GEMini Atari
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4,449 lines
§Character Set§_Zeichensatz§
§Funktion Keys§_Funktionstasten§
§Answering Machine§_Anrufbeantworter§
§Learn a Script§_Lernen§
§TEK Parameters§_Teksetup§
§File Transfer§_Transfer§
§Status Line§_Statuszeile§
§Terminal Size§_Size§
§Send Break§T\BREAK§
§Terminal Reset§T\RESET§
§Commun. Reset§T\KRESET§
§Fix Setup§T\FIXSET§
§Load Setup§T\LOASET§
§Save Setup§T\SAVSET§
§Clear Screen§T\CLRSCR§
§Clear Buffer§T\CLRPUF§
§Save Buffer§T\SAVPUF§
§TEK 4014 Window§Tektronixfenster§
§Copy Buffer§_Puffer§
Terminal Menu
The terminal menu includes the following
Terminal Setup
File Transfer Emulation
Terminal Size Character Set
Terminal Reset Display
Commun. Reset Capture
Hangup Tabulator
Clear Screen Port
Clear Buffer Function Keys
Save Buffer Compatibility
Copy Buffer Status Line
Send Break TEK Parameters
Fix Setup
Load Setup
Save Setup
Learn a Script
TEK 4014 Window
Answering Machine
§file transfer dialog§_Transfer§
Using the menu item Upload... you can send
a file with the parameters specified in the
file transfer dialog.
§file transfer dialog§_Transfer§
Using the menu item Upload... you can receive
a file with the parameters specified in the
file transfer dialog.
A file from disk will be displayed using
the current emulation.
ATTENTION: No characters of the file will
be sent to the modem. If you
want to do this, use the commands
Upload or ASCII-Upload.
TOS-Shell (Terminal Menu)
Start the TOS shell in the current window if
one is installed. Use the environment variable
$SHELL or the _shell_p pointer to install one.
Save Buffer.
All data in the current history buffer will
be saved to a disk file.
Clear Buffer
All data in the current history buffer will
be cleared.
Send a Break.
CoNnect sends the so called Break Signal
to the modem.
See also sendbreak (CoSHy command).
§Fix Setup§T\FIXSET§
§Save Setup§T\SAVSET§
§Load Setup§T\LOASET§
Terminal Reset.
The terminal will be reset to the values
of last Fix Setup, Save Setup or Load Setup.
Clear Screen
The current window will be cleared.
Communication Reset.
All characters pending in the IO-queue
will be discarded. A possible state of
holdscreen will be cleared.
The modem will be forced to hang up the phone.
The way this is done can be set up in the
Dial dialog.
See also: hangup (CoSHy command)
§terminal reset§T\RESET§
Fix Setup
All current setup settings will be fixed for
a later terminal reset.
§Save Setup§T\SAVSET§
Load Setup
will load a terminal setup, saved by
Save Setup, from disk.
§terminal menu§Menue-Term§
§Load Setup§T\LOASET§
§Fix Setup§T\FIXSET§
Save Setup
The current terminal settings will be
saved to disk. Terminal settings
are all possible settings that can be
done within the terminal menu. There
is one exception to this rule: Telephone
numbers in the Dial dialog are stored
in the telephone-book. Only the name of
this telephone file will be stored in
Using Load Setup, you can reload a
saved setup.
Before a Save Setup is executed, CoNnect
will automatically do a Fix Setup.
§selecting, sending,§Markieren§
The buffer window
The buffer window is opened by the menu
item Copy Buffer in the terminal menu.
The buffer window enables you to have the
history buffer in an extra window while
your dataflow in the terminal window is
Using the buffer window you can have all
the possibilities in selecting, sending,
... like in the terminal window. Sending
text will send them to the buffers port.
§trash can§Papierkorb§
§modem parameter§Modemparameter§
§phone editor§T-Editor§
§load numbers§T-Laden§
§save numbers§T-Laden§
In the dialing dialog you find the
'telephone book' on the right hand side and
the 'repeated dial memory' on the left hand
side. Dragging numbers from the telephone
book to the dial memory will repeatedly
dial all the numbers in this memory after the
telephone icon has been clicked on.
Inbetween there are many icons to manipulate the
telephone book or modem settings. On top there is the
phone editor, followed by load numbers, save numbers
and the sorter icon. In the bottom line there are the
trash can, the clipboard and two modem parameter icons.
Finally above the 'repeated dial memory' there is
the telephone icon.
Using the mouse.
By clicking on items in the telephone book, you may
select these items. Doing this while pressing the
SHIFT key will append the new item to a selection.
On the left hand side of the telephone book you also
may create a rubber box to select several items at once.
Clicking on the left hand side will deselect all
entries. The handling of the 'memory' box is
Adding items to the memory is done by dragging these
from the telephone book to the memory (dragging:
moving the mouse with the left button pressed).
Deleting items in the telephone book or in the memory
is done by dragging them to the trash can. In the
memory a double click on an item will cause the number
to be dialed and then delete it from the list after a
connection is made.
By dragging items within the telephone book or the
memory you may change the order.
The most important icon: The telephone.
Clicking on the telephone will cause CoNnect to start
dialing the numbers within the memory. This dialing
will be continued until a connection can be established
or a user definable event (see modem parameter) occurs.
Dragging an item onto the the telephone icon will
cause CoNnect to start a single dial-in attempt.
Double-Clicking an item in the telephone book while
pressing SHIFT will start dial attempts to this number
until a connection is established.
The two disk-like icons are used to save and load
telephone books.
Loading a telephone book will replace the old one
if the SHIFT key is not pressed. If you hold the SHIFT
key then the new book will be appended to the old one.
The same applies for saving. Saving the book will
delete a file. If the SHIFT key is pressed then the
book will be appended to this file.
The Phone Editor
In this editor you may change the data in your
telephone book.
Clicking on the editor icon without any telephone
book item selected will allow you to create
a new entry to your telephone book.
Dragging one or more already available entries to
this icon will allow you to modify these items.
The telephone number is the number you have to dial
to get a line to a given bbs. The reset and the init
string are of similar meaning. They contain strings
to setup your modem before dialing starts. The dial
string itself (normally ATD#|) starts the dialing
All three strings my contain 3 special characters:
| to produce a carriage return
~ to wait for 0.5 second
^ to pull DTR to low for 0.5 seconds
You may also enter a login script to run an automatic
login script to your bbs if the connection is
The info button enables you to add some
information to an entry in the phone editor.
Setup of the modem's reactions
By clicking on the first modem icon you can setup
the way connect reacts on modem return code while
dialing. In the first row you enter the modem
messages. Right of them you can specify CoNnect's
reaction. If you don't want CoNnect to act on a
specific modem response just remove this response
from the response list. Normally CoNnect reacts
on any modem response BEGINNING with the entered
characters. If you want CoNnect only to react on
identical responses append a CONTROL-M (a CR sign)
to this string.
There are also waiting parameters. You can specify
how long CoNnect waits until it dials the next
number in the dialing list (1st parameter) and how
long it waits until redialing the first number in
the list again.
By clicking on the second modem icon you can
specify the delay between the characters sent to the
modem when dialing. Some low-quality modems need
long delays like 100ms. You can also enter the
default dialing sequence strings used when you
enter new numbers in the phone editor or when
reading in a scrap.txt file from the clipboard.
CoNnect's clipboard is compatible with the GEM-Clipboard.
CoNnect will ask you to install a Clipboard, if this
hasn't been done on your system so far (there are
many PD programs to do this) or if CoNnect cannot
find the folder c:\clipbrd. A full clipboard has
a written peace of paper on it. Its content (if it's
containing phone book information) can be dragged
to the phonebook. You can drag numbers from the
phone book or the dialing memory to the clipboard.
(Pressing SHIFT during this action means: Appending)
The wastebasket.
Everything you drag onto the wastebasket will be
lost. An UNDO is only possible if you leave the
dialing dialog by CANCEL in which case all
changes to this dialog will be discarded.
When dragging the clipboard onto the wastebasket
the contents of this clipboard will definitely be
lost. No UNDO is possible.
The Type Ahead Buffer
You can activate the type ahead buffer by pression
CONTROL+INSERT in a terminal window.
Everything you type inside this window will be
sent to the modem if you end this input with an
ENTER or RETURN. An UNDO will cancel your input.
Pressing Cursor UP/DOWN will let you use a 20
lines history for the type ahead buffer.
The transfer is in progress.
To abort press the CANCEL button or the
UNDO key.
You can see:
The name and the path of the file.
And a bar displaying the progress of
the transfer.
Transmitted data size.
Whole data size.
Current cps rates.
Average cps rates.
Elapsed time.
Estimated complete transmission time.
There you can read messages about
possible errors or other messages from
the protocol.
Here you get a short listing of the options
configurable for the internal Z-Modem.
Popup1: Protocol:
∙ Z-Modem: This is the best choice if your
host supports this protocol.
∙ Y-Modem: and
∙ X-Modem: should only be used if your host
does not support Z-modem. Y-Modem is
not safe and X-Modem is very slow.
∙ X-Modem7: A protocol, used at least at
Compuserve. This implementation here
is not tested at all.
∙ Compuserve B and
∙ Compuserve B+: a two protocols used in
compuserve only. They may be a little
buggy in this verion of CoNnect.
Popup2: Buffersize:
You may choose between 128, 256, 512 and 1024
bytes. The resulting buffersize will be your
chosen one or below this depending on the
host's parameters. For X-Modem only 128 or 1024
bytes are useful. Y-Modem will always use
1024 Bytes regardless of your settings here.
Popup3: Data Protection:
∙ Overwrite will always overwrite existing
∙ Protect will cause an error condition when
receiving a filename which exists already
on your file system.
∙ Resume: Will try to do an error recovery.
In fact it will append missing parts to
already existing files.
∙ Ask User: If a file already exists, the
user is asked if he/she wants to over-
write, to resume or to skip this file.
∙ Rename: If a file already exists, CoNnect
will create a unique filename (by
changing the extension to 001, 002 ...)
