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Text File | 1992-12-31 | 5.3 KB | 191 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- /*
- File: DApplication.h
- Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
- Written by: Mark Gross
- Copyright: © 1992 by Applied Technical Software, all rights reserved.
- Change History (most recent first):
- <4> 12/31/92 MTG making the code conditionaly compiled so that I am
- always working with a current version in either think c
- or MPW C++
- <3> 11/14/92 MTG Bringing the C++ version up to date WRT the ThinkC version.
- <2> 9/20/92 MTG Bringing the C++ code up todate with the THINK C version
- To Do:
- */
- // This is the class declaration of the DApplication class.
- #ifndef __DAPPLICATION__
- #define __DAPPLICATION__
- #include "DListStuff.h"
- #include "DEventHandler.h"
- class DDocument; // forward declaration
- class DApplication : public DEventHandler
- {
- public:
- Boolean fInBackground;
- DApplication(void);
- ~DApplication(void);
- protected:
- unsigned long fSleepVal;
- RgnHandle fCursorRgn;
- DEventHandler* fTarget;
- DIterator* fIterator;
- // an iterator for use in place of the local iterators
- // which have to be created and destroyed in tight loops ( like in Idle procs)
- DList* fEventHandlers;
- // This list is needed because I'm not using a doubly linked list to
- // implement the message passing scheam within the DEventHandler class
- // and to clean up when quitting the application
- DList* fDeadHandlers;
- // This list is needed because a) the signely linked list shceem and
- // b) the fact that more than one event handler could died in one
- // event loop pass.
- Boolean FlushDeadHandlers(void);
- // Gets called from the gApplications nullEvent handleing
- // routeen, if the list of deadHandlers is not empty. It
- // frees/deletes all the elements in that list.
- //
- // The Following members and meber functions are in support of the
- // enent handling scheem implemented within this class library.
- // These are the First Crack event handling methods
- //
- virtual void MouseDown(EventRecord *theEvent);
- // Supports menu selections and window selections
- // when mouseDown happens in a inactive window or passes the
- // handleMouseDown message down the fTarget chain.
- virtual void NullEvent(EventRecord *theEvent);
- virtual void ActivateEvt(EventRecord *theEvent);
- virtual void AutoKey(EventRecord *theEvent);
- virtual void KeyDown(EventRecord *theEvent);
- virtual void DiskEvt(EventRecord *theEvent);
- virtual void HighLevelEvent(EventRecord *theEvent);
- virtual void OSEvent(EventRecord *theEvent);
- virtual void UpdateEvt(EventRecord *theEvent);
- public:
- Boolean fDone;
- Boolean InitApp(void);
- // set up lists and put any members into a
- // safe state before the rest of the application starts roling.
- Boolean InstalHandler( DEventHandler *addMe);
- Boolean RemoveHandler( DEventHandler *killMe);
- // Take killMe out of the list of fEventHandlers and updates
- // and refrences to the killMe instance to point to killMe->nextHandler
- // It also inserts killMe into the list of fDeadHandlers which will get
- // flushed when a NULL event comes around. It couldn't be deleted
- // otherwise because of the possible reslut in deleting
- // the dead object while one of its methods on the stack.
- virtual void EventLoop(void);
- // parses the events to the first crack handlers.
- // virtual because in the Comunication tool box
- // demo I needed to call tmidle every time through the
- // event loop....
- Boolean CleanUp(void);
- // goes through and has all the fEventHandlers kill them selves
- // and frees up any used memory
- virtual void HandleMenuChoice(short menuID, short menuItem);
- virtual void SetUpMenues(void);
- protected:
- virtual void ClearMenus(void);
- // This next section are the functions supporting the multiple
- // documents and file handleing for the DApplication class.
- public:
- OSType fCreator;
- OSType fClipType;
- OSType fMainFileType;
- // set these members in the main function!!
- Handle fClipData;
- // access is needed for the Document objects to do the copy
- // and past methods.
- virtual DDocument* MakeDDoc(Boolean OpenFromFile);
- // instaniates a new DDocument object and calls
- // it initialization function which will look
- // for a disk file to read in the data from if
- // OpenFromFile is true.
- virtual int GetFileType(OSType *typeList);
- // fills the SFTypeList array and returns the number of Items
- // the number of Items is limited to 4. The OS can do better BUT
- // to SFTypeList is defined for 4 items and its easyer than worrying
- // about if the pointer passed to this function has been alocated correctly.
- private:
- void GetClipFromSystem(void);
- void GiveClipToSystem(void);
- public:
- Handle GetClipCopyFromApp(OSType *type);
- // allocates memory the caller needs to maintain.
- void GiveDataToApp(Handle data, OSType type);
- // deletes existing clip and copies data into a new
- // handle
- };//end of class declaration
- #define SLEEPVAL 9
- #define kDITop 0x0050
- #define kDILeft 0x0070
- #define rMenuBarID 128
- #define rAppleMenu 128
- #define rFileMenu 129
- #define rAboutIDBox 128
- #define iAbout 1
- #define iNew 1
- #define iOpen 2
- #define iClose 4
- #define iSave 5
- #define iSaveAs 6
- #define iPageSetup 8
- #define iPrint 9
- #define iQuit 11
- #define rEditMenu 130
- #define iUndo 1
- #define iCut 3
- #define iCopy 4
- #define iPaste 5
- #define iClear 6
- #define iSelectAll 8
- #endif __DAPPLICATION__