GEMini Atari
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File List
2,134 lines
Dump of mapped file "<<Suppressed>>".
| 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F | 0123456789ABCDEF |
| 50 52 30 39 3A 20 54 65 73 74 20 63 61 6C 6C 73 | PR09: Test calls |
| 20 61 6E 64 20 61 63 74 75 61 6C 20 70 61 72 61 | and actual para |
| 6D 65 74 65 72 20 6C 69 73 74 73 2E 0A 0A 46 69 | meter lists...Fi |
| 72 73 74 20 74 72 69 70 20 75 70 20 74 68 65 20 | rst trip up the |
| 70 61 72 73 65 72 20 73 6F 20 77 65 20 64 6F 6E | parser so we don |
| 27 74 20 67 65 74 20 61 6E 79 20 66 75 72 74 68 | 't get any furth |
| 65 72 2E 0A 40 3E 0A 0A 4E 6F 77 20 64 65 66 69 | er..@>..Now defi |
| 6E 65 20 73 6F 6D 65 20 6D 61 63 72 6F 73 20 74 | ne some macros t |
| 6F 20 63 61 6C 6C 2E 20 4E 6F 20 65 72 72 6F 72 | o call. No error |
| 2E 0A 0A 40 24 40 3C 5A 65 72 6F 40 3E 40 7B 40 | ...@$@<Zero@>@{@ |
| 7D 0A 40 24 40 3C 4F 6E 65 40 3E 40 28 40 31 40 | }.@$@<One@>@(@1@ |
| 29 40 7B 40 7D 0A 40 24 40 3C 54 77 6F 40 3E 40 | )@{@}.@$@<Two@>@ |
| 28 40 32 40 29 40 7B 40 7D 0A 40 24 40 3C 54 68 | (@2@)@{@}.@$@<Th |
| 72 65 65 40 3E 40 28 40 33 40 29 40 7B 40 7D 0A | ree@>@(@3@)@{@}. |
| 40 24 40 3C 4E 69 6E 65 40 3E 40 28 40 39 40 29 | @$@<Nine@>@(@9@) |
| 40 7B 40 7D 0A 40 24 40 23 22 40 7B 40 7D 0A 0A | @{@}.@$@#"@{@}.. |
| 54 68 65 20 66 6F 6C 6C 6F 77 69 6E 67 20 74 65 | The following te |
| 73 74 20 63 61 6C 6C 73 20 73 68 6F 75 6C 64 20 | st calls should |
| 4E 4F 54 20 67 65 6E 65 72 61 74 65 20 61 6E 79 | NOT generate any |
| 20 65 72 72 6F 72 73 2E 0A 0A 40 24 40 3C 4D 61 | errors...@$@<Ma |
| 63 72 6F 20 63 6F 6E 74 61 69 6E 69 6E 67 20 74 | cro containing t |
| 68 65 20 74 65 73 74 20 6D 61 63 72 6F 20 63 61 | he test macro ca |
| 6C 6C 73 2E 40 3E 3D 3D 40 7B 0A 31 2E 20 54 65 | lls.@>==@{.1. Te |
| 73 74 20 6D 61 63 72 6F 20 63 61 6C 6C 20 77 69 | st macro call wi |
| 74 68 20 6E 6F 20 70 61 72 61 6D 65 74 65 72 20 | th no parameter |
| 6C 69 73 74 2E 0A 40 3C 5A 65 72 6F 40 3E 0A 0A | list..@<Zero@>.. |
| 32 2E 20 54 65 73 74 20 6D 61 63 72 6F 20 63 61 | 2. Test macro ca |
| 6C 6C 20 77 69 74 68 20 71 75 69 63 6B 20 6E 61 | ll with quick na |
| 6D 65 2E 0A 40 23 22 0A 0A 33 2E 20 54 65 73 74 | me..@#"..3. Test |
| 20 6D 61 63 72 6F 20 63 61 6C 6C 20 77 69 74 68 | macro call with |
| 20 6F 6E 65 20 70 61 72 61 6D 65 74 65 72 2E 0A | one parameter.. |
| 40 3C 4F 6E 65 40 3E 40 28 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 | @<One@>@(Toucan@ |
| 29 0A 0A 34 2E 20 54 65 73 74 20 6D 61 63 72 6F | )..4. Test macro |
| 20 63 61 6C 6C 20 77 69 74 68 20 6D 61 6E 79 20 | call with many |
| 70 61 72 61 6D 65 74 65 72 73 2E 0A 40 3C 54 77 | parameters..@<Tw |
| 6F 40 3E 40 28 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 2C 54 65 61 | o@>@(Toucan@,Tea |
| 70 6F 74 40 29 0A 40 3C 54 68 72 65 65 40 3E 40 | pot@).@<Three@>@ |
| 28 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 2C 54 65 61 70 6F 74 40 | (Toucan@,Teapot@ |
| 2C 57 61 6C 72 75 73 40 29 0A 40 3C 4E 69 6E 65 | ,Walrus@).@<Nine |
| 40 3E 40 28 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 2C 54 65 61 70 | @>@(Toucan@,Teap |
| 6F 74 40 2C 57 61 6C 72 75 73 40 2C 0A 20 20 20 | ot@,Walrus@,. |
| 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 2C 54 | Toucan@,T |
| 65 61 70 6F 74 40 2C 57 61 6C 72 75 73 40 2C 0A | eapot@,Walrus@,. |
| 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 54 6F 75 63 61 6E | Toucan |
| 40 2C 54 65 61 70 6F 74 40 2C 57 61 6C 72 75 73 | @,Teapot@,Walrus |
| 40 29 0A 0A 35 2E 20 54 65 73 74 20 6D 61 63 72 | @)..5. Test macr |
| 6F 20 63 61 6C 6C 73 20 77 69 74 68 20 64 6F 75 | o calls with dou |
| 62 6C 65 20 71 75 6F 74 65 73 20 6F 6E 20 70 61 | ble quotes on pa |
| 72 61 6D 65 74 65 72 73 2E 0A 40 3C 4F 6E 65 40 | rameters..@<One@ |
| 3E 40 28 20 40 22 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 22 40 29 | >@( @"Toucan@"@) |
| 0A 40 3C 54 77 6F 40 3E 40 28 40 22 54 6F 75 63 | .@<Two@>@(@"Touc |
