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- --------
- An action/adventure 3D game for PC and ATARI (ST,TT,Falcon...)
- How to play (Hints for level 1)
- ===============================
- (First, I apologize for my bloody english...)
- Print out this file and read it in order to play NISHIRAN.
- You can install NISHIRAN on your hard disk, but you can play it from
- one or two disks: 1 HD disk or 2 DD disks
- (Don't take NISHIRAN.PRG out of the AUTO directory, just click it !)
- If you copy the contents of the NISHIRAN directory into DD disks, put
- the DISK2 directory and the file NISHIRAN.2 on the second disk.
- (If you need space, you may delete SETUP.EXE and the text files *.TXT)
- On ATARI 520, because of low memory, you must play the game from
- disks...
- Caution : If you are an experienced player, try to discover the game
- by yourself. But if you feel that the game is boring, please
- spend a few minutes and achieve level 1 with this text !
- Map of level 1 : The forest
- ---------------------------
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- 'X':Starting point
- 'Y':Carnivorous plant
- '.':Objects to pick up
- ':':Burned trees
- '|':Trees
- 'm':Mine to disarm and to pick up
- '*':Teleporting wheel
- How to play (Hints for level 1)
- -------------------------------
- -Click or press a key
- (On ATARI, if you are playing a MOD file, you MUST press the 'S' key !)
- -Select ENGLISH
- -Select MISSION
- -After landing, use the numeric keypad in order to move
- 8/5 or 2:walk forwards/walk backward
- 7/9:turn left/right
- 4/6:walk toward left/right side
- (You can also click the dashboard arrows)
- -Type in "P" in order to pause the game.
- -Type in "Escape" in order to abort. Select "RESTART GAME".
- -On the ground, in front of the plant, you can see a skull (just
- here for pleasure of your eyes, you cant't take it) and a book.
- Walk toward left side in order to catch it quickly with your "hand".
- Walk toward right side quickly in order to avoid the plant bite.
- If the plant bite you, you explode because your protection shield
- is very weak (you hit drenium shield very hard). 10 yellow bars
- on the right side of the dashboard show the shield status of your
- robot (if they are too small, they will be red, but if you have
- electricity power, they will regenerate...).
- -If you succeed in picking up the book (the "hand" is replaced by the
- book), then, click the right button of your mouse in order to summon
- the inventory screen. Each black (empty) icon is a storage icon.
- Click inside in order to drop the book. If you drop it into the left
- storage icon (there is a gray eye drawn inside), you will be able
- to read the book. In order to turn its pages, click the "turn page"
- button (just below the "eye" storage icon). Drop the book into a
- storage icon.
- -Look at the top left corner, this bar gives you the status of your
- electricity power (battery). When you run out of power, your
- protection field will vanish, and you won't be able to move your
- robot anymore...
- -Click the right button of th mouse in order to exit the inventory.
- -Go south, dont waste your time in fighting the plant, you are not
- strong enough. You will go through some burned trees. Stop walking
- just behind these trees.
- -Save the game: In the inventory screen, click the "save game" button
- (this button is on the right side of the screen, drawn on it are a disk
- and an arrow pointing downward toward the disk)
- Select a saved game number, or the RAM saved game.
- (You can press 1 up to 7, or R)
- (If you save your game on hard disk, the first time, you will be
- asked to insert a disk. Ignore this request !)
- -Load the game: Use the "load game" button.
- -Advance... There is a gray mine somewhere... If you walk near it,
- it will explode. If it happens, load the game and approach it again.
- -First, try to fly above it. On the left side of the screen, there is
- some handle. If you push this handle (press the numeric keypad
- '-' key, or click behind the handle) you will start a small engine
- on the back of your robot. The first push permit stationnary fly.
- A second push is needed if you want to ascend... (since Drenium is
- surrounded by a strong magnetic field, you can't ascend too much!à)
- Caution : the top orange bar is your fuel level. You are running out
- of fuel, so try to fly above the mine very quickly...