Popup4: Escapes:
∙ No Escapes is normally used on lines which
will not filter any of the possible 256
8-Bit characters
∙ Escapes on has to be used if you are working
on certain unix systems which ttys will
filter control characters. Transmission is
much slower when using escapes.
Popup5: Data Type:
You may select here if you are transferring
Binary data (no conversion performed) or
Ascii data (Linefeed have to be changed).
Automatic data type detections will try to
guess the data type by the filename's ex-
tension. This is not always safe. CoNnect
assumes the following extensions to be
extensions of Ascii Files:
TXT, ASC, RTF, C , CPP, C++, H ,
PAS, F , FOR, F77, CAR, PS , EPS,
Popup6: Checksums:
You may select either CHECKSUM (XY-Modem),
CRC-16 (XYZ-MODEM) or the standard CRC-32
(Z-Modem) which gives most security.
Full paths:
Only a few hosts allow this option to be
switched on. It will send full pathnames
and try to create directories on your file-
systems if full pathnames are received.
Force acknowlegde:
Normally CoNnect's Zmodem runs in Stream-
mode. If this switch is on, CoNnect wants
an acknowledge from the host after each
transmitted block. This will decrease
transmission speed.
No multitasking:
If you need really high speed transfers
this option will disable all multitasking
within CoNnect and the system. To stop a
running transfer you'll have to press ^C.
Concerning transmission speed:
You will obtain good and high transmission
rates when you set a large io-buffer in
the port dialog. A value of 8192 bytes
is a good choice.
§binary files§Binärdateien§
§Michael Zieglers§Ziegler§
The File Transfer Dialog.
Here you make all the necessary settings for
the transfer of binary files. You may either
use CoNnect's internal Z-Modem or external
programs like the famous GSZRZACC.
The internal Zmodem can be chosen when you
set the transfer program popup to XYZ-Modem(int.)
Click here for the 'Internal Zmodem Parameters'.
If you are using the registrated version of
Michael Ziegler's ZModem, which will be faster
than the internal protocol you may put this
ACC to your boot drive and CoNnect will start
corresponding with it. Please read the
Zmodem instructions carefully and don't forget
to put a $ as the last sending parameter in
all external protocols. Chose GEMRZSZ.ACC in
the transfer program popup and press the button
Search Accessory.
Using an external XYZ-Modem you may choose
XYZ-Modem (ext) and select the program
paths of this protocol.
Standard parameters for several external
programs are:
receive: -rz
send : -sz $
send : -u $
send : -a $
The $ sign is expanded to a fileselector box
which opens when the Transfer is started. The
file (with Selectric even several files) which
you then select will replace the $ in the command
If you activate the Z-Modem auto start Z-Modem
reception will start automatically.
With SLOT you may setup up to 8 different proto-
col settings which may be predefined and just
selected when used for a special kind of transfer.
For the transfer of binary files so called
transfer protocols are used to allow error
free and/or fast transfers. Z-Modem is error
free and fast. Error free but not so fast
is Kermit. Nearly error free but not fast at
all is X-Modem. Without error checking
and very fast is Y-Modem.
Normaly Z-Modem is the best choice if it's
You'll get a highly recommended Z-Modem program
for DM 30,- from
XENIA Software XENIA Software
Michael Ziegler Michael Ziegler
Jagdfeldring 16 Kreissparkasse Muenchen
D-8013 Haar BLZ 702 501 50
Kto: 420354680
You may contact the author in the Maus-Net:
(The internet supports a gateway using
the domain @m.maus.de)
You may specify your own tabulator setup here.
However it's a good idea to set the tab
distance to 8.
The other possible settings are:
left and right border in the ANSI-Emulation
a margin bell (vt100)
the scroll region. touch this only if you
know vt100 and if you know what you are
The Status Line.
Below the terminal menu you may install the vt100
status line. Do this by activating the check box
on top of this dialog.
What you will see in this line is up to the other
settings in this dialogue.
Terminal Size
You may set the terminal size here (but remember
most hosts want you to use an 80x24 display)
The buffer lines are lines for your history
scrollback buffer. If you want to scrollback
it's highly recommended to activate holdscreen
before, because otherwise CoNnect will always
scroll to the bottom of the window if it receives
new characters.
When you are using the fastscroll option you
should install at least 50 buffer lines here
and enable at least the vertical scrollbar.
Cursor coupling will keep track of the cursor
and if it's outside the visible part of your
window, the window will be scrolled to make
the cursor visible again. For speed reasons
this coupling is only done vertically.
Normally the function key F1 is set to holdscreen.
Then - if you press F1 holdscreen gets active as
long as F1 is not pressed again. (Active holdscreen
will light the rightmost LED in the terminal window)
This will allow you to scroll back in your history
buffer without being disturbed by CoNnect's scrolling
to the bottom when receiving new characters.
With the following trick you may install F1 as the
holdscreen key in CoNnect.
Open the function key dialog. Set the text of
F1 to 'holdscreen' (without the quotes!) and enable
the left check box behind this entry.
F1 will then toggle holdscreen status.
§distributors§Wo Registrieren§
The Registration Dialog.
In this dialog you should enter your user data.
(Name, Address, favorite Baseball player ;-)
At least your name should be placed here to
allow CoNnect to create a unique user id for
you. Entering your address will enable CoNnect
to create a registration letter which is
highly recommended as it will eliminate lots
of possible registration problems.
If the programmer (that's me) has received
your registration fee AND the registration
letter you'll get the key for an unlimited
version and a printed manual.
The registration key has to be entered
in this dialog in one of the 6 possible slots.
Six - because you'll need a special key for
each TOS-Version you are using as the user id
is dependent on this.
For some countries local distributors will
handle your registration.
§distributors§Wo Registrieren§
You can access the programmer of CoNnect at
Wolfgang Wander
Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 63a
D-22880 Wedel
or by email:
Wolfgang Wander @ HH2 (Mausnet)
wwc@dxhra1.desy.de (Internet)
the bank to send lots of money to:
Wolfgang Wander
Konto-Nummer: 1373482932
Hamburger Sparkasse
Bankleitzahl: 20050550
If you are not living in Germany you might
find it convenient to contact the local
§data and stopbits§Datenbit§
Port parameters
here you can specify the port parameters.
Port parameters are: port, baud rate,
handshake, data and stopbits, parity
and size of the io-buffer.
Possible settings for handshake are:
No handshake, rts/cts, xon/xoff.
Handshake is used between two computers (or
a computer and a modem) to tell each other
that they are able to receive data or not.
Without handshake lots of data would be lost,
if the receiving computer is slower in taking
the data then the other one sends it.
Without handshake (because your modem or
host does not support it) you should
try to install a large io-buffer.
The different forms of handshake are:
∙ software handshake: XON/XOFF
As soon as one of the partners is ready
to receive data it sends an XON (^Q). When
it wants to stop transmission it will send
an XOFF (^S).
∙ hardware handshake: RTS/CTS
is quite similar to the software
handshake. In contrast no characters are
sent only voltages on hard wired lines are
set. Hardware handshake will give you
better transmission speed.
It is important, that both sides use the same
form of handshake. Otherwise the connection
would be equivalent to no handshake at all
or in the worst case, transmission will block.
The size of the io-buffer can be set to
values between 256 and 32767 bytes.
If your host or your modem supports handshake
a value of 4096 or 8192 will be reasonable
(for fast Z-Modem transfers).
Otherwise the largest value might still not
be large enough. Set it to 32767 bytes.
Possible settings for echo are:
echo on, echo off, local
Echo on: Every character, typed by you on the
keyboard will be send to the host and will also
be displayed in the terminal window. If your host
will have a built-in echo, your display will look
like oohh wwhhaatt nniiccee ddoouubbllee
cchhaarraacctteerrss. A better choice would
be echo off then.
Echo off: Working in mailboxes or on unix
computers this is the right choice. Typed
characters are sent to the host only and
the host is supposed to echo them. (if you
should see them).
Echo Local: Here no characters are sent to
the host. Everything you type will be
displayed on screen only.
Possible settings for parity are:
no, even , odd.
No parity will neither send nor receive an
additional parity bit.
If the sent character has a even number of
set bits, the parity bit will be set/unset if
even/odd parity is enabled and vice versa.
Possible settings for databits are 5, 6, 7,
or 8.
Each character sent consist of 1 start bit,
a configurable number of data bits, an
optional parity bit and a configurable
of stop bits.
To send with 8 data bits, no parity and 1
stop bit (which is default on most hosts) 10
bits per character are sent.
The baud rate is the number of bits which can
be transmitted per second on the serial line
of your atari.
On a simple ST you can specify the following
19200, 9600, 4800, 3600, 2400, 2000, 1800,
1200, 600, 300, 200, 150, 134, 110, 75, 50
You may speed up you ST by a hardware
enhancement (RS-Speed of Stephan Skrodzki or
RSVE of Harun Scheutzow) to get 38400, 57600
and 115200 bps. Those enhancers can install
a cookie so that CoNnect knows of their
existence and displays the right baudrates.
On a TT, a MegaSTE and on the Falcon030 you
have some additional and high baudrates.
-> port.
On all ATARI-Computers you can use the MIDI
Port in addition to the normal serial ports.
Transmission parameters on midi are fixed to
8N1 (8 Databits, No parity, 1 Stopbit),
No(!) handshake and 31250 baud.
On a Falcon you are able to select some
higher rates also:
153600, 125000, 115200, 83333, 76800, 62500,
57600, 50000, 38400, 31250
The Mega STE has 3 serial ports.
MODEM1 - is identical to the ST-Port
MODEM2 - is identical to the Falcon port
SERIEL2- has the following additional
baudrates: 125000, 115200, 83333,
62500, 57600, 38400, 31250 and
The MegaSTE's Ports have some hardware defects
by definition and only MODEM2 and MODEM1 can
give satisfying results.
On a TT there are 4 serial ports.
MODEM1 - is identical to the ST-Port
MODEM2 - Is similar to the Falcon port but not
able to do 57600 and 115200 baud.