| 61 6E 40 22 20 20 20 40 2C 20 20 20 40 22 54 65 | an@" @, @"Te |
| 61 70 6F 74 40 22 40 29 0A 40 3C 54 68 72 65 65 | apot@"@).@<Three |
| 40 3E 40 28 40 22 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 22 20 40 | @>@(@"Toucan@" @ |
| 2C 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 22 54 | ,. @"T |
| 65 61 70 6F 74 40 22 20 40 2C 0A 20 20 20 20 20 | eapot@" @,. |
| 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 22 57 61 6C 72 75 73 40 22 | @"Walrus@" |
| 20 40 29 0A 40 3C 4E 69 6E 65 40 3E 40 28 20 40 | @).@<Nine@>@( @ |
| 22 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 22 20 40 2C 20 40 22 54 | "Toucan@" @, @"T |
| 65 61 70 6F 74 40 22 20 40 2C 20 40 22 57 61 6C | eapot@" @, @"Wal |
| 72 75 73 40 22 20 40 2C 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 | rus@" @,. |
| 20 20 20 20 40 22 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 22 20 40 | @"Toucan@" @ |
| 2C 20 40 22 54 65 61 70 6F 74 40 22 20 40 2C 20 | , @"Teapot@" @, |
| 40 22 57 61 6C 72 75 73 40 22 20 40 2C 0A 20 20 | @"Walrus@" @,. |
| 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 22 54 6F 75 63 61 | @"Touca |
| 6E 40 22 20 40 2C 20 40 22 54 65 61 70 6F 74 40 | n@" @, @"Teapot@ |
| 22 20 40 2C 20 40 22 57 61 6C 72 75 73 40 22 20 | " @, @"Walrus@" |
| 40 29 0A 0A 37 2E 20 54 65 73 74 20 6D 61 63 72 | @)..7. Test macr |
| 6F 20 63 61 6C 6C 73 20 77 69 74 68 20 6D 69 78 | o calls with mix |
| 65 64 20 64 6F 75 62 6C 65 20 71 75 6F 74 65 73 | ed double quotes |
| 20 6F 6E 20 70 61 72 61 6D 65 74 65 72 73 2E 0A | on parameters.. |
| 40 3C 54 77 6F 40 3E 40 28 40 22 54 6F 75 63 61 | @<Two@>@(@"Touca |
| 6E 40 22 20 20 20 40 2C 54 65 61 70 6F 74 40 29 | n@" @,Teapot@) |
| 0A 40 3C 54 68 72 65 65 40 3E 40 28 40 22 54 6F | .@<Three@>@(@"To |
| 75 63 61 6E 40 22 20 40 2C 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 | ucan@" @,. |
| 20 20 20 20 20 40 22 54 65 61 70 6F 74 40 22 20 | @"Teapot@" |
| 40 2C 57 61 6C 72 75 73 40 29 0A 40 3C 4E 69 6E | @,Walrus@).@<Nin |
| 65 40 3E 40 28 20 40 22 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 22 | e@>@( @"Toucan@" |
| 20 40 2C 20 40 22 54 65 61 70 6F 74 40 22 20 40 | @, @"Teapot@" @ |
| 2C 20 20 20 57 61 6C 72 75 73 20 20 20 40 2C 0A | , Walrus @,. |
| 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 22 54 6F 75 | @"Tou |
| 63 61 6E 40 22 20 40 2C 20 20 20 54 65 61 70 6F | can@" @, Teapo |
| 74 20 20 20 40 2C 20 40 22 57 61 6C 72 75 73 40 | t @, @"Walrus@ |
| 22 20 40 2C 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 | " @,. |
| 40 22 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 22 20 40 2C 20 40 22 | @"Toucan@" @, @" |
| 54 65 61 70 6F 74 40 22 20 40 2C 20 40 22 57 61 | Teapot@" @, @"Wa |
| 6C 72 75 73 40 22 20 40 29 0A 0A 40 7D 20 40 21 | lrus@" @)..@} @! |
| 20 45 6E 64 20 6F 66 20 6D 61 63 72 6F 20 64 65 | End of macro de |
| 66 69 6E 69 74 69 6F 6E 20 65 6E 63 6C 6F 73 69 | finition enclosi |
| 6E 67 20 61 6C 6C 20 74 68 65 73 65 20 6C 65 67 | ng all these leg |
| 61 6C 20 74 65 73 74 73 2E 0A 0A 38 2E 20 54 65 | al tests...8. Te |
| 73 74 20 6D 61 63 72 6F 20 63 61 6C 6C 73 20 77 | st macro calls w |
| 69 74 68 20 61 20 76 61 72 69 65 74 79 20 6F 66 | ith a variety of |
| 20 73 79 6E 74 61 78 20 65 72 72 6F 72 73 20 69 | syntax errors i |
| 6E 20 70 61 72 61 6D 65 74 65 72 20 6C 69 73 74 | n parameter list |
| 2E 0A 40 24 40 3C 45 72 72 6F 72 31 40 3E 40 7B | ..@$@<Error1@>@{ |
| 0A 40 3C 5A 65 72 6F 40 3E 40 28 0A 40 7D 0A 40 | .@<Zero@>@(.@}.@ |
| 41 40 3C 45 72 72 6F 72 20 72 65 63 6F 76 65 72 | A@<Error recover |
| 79 20 70 6F 69 6E 74 40 3E 0A 0A 40 24 40 3C 45 | y point@>..@$@<E |
| 72 72 6F 72 32 40 3E 40 7B 0A 40 3C 5A 65 72 6F | rror2@>@{.@<Zero |
| 40 3E 40 29 0A 40 7D 0A 40 41 40 3C 45 72 72 6F | @>@).@}.@A@<Erro |
| 72 20 72 65 63 6F 76 65 72 79 20 70 6F 69 6E 74 | r recovery point |
| 40 3E 0A 0A 40 24 40 3C 45 72 72 6F 72 33 40 3E | @>..@$@<Error3@> |
| 40 7B 0A 40 3C 4F 6E 65 40 3E 40 28 40 22 54 6F | @{.@<One@>@(@"To |