- Advance with stationnary fly active, and land behind the mine by
- pulling the handle (click in front of the handle, or press the
- numeric keypad '+' key)
- -Load the game, and do not waste your fuel anymore!
- -Use your flying probe in order to disarm and pick up the mine:
- In the inventory screen, above the storage icons, there is a raw
- of icons that command the flying probe. On the left side, the
- "call back probe" button. On the right side, the "send probe" button.
- (you can send the probe also with the numeric keypad '*' key)
- Between these buttons, you find the "pick up the first object
- encountered and come back" button, the "drop the object in front of
- me" button, the "shoot the first monster encountered" button,
- the "go straight forward" directive button and the "follow the left
- or right wall" button. If the object is a mine, the flying probe
- will disarm it before picking it up, or will arm it after droping it.
- Sometimes, some objects are difficult to catch with your "hand"
- because they are just under the robot. If it happens, walk backward
- and launch your probe.
- -Send your probe by typing in '*' on the numeric keypad, in order
- to look at the flying probe when it is launched. This attempt
- will fail (the "ENERGY" message warns you that the flying probe
- is running out of electric battery). On the top right corner of
- the inventory screen, there is a storage icon with a lightning
- symbol drawn into it. Take the robot battery from the left storage
- icon to the right storage icon (the battery probe icon storage).
- Look at your vanishing protection shield! Without this battery
- your robot can't move of course... Send the probe.
- -In the inventory screen, retrieve the disarmed mine from the
- mechanic hand of your flying probe (a storage icon on the top
- right corner of the inventory screen). Drop it in a storage icon
- of your inventory. Give back your robot its battery.
- -Follow the forest path. You will soon enter a clearing. The south
- exit is keeped by a carnivorous plant (a little bit dried up!).
- In the northern part of the clearing, you can find a small rock.
- Pick up this rock!
- -Take the fuel container (orange object on the top left corner).
- -Save the game.
- -Kill the plant with the fuel container! Throw it toward the plant.
- Each time the container hits the plant, you should hear a little
- sound. Don't pick up the container immediately. You must avoid
- the plant bite because your protection field is too weak...
- Walk backward, then walk forward, catch the container, and try again.
- The container may be hidden behind the plant, but you can still
- retrieve it !
- -You will soon enter a smaller clearing. On your left, another rock.
- Grab it!
- -Later, two plants to kill and anoter rock.
- -More later, three plants, but very strong this time !
- You absolutely need modern weapons and a new battery !
- Make them :
- -In the inventory screen, on the bottom left corner, you can see
- a "chemistry" button (a test tube is drawn on it). Click this
- button in order to enter the chemistry screen. Notice immediately
- the microscope storage icon in the bottom left corner. This icon
- is useful in order to analyse the molecular structure of objects.
- First, make a battery...
- -Analyse the robot battery. Just drop it into the microscope icon.
- Remember the fuel molecular structure.
- -Give the probe this battery.
- -Analyse the mine.
- -Just right the microscope button, you can find the "refinery" icon
- (there is a tube test and an arrow pointing toward the tube test).
- If you drop an object into this icon, all elementary substances
- will be extracted from it. Analyse your rocks and refine them.
- -You will see the refined elementary substances on the top of the
- chemistry screen (a dark bar will show you the amount of elementary
- substance available, a taller and lighter bar whill serve as a
- subunit counter). Refine the mine.
- -I will give the name A,C and E to these visible elementary substances.
- -In order to make a battery, you must write the correct formula, i.e
- a formula that descrives the way of making 1 molecule.
- In order to make 1 molecule of "battery" you need 2 brown atoms,
- 2 blue atoms, and 3 gray atoms.
- Example of calculation:
- (but you can write also equations...)
- Gray atoms must come from C. Thus, you must start writing the formula
- with C (3 gray atoms needed, 2 gray atoms in 1 C element, so 3/2 C).
- Click on element C. Each time you click, 1/4 of the product is added
- to the formula. If you click directly on the formula, the product
- will be deleted. Brown atoms come from A. 2 brown atoms needed: 1/2 A.