SERIEL1- is similar to the ST-Port but has less
lines and is therefore almost unusable.
SERIEL2- Is identical to SERIAL2 on the MEGASTE,
but bug free. Has no Ring-Indicator.
Only if you are using a high speed modem the
high baud rates will be of interest for you.
The telebit worldblazer is able to receive
and send at 115200 baud but this is quite
§character set§_Zeichensatz§
The Scantable
is a file with certain commands for connect
how to handle any pressed key.
It can either be loaded in the dialog
character set or by the coshy command scantable.
For example you can use the table to map some
country specific keys ( the German umlaute )
to its equivalent ae, ue, oe ...
A Scantable example:
'ä' 'ae'
'ö' 'oe'
'ü' 'ue'
'Ä' 'Ae'
'Ö' 'Oe'
'Ü' 'Ue'
'ß' 'ss'
The first row contains the pressed key, the
second its replacement. ('' have to be used
You can also give an ASCII-Value for the
pressed key. If you want to replace ^A you
1 'this' 32 'was' $20 'key' 0x20 '^A'
Note that the Space character may not be
included in quotes ('') and has to be
specified as 32.
Negative numbers in the first row refer to
the (positive) Scancode number.
You'll find a complete overview of the
scancode in the Profibuch. (app. C)
-1 'Escape'
you'll get the String Escape when pressing
-72 0x1b '[B'
will send the vt100-Sequence Cursor Down when
you press cursor up. This is fun ;-)
An important application of this scantables
is the doorway-mode, where you can define
your ATARI sending DOS-Scancodes to allow
remote control of a PC running the DOORWAY
Following the scancode entry, you may specify
a special SHIFT-State of your keyboard
-1 Sca 'escape shift'
will react on a pressed Escape key if the
Shift key is pressed but Control and
Alternate are unpressed.
s means Shift not pressed
S means Shift pressed
c means Control not pressed
C means Control pressed
a means Alternate not pressed
A means Alternate pressed
If this information is missing, the status of
the shift keys will not contribute to the
selection of replacements.
§scan table§Scantabelle§
Character Set.
Character sets can be defined here. This may
either be the ATARI character set or the ISO
character set. The latter allows to choose
between several different national replacement
character sets.
National special keys (the Umlaute) and the
way CoNnect sends them can be defined here.
This could also be done in the scan tables
but its easier this way.
The scan table is a file where you can
specify which characters shall be sent if a
certain key is pressed by the user.
A better description will be found in the manual.
As some hosts have problems with correct
vt100 emulations like CoNnect's one you may
use this dialog to reduce the vt100
correctness of CoNnect.
If there are problems with your host, play
around with this setup and search for
Function keys
In this dialog you can setup up to 80
function keys (using combinations of SHIFT,
Normally any text placed on a function key
will be sent to the host when the key is
pressed. By activating one of the two CoSHy
Buttons of a key you may place their CoSHy
Commands which will be executed when a key is
pressed. If the left button is on, the
command will be executed in the terminal
window, if the right button is on, the
command will be executed without windows.
In the 'font'-box you can specify the used
fonts for wide and small terminals.
CoNnect uses GDOS fonts but even without GDOS
you may use these fonts by just putting them
into the directory GEMSYS (in your CoNnect
directory). CoNnect will load this fonts at
startup time if no GDOS is installed.
Other options are: the cursor type, the kind
of scrolling (smooth scrolling is nice to
read scrolling texts but is very boring after
a while - it's so slow ;-), fast scrolling
is very fast and you can't read incoming
Here you may specify the file for capturing
your online session. The filename may
contain the following characters:
%a short: day of week
%b short: name of month
%d day in month (1-31)
%H hour (0-23)
%I hour (0-12)
%j day in year (1-366)
%m month (1-12)
%M minute (00-59)
%p AM/PM
%S second (00-59)
%w day in week (0-6)
%W week in year (0-52)
%y short: year (0-99)
%Y year (0-9999;-)
%Z Timezone (eg. MEZ)
%% the %-sign
You may also specify the way of capturing
(complete or ASCII-only) and may set a switch
that CoNnect will ask you at logoff what you
want to do with a captured file (distribute
after logoff).
Here you may select the desired emulation.
CoNnect offers you vt52, vt100, vt102 and
For working in mailboxes vt102 can be
recommended. The other parameters are used to
define the meaning of backspace and delete
and the meaning of incoming and outgoing
linefeed. Normally these values need not
be changed.
With Ascii Upload you send an ascii-file
without any special protocol.
This is useful to enter short pretyped texts
into a mailbox editor.
Please don't get confused by the large number
of options. Normally they don't need to be
changed. You'll find further explanation in
the manual.
Charge Statistics
To keep track of your telephone charges
CoNnect keeps a logfile containing
information of the dialed-in box, the
duration of the connection and the money you
spent there. This dialog offers you a
comfortable way to create statistics out of
this logfile.
Play around with it.
Learn a Script.
CoNnect is able to keep tack of the user
activity in a host and create a CoSHy script
which will repeat all the actions the user
This is especially useful when you want to
create automatic login scripts or automatic
poll scripts.
Here you can activate this learning mode and
select the actions connect shall keep track
In the TEK-Setup dialog you can configure
your TEK 4014 emulation. As most mailboxes
don't offer this emulation just leave
everything as it is. Help concerning the
TEK-Mode can be found in the manual. Also
your system administrator (Machines that
offer Tek, normally have one ;-) will be able
to help you.
CoNnect has a built-in facility to cooperate
with the shareware product PAULA, which is
able to play so called MOD Files. You may
also specify other sound files - CoNnect will
try its best to play it itself.
Here you can setup the sound reaction of
CoNnect to certain system events. Just select
the appropriate files by double clicking on
the path entries for the events...
Hotkeys normally are used to allow access to
menu items without selecting it by mouse but
just by pressing a key combination.
Here you can select a certain menu item and
press your desired hotkey for this item.
CoNnect's default hotkey table can be
activated by pressing the Default button.
CoNnect uses the first 16 VDI-Colors and
assumes they are installed in the default
manner. If this is not true you may use this
dialog to create a connect internal color
The Answering Machine
This is the automatic answering machine of
CoNnect which enables you to use a ZyXEL
Modem as a private answering machine.
Using the CoSHy Script language you are able
to configure this machine to a more powerful
one than the best commercial hard wired ones
Pressing the parameters button you can
configure the answering machines setup.
Detailed information on the answering machine
can be obtained in the manual.
Parameters for the answering machine.
Here you can configure the name of the
greeting message a caller gets. Also the path
for new messages which callers leave should
be setup here.
CoSHy commands that are activated when
certain types of calls come in can be
installed here.
Detailed information can be found in the
§window dialogs§Fensterdialoge§
§terminal windows§Terminalfenster§
§tektronix windows§Tektronixfenster§
§help windows§Onlinehilfe§
§window menus§Fenstermenü§
CoNnect offers currently four different
kinds of windows to the user. There are
∙ terminal windows
∙ tektronix windows
∙ help windows
∙ window dialogs
The first two types have another menu bar in
their top region. These are so called window
menus which allow user actions belonging to
this certain window locally.
The user interface for window menus and
window dialogs can be configured in the misc
Window Dialogs
CoNnect's window dialogs are an enhancement
of the normal dialogs offered by the GEM
since Atari has released their first ST-
Computers. The main difference is the fact,
that window dialogs are placed in windows.
But there are some other advantages. They
allow real multitasking under MultiTos or
Mag!x even when dialogs are edited. The
windows can be placed anywhere. The menu bar
of CoNnect stays accessible even when a
dialog is open. You may edit several dialogs
at one time. This dialogs have some special
object type, like popups, check- and radio-
buttons and hotkeys: you may press ALT+plus
one of the underlined characters to select a
button as if it was clicked-on by the mouse.
You may close the dialog by clicking on the
window closer or pressing the UNDO key. This
is equivalent to pressing the CANCEL Button
- your changes will be lost.
Help can be obtained in any window dialog by
simply pressing the HELP key. A new window
will open to provide the needed information.
Using the sending mechanism of CoNnect you
may paste selected text parts (or the
contents of the GEM-clipboard - see misc) of
the terminal window to edit fields of the
dialog. This is useful if you want to enter
new telephone numbers to the phone editor.
ASCII-Characters that cannot be accessed from
the keyboard may be entered using the ALT key
and the numeric keypad. Press the 2 4 9 while
pushing the ALT key down will give you a '∙'.
CoNnect emulates all incoming characters.
i.e it scans the incoming datastream for
special characters which will not be
printable but give information about the
display of the following printable
characters. The data stream involves
information on
- in what size
- in what color
- where
- ...
new characters will be displayed.
You may set the emulation mode to suit
the command set (the emulation) of your
§type ahead buffer§_Vorschreibzeile§
§scan table§Scantabelle§
§function keys§_Funktionstasten§
To send characters to the host, CoNnect
offers many (too many) possibilities.
∙ Pressing a normal key
Letters, numbers, space- and special
characters will be sent without
translation to the host (if no scan table
is installed)
∙ Pressing a key together with CONTROL:
(if there is not hotkey for this
^ <space> sends 0
^A sends 1
^B sends 2
^Z sends 26
^[ sends 27
^\ sends 28
^] sends 29
^^ sends 30
^_ sends 31
∙ Pressing a key together with ALTERNATE:
(if there is not hotkey for this
will send the corresponding character
with the highest bit set.
ALT+A sends 193 ($C1)
The numeric keypad has another meaning
in conjunction with ALTERNATE:
The pressed numbers are combined to at
most 3 digits and their decimal ASCII
value is sent.
ALT+131 (ALT stays press) sends
∙ Pressing of a function key:
If you have entered a text for this key
in the function keys dialog and none of
the corresponding CoSHy-Buttons is set,
the corresponding text will be sent.
∙ Pressing Backspace, Delete, UNDO,
Cursorkeys, Insert or Home.
The corresponding vt100/vt52/vt220
meaning will be sent (see manual).