| 75 63 61 6E 40 29 0A 40 7D 0A 40 41 40 3C 45 72 | ucan@).@}.@A@<Er |
| 72 6F 72 20 72 65 63 6F 76 65 72 79 20 70 6F 69 | ror recovery poi |
| 6E 74 40 3E 0A 0A 40 24 40 3C 45 72 72 6F 72 34 | nt@>..@$@<Error4 |
| 40 3E 40 7B 0A 40 3C 4F 6E 65 40 3E 40 28 40 22 | @>@{.@<One@>@(@" |
| 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 22 40 22 53 6C 6F 74 68 40 | Toucan@"@"Sloth@ |
| 22 40 29 0A 40 7D 0A 40 41 40 3C 45 72 72 6F 72 | "@).@}.@A@<Error |
| 20 72 65 63 6F 76 65 72 79 20 70 6F 69 6E 74 40 | recovery point@ |
| 3E 0A 0A 40 24 40 3C 45 72 72 6F 72 35 40 3E 40 | >..@$@<Error5@>@ |
| 7B 0A 40 3C 54 77 6F 40 3E 40 28 40 22 54 6F 75 | {.@<Two@>@(@"Tou |
| 63 61 6E 40 22 54 65 61 70 6F 74 40 29 0A 40 7D | can@"Teapot@).@} |
| 0A 40 41 40 3C 45 72 72 6F 72 20 72 65 63 6F 76 | .@A@<Error recov |
| 65 72 79 20 70 6F 69 6E 74 40 3E 0A 0A 40 24 40 | ery point@>..@$@ |
| 3C 45 72 72 6F 72 36 40 3E 40 7B 0A 40 3C 54 77 | <Error6@>@{.@<Tw |
| 6F 40 3E 40 28 40 22 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 22 54 | o@>@(@"Toucan@"T |
| 65 61 70 6F 74 0A 40 7D 0A 40 41 40 3C 45 72 72 | eapot.@}.@A@<Err |
| 6F 72 20 72 65 63 6F 76 65 72 79 20 70 6F 69 6E | or recovery poin |
| 74 40 3E 0A 0A 40 24 40 3C 45 72 72 6F 72 37 40 | t@>..@$@<Error7@ |
| 3E 40 7B 0A 40 3C 54 77 6F 40 3E 40 28 40 22 54 | >@{.@<Two@>@(@"T |
| 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 22 54 65 61 70 6F 74 0A 40 3C | oucan@"Teapot.@< |
| 54 68 72 65 65 40 3E 40 28 54 6F 75 63 61 6E 40 | Three@>@(Toucan@ |
| 2C 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 22 54 | ,. @"T |
| 65 61 70 6F 74 40 2C 57 61 6C 72 75 73 0A 0A 40 | eapot@,Walrus..@ |
| 7D 0A 40 41 40 3C 45 72 72 6F 72 20 72 65 63 6F | }.@A@<Error reco |
| 76 65 72 79 20 70 6F 69 6E 74 40 3E 0A 0A | very point@>.. |
=========================== Start of LINE LIST DUMP ============================
Globl Local| Text
00001 00001| PR09: Test calls and actual parameter lists.<010>
00002 00002| <010>
00003 00003| First trip up the parser so we don't get any further.<010>
00004 00004| @><010>
00005 00005| <010>
00006 00006| Now define some macros to call. No error.<010>
00007 00007| <010>
00008 00008| @$@<Zero@>@{@}<010>
00009 00009| @$@<One@>@(@1@)@{@}<010>
00010 00010| @$@<Two@>@(@2@)@{@}<010>
00011 00011| @$@<Three@>@(@3@)@{@}<010>
00012 00012| @$@<Nine@>@(@9@)@{@}<010>
00013 00013| @$@#"@{@}<010>
00014 00014| <010>
00015 00015| The following test calls should NOT generate any errors.<010>
00016 00016| <010>
00017 00017| @$@<Macro containing the test macro calls.@>==@{<010>
00018 00018| 1. Test macro call with no parameter list.<010>
00019 00019| @<Zero@><010>
00020 00020| <010>
00021 00021| 2. Test macro call with quick name.<010>
00022 00022| @#"<010>
00023 00023| <010>
00024 00024| 3. Test macro call with one parameter.<010>
00025 00025| @<One@>@(Toucan@)<010>
00026 00026| <010>
00027 00027| 4. Test macro call with many parameters.<010>
00028 00028| @<Two@>@(Toucan@,Teapot@)<010>
00029 00029| @<Three@>@(Toucan@,Teapot@,Walrus@)<010>
00030 00030| @<Nine@>@(Toucan@,Teapot@,Walrus@,<010>
00031 00031| Toucan@,Teapot@,Walrus@,<010>
00032 00032| Toucan@,Teapot@,Walrus@)<010>
00033 00033| <010>
00034 00034| 5. Test macro calls with double quotes on parameters.<010>
00035 00035| @<One@>@( @"Toucan@"@)<010>
00036 00036| @<Two@>@(@"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@"@)<010>
00037 00037| @<Three@>@(@"Toucan@" @,<010>
00038 00038| @"Teapot@" @,<010>
00039 00039| @"Walrus@" @)<010>
00040 00040| @<Nine@>@( @"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@" @, @"Walrus@" @,<010>
00041 00041| @"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@" @, @"Walrus@" @,<010>
00042 00042| @"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@" @, @"Walrus@" @)<010>
00043 00043| <010>
00044 00044| 7. Test macro calls with mixed double quotes on parameters.<010>
00045 00045| @<Two@>@(@"Toucan@" @,Teapot@)<010>
00046 00046| @<Three@>@(@"Toucan@" @,<010>
