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Text File | 1992-12-31 | 10.6 KB | 547 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- /*
- File: DDocument.cp
- Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
- Written by: Mark Gross
- Copyright: © 1992 by Applied Technical Software, all rights reserved.
- Change History (most recent first):
- <6> 12/31/92 MTG making the code conditionaly compiled so that I am
- always working with a current version in either think c
- or MPW C++
- <5> 11/14/92 MTG Bringing the C++ version up to date WRT the ThinkC version.
- <4> 9/20/92 MTG Bringing this C++ code uptodate with the THINK C version
- <3> 8/9/92 MTG merging changes from the ThinkC version
- <2> 8/8/92 MTG cleaning up un used variables
- To Do:
- */
- // the is the Class definition for the DDocument class
- #include "DDocument.h"
- #include "DWindow.h"
- #include "DScrollWindow.h"
- #include "DEventHandler.h"
- #include "DApplication.h"
- #include <string.h>
- DDocument::DDocument(void)
- {
- fDWindow = NULL;
- fDataHandle = NULL;
- fFileRef = 0;
- fKMNxtCalledFromWindow = FALSE;
- fNeedToSave = FALSE;
- }
- DDocument::~DDocument()
- {
- DisposPtr( (Ptr) fFileReply);
- if (fFileRef != 0)
- FSClose(fFileRef);
- if(fDataHandle != NULL)
- {
- DisposHandle(fDataHandle);
- fDataHandle = NULL;
- }
- }// end of document destructor
- DDocument* DDocument::Init( Boolean OpenExistingFile)
- {
- SFTypeList localTypeList;
- fDWindow = NULL;
- fDataHandle = NULL;
- fFileRef = 0;
- fFileReply = (StandardFileReply *)NewPtr( sizeof(StandardFileReply) );
- fNeedToSave = FALSE;
- fNextHandler = gApplication;
- fCreator = gApplication->fCreator;
- gApplication->GetFileType(localTypeList);
- fFileType = localTypeList[0];
- if (OpenExistingFile)
- {
- SellectFile(fFileReply);
- if( fFileReply->sfGood)
- {
- fFileType = fFileReply->sfType;
- if(FALSE == OpenFile( &(fFileReply->sfFile)) )
- return NULL;
- }// end if user didn't cancel
- else
- return NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- fNeedToSave = FALSE;
- }
- return this;
- }//end member function Init
- void DDocument::AEInitDoc(FSSpec *theFSS)
- {
- SFTypeList localTypeList;
- StringPtr title;
- fDWindow = NULL;
- fDataHandle = NULL;
- fFileRef = 0;
- fFileReply = (StandardFileReply *)NewPtr( sizeof(StandardFileReply) );
- BlockMove( theFSS, &(fFileReply->sfFile), sizeof(FSSpec));
- // we need to copy the FSSpec to the fFileReply member
- // for the Save() function to opperate correctly.
- fNeedToSave = FALSE;
- fNextHandler = gApplication;
- fCreator = gApplication->fCreator;
- gApplication->GetFileType(localTypeList);
- fFileType = localTypeList[0];
- OpenFile( theFSS );
- title = theFSS->name;
- MakeWindow(HasColorQD());
- if(fFileRef != 0) //fFileRef is the file open flag, if its false then we just opened a
- SetWTitle(fDWindow->fWindowPtr, title); // stationary pad.
- }//end member function AEInitDoc
- Boolean DDocument::DoSaveAs(void)
- {
- if (fFileRef != 0)
- FSClose(fFileRef);
- fFileRef = 0;
- return SaveFile();;
- }// end of member function DoSaveAs
- Boolean DDocument::WindowClosed(DWindow *deadWindow)
- {
- short saveit;
- if( fNeedToSave )
- {
- saveit = WantToSave(fDWindow->fWindowPtr);
- if(saveit == iYes)
- {
- if(SaveFile())
- {
- fKMNxtCalledFromWindow = TRUE;
- KillMeNext();
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- gApplication->fDone = FALSE;// if quitting then user has change thier mind....
- }
- }
- else if (saveit == iCancel)
- {
- gApplication->fDone = FALSE;// if quitting then user has change thier mind....
