Welcome to VanTerm 3.8! In this ARC you'll find the following files:
VANTERM(tm).CFG - This is a sample configuration file. You edit, load, and
save .CFG files from within VanTerm. It contains various settings that
you select within VanTerm, and also contains your dial directory and
function key strings. You may have as many .CFG files as you like, as
long as each one has a different name. VanTerm will look for .CFG files
in the same directory from which VanTerm was executed, and will load
VANTERM(tm).CFG by default, if it exists. You can also invoke VanTerm as an
"installed" application by clicking ONCE on VANTERM(tm).PRG and using "Install
Application" from the GEM desktop and installing it as GEM with .CFG as the
file type. Please read your Atari ST owner's manual for more info on
"Install Application". Once done and saved with your DESKTOP.INF file, you
can execute VanTerm by double clicking on the desired .CFG file, allowing
you to have seperate .CFG files for things like work, BBS, PC-Pursuit, etc.
Of course, you can select and load any .CFG file at any time from within
VanTerm once it is running.
Note: .CFG files are 'pure ASCII', that is, you can edit them with any
text editor if you wish, but BE CAREFUL! The exact format, commas, etc.
are important!
VANTERM(tm).PRG - The actual program. The "tm" symbol IS a GEM character,
but not understood by TOS. Therefore, ARC and a few other programs, and
most shell programs wil display a question mark (?) instead and may not
extract the files properly from an archive. If this has happenned, use
DCOPYxxx.PRG to re-extract and it will be fine. Or you can use the
RENAME function of VanTerm to create the character and rename the file(s).
Once you select a file to RENAME within VanTerm, you'll see a nice help
screen that tells you how to create the "tm" and almost any other
character that GEM can handle!
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save .CFG files from within VanTerm. tcone info on
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