00047 00047| @"Teapot@" @,Walrus@)<010>
00048 00048| @<Nine@>@( @"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@" @, Walrus @,<010>
00049 00049| @"Toucan@" @, Teapot @, @"Walrus@" @,<010>
00050 00050| @"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@" @, @"Walrus@" @)<010>
00051 00051| <010>
00052 00052| @} @! End of macro definition enclosing all these legal tests.<010>
00053 00053| <010>
00054 00054| 8. Test macro calls with a variety of syntax errors in parameter list.<010>
00055 00055| @$@<Error1@>@{<010>
00056 00056| @<Zero@>@(<010>
00057 00057| @}<010>
00058 00058| @A@<Error recovery point@><010>
00059 00059| <010>
00060 00060| @$@<Error2@>@{<010>
00061 00061| @<Zero@>@)<010>
00062 00062| @}<010>
00063 00063| @A@<Error recovery point@><010>
00064 00064| <010>
00065 00065| @$@<Error3@>@{<010>
00066 00066| @<One@>@(@"Toucan@)<010>
00067 00067| @}<010>
00068 00068| @A@<Error recovery point@><010>
00069 00069| <010>
00070 00070| @$@<Error4@>@{<010>
00071 00071| @<One@>@(@"Toucan@"@"Sloth@"@)<010>
00072 00072| @}<010>
00073 00073| @A@<Error recovery point@><010>
00074 00074| <010>
00075 00075| @$@<Error5@>@{<010>
00076 00076| @<Two@>@(@"Toucan@"Teapot@)<010>
00077 00077| @}<010>
00078 00078| @A@<Error recovery point@><010>
00079 00079| <010>
00080 00080| @$@<Error6@>@{<010>
00081 00081| @<Two@>@(@"Toucan@"Teapot<010>
00082 00082| @}<010>
00083 00083| @A@<Error recovery point@><010>
00084 00084| <010>
00085 00085| @$@<Error7@>@{<010>
00086 00086| @<Two@>@(@"Toucan@"Teapot<010>
00087 00087| @<Three@>@(Toucan@,<010>
00088 00088| @"Teapot@,Walrus<010>
00089 00089| <010>
00090 00090| @}<010>
00091 00091| @A@<Error recovery point@><010>
00092 00092| <010>
00093 00093| <End-Of-File><010>
Globl Local| Text
============================ End of LINE LIST DUMP =============================
=========================== Start of TOKEN LIST DUMP ===========================
Summary: There are 467 tokens in the token list.
Line[Column]: Token Description
0001[01]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="PR09: Test calls and actual parameter lists.<010>
First trip up the parser so we don't get any further.<010>
0004[01]: @> Close name.
0004[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
Now define some macros to call. No error.<010>
0008[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0008[03]: @< Open name.
0008[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Zero"
0008[09]: @> Close name.
0008[11]: @{ Open defn.
0008[13]: @} Close defn.
0008[15]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0009[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0009[03]: @< Open name.
0009[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="One"
0009[08]: @> Close name.
0009[10]: @( Open param.
0009[12]: @n Parameter. Parameterno=1.
0009[14]: @} Close param.
0009[16]: @{ Open defn.
0009[18]: @} Close defn.
0009[20]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0010[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0010[03]: @< Open name.
0010[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Two"
0010[08]: @> Close name.
0010[10]: @( Open param.
0010[12]: @n Parameter. Parameterno=2.
0010[14]: @} Close param.
0010[16]: @{ Open defn.
0010[18]: @} Close defn.
0010[20]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0011[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0011[03]: @< Open name.
0011[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Three"
0011[10]: @> Close name.
0011[12]: @( Open param.
0011[14]: @n Parameter. Parameterno=3.
0011[16]: @} Close param.
0011[18]: @{ Open defn.
0011[20]: @} Close defn.
0011[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0012[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0012[03]: @< Open name.
0012[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Nine"
0012[09]: @> Close name.
0012[11]: @( Open param.
0012[13]: @n Parameter. Parameterno=9.
0012[15]: @} Close param.
0012[17]: @{ Open defn.