The type ahead buffer will show up to
let you enter a line which will be sent
to the host.
With several CoSHy functions you may also
send text and characters to the modem.
§terminal menu§Menue-Term§
§main menu§Hauptmenü§
§pressing keys§TastenVersenden§
Terminal window.
The terminal window is the user interface
for the communication with the host. By
pressing keys, these will be sent to the
host and received characters from the host
will be displayed according to the used
If you have enabled scrollbars and the
history buffer you may use this scrollbars
to read again text that has scrolled out of
the current terminal window. (see also
With the terminal menu you can configure
all terminal specific parameters of that
specific window.
The main menu will be used to configure
global settings of CoNnect.
A text in the terminal window can be
manipulated in several ways. You should
select the disired text region first.
The tektronix window menu is used for
manipulating the displayed graphic. You may
save these graphics, print them or chose
another zoom factor. See the manual for more
If you are interested in the tektronix mode
please be aware of the fact that nearly all
software being able to create tektronix
graphics is installed on workstations or
main frames. If you have access to tektronix
software please ask your system
administrator for advice. She/He will be
able to configure CoNnect for your hosts
specific requests.
§tektronix menu§Menue-Tek§
Here you may open a tektronix 4014 window
where your host can send you vector
graphics and you may also create drawings
with the mouse, if your host has the
necessary software installed.
In the upper region of the tektronix
window there is another menu, the
tektronix menu.
Using the mouse you may zoom into the
displayed graphics by selecting the
desired part of the window. To get back to
normal resolution use the menu item
'normal resolution'
§main menue§Hauptmenü§
§terminal window§Menue-Term§
§tektronix window§Menue-Tek§
Window Menus.
Window menus are menus where you can
configure local parameters belonging to a
specific window. See terminal window,
tektronix window.
In contrast to this, global parameters can be
accessed in the main menu.
This function may cause the immediate exit
from CoNnect. No warranty is given.
Be careful.
§terminal window§Terminalfenster§
Using this main menu item a new window is
opened. If CONN0.SET is available the
information in this file is used for the
terminals setup. Otherwise default
parameters are used.
Using the menu item rotate, the current
window will become inactive and the next
one in the window queue will be topped.
§window dialog§Fensterdialoge§
The current window will be closed. If the
current window is a window dialog changes
made to its parameters will be lost.
This function is equivalent to clicking
on the closer of the current window.
Full Size.
The current window will be set to full size or
if it's already at full size it will be reset
to its old size. This function is equivalent
to the FULLER button of the windows.
Window names.
The names of the 10 last opened windows are
displayed here. Selecting an item will top
the corresponding window.
Load Options / Save Options
All settings of the main menu as well as the
positions and setup files of the opened
terminal windows will be saved / loaded from
the OPTions file.
Starting CoNnect will normally cause it to
read the CONNECT.OPT file.
§window menus§Fenstermenü§
§about CoNnect§_Info§
§Start a Shell§gl_Shellstart§
§Start a Program§Programmstart§
§Start CoSHy§gl_Coshystart§
§Start a Script§gl_Scriptstart§
§Full Size§gl_Volle_Größe§
§Window Names§gl_Fensternamen§
§Charge Statistics§_Statistik§
§Load Options§gl_Optionen§
§Save Options§gl_Optionen§
The Main Menu
The main menu in CoNnect is the standard
GEM menu bar. Global settings and global
information can be accessed there.
Local parameters of windows can be accessed
in the corresponding window menus.
In the main menu you will find the following
∙ CoNnect
° about CoNnect
∙ File
° Start a Shell
° Start a Program
° Start CoSHy
° Start a Script
° Quit
∙ Windows
° Open
° Close
° Rotate
° Full Size
° 'Window Names'
∙ Options
° Registration
° Misc
° Hotkeys
° Colors
° Charge Statistics
° Sound
° Load Options
° Save Options
° Help
CoNnect's internal Shell can only be
started on the so called TOS-Screen (i.e.
without windows) when running a single
tasking TOS. If you are running Mag!X or
Multitos, this feature is disabled.
The user will be able to enter commands to
CoSHys commandline and CoNnect will try to
execute them. To exit type exit+RETURN on
the command line.
CoNnect's internal Shell can only be
started on the so called TOS-Screen (i.e.
without windows) when running a single
tasking TOS. If you are running Mag!X or
MTOS this item will be disabled.
Before starting a script CoNnect will open a
fileselector to let you chose the script
To start an external program this menu item
will open a fileselector where the user is
able to select the program she/he wants to
After the started program has exited you can
continue working in CoNnect.
Starting a TOS Shell out of the main menu.
CoNnect tries to start a program that has
been installed as a shell. (Either by using
the _shell_p pointer or the environment
variable SHELL).
If no shell is installed nothing will
Normally the Shell will be started with all
CoNnect windows closed on the TOS-Screen.
Under MTOS CoNnect will ask TOSRUN to start
the shell.
(If this help was no help to you due to the
hundreds of misspelled computer words, you
will probably find the manual more helpful,
it has less spelling mistakes.)
Every registrated CoNnect user will receive a
printed manual automatically. Normally this
won't take more than 4 days (in Germany)
after the money has arrived. Due to problems
with the printing and new versions of CoNnect
this may take longer than even 8 weeks.
Please be patient. We won't forget you. Mail
us to make sure that we haven't forgot you
after about 4 weeks.
If you are using an older manual, because you
are a long term CoNnect user, you can obtain
an newer version at
Philipp Oelwein
Ringelsgasse 22a
69226 Nußloch
Philipp Oelwein @ LU
The current price is DM 25,- plus postage and
In this window you can find help for the
handling of help windows
The online help can be activated by simply
pressing the HELP button whenever (nearly
always) you think a little help could be
useful. CoNnect's help is context sensitive.
It will always provide the information you
need at the moment (when working in a certain
dialog, in the terminal window or on the
command line of CoSHy). There is a difference
between pressing the HELP key and activating
help in the main menu. The former one is the
context sensitive help whereas the latter
will always give you the help home page.
In the help text you get in the help windows
there may be some underlined phrases or words
written in bold phrases where you can follow
the 'links' by double-clicking on them. Try
this now with this example.
Another useful feature is selecting of help
texts. Get information on this item by
double-clicking the highlighted word above.
You may either use the mouse to follow the
links in the help window or use the keyboard
to get around.
The following keys have a special meaning in
CoNnect's help window:
Moves the cursor to the next help item.
will open a help item if the cursor is
currently positioned on one.
Will go back to the previous help
window, or - if there was non - close
the current help window.
Cursor keys
Will move the cursor in the standard
SHIFT Cursor left or right
Will move to the beginning or end of
the current line.
CONTROL Cursor left or right
Will move the the previous or next word
of the help text.
SHIFT Cursor up or down
Will move the cursor one page up or
Will move the cursor to the first line.
Will move the cursor to the last line.
In the text window of CoNnect, i.e. the
terminal window or the help window, you can
select parts of the text using the mouse. You
also may want to send the selections to the
host, quote it or ask the printer to print
All this is possible in CoNnect, but you
might need to teach your fingers how to do
∙ Selecting character by character
Move the mouse pointer to the beginning
of the text part you want to select. Then
press down the left button and don't lift it
again. Now move the mouse pointer, while
keeping the left button pressed to the
end of the text you want to select. To
finish selection, you now may lift the
mouse button again.
∙ Selecting word by word
Move the mouse pointer to the word, where
you want to start selecting. Now do a
double click - or a single click (while
pressing the CONTROL key) and keep the
mouse button pressed. Now moving the
mouse pointer while keeping the mouse
button pressed will select text word by
∙ Selecting line by line
Is similiar to the word-by-word selection.
Just do a triple click (very fast) or
keep the ALTERNATE key pressed while
performing the first click and continue
as described above.
To extend a marked portion of text, you may
press the SHIFT key while clicking into the
terminal window. The marked part of the text
will be extended up to the clicked-on
Now having selected a portion of text, you
may send this text in a certain window
(either a window dialog or a terminal window)
by 'just' clicking in this window with the
left button, while pressing the right button
If you are using the GEM-Clipboard for
selecting (see the misc dialog) you may also
use your selections in other applications or
may send the clipboards contents filled by
other applications to the host.
Extended functions, like sending, quoting,
file saving, printing, etc. are available if
you (ATTENTION) press the right mouse button
down before lifting the left button to end
the selection. Then lift the left button and
afterwards the right. A little exercise for
your fingers ;-)
Sending of selected text parts.
Having selected a portion of text, you
may send this text in a certain window
(either a window dialog or a terminal window)
by 'just' clicking in this window with the
left button, while pressing the right button
Quoting means sending a selected text to the
host with the slight change, that every new
line starts with an > sign.
Quoting is normally used when answering mails.
For example:
> Do you know the current version number
> of CoNnect?
Sure. But when you will get this letter
this information will be void.
If you are in North America, it might be more
convenient if you send shareware payments to:
Michael Baffoni
2493 Beechwood Dr.
Paso Robles, CA
who will then send along the payments to me
(checks or cashiers' cheque preferred; make
them out to Michael Baffoni).
If you live in Great Britain you should
System Solutions
Windsor Business Centre
Vansittart Estate
Windsor Berks SL4 1SE
Tel. 0753 832212
Fax 0753 830344
for your registration.
§§Wo Registrieren§
§Michael Baffoni§Mike§
§System Solutions§Solutions§
The number of local CoNnect distributors
all over the world is increasing rapidly.
As there have been none last year, now
there are two (an increase of more than
1000% ;-).
For Northern America contact
Michael Baffoni
For Great Britain contact
System Solutions
Otherwise you should contact the author
of CoNnect.
(A distributor for New Sealand and
Australia is on his way to there ,-)
§country§Wo Registrieren§
§Great Britain§Solutions§
The info window of CoNnect provides
information about the program CoNnect and its
software status (CoNnect is shareware!), it
also will show the non-registrated user a
wonderful nice looking bar to show him
elapsed testing time.