- }
- }
- if( fDataHandle)
- {
- DisposHandle( fDataHandle);
- fDataHandle = NULL;
- }
- fKMNxtCalledFromWindow = TRUE;
- KillMeNext();
- return TRUE;
- }// end of member function WindowClosed
- //
- // DDocument::KillMeNext has 2 entry points, one from windowclosed
- // the other is hidden in DApplciation::CleanUp.
- // Hence, I do noting and return FALSE unless the call comes from
- // WindowClosed.
- //
- Boolean DDocument::KillMeNext(void)
- {
- Boolean inheritedSuccess = FALSE;
- if(fAlive) // fAlive flag is here to make the
- { // kill them all process of quitting function correctly
- // Without it, is code could be exicuted 2 times.
- // Resulting in two WantToSave calls at best, crash at worst.
- if (fKMNxtCalledFromWindow )
- inheritedSuccess = inherited::KillMeNext();
- return inheritedSuccess;// only TRUE if called from fDWindow...
- }
- return inheritedSuccess;
- }//end of KillMeNext method.
- DWindow* DDocument::MakeWindow(Boolean hasColorWindows)
- {
- DWindow *newWindow;
- //newWindow = new DWindow;
- newWindow = new DScrollWindow;
- fDWindow = newWindow;
- if (newWindow->Init(this, hasColorWindows))
- return newWindow;
- else
- {
- fDWindow = NULL;
- return fDWindow;
- }
- }//end member function MakeWindow
- short DDocument::WantToSave(WindowPtr theWindow)
- {
- Str255 title;
- Str255 nullStr;
- *nullStr = 0;
- if(theWindow)
- {
- GetWTitle(theWindow, title);
- ParamText(title, nullStr, nullStr, nullStr);
- }
- else
- ParamText(nullStr,nullStr,nullStr,nullStr);
- return Alert(rWantToSave, NULL);
- }// end of WantToSave member function
- //
- // DEventHandler overrides
- //
- void DDocument::HandleMenuChoice(short menuID, short menuItem)
- {
- if( menuID == rFileMenu)
- {
- switch (menuItem)
- {
- case iSave:
- SaveFile();
- break;
- case iSaveAs:
- DoSaveAs();
- break;
- case iClose:
- fDWindow->KillMeNext(); // the Window then informs document that its ok to rest in peace.
- break;
- case iPrint:
- fDWindow->DoPrint();
- break;
- case iPageSetup:
- fDWindow->DoPageSetUp();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }// end switch on menuItem
- }// end if fileMenu
- inherited::HandleMenuChoice( menuID, menuItem);
- }
- void DDocument::SetUpMenues(void)
- {
- MenuHandle menu;
- menu = GetMHandle(rFileMenu);
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iClose, TRUE);
- //EnableMenuItem( menu, iSave, TRUE);
- //EnableMenuItem( menu, iSaveAs, TRUE);
- //EnableMenuItem( menu, iPageSetup, TRUE);
- //EnableMenuItem( menu, iPrint, TRUE);
- inherited::SetUpMenues( );
- }
- void DDocument::DoCut(void)
- {
- }// end of DoCut member function
- void DDocument::DoCopy(void)
- {
- }// end of DoCopy member function
- void DDocument::DoPaste(void)
- {
- // big STUB!!!
- }
- void DDocument::DoClear(void)
- {
- // big STUB!!!
- }
- void DDocument::DoUndo(void)
- {
- // big STUB!!!
- }
- void DDocument::DoSellectAll(void)
- {
- // big STUB!!!
- }
- void DDocument::SellectFile(StandardFileReply* reply)
- {
- SFTypeList theTypeList;
- int numOfTypes;
- numOfTypes = gApplication->GetFileType(theTypeList);
- StandardGetFile(NULL, numOfTypes, theTypeList, reply);
- }// end member function SellectFile
- Boolean DDocument::OpenFile(FSSpecPtr specPtr)
- {
- OSErr fileError;
- short fileRef;
- long dataCount;
- Boolean isStationary;
- FInfo theFInfo;
- fileError = FSpOpenDF( specPtr, fsCurPerm, &fileRef);
- if(fileError != noErr)
- {
- if(fileError == opWrErr)
- ErrorAlert(rErrorStrings, sFileOpen);
- else
- ErrorAlert(rErrorStrings, sUnknownErr);
- return FALSE;
- }
- fFileRef = fileRef; // ok, we have an open file lets try to get
- // the length of this guy.