0012[19]: @} Close defn.
0012[21]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0013[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0013[03]: @# Name. Character='"'.
0013[06]: @{ Open defn.
0013[08]: @} Close defn.
0013[10]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
The following test calls should NOT generate any errors.<010>
0017[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0017[03]: @< Open name.
0017[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Macro containing the test macro calls."
0017[43]: @> Close name.
0017[45]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="=="
0017[47]: @{ Open defn.
0017[49]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
1. Test macro call with no parameter list.<010>
0019[01]: @< Open name.
0019[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Zero"
0019[07]: @> Close name.
0019[09]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
2. Test macro call with quick name.<010>
0022[01]: @# Name. Character='"'.
0022[04]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
3. Test macro call with one parameter.<010>
0025[01]: @< Open name.
0025[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="One"
0025[06]: @> Close name.
0025[08]: @( Open param.
0025[10]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0025[16]: @} Close param.
0025[18]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
4. Test macro call with many parameters.<010>
0028[01]: @< Open name.
0028[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Two"
0028[06]: @> Close name.
0028[08]: @( Open param.
0028[10]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0028[16]: @, Comma.
0028[18]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0028[24]: @} Close param.
0028[26]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0029[01]: @< Open name.
0029[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Three"
0029[08]: @> Close name.
0029[10]: @( Open param.
0029[12]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0029[18]: @, Comma.
0029[20]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0029[26]: @, Comma.
0029[28]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
0029[34]: @} Close param.
0029[36]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0030[01]: @< Open name.
0030[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Nine"
0030[07]: @> Close name.
0030[09]: @( Open param.
0030[11]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0030[17]: @, Comma.
0030[19]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0030[25]: @, Comma.
0030[27]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
0030[33]: @, Comma.
0030[35]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
0031[17]: @, Comma.
0031[19]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0031[25]: @, Comma.
0031[27]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
0031[33]: @, Comma.
0031[35]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
0032[17]: @, Comma.
0032[19]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0032[25]: @, Comma.
0032[27]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
0032[33]: @} Close param.
0032[35]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
5. Test macro calls with double quotes on parameters.<010>
0035[01]: @< Open name.
0035[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="One"
0035[06]: @> Close name.
0035[08]: @( Open param.
0035[10]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0035[11]: @" Quote.
0035[13]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0035[19]: @" Quote.
0035[21]: @} Close param.
0035[23]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0036[01]: @< Open name.
0036[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Two"
0036[06]: @> Close name.
0036[08]: @( Open param.
0036[10]: @" Quote.
0036[12]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0036[18]: @" Quote.
0036[20]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0036[23]: @, Comma.
0036[25]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0036[28]: @" Quote.
0036[30]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0036[36]: @" Quote.
0036[38]: @} Close param.
0036[40]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0037[01]: @< Open name.
0037[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Three"
0037[08]: @> Close name.
0037[10]: @( Open param.
0037[12]: @" Quote.
0037[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0037[20]: @" Quote.
0037[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0037[23]: @, Comma.
0037[25]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0038[12]: @" Quote.
0038[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0038[20]: @" Quote.
0038[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0038[23]: @, Comma.
0038[25]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0039[12]: @" Quote.
0039[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
0039[20]: @" Quote.
0039[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0039[23]: @} Close param.
0039[25]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0040[01]: @< Open name.
0040[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Nine"
0040[07]: @> Close name.
0040[09]: @( Open param.
0040[11]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0040[12]: @" Quote.
0040[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0040[20]: @" Quote.
0040[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0040[23]: @, Comma.
0040[25]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0040[26]: @" Quote.
0040[28]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0040[34]: @" Quote.
0040[36]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0040[37]: @, Comma.
0040[39]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0040[40]: @" Quote.
0040[42]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
0040[48]: @" Quote.
0040[50]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0040[51]: @, Comma.
0040[53]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0041[12]: @" Quote.
0041[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0041[20]: @" Quote.
0041[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0041[23]: @, Comma.
0041[25]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0041[26]: @" Quote.
0041[28]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0041[34]: @" Quote.
0041[36]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0041[37]: @, Comma.
0041[39]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0041[40]: @" Quote.
0041[42]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
0041[48]: @" Quote.
0041[50]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0041[51]: @, Comma.
0041[53]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0042[12]: @" Quote.
0042[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0042[20]: @" Quote.
0042[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0042[23]: @, Comma.
0042[25]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0042[26]: @" Quote.
0042[28]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0042[34]: @" Quote.
0042[36]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0042[37]: @, Comma.
0042[39]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0042[40]: @" Quote.
0042[42]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
0042[48]: @" Quote.
0042[50]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0042[51]: @} Close param.
0042[53]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
7. Test macro calls with mixed double quotes on parameters.<010>
0045[01]: @< Open name.
0045[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Two"
0045[06]: @> Close name.
0045[08]: @( Open param.
0045[10]: @" Quote.
0045[12]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0045[18]: @" Quote.
0045[20]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0045[23]: @, Comma.
0045[25]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0045[31]: @} Close param.
0045[33]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0046[01]: @< Open name.
0046[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Three"
0046[08]: @> Close name.
0046[10]: @( Open param.
0046[12]: @" Quote.
0046[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0046[20]: @" Quote.
0046[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0046[23]: @, Comma.
0046[25]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0047[12]: @" Quote.
0047[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0047[20]: @" Quote.
0047[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0047[23]: @, Comma.
0047[25]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
0047[31]: @} Close param.
0047[33]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0048[01]: @< Open name.
