic simplification
All entered data can be simplified automatically by evaluating it.
For example, if you enter X 1 * , the result will simply be 'X'.
The same thing happens when you evaluate an algebraic object. For
example evaluation of '1*X' returns 'X'.
Symbolic constants: e, i, (*Pi*), MAXR and MINR
There are five predefined objects that represent often used
constants. The evaluation of these constants is affected by the
state of flag 35 (Constants mode) and flag 36 (Results mode).
If flag 35 or flag 36 is clear, these objects will evaluate to
their numeric values.
If flags 35 and 36 are set, these objects will retain their
symbolic form when evaluated.
Here is the numerical value of each constant:
e: 2.718281828459045
i: (0,1)
(*Pi*): 3.141592653589793
MAXR: 9.999999999999999E4899 (maximum real number)
MINR: 1.E-4899 (minimum real number)
The algebra menu has functions to perform simplifications,
expansions and various reorganizations of algebric expressions
without affecting their value.
The functions found in the Algebra class are: COLLECT, EXPAND,
3.2. Arithmetic
The usual arithmetic functions are available. They are: +, -, *,
/, ^, INV, (*Square root*), SQ and NEG. For more informations
about these functions you should consult the dictionary (Chapter
3.3. Array
An array is composed of real or complex numbers. Arrays can have
one or two dimensions. One-dimensional arrays are called vectors;
two-dimensionnal arrays are called matrices.
Example of a 6 element vector:
[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
Example of a 2 row by 3 column matrix:
[[ 1 2 3 ]
[ 4 5 6 ]]
Entering arrays with the command editor
To enter a vector, first type [ followed by the vector elements
separated by blank spaces. A vector must always contain at least
one element. The elements may be real or complex. If you want to
enter a single vector at this point, the ending ] is optional and
will be added automatically. But if you start entering another
object without typing ] at the end of your vector, the following
objects will be treated as vector elements and an error is likely
to occur. A matrix is entered as a series of vectors, one per row,
separated by [ symbols.
Ex.: [[2 3 [4 5 will become
[[ 2 3 ]
[ 4 5 ]]
Some functions require the array dimensions. Array dimensions are
given as a list of real numbers; the first number is the number of
rows and the second number is the number of elements per row. In
the case of a vector, only one number, specifying the number of
elements, is used.
The array functions are: ->ARRAY, ARRAY->, PUT, GET, PUTI, GETI,
C->R, RE, IM, CONJ and NEG.
3.4. Binary
Binary integers are whole unsigned numbers that are represented
internally on up to 64 bits. Binary integers are displayed with a
# sign preceding them and end with a letter representing the
current binary mode (b, d, o or h for binary, decimal, octal and
hexadecimal respectively). These binary bases are only four
different ways to view binary integer numbers. Internally, their
representations do not change. The binary representation mode or
base can be changed by using the functions BIN, DEC, OCT and HEX;
the base is also controlled by flags 43 and 44.
The binary wordsize indicates the number of bits used for
calculations and determines how the numbers will be displayed. The
binary wordsize can be changed with the STWS function and is also
controlled by flags 37 to 42.
In binary base, only digits 0 and 1 are allowed. In octal base,
digits 0 through 7 are allowed. In decimal base, digits 0 through
9 are allowed, and in hexadecimal base, digits 0 through 9 and
uppercase letters A through F are allowed. When entering a binary
number, you first have to type # and then the number. The number
will be entered in the current binary mode. You can force another
binary mode by ending your number with b, d, o or h for binary,
decimal, octal or hexadecimal respectively.
The +, -, * and / functions can be applied to binary integer
The functions described below are useful when working with binary
integer numbers: they work with the bits that compose binary
numbers. These functions perform rotations, translations, or do
logical operations. They are: DEC, HEX, OCT, BIN, STWS, RCWS, RL,
3.5. Calculus
Calculus is an important field in mathematics. There are two
primary and important operations in calculus: differentiation and
integration. Essentially, differentiation is used to find the
slope of a given equation at any point, while integration is used
to compute the area under the curve of an equation, over an
interval. Differentiation is also used for the expansion of an
expression into a Taylor series.
