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- FaxModem & FAXstf Error Codes
- {••• Error codes returned from the board driver •••}
- UserAbor = -27; {User aborted the Transmission}
- dskFllErr = -34; {Disk Full Error}
- DRVRbusy = -6000; {The Driver is currently busy doing something else}
- FailedTr = -6001; {failed to train}
- NoRspons = -6002; {No Response to DIS}
- NoEndRsp = -6003; {No response after sending a page}
- FramSend = -6004; {failed in the frame send subroutine}
- Hang_Err = -6005; {failed to hang up the phone properly}
- ModinUse = -6006; {someone else is currently using the modem}
- interupt = -6007; {received a procedure interupt from the other end}
- PhRangErr = -6008; {phone rang, but was not answered tells monitor}
- ResBadErr = -6009; {facsimile machine does not support High Resolution}
- PhRingErr = -6010; {phone rang, but was not answered tells logfile procs}
- DCN__Err = -6011; {I got a DCN but I wasn't looking for one}
- NoPollErr = -6012; {I tried to poll but no document}
- ClearSRErr = -6013; {Error in Clear Serial}
- AnsNowErr = -6014; {Error in Answering Phone}
- {••• Errors Returned after the ATDT Command •••}
- DialNoAn = -6090; {Received a no answer after dialing}
- DialBusy = -6091; {Received a Busy after dialing}
- DialTone = -6092; {Received a no Dial tone after dialing}
- Dial1200 = -6093; {Received a connect 1200 after dialing}
- DialErrr = -6094; {Received an error after dialing}
- DialNoCa = -6095; {Received a No Carrier after dialing}
- DialRING = -6096; {Received a Ring after dialing}
- DialOKOK = -6097; {Received an OK after dialing}
- {••• Errors returned from trying to initialize the modem •••}
- Fail_D_T = -6080; {Failed to set the dial tone detection on the board}
- Fail_Dia = -6081; {Failed to set the Dialing method on the board}
- Fail_PAR = -6082; {failed to set one of the generic parameters}
- Fail_FAX = -6083; {Failed to set the Mode to Facsimile}
- Fail_TES = -6084; {Failed to find the fax modem}
- Fail_Dat = -6085; {Failed to set the Mode to DATA}
- Fail_FF_ = -6086; {Failed to set the Modem to factory defaults}
- FailRgS7 = -6090; {failed to set the register corectly}
- Fail_NVNE_ = -6087; {Failed to set the Modem to NoEcho NonVerbose}
- Fail_VNE_ = -6088; {Failed to set the Modem to NoEcho Verbose}
- Fail_Flo = -6089; {Failed to set the Modem to Proper Flow Control (Xon/Xoff)}
- {••• Frame Sending Errors •••}
- FRAMESEND_2 = -7000; {'AT+FTH+3' took longer than 50 * 5 ticks to complete}
- FRAMESEND_3 = -7001; {'CONNECT' response was not received in 100 * 5 ticks}
- FRAMESEND_4 = -7002; {Frame Data took longer than 50 ticks to complete}
- FRAMESEND_5 = -7003; {'OK' response was not received in 100 ticks}
- {••• Errors returned from trying to initialize a Class2 modem •••}
- Fail_FDCC = -7010; {Failed to set the DCC (i.e. DIS,DCS parameters)}
- Fail_FLID = -7011; {Failed to set Local Id string}
- Fail_FCR = -7012; {Failed to enable reception for the modem}
- Fail_FBOR = -7013; {Failed to set the Fax Bit Ordering}
- Fail_AT = -7014; {Sending: Failed to receive an OK after sending an AT}
- Fail_FET = -7015; {Failed to receive an OK after sending an AT+FET=1}
- Fail_DT_FET = -7016; {Failed to receive an OK after a Dial command or a
- AT+FET=0,AT+FET=2}
- Fail_FDT = -7017; {Failed to receive an OK after sending an AT+FDT}
- Fail_XOn = -7018; {Failed to get an XOn after the connect msg}
- Fail_Not_XOn = -7019; {Received something other than XOn after the Connect}