0048[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Nine"
0048[07]: @> Close name.
0048[09]: @( Open param.
0048[11]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0048[12]: @" Quote.
0048[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0048[20]: @" Quote.
0048[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0048[23]: @, Comma.
0048[25]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0048[26]: @" Quote.
0048[28]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0048[34]: @" Quote.
0048[36]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0048[37]: @, Comma.
0048[39]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]=" Walrus "
0048[51]: @, Comma.
0048[53]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0049[12]: @" Quote.
0049[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0049[20]: @" Quote.
0049[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0049[23]: @, Comma.
0049[25]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]=" Teapot "
0049[37]: @, Comma.
0049[39]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0049[40]: @" Quote.
0049[42]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
0049[48]: @" Quote.
0049[50]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0049[51]: @, Comma.
0049[53]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0050[12]: @" Quote.
0050[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0050[20]: @" Quote.
0050[22]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0050[23]: @, Comma.
0050[25]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0050[26]: @" Quote.
0050[28]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0050[34]: @" Quote.
0050[36]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0050[37]: @, Comma.
0050[39]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0050[40]: @" Quote.
0050[42]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
0050[48]: @" Quote.
0050[50]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0050[51]: @} Close param.
0050[53]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0052[01]: @} Close defn.
0052[03]: Text. Text scrap[White]=" "
0053[01]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
8. Test macro calls with a variety of syntax errors in parameter list.<010>
0055[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0055[03]: @< Open name.
0055[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error1"
0055[11]: @> Close name.
0055[13]: @{ Open defn.
0055[15]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0056[01]: @< Open name.
0056[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Zero"
0056[07]: @> Close name.
0056[09]: @( Open param.
0056[11]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0057[01]: @} Close defn.
0057[03]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0058[01]: @A New section (Level 1).
0058[03]: @< Open name.
0058[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error recovery point"
0058[25]: @> Close name.
0058[27]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0060[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0060[03]: @< Open name.
0060[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error2"
0060[11]: @> Close name.
0060[13]: @{ Open defn.
0060[15]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0061[01]: @< Open name.
0061[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Zero"
0061[07]: @> Close name.
0061[09]: @} Close param.
0061[11]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0062[01]: @} Close defn.
0062[03]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0063[01]: @A New section (Level 1).
0063[03]: @< Open name.
0063[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error recovery point"
0063[25]: @> Close name.
0063[27]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0065[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0065[03]: @< Open name.
0065[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error3"
0065[11]: @> Close name.
0065[13]: @{ Open defn.
0065[15]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0066[01]: @< Open name.
0066[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="One"
0066[06]: @> Close name.
0066[08]: @( Open param.
0066[10]: @" Quote.
0066[12]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0066[18]: @} Close param.
0066[20]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0067[01]: @} Close defn.
0067[03]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0068[01]: @A New section (Level 1).
0068[03]: @< Open name.
0068[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error recovery point"
0068[25]: @> Close name.
0068[27]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0070[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0070[03]: @< Open name.
0070[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error4"
0070[11]: @> Close name.
0070[13]: @{ Open defn.
0070[15]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0071[01]: @< Open name.
0071[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="One"
0071[06]: @> Close name.
0071[08]: @( Open param.
0071[10]: @" Quote.
0071[12]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0071[18]: @" Quote.
0071[20]: @" Quote.
0071[22]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Sloth"
0071[27]: @" Quote.
0071[29]: @} Close param.
0071[31]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0072[01]: @} Close defn.
0072[03]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0073[01]: @A New section (Level 1).
0073[03]: @< Open name.
0073[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error recovery point"
0073[25]: @> Close name.
0073[27]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0075[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0075[03]: @< Open name.
0075[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error5"
0075[11]: @> Close name.
0075[13]: @{ Open defn.
0075[15]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0076[01]: @< Open name.
0076[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Two"
0076[06]: @> Close name.
0076[08]: @( Open param.
0076[10]: @" Quote.
0076[12]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0076[18]: @" Quote.
0076[20]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0076[26]: @} Close param.
0076[28]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0077[01]: @} Close defn.
0077[03]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0078[01]: @A New section (Level 1).
0078[03]: @< Open name.
0078[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error recovery point"
0078[25]: @> Close name.
0078[27]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0080[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0080[03]: @< Open name.
0080[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error6"
0080[11]: @> Close name.
0080[13]: @{ Open defn.
0080[15]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0081[01]: @< Open name.
0081[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Two"
0081[06]: @> Close name.
0081[08]: @( Open param.
0081[10]: @" Quote.
0081[12]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0081[18]: @" Quote.
0081[20]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot<010>
0082[01]: @} Close defn.
0082[03]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0083[01]: @A New section (Level 1).
0083[03]: @< Open name.
0083[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error recovery point"
0083[25]: @> Close name.
0083[27]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0085[01]: @$ Macro defn.
0085[03]: @< Open name.
0085[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error7"
0085[11]: @> Close name.
0085[13]: @{ Open defn.
0085[15]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0086[01]: @< Open name.
0086[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Two"
0086[06]: @> Close name.
0086[08]: @( Open param.
0086[10]: @" Quote.
0086[12]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0086[18]: @" Quote.
0086[20]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot<010>
0087[01]: @< Open name.
0087[03]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Three"
0087[08]: @> Close name.
0087[10]: @( Open param.
0087[12]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
0087[18]: @, Comma.
0087[20]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0088[12]: @" Quote.
0088[14]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
0088[20]: @, Comma.
0088[22]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus<010>
0090[01]: @} Close defn.