- fileError = GetEOF( fileRef, &dataCount);
- if(fileError != noErr)
- {
- FSClose(fileRef);
- fFileRef = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- //
- // Ok, we've gotten this far, the file is open and
- // its time to read the data.
- //
- if( ReadData(fileRef, &dataCount) != noErr)
- {
- FSClose(fileRef);
- fFileRef = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- FSpGetFInfo(specPtr, &theFInfo); //get finder info to check for stationary padness
- isStationary = ( (theFInfo.fdFlags & 0x800) != 0);
- if(isStationary)
- {
- FSClose(fileRef);// close that file and set
- fFileRef = 0; // the flag indicating that no file has been opened (keep the window untitled!
- fNeedToSave = TRUE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }// end member function OpenFile
- OSErr DDocument::ReadData(short refNum, long *size)
- {
- OSErr fileError;
- Handle data;
- //
- // first make some place to put the data
- //
- data = NewHandle(*size);
- if(data == NULL)
- return memFullErr;
- //
- // get it ready, and read into the space...
- //
- HLock(data);
- fileError = FSRead(refNum, size, *data);
- HUnlock(data);
- //
- // if problem, free space up an return error.
- //
- if(fileError != noErr)
- {
- DisposHandle( data);
- return fileError;
- }
- //
- // otherwise put the data in an object member, for your use.
- // note that your overrides of this need not use fDataHandle.
- // In fact fDataHandle realy shouldn't be in this class, your
- // sub-classes should have thier own place to put thier data.
- // (its here for guidence)
- //
- fDataHandle = data;
- return fileError;
- }// end member function ReadData
- Boolean DDocument::SaveFile(void)
- {
- OSErr fileError;
- FSSpecPtr specPtr;
- short refNum;
- FInfo theFInfo;
- StandardFileReply* reply;
- if (fFileRef == 0) // then we need to save as, and better define a file for it.
- {
- reply = fFileReply;
- StandardPutFile("\pSave file as:", "\pUntitled", reply);
- fFileReply = reply;
- }
- else
- {
- FSClose(fFileRef);
- fFileRef = 0;
- fFileReply->sfReplacing = TRUE;
- }
- if(!fFileReply->sfGood)
- {
- return FALSE;
- // user canceled save opperation
- }
- specPtr = &(fFileReply->sfFile);
- //
- // Buffer up any finder info stuff the file may have, so that we
- // may transfrer to the replaceing file yet to be created.
- //
- if( fFileReply->sfReplacing)
- {
- FSpGetFInfo(specPtr, &theFInfo); //get finder info BEFORE the file is deleted
- fFileReply->sfFlags = theFInfo.fdFlags; // keep it correct for the file to be created...
- fileError = FSpRstFLock(specPtr);
- if( !((fileError == fnfErr) || (fileError == noErr)) )
- return FALSE;
- if(fileError == noErr)
- {
- fileError = FSpDelete(specPtr);//risky for my liking, but its the easy way to do files.
- if(fileError != noErr)
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- fileError = FSpCreate( specPtr, gApplication->fCreator,
- fFileType, reply->sfScript);
- if ( fileError != noErr)
- return FALSE;
- if( fFileReply->sfReplacing)
- FSpSetFInfo(specPtr, &theFInfo);
- //
- // regardless if a save as was done, we now have a closed file redy to be written
- // too and it needs opening. We may have deleted
- // and open file, too bad.
- //
- fileError = FSpOpenDF(specPtr, fsCurPerm, &refNum);
- if ( fileError != noErr)
- return FALSE;
- //
- // Now we are ready to write the data out.
- //
- fileError = WriteData(refNum);
- if ( fileError != noErr)
- return FALSE;
- fFileRef = refNum;
- fNeedToSave = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }//end member function SaveFile
- OSErr DDocument::WriteData(short refNum)
- {
- OSErr fileError;
- Handle data;
- long dataCount;
- //
- // get the data into a local var and get its size
- //
- data = fDataHandle;
- if(data == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- dataCount = GetHandleSize(data);
- //
- // Lock that pup down and write out the info
- //
- HLock(data);
- fileError = FSWrite(refNum, &dataCount, *data);
- HUnlock(data);
- return fileError;
- }//end member function WriteData