- (Thus, click A twice). 2 blue atoms needed. Inside 1/2 A, there is
- already 0.5x1 blue atom. So you just need to add 2-0.5=1.5 blue atom.
- So add 3/4 E. You must obtain "3/2 C+1/2 A+3/4 E="
- -Click just right the sign '=' (ask for the result).
- -The wanted molecule will appear if the formula is correct. On the
- bottom left corner you will see all available objects available
- if you have sufficient reserves in order to make them...
- If you grab one of these object, it will be immediately built up.
- (amount of elementary substances consumed will be reduced accordingly)
- -Pick up a new battery (make it) and give it to your robot (drop it
- into its energy storage icon). So, now your protection shield will
- raise slowly. So, now continue to make objects:
- -The formula you have just written, is the formula numbre 1
- (8 buttons serve to select 1 out of 8 formula banks). Click the
- "formula number 2" button. If you want to retrieve the first formula
- you just have to click the "formula numbre 1" button.
- In the second formula bank write the formula "3/2 A + 9/4 E="
- and ask for the result.
- -Make as many grenade as possible.
- -If you analyse your fuel container, you may notice that you don't
- have the right elementary substances in order to make fuel...
- For the moment, just remembre the fuel molecular structure.
- -Shoot the plants with your grenades (rhaaa!). Caution : grenades are
- heavy and you must be in front of the plants in order to shoot them !
- In order to throw a grenade, click on the upper half side of the
- screen. You must still avoid the plant bite !
- -Go north and pick up two other rocks. Refine them.
- -Make as many grenade as possible.
- -Later, another plant and a rock in a large clearing. This rock
- holds a new substance (I will call it B).
- -If you would have kept some A, fuel could be made now !
- -Easy: Refine the grenades !
- -Write the fuel formula (number 3): "1 A+2 B="
- -Ask for the result (click right the sign '=').
- -Do not make fuel container ! Make ammos !!!
- -Store them in your inventory.
- -Load the first ammo in your cannon (press numeric keypad ENTER key,
- or click the small arrow on left side of the dashboard, or drop the
- ammo in the upper left ammo storage icon).
- -The orange bar beside the two arrows shows you the number of shots
- available with this ammo. In order to shoot (rhaaa!) you just have
- to press the space bar or to click the large arrow.
- When all shots are fired (8), the next ammo of the inventory will be
- automatically loaded (rhaaa!)...
- -Enter the labyrinth and search for the next plants (5).
- Kill the 2 first plants (right and left side) and retrieve the
- rocks hidden behind them.
- -Make ammos.
- -Kill the 3 remaining plants and retrieve the remaining rocks.
- Make ammos.
- -Come back to the starting point.
- -Kill the last plant (only 2 shots needed).
- -Behind this plant, a dead end. But look at the top of these trees.
- And compare with other trees... You may notice that density is
- lower, so there is certainly some hidden path behind these trees.
- Walk backward, and shoot once. You can go through the burned trees
- now.
- -Pick up the rocks, and make ammos.
- -Walk into the black wheel... (3% of game completed)
- -You land into level 2: The giant spiders cavern.
- Some advice
- -----------
- Draw exact maps.
- So, inexplored areas will give you ideas...
- Don't forget any object.
- Some objects are needed to enter some levels...
- Never lose your flying probe.
- Save game just before entering any teleport wheel.
- You can copy 7 games (GAME0 up to GAME6) into other directories
- in order to keep more than 7 games.
- Keep a saved game for each level.
- Caution : The RAM saved game is volatile ! If you quit the game,
- switch off the computer, or load a saved game, the RAM saved game
- will be lost. If you play on hard disk, use it !
- That's all. Enjoy NISHIRAN...
- NB: NISHIRAN took us many months of hard work...
- If you want other products of this kind, encourage us !
- Send money !
- Technical note: This game has been created with GLCB (freeware library).
- Animation fluidity depends on your computer speed.
- Manuel PIRES (graphist, E-mail : pips@gen4.pressimage.fr)
- Guillaume LAMONOCA (coder, E-mail : gl@gen4.pressimage.fr)
- January 1st 1995.