0090[03]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0091[01]: @A New section (Level 1).
0091[03]: @< Open name.
0091[05]: Text. Text scrap[Grey]="Error recovery point"
0091[25]: @> Close name.
0091[27]: Text. Text scrap[White]="<010>
0093[01]: End Of File.
============================ End of TOKEN LIST DUMP ============================
========================== Start of MACRO TABLE DUMP ===========================
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : """
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 0
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Call 1: Parameters=0, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(22,1).
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 1 body part.
Body part 1: Seqnum=6, Pos(L,C)=(13,3), Expression follows:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- End of Expression -----
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Error1"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 0
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 0 body parts.
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Error2"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 0
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 0 body parts.
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Error3"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 0
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 0 body parts.
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Error4"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 0
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 0 body parts.
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Error5"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 0
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 1 body part.
Body part 1: Seqnum=8, Pos(L,C)=(75,3), Expression follows:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[White]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<Two@>
This invocation has 1 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[White]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Error6"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 0
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 0 body parts.
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Error7"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 0
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 0 body parts.
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Macro containing the test macro calls."
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 0
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 1 body part.
Body part 1: Seqnum=7, Pos(L,C)=(17,3), Expression follows:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
1. Test macro call with no parameter list.<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<Zero@>
No actual parameters.
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
2. Test macro call with quick name.<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<"@>
No actual parameters.
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
3. Test macro call with one parameter.<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<One@>
This invocation has 1 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
4. Test macro call with many parameters.<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<Two@>
This invocation has 2 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 2:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[White]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<Three@>
This invocation has 3 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 2:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 3:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[White]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<Nine@>
This invocation has 9 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 2:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 3:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 4:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 5:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 6:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 7:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 8:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 9:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
5. Test macro calls with double quotes on parameters.<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<One@>
This invocation has 1 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[White]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<Two@>
This invocation has 2 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 2:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[White]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<Three@>
This invocation has 3 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 2:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 3:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[White]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<Nine@>
This invocation has 9 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 2:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 3:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 4:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 5:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 6:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 7:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 8:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 9:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
7. Test macro calls with mixed double quotes on parameters.<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<Two@>
This invocation has 2 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 2:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[White]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<Three@>
This invocation has 3 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 2:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 3:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[White]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
-- Begin Invocation Element --
Invocation of macro @<Nine@>
This invocation has 9 actual parameters.
Actual parameter list follows as a sequence of expressions:
(Text crud before and after parameter has been omitted).
Expression for parameter number 1:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 2:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 3:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]=" Walrus "
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 4:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 5:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]=" Teapot "
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 6:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 7:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Toucan"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 8:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Teapot"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
Expression for parameter number 9:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[Grey]="Walrus"
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
--- End Invocation Element ---
----- Start Text Element -----
Text scrap[White]="<010>
------ End Text Element ------
----- End of Expression -----
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Nine"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 9
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Call 1: Parameters=9, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(30,1).
Call 2: Parameters=9, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(40,1).
Call 3: Parameters=9, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(48,1).
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 1 body part.
Body part 1: Seqnum=5, Pos(L,C)=(12,3), Expression follows:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- End of Expression -----
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "One"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 1
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Call 1: Parameters=1, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(25,1).
Call 2: Parameters=1, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(35,1).
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 1 body part.
Body part 1: Seqnum=2, Pos(L,C)=(9,3), Expression follows:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- End of Expression -----
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Three"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 3
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Call 1: Parameters=3, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(29,1).
Call 2: Parameters=3, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(37,1).
Call 3: Parameters=3, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(46,1).
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 1 body part.
Body part 1: Seqnum=4, Pos(L,C)=(11,3), Expression follows:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- End of Expression -----
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Two"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 2
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Call 1: Parameters=2, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(28,1).
Call 2: Parameters=2, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(36,1).
Call 3: Parameters=2, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(45,1).
Call 4: Parameters=1, Sequence num=8, Position(L,C)=(76,1).
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 1 body part.
Body part 1: Seqnum=3, Pos(L,C)=(10,3), Expression follows:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- End of Expression -----
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
------------------- Start of Macro Dump --------------------
Macro Name : "Zero"
Defined? : Yes.
Parameters : 0
Additive? : No.
Zero Calls? : No.
Many Calls? : No.
Output File?: No.
Call list :
Call 1: Parameters=0, Sequence num=7, Position(L,C)=(19,1).
Call 2: Parameters=0, Sequence num=8, Position(L,C)=(61,1).
Macro body :
--Start of List of Body Parts--
This macro has 1 body part.
Body part 1: Seqnum=1, Pos(L,C)=(8,3), Expression follows:
---- Start of Expression ----
----- End of Expression -----
---End of List of Body Parts---
-------------------- End of Macro Dump ---------------------
=========================== End of MACRO TABLE DUMP ============================
========================= Start of DOCUMENT LIST DUMP ==========================
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[Grey]="PR09: Test calls and actual parameter lists.<010>
First trip up the parser so we don't get any further.<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
Now define some macros to call. No error.<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Part 1 of macro @<Zero@>.
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(8,15).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Part 1 of macro @<One@>.
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(9,20).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Part 1 of macro @<Two@>.
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(10,20).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Part 1 of macro @<Three@>.
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(11,22).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Part 1 of macro @<Nine@>.
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(12,21).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Part 1 of macro @<"@>.
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(13,10).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
The following test calls should NOT generate any errors.<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Part 1 of macro @<Macro containing the test macro calls.@>.