- Fail_Data_Rd_Wr = -7020; {Page Data Timed out waiting for a Read or Write to complete}
- Fail_DLE_ETX_OK = -7021; {Failed to receive an OK after sending a <DLE><ETX>}
- {••• File Timeout Errors •••}
- Fail_Set_File_Pos = -7030; {Failed to set file position in 3 seconds}
- {••• Generic Fax Command Errors •••}
- Fail_Command = -7040; {Failed to send command to modem (i.e. PBWrite failed)}
- {••• Generic Fax Response Errors •••}
- Fail_Cmd_Response = -7041; {Failed to get a proper response from the modem}
- {••• PPCS Failure Error •••}
- Fail_PPCS = -8000; {Failed to get a proper response from the PPCS}
- {••• Generic Sending Errors •••}
- ASendS05 = -11005; {A 05 Never received an OK from AT}
- ASendS08 = -11008; {A 08 Never received an OK from AT+FCLASS=1}
- ASendS10 = -11010; {A 10 Never received answer from dial command 10*1000}
- ASendS11 = -11011; {A 11 Received an invalid response from the dial command}
- BSendS32 = -12032; {B 2 Received NoCarrier 3 times after +FRH}
- BSendS52 = -12052; {B 2 invalid response from +FRH}
- BSendS43 = -12043; {B 3 Recieved more than 125 bytes without receiving $FF}
- BSendS11 = -12011; {B 11 Never received a CONNECT from AT+FTH=3}
- BSendS17 = -12017; {B 17 Never received a CONNECT after TSI Data}
- {••• Generic Sending Errors •••} cont.
- BSendS18 = -12018; {B 18 Never received an OK after DCS Data}
- BSendS19 = -12019; {B 19 Never received an OK after +FTS=8}
- BSendS21 = -12021; {B 21 Never received a CONNECT from AT+FTM=xx}
- BSend325 = -12325; {B 25 Waited for 5*80 ticks for OK after Training}
- BSend425 = -12425; {B 25 Training took longer than 5*20 ticks to complete}
- CSendS03 = -13003; {C 3 longer than 50 ticks for a PBSETFPOS to complete}
- CSendS05 = -13005; {C 5 longer than 100 ticks for a PBREAD to complete}
- CSendS06 = -13006; {C 6 Invalid data rate for page data}
- CSendS08 = -13008; {C 8 Never received a CONNECT from AT+FTM=xx}
- CSendS11 = -13011; {C 11 longer than 10*1000 ticks for OK after Page Data}
- DSendS11 = -14002; {D 2 Never received an OK after +FTS=50}
- {••• Generic Receiving Errors •••}
- ARecvS04 = -21004; {A 4 Waited longer than 500 ticks for CONNECT after +FTH}
- ARecvS08 = -21008; {A 10 Never received an CONNECT after CSI Data}
- ARecvS10 = -21010; {A 10 Never received an OK after DIS Data}
- BRecvS42 = -22042; {B 2 Received NOCARRIER after something other than DIS,CFR}
- BRecvS52 = -22052; {B 2 Waited longer than 240 ticks for CONNECT after +FRH}
- BRecvS03 = -22003; {B 3 Waited longer than 360 ticks for DATA after something other
- than DIS,CFR}
- BRecvS04 = -22004; {B 4 Waited longer than 500 ticks for Data after $FF}
- BRecvS05 = -22005; {B 5 Got one of the wierd frames that we don't handle}
- CRecvS03 = -23003; {C 3 longer than 360 ticks for a CONNECT after +FRM=xx}
- CRecvS07 = -23007; {C 7 Waited longer than 50 ticks for a PBGETFPOS to complete}
- CRecvS09 = -23009; {C 9 Waited longer than 50 ticks for a PBSETFPOS to complete}
- CRecvS11 = -23011; {C 11 Waited longer than 50 ticks for a PBWRITE to complete}
- CRecvS13 = -23013; {C 13 Waited longer than 50 ticks for a PBSETFPOS to complete}
- CRecvS15 = -23015; {C 15 Waited longer than 50 ticks for a PBWRITE to complete}
- DRecvS12 = -24012; {D 12 In the otherwise in the Phase D case statement}
- ERecvS06 = -25006; {E 6 Waited longer than 50 ticks for a PBCLOSE to complete}
- ERecvS09 = -25009; {E 9 Waited longer than 50 ticks for a PBRENAME to complete}
- {••• Errors from the Hayes driver; •••}
- RRockyErr = -9000; {error reading the rockwell register}