GEMini Atari
Text File
144 lines
Date: 27 Dec 86 19:39:59 GMT
From: ucsfcgl!pett@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Eric Pettersen%CGL)
Organization: UCSF Computer Graphics Lab
Subject: Patch Librarians/Generators
Due to the response to my query about interest in ST voice librarians/generators
for the Yamaha DX100 and Casio CZ-101 (more than 40 responses), I have decided
to post to the net. The three postings which follow contain ARCed versions of
the executables for each program (one archive = CZ-101, one archive = DX100)
as well as the combined souce (third archive). There was a lot of interest in
the source because many people wanted to attempt conversions to various other
synthesizers (conversion to other DX series synths should be very easy [thank
you Yamaha!] while CZ conversions will be a bit [read - a lot] tougher. These
programs should work without conversion (although I haven't *tested* them) on
the DX27 and CZ-1000 and CZ-5000 because their patch formats are identical to
one of the above synths.
If anyone converts these programs to other synths, or otherwise enhances them,
please post! Also, if you come up with any great patches, let the net know!
With these programs available generally around the net, it suddenly becomes
extremely easy to distribute patches. Just write the patches of interest to
disk, upload and uuencode them and post. Everyone with the program can then
just grab the article, transform it back to file form, load it into the program
and then into the synth (no laborous patch entry!). Patch files are relatively
short as well. As a starting point, all the patches my friends and I have come
up with are included in the appropiate archive. Check them out and use them
if you like them.
What these programs do:
--> Store patches so that the ST can send them back and forth to your
synth and you can therefore have a large library of patches
easily available.
--> Allow you to give long descriptive names to your patches.
--> Generate new patches in a semi-random fashion that you can try out
easily and keep or discard as appropiate. The parameters that
control the generation of voices are external to the program
(in an ASCII control file) and can therefore be altered or
fine-tuned as you see fit.
--> Allow you to rearrange the voices in your library into the order
you desire.
--> Work in any resolution.
What these programs don't do:
--> Edit the voice *using the ST*, the (I know, painful) editing
facilities of the synth must be used.
--> Store the voices in a hierarchical manner. This would be good
in that it would allow a voices of similar function to be
grouped or accessed together.
--> Use GEM (although they are easy to use and *are* menu driven,
you'll see -:)).
The archives contain:
Archive 1 (PATCHSRC.ARC)
PATCH.C Source to both CZPATCH.PRG and DXPATCH.PRG (by using
CONVERT.DOC Pointers for converting the code for use by other
synths, as well as some explanations of the functioning
of various parts of the source code.
CURSES.C Don't get your hopes up. This is the sources to the
routines that I use commonly throughout all my programs.
Includes a routine to do screen addressing functions
[scr_func()] and one to get a character string from
the user, allowing common editing functions [get_str()]
as well as a few other goodies.
CURSES.H My handy-dandy do-all include file. Used particularly
in conjunction with the above.
COMPILE.DOC Describes what is necessary for compilation (this is
Alcyon C code, by the way).
CONVERT.PRG Utility that converts binary files to ASCII hex and
vice versa. Was invaluable when creating the data
files that CZPATCH.PRG needed due to details of the
CZ101 MIDI system exclusive implementation.
Archive 2 (DXPATCH.ARC)
DXPATCH.PRG Executable patch program for the DX100 (which will also
presumably work with the DX27).
PATCH.DOC File detailing the operation of the program, as well as
the contents of the files below.
DX100.DTA ASCII file containing the parameters controlling random
voice generation.
DXVOICES.DTA File containing the actual patches (starts out with the
ones that I'm distributing).
KEYTAB.DTA Data file used internally by DXPATCH.PRG .
Archive 3 (CZPATCH.ARC)
CZPATCH.PRG Executable program. Should work with CZ-1000 and 5000
as well as CZ-101.
PATCH.DOC Same as PATCH.DOC above. Can be discarded if you are
keeping both archives.
CZ101.DTA Similar to DX100.DTA .
CZ101.DOC File detailing parameters being set by CZ101.DTA.
CZMIDI.DTA Contains tables (in binary) for converting parameter
settings to the hex code necessary to transmit to the
synth [why are these so strange, Casio?].
KEYTAB.DTA As in archive 2. One can be discarded if keeping both
I recommend that you transfer the archives to your ST and then uudecode and
de-ARC. This seems to be the most reliable method of avoiding errors.
If for some reason you need the source code in clear form (not ARCed, not
uuencoded) E-mail me and I will send you a copy (ucbvax!pett@socrates.ucsf.edu).
I will also be trying to upload these onto several bulletin boards [Ataribase,
MIDIworld network (in LA), STrategic Command (in SF), and The Club II (in
Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab