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It is important to study the dynamic
properties of materials under the influ-
ence of various microstructural condi-
tions. Microstructure is known to have
an important influence on the fracture
properties of materials. A parallel com-
puter code has therefore been imple-
mented for the study of dynamic
fracture problems on the CM-200. This
code implements a "balls and spring"
model which lives on a 2D triangular
lattice. The balls are connected to near-
est neighbors by nonlinear springs and
are allowed to move around their equi-
librium positions. Also being modeled
are bond fractures by the following
rule: if a bond is extended beyond a
given length, it is designated as broken
and only the repulsive part of the
potential for that bond is retained for
the rest of the simulation. The model
has Langevin dynamics built in and
thereby allows the study of the influ-
ence of temperature and other stochas-
tic effects. It is also possible to run it
with zero noise. The massively parallel
nature of the problem is established by
assigning one ball (and three bonds) to
each processor of the CM-200. Because
each processor has its own memory it is
easy to give the balls different proper-
ties, e.g. they can have different mate-
rial parameters. In this way it is
possible to model grain boundaries and
real microstructure. The goal of this
investigation is to accurately describe
how microstructure affects fracture
and, in particular, to be able to follow
the dynamics of fracture.
Some preliminary runs on shear-stress
induces fracture in a block of materials
with microstructure has been investi-
gated. To date the runs show that it is
possible to dynamically observe several
fracture scenarios. For example, it is
possible by tuning the parameters in
the inter-particle potential to observe
trans-granular fracture and also frac-
ture along grain boundaries.
These figures show dynamic fracture
in a 2D Lattice Model. A shear stress
has been applied to the top part of the
lattice. The colors show the distribu-
tion of kinetic energy: low values cor-
respond to gray, intermediate values
to purple, and high values to yellow
and red. Because of weaker bonding
across grain boundaries as compared
with the intragrain bond strength, the
fracture is seen to occur predomi-
nantly along grain boundaries in this
simulation. The way in which micro-
structure affects the strength of these
material can be studied by adjusting
these parameters.
Acknowledgement: Peter Lomdahl, LANL, T-11