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(52,3).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]=" "
Text scrap[Grey]="<010>
8. Test macro calls with a variety of syntax errors in parameter list.<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Section "1", Section name="Error recovery point".
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(58,27).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Section "2", Section name="Error recovery point".
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(63,27).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Section "3", Section name="Error recovery point".
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(68,27).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Section "4", Section name="Error recovery point".
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(73,27).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Part 1 of macro @<Error5@>.
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(77,3).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Section "5", Section name="Error recovery point".
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(78,27).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Section "6", Section name="Error recovery point".
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(83,27).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
Section "7", Section name="Error recovery point".
TEXT COMPONENT: Pos(L,C)=(91,27).
-- Start of Text Scrap List --
Text scrap[White]="<010>
--- End of Text Scrap List ---
========================== End of DOCUMENT LIST DUMP ===========================
Global Local| Input File
1 1| PR09: Test calls and actual parameter lists.
2 2|
3 3| First trip up the parser so we don't get any further.
4 4| @>
Error|.^The parser was at the top level and was expecting
|.^one of: {Directive, Text, Macro definition, EOF}.
5 5|
6 6| Now define some macros to call. No error.
7 7|
8 8| @$@<Zero@>@{@}
9 9| @$@<One@>@(@1@)@{@}
10 10| @$@<Two@>@(@2@)@{@}
11 11| @$@<Three@>@(@3@)@{@}
12 12| @$@<Nine@>@(@9@)@{@}
13 13| @$@#"@{@}
14 14|
15 15| The following test calls should NOT generate any errors.
16 16|
17 17| @$@<Macro containing the test macro calls.@>==@{
18 18| 1. Test macro call with no parameter list.
19 19| @<Zero@>
20 20|
21 21| 2. Test macro call with quick name.
22 22| @#"
23 23|
24 24| 3. Test macro call with one parameter.
25 25| @<One@>@(Toucan@)
26 26|
27 27| 4. Test macro call with many parameters.
28 28| @<Two@>@(Toucan@,Teapot@)
29 29| @<Three@>@(Toucan@,Teapot@,Walrus@)
30 30| @<Nine@>@(Toucan@,Teapot@,Walrus@,
31 31| Toucan@,Teapot@,Walrus@,
32 32| Toucan@,Teapot@,Walrus@)
33 33|
34 34| 5. Test macro calls with double quotes on parameters.
35 35| @<One@>@( @"Toucan@"@)
36 36| @<Two@>@(@"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@"@)
37 37| @<Three@>@(@"Toucan@" @,
38 38| @"Teapot@" @,
39 39| @"Walrus@" @)
40 40| @<Nine@>@( @"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@" @, @"Walrus@" @,
41 41| @"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@" @, @"Walrus@" @,
42 42| @"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@" @, @"Walrus@" @)
43 43|
44 44| 7. Test macro calls with mixed double quotes on parameters.
45 45| @<Two@>@(@"Toucan@" @,Teapot@)
46 46| @<Three@>@(@"Toucan@" @,
47 47| @"Teapot@" @,Walrus@)
48 48| @<Nine@>@( @"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@" @, Walrus @,
49 49| @"Toucan@" @, Teapot @, @"Walrus@" @,
50 50| @"Toucan@" @, @"Teapot@" @, @"Walrus@" @)
51 51|
52 52| @} @! End of macro definition enclosing all these legal tests.
53 53|
54 54| 8. Test macro calls with a variety of syntax errors in parameter list.
55 55| @$@<Error1@>@{
56 56| @<Zero@>@(
57 57| @}
Error|.^Expecting @" or @, or @).
|.^Skipping after error to the next major construct...
58 58| @A@<Error recovery point@>
|.^...skipped to here after the error.
59 59|
60 60| @$@<Error2@>@{
61 61| @<Zero@>@)
Error|.........^Expecting '@}'.
|.........^Skipping after error to the next major construct...
62 62| @}
63 63| @A@<Error recovery point@>
|.^...skipped to here after the error.
64 64|
65 65| @$@<Error3@>@{
66 66| @<One@>@(@"Toucan@)
Error|..................^Expecting '@"'.
|..................^Skipping after error to the next major construct...
67 67| @}
68 68| @A@<Error recovery point@>
|.^...skipped to here after the error.
69 69|
70 70| @$@<Error4@>@{
71 71| @<One@>@(@"Toucan@"@"Sloth@"@)
Error|....................^Expecting @, or @).
|....................^Skipping after error to the next major construct...
72 72| @}
73 73| @A@<Error recovery point@>
|.^...skipped to here after the error.
74 74|
75 75| @$@<Error5@>@{
76 76| @<Two@>@(@"Toucan@"Teapot@)
Error|....................^Expecting whitespace text.
77 77| @}
78 78| @A@<Error recovery point@>
79 79|
80 80| @$@<Error6@>@{
81 81| @<Two@>@(@"Toucan@"Teapot
Error|....................^Expecting whitespace text.
82 82| @}
Error|.^Expecting @, or @).
|.^Skipping after error to the next major construct...
83 83| @A@<Error recovery point@>
|.^...skipped to here after the error.
84 84|
85 85| @$@<Error7@>@{
86 86| @<Two@>@(@"Toucan@"Teapot
Error|....................^Expecting whitespace text.
87 87| @<Three@>@(Toucan@,
Error|.^Expecting @, or @).
|.^Skipping after error to the next major construct...
88 88| @"Teapot@,Walrus
89 89|
90 90| @}
91 91| @A@<Error recovery point@>
|.^...skipped to here after the error.
92 92|
| <End-Of-File>
There were 10 Errors.