Calculus functions are: (*differentiation*), (*integration*) and
3.5.1. Differentiation
Differentiation is essentially used to find an equation describing
the slope of an equation. The equation returned by the
differentiation describes the slope at every point of the original
You can differentiate an equation in a single pass or do step by
step differentiation. You execute the (*differentiation*) function
with an equation on stack level 2 and the variable of interest on
stack level 1.
For example if you type 'X*SIN(X)' 'X' (*differentiation*), the
returned expression will be 'X*COS(X)+SIN(X)', but if you type
'(*differentiation*)X(X*SIN(X))' and repeatedly evaluate (EVAL)
this expression, the result will be calculated step by step.
This can be useful when you want to see every intermediate result
of the differentiation. Before differentiating, the function
always does an expression substitution, that is if a name is the
name of a stored expression, the expression is substituted for the
name in the equation.
When the derivative of a function or a user-defined function is not
available, partial differentiation is done, and is noted by der.
For example, if you want to differentiate the equation '%(X,Y)'
with respect to X, you get the result 'der%(X,Y,1,0)'. The name
following der is the function name that has been partially
differentiated, and the last two arguments are the initial two
arguments differentiated with respect to the variable name. You
can use this feature to implement the derivative of any new
function you create and store it in your library. For example, to
fully define the derivative of the % function, you would define the
following function:
« -> a b da db '(a*db+b*da)/100' » 'der%' STO
You may now calculate the derivative of '%(3*X,Y^2)' for 'X' which
would return 'Y^2*3/100'.
3.5.2. Integration
Integration plays an important role in calculus and in mathematics;
it also is involved in many engineering and physics problems. Its
purpose is not only to compute the area under a curve, but if you
don't know about integration, you can think of it this way. We
recommend that you read an introductory book on calculus and
integration if you want to understand it and use it correctly in
Numerical integration is possible with Solutions. Numerical
integration is used to obtain a numerical result from a definite
integral. This result can be represented as the area under the
curve (the equation) between two given points (a and b). The
accuracy determines the wanted precision of the result. The
equation can be an algebraic expression or a program. If the
argument in level 3 is a program, it can be of two types: it can
demand arguments or not. If the program takes many arguments, you
must explicitly name the variable of integration, and the result
should be returned on the stack. If the program takes no argument,
it must use the given argument on the stack and return its result
to the stack. For example these two programs will produce the same
results when numerically integrated:
« X SIN » in level 3 with { X 1 2 } in level 2 and .001 in level 1
« SIN » in level 3 with { 1 2 } in level 2 and .001 in level 1.
Here is another example of how to use numerical integration:
'SIN(X)' in level 3 with {X 1 2} in level 2 and .001 in level 1.
As you can see, there are different ways to numerically integrate
the equation 'SIN(X)' over the interval 1-2. Given these arguments
on the stack, you just have to execute (*integration*).
3.5.3. Taylor series
The TAYLOR function is used to compute the taylor series polynomial
approximation for a function. The approximation is computed around
point pt, or at 0 if no point is specified.
You should look at your results closely if flag 59 is clear
(infinite results do not generate errors) because incorrect results
may occur if the equation is not differentiable at x=pt.
3.6. Complex numbers
Complex numbers are made up of two real numbers enclosed in
parentheses. Most arithmetic (+, -, *, /, INV, (*square root*),
SQ, ^), trigonometric (SIN, ASIN, COS, ACOS, TAN, ATAN), hyperbolic
(SINH, ASINH, COSH, ACOSH, TANH, ATANH) and logarithmic functions
(EXP, LN, LOG, ALOG) accept complex numbers as arguments. The
symbolic constant i represents the complex number (0,1).
Functions found in the Complex class are: R->C, C->R, RE, IM, CONJ,
3.7. Lists
Lists are collections of objects which appear on the stack
surrounded by the { and } delimiters. Any object can be part of a
list. There is no preset limit on the size of lists. It can be
empty or contain many objects.