If you want to register for CoNnect you
should open the registrations dialog.
To get information where to register check
for your country here. Local distributors
are available in the US and Great Britain.
CoNnect does not smile at the moment. You
will see this by looking at byte 0x11341
relative to the basepage. This byte should
contain 0x00 when connect is smiling ;-)
Adam in paradise. He walks around and seems
to be a little unhappy. The lord recognizes
this and asks him:
Hi Ad, what's up? Seems to be not your
best day...
Adam, quite annoyed answers:
You! You can talk nonsense like this. You
don't have to bother about the daily
boring work like cleaning the clothes,
cooking, dishes, cleaning the paradise,
brushing your tooth, feeding the cat and
the crocodile. All this is done by your
angels. But me? I'm not that happy with
this status...
The lord, always having been a kind of
Let's see. I think I could help you and
give you someone to help you with all this
jobs and who will give you love and
warmth. But this will certainly be not for
Adam, who is suddenly very interested in a
good relationship to his lord:
How much! ?
The lord:
Not that much. Two legs and two arms only.
Adam, shocked:
No no no! Thats too much. But - what could
I get for one rib, only?
OK. CoNnect excuses itself since it only has 5
female users. They are hereby asked to send a
nasty joke about men to the author and he will
then add this one to the next release of
CoNnect. :-)
§gentle smile§Lächeln§
This text is intended to remind the user about
I just don't know. Let me think.
Just a second ...
Right! Always remember that telecommunication
is a non-humorous thing. No one would ever
think of making jokes. Some
telecommunications programs even react in a
very harmful manner to jokes made about or
with them.
Once a user of a concurrent program tried to
fool his system by telling a joke in French.
He didn't know the system was able to under-
stand French - they still haven't found
him - well, all of him that is.
CoNnect nevertheless will try to react with a
gentle smile on jokes made by you, if and only
if it doesn't know the joke so far and if its
humor index is above 0.0001%. But be aware of
the fact, that computers have another kind of
humor than humans have.
§to remember§Erinnerungshilfe§
§where to register§Wo Registrieren§
CoNnect is shareware, which means you may
test and distribute the program but have to
register after a certain amount of testing
time. CoNnect and the author agree on the
fact that 30 hours of using CoNnect is enough
to make the user dependent on CoNnect and so
you should think about registering quickly.
After the 30 hours the work with CoNnect will
be not that easy any more if you didn't
For the user's benefit CoNnect disables some
of its functions. Otherwise there might be
the danger that the user will work for 2
years with an illegal copy of CoNnect and
will then notice it. He then would go the the
police and would want to go to jail - this is
avoidable. CoNnect helps you to remember the
shareware status, which most users think to
be one of the best features of the program
The registration fee is DM 60,- for
non-commercial use and DM 150,- for
commercial use. On multiuser systems (like
Universities, etc.) a multiuser license for
DM 399,- is due. For this fee you'll
receive a printed manual and a registration
key to make your CoNnect a registrated and
unlimited version.
How do you know, if you need a commercial
version or not? Thats quite easy. If you are
using CoNnect with the aim to make any kind
of profit for yourself or your company you
will need a commercial registration (the
profit made by the telephone company from
CoNnect's use is of course excluded). The
author of CoNnect himself has a commercial
registration, too.
If you are using a non-commercial
registration you should check, if the above
lines now apply to you. In this case you have
to upgrade to a commercial one.
If you live in Northern America or in Great
Britain you will find information on
where to register here.
The user is the one sitting in front of this
help text at the moment. This will be in most
instances you. Some users don't even know
they are users and this text is intended to
help them to get several problems solved with
their lifes and with their user-status.
Only those users who really are aware of
their user status will be able to pay for
CoNnect - so remember - YOU ARE A USER ;-)
Wow. You just found a smiley in the help
text. Congratulations, this was the first
time, a user has found this item.
To look at smileys (and frownies) you have to
turn your head 90 degrees left:
:-) a smiling smiley
:-( a frowning frowny
:'-( a frowny with tears in his eyes
;-) a sarcastic smiley
§green dot§Grünen§
Men and women with more or less nice
uniforms, sometimes without uniforms but
never (!) without clothes (as this is illegal
in most parts of the world, even where its
not illegal a police officer will never be
seen without clothes). Usually they drive
around in nice and fast cars and have much fun
in making criminals angry. In Germany
licemen wear green uniforms but without a
green dot on them.
The green dot.
CoNnect's cover is totally recyclable.
It consists of 80% recycled bits and 90%
pizza. So, you may put a green dot on
As the green dot is a German-only joke
you are not supposed to understand this
help page ;-)
§terminal windows§Term-Allg§
§window dialogs§Fens-Allg§
The Misc Dialog.
In this dialog you can set global parameters
concerning the terminal windows, window
dialogs the GEM-clipboard and the CoSHy.
Parameters concerning the CoSHy in the misc
∙ The CoSHy start-up file (normally
coshy.rc) can be selected here
∙ The start-up directory can also be
selected. (see the manual for further
Parameters concerning the terminal windows in
the misc dialog.
Here you can determine, if text windows are
always placed on by 8 divideable horizontal
position of the screen (this will speed up
display if you don't own NVDI). You may also
configure the window menus to be either
atari-like drop-down or mac-like pull-down.
Parameters concerning window dialogs in the
misc dialog.
You can configure if dialogs open in the
center of the screen, at the last position or
centered according to the current mouse
Frames around certain elements of the dialogs
do almost have titles. You may specify here
how you want them to look like.
In a common GEM-Dialog, RETURN and ENTER are
used to leave the dialog like clicking on the
default button. CoNnect may also use this key
like in an editor to jump to the next dialog
text input field.
Finally you can select the background pattern
and color. But be aware of the fact, that an
arbitrary color will look like white when no
pattern is selected ;-)
Parameters concerning the GEM-clipboard in
the misc dialog.
You can specify here if all selected texts
will automaticly be placed in the
GEM-clipboard and if the clipboard will be
read if you try to paste a text to the host.
Input of pathnames and filenames:
In all dialogs where CoNnect wants to have a
filename in an editable input field you may
double-click on this line to use the
fileselector for searching and selecting the
lines content.
Now you are reading the text page for
highlighted text. This test page does not
provide any useful information (only spelling
mistakes), so leave it by pressing the UNDO
§about this help§COSHYHLP\ABOUTME§
§general usage§COSHYHLP\A§
§searching errors§COSHYHLP\DEBUG§
§meta characters§COSHYHLP\METAS§
§command delimiters§COSHYHLP\KMDTR§
§input/output redirection§COSHYHLP\IOREDIR§
§actions on a commandline§COSHYHLP\INPWORK§
§[ expression ]§COSHYHLP\AUSDRUCK§
you get into CoSHy either by activating the
interactive mode (the menu items CoSHy) or
by activating the script mode where CoSHy
will start to run a script file.
This help mainly shall be helpful for you in
creating scripts. The largest part of this
help consists of the description of the
several available internal commands. To get
an overview on CoSHy it will be either a good
idea to look into the manual but also some
unix shell programming experience will help
you a lot. CoSHy is a unix like shell
0.0 about this help
1.1 general usage
1.1.1 meta characters
1.1.2 words
1.1.3 command delimiters
1.1.4 input/output redirection
1.1.6 searching errors
1.2 actions on a commandline
1.3 overview on the commands
1.3.1 misc
1.3.2 CoSHy commands
[ expression ]
§ ...
! ...
. ...
§meta characters§COSHYHLP\METAS§
1.1 general usage
After starting CoSHy in interactive mode you
will get a command line where you can enter
commands in the command language of CoSHy.
In addition to CoSHy internal commands you
may want to use external tools:
Starting of external programs is quite easy:
just type their names (paths) and append
parameters delimited by spaces. If you are
using the environment variable PATH CoSHy
will evaluate its content to search for
external programs.
If you want an unix like environment it's
recommended to install the tools like, ls,
echo, cat, mkdir, cp ... on your binaries
directory and set a PATH pointer to this
Attention. In contrast to TOS pathname
delimiter is not the \ but the /. If your
external programs need \ in their arguments,
you'll have to quote the \.
CoShy is able to do the widely used TAB
expansion. The first word on a command line
is tried to be expanded as a command. The
PATH variable is searched for matching
For example type lha <TAB> and if you have an
lharc.ttp installed on your system and PATH
points to it you'll get lharc. If there are
several possible expansions CoSHy will expand
up to the first difference in the names.
Lets say you have printenv and printall on
your system and type in pri<TAB> you'll get
print<BEEP>. A second <TAB> will then show
you all possible expansions in the next line:
printall printenv
If you try to expand a parameter to a
command, CoSHy will do this in the same way,
but not search in PATH and not for
executables only but all files.
Next chapter:
1.1.1 meta characters
§general usage§COSHYHLP\A§
0.0 About this help
The help text to COSHY have been made by
Stephan Skrodzki and me, the author of CoNnect
and (bad) translator of the help texts, wants
to thank him a lot for his work.
If you didn't understand his German (see in the
German online help texts) , you may
at least want to thank him for his work. His
internet mail adress is
next chapter:
1.1 general usage
alert <defaultbutton> <alertstring>
displays a GEM - alert box. The parameters are
the parameters of the gem function form_alert.
alias cmd replace
will replace <cmd> in all commands beginning
with <cmd> by <replace>.
alias cmd
unalias cmd
will delete an defined alias.
alias l 'ls -l'
will execute an ls -l if l is entered to
the command line.
[ expression ]
The expression is evaluated like in the test
command. In fact coshy will replace this
construction by
test expression.
[ $v -gt $w ] test if the value of $v is
higher than the value of $w.
The return code will be 0 for
true or not 0 for false.
