The call retry delay must be two seconds or greater. The setting has been changed to two seconds.
The call retry count cannot be zero. The setting has been changed to one.
An error-controlled connection is possible only at a speed of 1200 bps or higher. The error-control setting has been changed to permit a standard asynchronous connection.
Unknown V-series error-control setting. The setting has been changed to Yes, if possible.
Unknown modem speaker setting. The setting has been changed to On until carrier.
Unknown modem speaker volume setting. The volume has been changed to Medium.
Mark or Space parity may not be selected with eight bits per character.
Bits per character have been changed to seven.
Two stop bits may not be selected with the current speed and parity selections.
Stop bits have been changed to one.
Parity may not be selected with eight bits per character at the selected speed.
Parity has been changed to none.
The current Transmission Speed setting exceeds the choice for maximum port speed. Transmission speed has been changed to match the maximum port speed setting.
When using a fixed port speed, you must choose a maximum speed. Maximum port speed has been changed to 9600.