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Text File | 1994-03-08 | 2.5 KB | 77 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- -- What's New in DialScript 1.7.1 --
- • Syntax change. COULD BREAK OLD SCRIPTS (but probably will not). The syntax of the next statement is now
- next value;
- where value is either a string constant or a variable name. Examples follow.
- next "foo"; -- branch to state with name foo
- next foo; -- branch to state with name stored in variable foo.
- For compatibility with previous versions of DialScript,
- next foo;
- will branch to the state named foo-- if variable foo contains no value.
- This change was suggested by Norival Figueira as a hack to allow a script
- to (fairly) easily dial a sequence of numbers using the following scheme.
- script test
- state init
- ...
- next st1;
- end;
- state st1
- setvar PHONE "5551212";
- setvar SomeVar "st2";
- next Dial;
- end;
- state st2
- setvar PHONE "5551313";
- setvar SomeVar "st1";
- next Dial;
- end;
- State Dial
- ...
- select
- BUSY: next SomeVar;
- ...
- end;
- end;
- -- What's New in DialScript 1.7 --
- • Syntax change. COULD BREAK OLD SCRIPTS. Use
- set dtr on | off; instead of set dtr high | low.
- • Semantics change. COULD BREAK OLD SCRIPTS. Display no
- longer automatically includes newlines-- use display "foo\r";
- • Added the repeat statement-- repeat NUMBER stmtlist end;
- • There is now an online/offline option in the communications
- dialog. The set statement has been extended for this. The
- syntax is set online on | off. See the manual.
- • There is now an icon for DialScript created TEXT files. You
- may have to rebuild your desktop to see it.
- • There is a "noecho" mode for input statements. Syntax is
- input variable_name noecho;
- No default value is allowed. This is for password entering.
- Thanks to Steven Marcus for help with the new icon and a dialog
- filter for noecho mode.
- • Allows variables to be used wherever a string constant could be
- used. Examples-- display varname; wait varname;
- • You may now type and send characters while a script is
- running.
- • You may now save text coming into your Mac in a file in order
- to keep a script log. Added startlog and stoplog statements.
- See manual.
- • Variable date contains the current date and time. You may
- not set it.
- • Kiss file changes the creator of a TEXT file to DialScript.