§port dialog§_Port§
baud [rate] [options]
will display the current baud rate.
if rate is given the current port will be set
to this rate.
echo : Echo on
noecho : Echo off
local : Echo local
rts : rts/cts Hardware-Handshake
xon : xon/xoff Software-Handshake
none : no Handshake
8N1 : 8 data bits, no
parity, 1 stop bit
7E1 : 7 data bits, even
parity, 1 stop bit
6O2 : 6 data bits, odd
parity, 2 stop bits
5N3 : 5 data bits, no
parity, 1.5 stop bits
baud 38400 will set the rate to 38400
see also:
port dialog
§sound dialog§_Sound§
bell n
will create very beautiful sounds ;-)
the following values for n are available
1 : Bing 2 : Bang
3 : Crash 4 : Ring
5 : Call 6 : Accord
Why? To tease your cat or to let you know if
a transmission has finished or a script is
now waiting for user input or ...
bell 3 makes crash ;-)
See also: noise, sound dialog
blitmode [option]
displays the current blitter status
y - Blitter is on
n - Blitter is off
u - Blitter is unavailable
y switches the blitter on
n switches the blitter off.
break n
Will break out of n nested if, for or while
structures. If n is omitted n will be set to
if [expr1]; then
if [expr2]; then
break 2
A break level of 2 is needed because both
if structure shall be left.
returns 0 (true) if the modems sends the
carrier signal, 1 (false) otherwise.
if carrier; then
hangup, if there is a carrier.
cd path
Change the current directory to path. The
variable $HOME is the default dir. The
variable $CDPATH defines the search path for
the directory containing dir. Alternative
directory names are separated by a comma or a
If dir begins with a slash (/), then $CDPATH
is not used. The variable $OLDPWD is set to
the name of the current working directory
before the change.
cd connect changes to the directory
§emulation dialog§_Emulation§
§character set dialog§_Zeichensatz§
§compatibility dialog§_Kompatibilität§
ctty [options]
changes several terminal parameters
vt220-7 switches to the corresponding
vt200-8 terminal emulation.
vt220id the same for the terminal id.
cursnum normal cursor keys
cursappl application cursor keys
keypadnum numeric keypad
keypadappl application keypad
crlflf incoming <lf>s are expanded to
lflf no expansion of <lf>
crcrlf outgoing <cr>s are expanded to
crcr no expansion of <cr>
bsdel del (delete) will be sent
as bs (backspace) and bs
will be sent as del.
bsbs bs and del have their original
atari atari character set and 'umlaute'
iso iso character set and 'umlaute'
autowrap auto wrap is active
-autowrap auto wrap is diabled
smooth use smooth scrolling
-smooth use fast scrolling
colour display ansi colors
-colour don't use ansi colors
strip8 strip the highest bit
-strip8 use all 8 bits.
destructive destructive backspace
-destructive normal backspace
see also: emulation dialog,
character set dialog,
compatibility dialog
§dialing dialog§_Wahl§
dial [opt] number
Dials a given phone number. Normally this
will be a text (the text of a phonebook
entry in the dialing dialog). If there is no
matching text, the number is dialed as it is
(containing all symbols in it).
Take care: If the text in the phonebook entry
contains spaces, you should put the <number>
argument in quotes ' '. You may also just
give the first few letters of the telephone
book entry. CoSHy searches for matching
-z seq <seq> becomes the reset string
-r n <n> is the number of tries CoSHy
will do to get a carrier. n=0
is used for infinite tries.
-s tim <tim> is the time between conse-
cutive tries (time format)
-i ini <ini> becomes the init string
-d dia <dia> becomes the dial string
-v Verbose
-n will display the real number for
a given phonebook entry. But will
not dial.
number either phonebook entry or real
0 Connect
3 Busy
4 reserved
5 No Carrier
6 No Answer
7 No Dialtone
8 Error
9 Ring
10 Userdef
11 Timeout
dial -s 10s -r 5 0623760897
see also: dialing dialog
download [-p path] [filename]
A file will be received with the options
set up in the transfer dialog. A filename
may be given if you want to override the
incoming files filename or if you are
using a protocol where the filename itself
is not transmitted (like Xmodem). The
option -p path is used to specify a
certain path where the incoming file
should be placed.
download -p 'f:\dfue\'
echo [-n] arg1 ...
Will write all its arguments separated by
spaces to standard out. If -n is omitted a
linefeed is appended.
echo "hallo"
env [arg1 ...]
Without arguments the environment
variables will be displayed. If arguments
are given, env is equivalent to setenv.
eval command
will execute the given command in coshy
and will NOT stop the execution of a
running script, if an error in execution
of command should occur.
Using eval you may write a 'remote' script
to run on your computer and you may dial
in from outside to work on coshy's
while true; do
while true; do
send 'Remote Script'
send -n 'please enter password :'
get -n pass
if [ $pass = 'joshua' ]; then
break 2
while true; do
send -n 'Your Input >'
get a;
if ! carrier; then
break 2
echo "$a";
eval "$a" > AUX:
exit n
The current shell level is left. Shell
level might also be script files which
execution will be stopped if an exit is
executed. The return value of the source or
. command, that executed the script will
be n or 0 if n is omitted
§scan table§Scantabelle§
scantable [filename]
will read in and execute a scan table file
if filename if given. Else a loaded scan
table will be deleted.
expr expression
will evaluate an expression and put the
result to standard out. If you put the
command in $( ) or in ` ` (backquotes)
you may use the result to fill other
variables (see example below). The
return value of expr is true (0) if the
result is not 0 and false (1) if the
result is 0 or the expression contains
Each part of expression has to be a single
There are the following operations (in
order of hierachy)
| or: the result is the result of its first
argument if this is not zero. Otherwise
and only otherwise the second argument
is evaluated and the result of the
expression is set to the one of the
second argument.
& and: the result is the result of its first
argument if this is zero. Otherwise and
only otherwise the second argument is
evaluated and the result of the
expression is set to the one of the
second argument.
< <= != => > compare its arguments and
return 1 if the relation is true, 0
otherwise (don't mix this up with the
shell value for true(0) and false(1))
If the arguments are non-numeric the
comparison is done for alphabetical
+ - plus and minus: both arguments have to
be numeric. The result is the result of
the corresponding numeric operation.
* / % time, divide by and mod: Both
arguments have to be numeric and the
result is again the result of the
corresponding numeric operation.
In all operations brackets may be used to
change operators hierachy. Take care to
quote them correctly as ( ) are shell
symbols also.
expr \( 3 + 2 \) \* 2
writes 10 to stdout.
`expr 3 + 2`
will replace the result of
the expression ` ... ` by 5
and trys to execute the
command 5. This normally will
fail ,-)
a=`expr 3 + 2`
a=$(expr 3 + 2)
a will be set to the value of 5.
a=$(expr $a + 1)
A will be increased by 1.
b=`expr \($a +1 \) \* $a`
b will be set to the value of
Will return false (1) as return value. It's
equivalent to
! true
echo $?
fileselect <pfad> <default name>
<extension> <message>
Calls the gem file selector.
Return value is true(0), if the user has
pressed OK to leave the selector. The
chosen filename will be found in the
variable $FILESELECT
§function key dialog§_Funktionstasten§
fky [opt] num [value]
Displays or sets function keys.
-c CoSHy script key (the left coshy button)
-n CoSHy script key (the right coshy button)
-o Will display the old content to stdout.
if value is given, the specified key will
be set to the value. num is the same as
in the function key dialog.
send `fky -o 1`
Sends the contents of function key F1.
Will remove all pending characters in the
io-buffer of the serial/midi device.
for name in list;
do cmd1; cmd2; ...
for every word in list the value of $name
is set to this word and the commands cmd1,
cmd2, ... between do and done are executed.
for a in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
echo $a
will display the numbers 1 to 9.
function name { commands }
defines a function named name. The
commands will be executed always when name
is executed. Arguments to name may be
given and will be found in $1, $2 ...
function doubleecho {
echo $1 ;
echo $1
doubleecho HALLO
will result in
function name
deletes the function named name.
will display all defined functions.
get <opt> <timoutval> <var1> <var2> ..
Equivalent to the read command. The input
is not typed in on the keyboard but is
taken from the serial port. There you will
have the possibility to get input from the
host (or remote) side. (See example to the
eval command).
The first parameter may be -n which will
force get not to send an echo of the typed
in text (useful for password inputs).
With -v (verbose) the typed in text will
be displayed in CoNnect's terminal window.
A numerical value <timeoutval> may follow
to limit the user's response time. If a
timeout occurs get will result in false
(1). (see time format)
The variables var1, var2,... will be
filled like in read.
§(time format)§COSHYHLP\TIMEFORM§
getkey [-n] [-v] [timeout] var1
[ var2 ... ]
will read as many characters from the
serial port as variables (var1 ...) are
given. If -v is set, this characters will
be displayed on CoNnect's screen. If -n is
set this characters are not echoed to the
remote side.
A given timeout value will cause getkey to
return false if the remote user did not
enter the disired number of keys in the
time timeout val. (time format)
§answering machine§_Anrufbeantworter§
gettone <timeoutval> <var>
Reads in a touchtone sequence while being
in the answering machine mode. The
sequence has to be ended by # by the user.
see answering machine.
§dialing dialog§_Wahl§
§item hangup§T\HANGUP§
Will force the modem to hangup. How this
is done has to be specified by the user in
the dialing dialog.
if carrier; then
hangup is equivalent to the terminal menu
item hangup.
§function key§holdscreen-aktiv§
holdscreen [parameters]
toggles - if no parameters are given -
between holdscreen on and off. Watch the
holdscreen LED in the terminal menu.
Set on the function key F1, F1 will
satisfy the vt100/220 standard.
Possible parameters are 1 ot activate
holdscreen or 0 to deactivate it.
if cmd1; cmd2; ...; then
cmd3; ...;
cmd4; ...;]
the commands between if and then are
executed, where the return value of the
last command is important for the further
proceeding. If this is true(0) the
commands between then and else (or fi if
else is omitted) will be executed. If it
is false(1) the commands between else and
fi are executed. (The else branch may be
if cmd1; then if the return value of
echo "Yeah! ;-)" cmd1 is 0, a message of
else success is printed.
echo "shit ;-(" if not the script won't
fi be happy.