The indexes of arrays and lists are usually described as lists; a
one-element list describes an index within a vector or a list, and
a two-element list describes a row and column index within a
Functions available in the List class are: ->LIST, LIST->, PUT,
3.8. Logs
Logarithmic and hyperbolic functions can be found in the Logs
class. These functions are: LOG, ALOG, LN, EXP, SINH, ASINH, COSH,
3.9. Memory
This topic has already been discussed in section 2.8. Functions
available in the Memory class are: MEM, MENU, PATH, HOME, UP,
3.10. Modes
This topic has already been discussed in section 2.6. Functions
available in the Modes class are: STD, FIX, SCI, ENG, DEG, RAD and
the commands CMD, UNDO, LAST, ML and RADIX,.
3.11. Plot
Items found in the Plot class will allow you to plot mathematical
expressions, or generate statistical scatter plots. These graphics
will always appear in the graphics window. The following steps
describe how to plot a simple graphic.
Suppose you want to plot the expression 'SIN(X) + COS(1.3*X)'.
First, enter this equation on the stack, and execute STEQ. This
stores the equation in the variable EQ. This variable is always
used when plotting equations, so its name should be reserved for
this application. Then you just have to execute DRAW. You should
see the graphic window appear.
When the computations are terminated, you can use the cursor to
peek at the exact location of a pixel in the window. You can
readjust the window's size to see more details or make the graphic
smaller. The coordinates within the window are fixed, so changing
the window's size should not change the graphic's form; you will
just see the same graphic enlarged or reduced. The window's
coordinates and some other parameters related to the current
graphic are stored in variable PPAR (plotting parameters; PPAR is
another name that should be reserved for plotting). When DRAW is
executed, the variable PPAR is consulted for the current plot
settings, or if it is not found, a default PPAR is created. A new
default PPAR is created each time a function involving the graphic
window is called and no PPAR has been created. The variable PPAR
is a list containing the following 5 elements:
(xmin, ymin): a complex number indicating the coordinates of the
lower-left hand corner of the graphic window. Can also be changed
with function PMIN.
(xmax, ymax): a complex number indicating the coordinates of the
upper-right hand corner of the graphic window. Can also be changed
with function PMAX.
independent: a variable name representing the abscissa of the plot.
Can also be changed with function INDEP.
resolution: a real number indicating the step between each
calculated point. For example 2 would indicate that every 2 pixels
the exact coordinate is to be computed. If flag 22 is set, a line
is drawn through each computed point. Can also be changed with
function RES.
axes: a complex number indicating the center coordinates of the
axes. By default, the axes are drawn at (0,0), but you can change
this with the function AXES.
You can also use programs to make plots. Your program must take
one real argument on the stack and return one real number. The
argument indicates the horizontal coordinate, and the result
represents the vertical coordinate. The DRAW function plots the
graph from the results returned by the program.
You can also make statistical scatter plots. First enter your data
points (refer to the Statistics section). Then execute
SCL(*Sigma*) to scale the coordinates so all points will be
displayed in the graphic window. And then execute DRAW(*sigma*) to
generate the scatter plot.
Functions available in the Plot class are: STEQ, RCEQ, PMIN, PMAX,
RCL(*sigma*), COL(*sigma*), SCL(*sigma*), DRAW(*sigma*), CLSCR,
3.12. Print
This topic has already been discussed in section 2.9. Functions
available in the Print class are: PR1, PRVAR, PRGRAPH, PRSTACK,
PRUSR, PRMD and the command TRACE.
3.13. Programming
If you want to do more than simple manual execution of functions,
you can do programming. A program is a powerful object type that
allows you to execute a serie of functions and to make decisions
allowing conditional execution and loops. Programs are delimited
by « and » and appear as a series of structured instructions
(functions) and objects. In fact, the contents of any editor
buffer may be preceded with « to make it a program. All
programming structures uses the RPN form (the arguments must
precede the function).
The purpose of this section is to teach you how to use the
Solutions language for your needs. In fact, programs are just
series of instructions or objects that are sequentially executed as
if they were typed directly on the keyboard, one by one. There are
special functions that are only available within programs that
allow conditional execution and looping. Some of them
conditionally alter the flow of execution (IF...THEN...END,
IF...THEN...ELSE...END), some define conditional loops (FOR...NEXT,
START...NEXT, DO...UNTIL...END, WHILE...REPEAT...END) and some trap
errors (IFERR...THEN...END, IFERR...THEN...ELSE...END). These
functions or program structures are explicitely defined in the
Program Branch section below.
