Labels:lodestone | paper | reckoner | sky OCR: PROBLEMS PLAYING SOUND If you do no aear sounc at sll.check-he fellowing oin:s Check that r s-urd level is turned Yru can this throug tr.e Seur.d ontrolpenel 7. If ye have external speacers cherk that hey ar? anc volume control is turr.ed If vo wist to use eitne the in.erral extenal 3peakera ma'se sure t you have nct lef: headp henes INTERRUPTED SUUND If so.ncls are atd ble hut irtermpted neck t- following poirts 1.Ift sound vol.m level in che Sounc cor.trol par.e ssea : maxirmun volune. tmay ceuse sound to listort The sime roblem may cccur wi: n exernal spe akers at maxirnurn volurne Experimen: wi: vol .me level3 I you find comfertable wund level If yout Mair.toan ut:lizing Virtul Menery i: may e storing sounds on atlerthani RAM This will cause celay accescing sount files You ea n turr: V ...