§overview of the commands§COSHYHLP\OVERALL§
1.2 Actions on a commandline
Each commandline evaluated by CoSHy
undergoes a special sequence of steps.
* Separation in words
* Bracket expansion
* Parameter and variable substitution
* Command substitution
* Arithmetic substitution
* Separation in words (again)
* Path expansion
* Quote removal
A more detailed description follows below:
Separation in words.
words are consequent characters which are
separated by non quoted meta characters. As
long as a command is not completely read in,
CoSHy will read the next line or prompt the
user to input another line.
ls -l /usr consist of 3 words 'ls', '-l'
and '/usr'
Bracket expansion
Each word of a complete command will be
searched for pairs of brackets {}. Single
non-quoted { will not be tolerated on a
command line.
Those words then will consist of prefix,
bracket and postfix.
abc is prefix
{defgh,ij} is bracket
klmno is postfix
The words in brackets are separated by
commas and for all of this words z1 to zn
all words
will be generated and inserted in the
commandline instead of the bracket
bla{bli,blo}bla will produce the words
blablibla and
{Britta,Sonya}' and '{Pet{er,ra}}
will be: Britta and Peter
Britta and Petra
Sonya and Peter
Sonya and Petra
Parameter and variable substitutions
Each word will be searched for $name or
${name}. If name is a shell variable, its
content will be replaced for $name or
${name}. Else this expression will be
The second form is used to separate name
from possibly following characters: $names
won't bring the wanted results, whereas
${name}s does. ${n} will also allow larger
numbers than 9 for n.
Special CoSHy variables
$n where n is a value between 0 and 9
${n} where n is a value between 0 and
is the n-th parameter given to a
function or a script. $0 is the
name of the function or the script.
$# Number of parameters given to a
function or a script.
$? Status/Return value of the last
called process/command.
Command substitution.
Each word is searched for $(cmd) or
`cmd`.The command cmd is executed and its
output will replace the above expressions.
$()expressions may be nested, `` expressions
editor $(grep -l double *.c)
calls an editor with the parameters
being all .C-Files containing the word
double. (grep is an external file
a=$(expr $a + 1)
increments the value of a by one.
Arithmetic substitution.
Each word is searched for $[ expression ].
expression is passed to the expr command
and its output will replace the
$[ expression ].
a=$[ $a + 1 ] is equivalent to
a=$(expr $a + 1) and increments a by one.
Separation words (again)
All new inserted text parts are subject to
an additional separation into words.
a='ls -l /usr' contains only one word.
$a will consist of 3 words
after this step.
Path expansion
Valid filenames containing wildcard
characters will be expanded
*.c expands to all .C filenames in
the current directory.
*o* expands to all filenames
containing the letter o in the
current directory.
*[ch] expands to all filenames that
end with c or h in the current
[a-d]* expands to all files that start
with a, b, c or d in the
current directory.
[^a-d]* expands to all files that
don't start with a, b, c,
and d in the current
/*/*.c expands to all .C filenames
one directory level away from
the root directory of the
current drive.
*a*/*b*/*c* ;-) just a joke but working:
Expands to all filenames
that are 2 levels above the
current working directory,
where the first directory
name has the letter a in it,
the second has the letter b
in it and the filename
contains a c.
Next chapter:
1.3 overview of the commands
1.1.4 input output redirection
cmd < file the command cmd will get its
input from the file 'file'
and not from the keyboard.
cmd > file the command cmd writes its
output to file. The
previous contents of a
possibly existing file file
will be lost.
cmd >> file the command cmd appends its
output to file.
Next chapter:
§input / output redirection§COSHYHLP\IOREDIR§
1.1.3 Command separators
The following characters do separate
commands if they are not quoted.
Character: Meaning:
; normal
<newline> normal
& like ; (no backgroundtasks,
| PIPE. example
cmd1 | cmd2.
the output of cmd1 will become
the input of cmd2. Return value
is the one of cmd2
&& AND. example
cmd1 && cmd2
cmd2 is executed if and only
if cmd1 has a return value
of true (0). Returns false(1) or
the return code of cmd2.
|| OR. example:
cmd1 || cmd2.
cmd2 is executed if and only
if cmd1 has a return value of
false(1). Returns true or the
return code of cmd2
Next chapter:
1.1.4 input / output redirection
§capture dialog§_Protokoll§
log [-n] text
write a text to the capture files (if
such a file is opened by the
terminals capture dialog or the prot
The syntax is equivalent to echo.
see also: prot, Protokolldialog
1.1.1 Meta characters
Meta characters are characters, that
separate words on a commandline when
unquoted. They are: <space>, <tab>,
<newline>, &, |, ;, < and >.
next chapter:
1.1.2 Words
noise filename ...
plays a filename by activating the MOD-file-
player Paula or using DMA-Sound.
If neither Paula is installed nor DMA
available you may use bell as a last
chance to produce noise.
! cmd ...
Executes cmd and negates the return code.
True becomes false and vica versa.
In contrast to unix shells the argument to
| may not be a pipe.
if ! cmd1 | cmd2; then UNIX
if cmd1 | ! cmd2; then CoSHy
§Listing of the commands§CoSHy§
1.3 Overview of the commands.
1.3.1 General
To have it mentioned: All internal
commands concerning a certain terminal
window or the serial port are not
available while running CoSHy on the TOS
Assigning variables
A special internal command hast the
structure name=value. The value will be
assigned to the shell variabe name.
Internal and external commands
If internal and external commands of the
same name are available CoShy will prefer
the internal command. To access the
external one please use the form /path/cmd
to access the external one.
If a command is not available as internal
command CoSHy scans the environment (not
the shell) variable $PATH where it should
find directories to access external
commands. To change the value of PATH
you'll also have to export this value to
the environment.
export PATH
next chapter:
1.3.1 Listing of the commands.
§answering machine§_Anrufbeantworter§
play name
plays a zyxel voice file. Output device
and voice mode have to be set first.
Return value:
0 Successful
1 Successful but message was truncated
2 Modem is not a ZyXEL
3 Timeout
4 Fax call
5 DTMF-Code received
6 Data call
10 Modem is an old ZyXEL
11 Connect is not registered (record only)
12 Voice-Mode not active
-1 File write protected
-2 File not found
-5 Output error
-12 Out of heap
-13 No File Access
-28 Disk full.
The value of $DTMF will be set to the
received digit in case a DTMF code
was received.
see also: answering machine
§capture dialog§_Protokoll§
prot [options] [filename]
-on : Capture on, Ascii-Mode
-asc : Capture on, Ascii-Mode
-bin : Capture op, Binary-Mode
-off : Capture off.
(Default -on)
-dist : Select the capture file after
carrier loss.
-nodist: Write always to the specified
filename : name of the capture file
(only -on, -asc, -bin)
See also: capture dialog
quit <val>
Quits CoNnect. CoSHy is terminated and all
windows are closed. <val> is the return
code CoNnect will return to the calling
process. Default val is 0.
§Actions on a commandline§COSHYHLP\INPWORK§
1.1.6 Debugging
To active CoSHys debug mode, use the command
set -x
All commands passed to CoSHy will then be
displayed in completely expanded form
before execution.
To switch debugging off just enter
unset -x
c:\> set -x
c:\> echo *.acc
+ echo gszrz.acc xcontrol.acc
gszrz.acc xcontrol.acc
c:\> unset -x
+ unset -x
next chapter:
1.2 Actions on a commandline
To remove the special meaning of characters
you may quote them:
\ (Backslash): \ is the escape character of
the shell and removes a special meaning from
any directly following character. To obtain
\ you'll have to enter \\.
' (Single Quote): All characters, even all
other quote characters loose their special
meaning when found between single quotes.
Inbetween '...' no expansion is performed.
The single quote cannot be found in between
'...' as it always ends a single quotation.
" (Double-Quote): All characters but `
(backquote), ' (single quote), $ (dollar
sign) and \ (back slash) loose their special
meaning. Whereas `, ' and $ always keep their
special meaning this is true for \ only if the
following char is a $, ', " or <newline>.
You may enter a " in between "..." by placing
a \ in front of it: "here it is \"."
next chapter:
1.1.6 debugging
read name [name2 ...]
Uses stdin (normally the keyboard) to read in
a string and divides it (regardless of
quoting!) into parts containing no spaces or
tabs. This parts are then assigned to the
variables name, name2, ... If there are less
parts then variables the last variable will
be assigned all missing parts.
read bbs; dial $"bbs"
reads is a bbsname and starts dialing in.
§timeout value§COSHYHLP\TIMEFORM§
readkey [-v] [timeout] var1 [var2...]
Reads as many characters as there are
variable names (var1, var2,...) from the
keyboard and assigns the keystrokes to the
given variable. If a timeout value is given
readkey will return false(1) if the user
needs too long to enter the keys.
If the option -v is set, readkey will echo
its input on the terminal screen.
§answering machine§_Anrufbeantworter§
record filename
Gets a voice file from a ZyXel Modem and
writes it to filename.
Return values:
0 Successful.
1 Successful: but message was to long
got truncated
2 Modem is no ZyXEL
3 Timeout
4 Fax-Call
6 Data Call
10 Modem is an old ZyXEL
11 Connect is not registered
-1 File is read only
-2 File not found
-5 Write error
-13 File access refused
-28 Disk full
see also:
answering machine
redraws the whole screen before the next
interactive entered command or if the script
§save buffer§T\SAVPUF§
savebuf [-a] filename
Saves the history buffer to a file filename.
If option -a is set, the buffer is appended
to a possibly existing file.
This command is useful before starting an
external editor:
Set a function key to
savebuf d:/s.txt; cd c:/edit; edit
and select the left coshy button.
Savebuf is similar to the terminal menu
function save buffer.
. file arg1 arg2 ...
Runs a file as a CoSHy Script. The command
is the Dot, so between . and file there
has to be a space. Following arguments are
assigned to the values $1 to $n. $0 is
always set to the name of file.