The Program Control class contains the following functions: CLSCR,
The Program Branch class contains the following functions: IF,
The Program Test class contains the following functions: SSF, CSF,
You can include programs within programs to postpone their
evaluation. For example, the program « 1 2 « a b » »
pushes the numbers 1 and 2 on the stack, then pushes the program «
a b » on the stack. Executing EVAL would then execute the
program. The included program can be any valid program regardless
of its complexity.
3.13.1. Local variables
Until now, all variables stored in the user menu were global
variables. Local variables are variables that only exist within
specific parts of programs and are erased when execution of the
part is finished. Two functions can be used to create local
variables: -> and FOR. The local variables created with the ->
function can be used at any time within the program and thus will
supersede any global variable of the same name without erasing
them. When the program ends, the local variables are deleted.
When searching for a variable name, Solutions always searches local
variables first (from the inner most program outwards) and then the
user library. The following examples illustrate the use of local
« -> A B
« 4 A * B +
Here, two local variables (A and B) are created when beginning the
execution of the program. The -> function also requires that
arguments be present on the stack to initialize the local
variables. The first stack entry is used to initialize the last
argument, and so on.
« 1 5 FOR A 2 A * NEXT
Here, the variable A is local and only exists within the scope of
the FOR loop (i.e. between the FOR and its corresponding NEXT).
Recursion is the possibility for a program to call itself. For
example, the factorial function can be defined recursively, where:
x! = x*(x-1)! and
1! = 1
In the Solutions language, it would appear like this:
« -> X
IF X 1 ==
As you can see in this example, a recursive program contains a call
to itself. There must be a test clause to end the recursion, or
the program will run until it runs out of memory.
3.13.2. User-defined functions
You can create user-defined functions that act like built-in
functions. They consist of a program that takes arguments off the
stack and returns a result based on an expression in the code.
Here's an example:
The program:
« -> X Y Z 'X + 2*Y + 3*Z'»
is a user-defined function. You could now execute the function in
the traditionnal way:
1 4 9 XYZ
or like this:
'XYZ(1,4,9)' EVAL
and obtain the same result: 36.
'XYZ(3,4,3*B)' EVAL would return:
'11+3*(3*B)'. Using COLLECT, the expression would simplify to
You may define the derivative and the inverse of a user-defined
function. Please see sections 3.5.1 and 3.15 respectively.
3.13.3. Program branch
The Program Branch class contains the various branching and looping
constructs available for structured programming. These structures
can be nested, i.e. there can be a conditional statement within
another one, but the entire inner conditional statement must reside
within the outer one.
The various conditional branching and looping structures make
decisions based on the evaluation of a test expression. A test
expression is an expression that returns a flag. A flag is a
number that is interpreted as "false" or "clear" when it equals 0
and as "true" or "set" when it equals 1 (or any other non zero
value). Except for the IFT and IFTE functions, all the functions
listed in this section can only be used within programs.
3.13.4. Decision structures
There are two possible decision making structures:
∙ IF test-clause THEN true-clause END
∙ IF test-clause THEN true-clause ELSE else-clause END
Each clause may contain any sequence of instructions (even
nothing). When THEN is executed, the first stack level contains
the result of the test-clause evaluation, which is used to
determine whether the program continues its execution after the
THEN (true result), or after the ELSE (false result). If no ELSE
is present, execution continues after the END. When executing a
true-clause, if we encounter an ELSE function, we will jump to the
corresponding END.
3.13.5. Error-trapping structures
There are two possible error-trapping structures:
∙ IFERR trap-clause THEN error-clause END
∙ IFERR trap-clause THEN error-clause ELSE normal-clause END
These structures are used to detect any anomalies within the trap-
clause and immediately branch to an error-clause, or execute the
normal-clause (if any) when no error occurs.
For example, take a look at this program:
THEN "Division by 0"
ELSE "Ok!"
Assuming that flag 59 is set, if Y is equal to 0, a division by 0
occurs and the execution jumps to the error-clause (number 5 is not
pushed on the stack). The error clause pushes the string "Division
by 0" on the stack, and ends the program. Otherwise, 5 is pushed
on the stack, followed by the string "Ok!".
