GEMini Atari
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BASIC Source File
162 lines
start = timer
dim ar(100),cr(100)
dim br(10)
a = -1
if port=1 then a=romver
print "rom Version ";a;" Free: ";fre(0)
print "Running test of PBASIC 2.1 on ";
if port=0 then print "PC" else print "Portfolio"
read a,b : if a <> 1 then print "Read Error":stop
read a : if a <> 11 then print "Read Error":stop
read a : if a <> 12 then print "Data Error":stop
y = 11
if y <> 11 then print "Assignment Error":stop
for x = 1 to 10
y = y + 2
next x
restore 13
read a : if a <> 21 then print "Restore Error":stop
if y = 31 then goto 10 else print "Loop Error":stop
print "this is never execute" : stop
10 a = 1
a = a + 15
if a <> 16 then print "Addition error":stop
a = a * 10
if a <> 160 then print "Multiply error":stop
a = a / 20
if a <> 8 then print "divide error":stop
a = a - 5
if a <> 3 then print "Subtraction Error":stop
a = 10
b = a \ 3
if b <> 3 then print "Int. Division Error":stop
b = a % 3
if b <> 1 then print "Mod Error":stop
if 2^5 <> 32 then print "Exp Error":stop
if int(12^2.5) <> int(498.831) then print "Exp Error":stop
if 2^-1 <> .5 then print "Exp Error":stop
if fix(1234567.123)<>1234567 then print "Fix Error":stop
if int(1234565.123)<>1234565 then print "Int Error":stop
11 data 1,2
12 data 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
13 data 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30
a = 1.23e+2 : if a<> 123 then print "Real Number error":stop
a = 1.23e-2 : if a <> .0123 then print "Real Number Error":stop
for a1 = 0 to 10
ar(a1) = a1 : br(a1) = ar(a1)
if abs(-5)<>5 then print "ABS Error":stop
for a1 = 10 to 0 step -1
if ar(a1) <> br(a1) then print "Array Error" : stop
next a1
m = 1
n = 2
swap m,n : if m<> 2 then print "Swap Error" :stop
swap m,n
swap ar(7),br(8) : if br(8) <> 7 then print br(8), "Swap Error":stop
swap ar(7),br(8)
swap ar(5), m : if m <> 5 then print "Swap Error":stop
swap m, ar(5) : if m <> 1 then print "Swap Error":stop
y = 12
for x = 10 to 1 step -1
y = y - 2
next x
if y = 10 then print "Loop error":stop
if y >= 0 then print "loop error":stop
if y < 10 then goto 20
print "If Error":stop
20 if y <= -8 then goto 30
print "If error":stop
30 if y <> -8 then print "Loop Error":stop
gosub 100
if y = -8 then "Gosub error":stop
if &h100 <> 256 then print "Hex error":stop
if &o377 <> 255 then print "Octal error":stop
if 15 <> &17 then print "Octal error":stop
if port=1 then def seg=&hb000 else def seg = &hb800
poke 0,196
if port=1 then refresh
if peek(0) <> 196 then print peek(0),"Peek/Poke/Seg Error":stop
poke 0,82
if port=1 then refresh
abcde = 12345
rem abcde = 0
if abcde <> 12345 then print "Rem error":stop
'abcde = 1
if abcde = 1 then print "Rem Error":stop
z = 1+2*3+4/5*6-1
w = 10.8
if z <> w then print z,w,"Precedence error":stop
if sqr(100)<>10 then print "SQR Error":stop
cx = csrlin : cy = pos(0)
locate 5,6
if csrlin <> 5 then print "Locate Error":stop
if pos(0) <> 6 then print "Locate Error":stop
locate cx, cy
on port+1 goto 1000, 2000 'port tests
print "On Goto Error":stop
1000 print "End of test - OK"
print "Test took " timer-start " seconds" : end
100 y = 1 : return
print "Multiline or Return Error":stop
2000 'port tests
status 1
status 1
locate 7,14
print "1-201-555-1234";
locate 7,13
status 0
box 6,11,8,30,1
dial "1-201-555-1234"
box 6,11,8,30,0
for ct = 48 to 63
sound ct, 15
next ct
locate 3,1
display 2 'static
vlocate 1,1
dir = 4:gosub 5000
dir = 2:gosub 5000
vlocate 11,12
if vcsrlin<>11 then print "VCSRLIN Error":stop
if vpos(0)<>12 then print "VPOS Error":stop
vlocate vx,vy
dir = 3:gosub 5000
dir = 1:gosub 5000
vlocate 1,1
goto 1000
5000 for xx = 1 to 5
vmove dir,1
next xx