. maus Runs a script maus or if the is
not available the script maus.scr.
send [-n] arg1 arg2 ....
Is similar to echo but write its arguments
to the serial device.
send "at z1" Send Hayes command for
modem reset to profile 1.
§Send break§T\BREAK§
On the current Port a 'break' will be sent
(0.7s $00 without start- or stopbit).
This command is equivalent to the action
Send break in the terminal menu.
set arg1 val1 arg2 val2 ...
Without arguments the shellvariables are
shown. Else identical to arg1=val1;
arg2=val2; ... (this is not a good unix
set HLP 'C:\' Sets the Shellvariable
HLP to 'C:\'.
Here you find a list of environment
variables used by CoNnect:
The access path for CoSHy program calls.
The paths are separated by , or ;
The default prompt for CoSHy.
%p%g will give you a dos like command
Possible elements:
∙ %p the current directory
∙ %g the sign >
∙ %t the current time
∙ else
the given character
The number of columns for a default
terminal. CoNnect also sets this variable
when calling external programs running
in a CoNnect window.
The number of rows for a default terminal.
CoNnect also sets this variable when
calling external programs running in a
CoNnect window. If lines is not available
CoNnect will try to evaluate ROWS
A pathname for an external TOS-Shell.
The home-path will be branched to, when
calling cd without arguments.
c:/connect> HOME='c:/home'
c:/connect> export HOME
c:/connect> cd
The syntax is equivalent to PATHs one.
cd will search the given pathnames for
possibilities to branch to if a given
directory name can not be found in the
current directory:
c:/connect> CDPATH='c:/usr;c:/'
c:/connect> cd bin
c:/usr/bin> cd usr
CoNnect trys in several ways to
determine the GEM-clipboards name. First
it'll try scrp_read(), if this fails
CLIPBRD is evaluated. If this still
fails CoNnect trys to open C:\CLIPBRD.
In the next step it will ask the user.
§Environment variables§Environment§
setenv arg1 val1 arg2 val2 ...
The environment variables arg1, arg2 ...
are assigned to the values val1, val2 ...
Shellvariables are not changed in any way
by this operation. Only $?.
setenv ROWS 24
see also: Environment variables
shift m
moves the values of the shell variables
$1, ... $n to the left. m determines the
number of moves. It defaults to one if
omitted. The return code is false(1) if
m > n.
shift 3
sleep [-t] n
waits a give time n. n is in the CoSHy
time format.
If option -t is used n is the time of day to
wait for.
sleep 120 Waits 120 sec.
sleep 2H Waits 2 h
sleep -t 730 Waits until 7:30am
§Transfer dialog§_Transfer§
without arguments:
prints the current transferslot
using slot n (n between 1 and 8) can be
used to set the current transfer slot.
See also: Transfer dialog
test expression
Returns either true(0) or false(1)
depending of the evaluation of the
relations in expression.
Possible relations are:
Expression: returns true if:
-d file file exists and is a directory.
-f file file exists and is a normal file.
-r file file exists and is readable.
-s file file length is not zero.
-t fd fd is opened on a tty. If fd is
omitted it defaults to 1 (stdout)
-w file file exists and is writable.
-z string length of string is 0
-n string length of string is > 0.
str1=str2 str1 and str2 are identical.
str1!=str2 str1 and str2 not identical.
!expr1 expr1 is false.
expr1 -a expr2
expr1 and expr are true
expr1 -o expr2
expr1 or expr2 are true
arg1 OP arg2
an arithmetical comparison
between arg1 and arg2.
Values for OP:
-eq equal
-ne not equal
-lt less than
-le less or equal
-gt greater than
-ge greater or equal
arg1 and arg2 should be integers.
test can use brackets to set operator
test is called, if the command [ expr ] is
The result of test, normaly is used in if
or while statements. It can also be found
in $?.
test 1 -gt 4 returns false
[-f connect.prg] should return true in
CoNnect's directory.
test -z "" returns 0 (true).
The time format in CoSHy
You can specify the following units in
s = second
m = millisecond
M = minute
H = hour
h = centisecond
sleep 42H waits 42 hours.
# text
Returns always true. Can be used as a
# quit quit will not be executed as
its a comment.
Returns always true. Identical to !false.
true Returns '0'
echo $?
unalias cmd
removes an alias definition.
unset arg1 arg2 ...
All variables in the commandline will be
unset (deleted).
unset a PATH
a and PATH will be deleted. The
environment variables PATH and a will
stay untouched.
§Transfer dialog§_Transfer§
upload [-p path] filename
A file will be uploaded with the parameters
of the transfer dialog. If filename is
missing a fileselector will be opened to let
you chose your selection. If you are using an
external protocol a given filename will
replace the $ sign in the commandline to this
The Option -p will allow you to setup a
default uploadpath.
upload 'c:\test\infile.txt'
see also: Transfer dialog.
will display connects current version
number. Normally this function will not get
in trouble, if the version number changes
while the command is executed.
waitfor [-s -i -o file -t time] string1
string2 ... string20
waits until one of the strings appended as
parameters to waitfor occurs in the incoming
data stream or the timeout is reached.
If no timeout occurs waitfor returns true(0).
In addition the variable WAITID is set to the
string number received (1 - ...) and
WAITSTR is set to the string received. While
waiting all characters received will be
displayed on the terminal screen unless the
parameter -s (silent) is set.
The following options are known to waitfor.
-s silent - just waiting - not output
-i Incoming data is scanned regardless
of upper- and lower case
-t time timeout value
-o file appends all incoming data to file
if waitfor -t 60 'CONNECT' 'BUSY'
'NO CARRIER'; then
if [ $WAITID = 1 ] ; then
echo 'we got CoNnected'
else if [ $WAITSTR = 'BUSY' ]; then
echo 'Busy'
echo 'something very funny'
while cmd1; cmd2; ...; do
cmd3; ...;
All commands between while and do are
executed and if the return code of the last
command is true (0) the commands between do
and done are executed. Then proceeding starts
again until the last command between while
and do returns false.
while [$a -ne 0]
a='expr $a - 1'
b='expr $b + 2'
§Command separators§COSHYHLP\KMDTR§
1.1.2 Worte
A word is a string between to non-quoted
spaces. Metacharacters may also be contents
of a word but only if quoted.
the examples below have all one word per line.
hello\ Pete
hello\ two lines, but 1 word
'Hello You'
Hello' 'You
hello" You"
"Hello\"\ \"You"
next chapter:
1.1.3 Command separators
Editing of CoNnect-Online-Help
Online help in CoNnect need two files:
CONNECT.HLP and CONNECT.IDX. If you want to
edit help texts (e.g. to remove the lots of
spelling and grammar mistakes) you'll have to
change CONNECT.HLP only. CoNnect will fix the
index file itself.
If you have corrected parts of the help file
I really ask you to send them to me. I will
then apply them to the next release.
Help entrys start with the line (a help marker)
§§Help entry§
where Help entry is an arbitrary marker and
can be used for referencing this help text.
Below this line this references can be
The end of the references is marked by a
single § at a line.
Below the help text can be found where all
phrases which are equal to the first string in
a reference will be bold and underlined to
show the user that this phase is linked to
another help text which can be reached by
double-clicking on it. Selecting such an item
will cause CoNnect to show the suitable help
text that has a help marker equal to the
second string in the reference.
§Character Set§_Zeichensatz§
§history buffer§_Puffer§
We hope you are using CoNnect 2.0 or higher
because otherwise reading this history will
not be much fun for you.
Regarding version 1.96, CoNnect 2.0 has got a
lot of improvements.
New stuff:
∙ CoNnect got a hypertext-like context
sensitive online help. This will be
helpful for all the beginners in using
this program as most complains concern the
huge number of possible settings.
∙ CoNnect got an internal X-, Y-, Z-Modem
protocol. Get more information, by opening
the transfer dialog and pressing HELP
Compuserve B and B+ are also supported
∙ Finally you are now enabled to see the
history buffer in an extra window. All
selecting and clipping stuff works fine
there too.
∙ CoNnect got so called scan tables. They
may be used to define any key of the
ataris keyboard. Using this feature you
can easily implement the doorway mode to
have remote control over a PC running the
doorway program.
A doorway scan table can be found in this
∙ The Type Ahead Buffer (CONTROL+INSERT)
will now stay open till its window is
∙ Redrawing TEK-windows became lots of
faster. (due to the fact i needed it
myself ;-)
∙ Statusreports of the TEK-mode are now
suppressible. This will be a useful
feature for VMS-users.
∙ 115200 Baud on TTs Serial2, on the
Falcon and MSTEs MODEM2 and SERIAL2
∙ Preparations for Mag!X (1.11 and 2.0)
∙ The dialing dialog got color icons.
∙ Pressing shift an double-clicking an phonebook
entry will activate a continuous dial for one
specific number
∙ ^ in the dialing sequence will pull down DTR for
700 ms
∙ + Entrys in CONNECT.NUM
+t 15.0 time the modem needs to get a carrier
after the other side has taken up the phone
+T 5.0 Time a carrier must be present to make
connect think - this was a real carrier ,)
+u DM Unit of your money - probably $ or £
NUM.DOC provides lots of useful information about
the programming of CONNECT.NUM
∙ Using the compatibility dialog you can now set
<lf> to clear screen.
Drag and Drop: CoNnect will start uploading when
you drag Files on its windows.
∙ Money (Philipps request) can be found in the
terminal menu.
∙ A new special character for dialling strings
@ escapes the next character.
@~ does not delay but sends ~
@@ sends @
∙ Realtime Slider in the dialing dialog
§main menu§Hauptmenü§
§terminal menu§Menue-Term§
§tektronix menu§Menue-Tek§
§creating help files§Edithelp§
§new stuff in 2.10§History§
This is the online help for CoNnect.
Don't forget that CoNnect is a shareware
product. It is not freeware or public domain -
you have to pay for its usage.
If you want to learn something about the
help system - please double-click here.
Other help may be obtained for
main menu
terminal menu
tektronix menu
new stuff in 2.10
creating help files