3.13.6. Definite loop structures
There are 4 possible definite loop structures:
∙ start finish START loop-clause NEXT
∙ start finish START loop-clause step STEP
∙ start finish FOR name loop-clause NEXT
∙ start finish FOR name loop-clause step STEP
These structures define loops where the loop-clause is executed a
number of times determined by start, finish and step. FOR creates
a local variable called name, which will be active for the duration
of the loop. The START function can be used when there is no need
to refer to a variable within the loop-clause. step indicates the
increment to apply to the variable (explicit or implicit) before
repeating the loop or exiting the loop. Here are some examples:
1 4
This program pushes numbers 1 through 4 on the stack.
1 4
FOR A A 2 + .2
This program pushes A+2 on the stack, incrementing A by .2 after
each loop. The loop ends when A reaches 4.
1 4
This program executes SIN four times.
3.13.7. Indefinite loop structures
There are 2 possible indefinite loop structures:
∙ DO loop-clause UNTIL test-clause END
∙ WHILE test-clause REPEAT loop-clause END
The first loop structure causes the loop-clause to be executed at
least once since the test-clause is at the end of the loop, and
repeats the loop-clause as long as the test-clause remains true
The second loop structure causes the loop-clause to be repeated
until the test-clause is false (zero). If the test-clause is false
on the first pass, the loop-clause is never executed.
Here are examples of these loop structures:
{ } { 1 1 } 3 ROLL SWAP
This program takes a matrix as an argument and returns its elements
in a list. The condition (46 SFS?) determines when to exit the
loop as flag 46 is set when the last element has been retrieved
with the GETI command.
This program adds 1 to a real number as long as it has not reached
3.13.8. Program Test
Functions found in the Program Test class are used to test several
possible conditions. The result of a test is a number, called a
flag. A flag only has two possible values: true or false. In
Solutions, zero is used for the false result, and non-zero (usually
1) for the true result. There are two sets of flags you can use:
the system flags and the user flags. There are 64 of each. The
system flags are reserved for special functions affecting the
operation of Solutions. You can modify these flags to suit your
needs, but you should check in appendix A when using a flag
directly, so that you know exactly what you are doing. User flags
are fully accessible to the user, and you may do what you want with
these flags. You may copy the state of the system or user flags to
the stack using the RCLSF and RCLUF functions respectively. The
state of the flags are given to you as a binary number. Functions
STOSF and STOUF use a binary number to set the state of the system
or user flags respectively.
3.14. Real
A real number is the most simple object type, since it just
consists of a number as we know it. But there are some
restrictions to the real numbers handled by Solutions. The domain
of real numbers is not infinite. They range from
-9.999999999999999E4899 to 9.999999999999999E4899, and the smallest
value is +/-9.999999999999999E-4899.
The format of a real number is as follows:
(sign) mantissa E (sign) exponent
1 <= mantissa <= 10
0 <= exponent <= 4899
where the mantissa may have up to 16 significant digits, and the
exponent may have up to 4 digits. Of course, you can enter and
display numbers in other formats than the scientific format. You
may enter numbers by typing them as they appear on the stack in any
Functions found in the Real class are: NEG, FACT, RAND, RDZ, MAXR,
MOD, %T and %CH.
3.15. Solve
The functions found in the Solve class can be seen as extensions to
the Algebra functions, as applied to the solving of equations.
ISOL will help you solve equations symbolically. This may be more
useful since you will often need to have mathematical results
instead of numerical results.
The results of the symbolic solver (ISOL) are dependant on flag 34,
which determines if the principal value (flag set) or the general
solution (flag cleared) is returned. When in general solution
mode, the result may contain one or more variables named 'sx' and
'nx', where x represents an integer greater than 0. The variable
'sx' is used when Solutions wants to express a conditional sign or
+/-. And the variable 'nx' is used when Solutions wants to express
any unsigned integer. For example, if you type 'X^2+4' 'X' ISOL,
the result is 's1*(0,4)/2' which means +/-4i/2.
And if you type 'SIN(X)=1' 'X' ISOL, the result is
'1.570796326794897*(-1)^n1+(*Pi*)*n1' which means you can assign
any positive integer to n1 to solve the equation.
When the inverse of a function or a user-defined function is not
available, partial inversion is done, and is noted by inv. For
example, if you want to isolate X in the equation 'IP(X)=5', you
get the result 'invIP(5)'. The name following inv is the function
name that has been partially inverted. You can use this feature to
implement the inverse of any new function you create and store it
in your library. For example, to fully define the (fictive)
inverse of the IP function, you would define the following
« -> a 'a+1' » 'invIP' STO
You may now isolate X in 'IP(x)=5', which would give 6.
The functions in the Solve class are: STEQ, RCEQ, ISOL and ROOT.
3.16. Stack
Functions found in the Stack class are general functions that are
used for stack manipulation.
Functions available in the Stack class are: DUP, SWAP, OVER, DUP2,
3.17. Statistics
Functions found in the Statistics class can be used to compute
several statistical functions. Statistical data is stored in a
matrix in the user menu, and is named '(*sigma*)DAT'. Each column
of the (*sigma*)DAT matrix represents a set of samples. The data
is usually entered with the (*sigma*)+ function. This function
accepts real numbers, vectors or matrices as input. A real number
is entered as a single sample. A vector is entered as related
coordinate values. And a matrix is entered as several related
coordinate values. The first sample entered defines the number of
columns you will have to use in all subsequent entries.
Some functions work on two different columns, and thus require the
variable (*sigma*)PAR, which is a list of 4 elements, where
1st and 2nd: columns used by multivariate statistical functions.
The default is 1 and 2.
3rd: a
4th: b
5th: type of regression: NULF, LINF, EXPF, LOGF or POWF.
a and b are calculated depending on the type of regression. The
four curves used are:
linear fit (LINF): y = ax + b
exponential fit (EXPF): y = a e^(bx)
logarithmic fit (LOGF): y = a + b ln x
power fit (POWF): y = a x^b (a > 0)
NULF means that you have not yet executed one of the regression
You can also store an entire data matrix using STO(*sigma*), or
delete the last sample entered using (*sigma*)-.
For more information on statistics, you should read a good book on
the subject.
Functions available in the Statistics class are: (*sigma*)+,
(*sigma*)-, N(*sigma*), CL(*sigma*), STO(*sigma*), RCL(*sigma*),
TOT, MEAN, SDEV, VAR, MAX(*sigma*), MIN(*sigma*), COL(*sigma*),
3.18. Store
Items found in the Store class are related to the storage of
objects in memory, providing some facilities and shortcuts. The
two functions STO and RCL can also be found in the menu under Edit.
Functions available in the Store class are: STO+, STO-, STO*, STO/,
3.19. Strings
A string is a sequence of characters delimited by double quotes
("). A string may contain any character. You can edit any string,
but be careful not to include a double quote within a string,
because when you return the string to the stack, Solutions tries to
match double quotes by pair. If you want to add a double quote
within a string, you must use the instructions 33 CHR +. The
logical operators (AND, OR, XOR, NOT) can also be applied to
Functions available in the String class are: ->STR, STR->, CHR,
3.20. Trigonometry
The Trigonometry class contains trigonometric functions, conversion
functions between degrees and radians and conversion functions
between hours-minutes-seconds format and real number format.
Functions available in the Trigonometry class are: SIN, ASIN, COS,
ACOS, TAN, ATAN, R->C, C->R, ARG, ->HMS, HMS->, HMS+, HMS-, D->R
and R->D.
HMS format
The HMS format is used to represent a unit of time in terms of
hours, minutes, seconds and fractions of a second or angles in
degrees, arc minutes, arc seconds and fractions of an arc second.
The format is h.MMSSs where
h has zero or more digits representing the number of hours.
MM are two digits representing the number of minutes
SS are two digits representing the number of seconds
s is zero or more digits representing the decimal fractional part
of seconds.
Here are some examples of numbers in HMS format.
1 hour, 23 minutes, 45 seconds ==> 1.2345 5
hours, 3 minutes, 0 second and 34/100 seconds ==> 5.030034 42
minutes ==> .42
There are two functions (->HMS and HMS->) that convert HMS format
into decimal numbers. For example 30 minutes (.30 in HMS format)
is converted by HMS-> to .5 .