Use the arrows to scroll the list a little at a time. Click in the gray bar to scroll a windowful at a time. Drag the white box to scroll to a different part of the list.
TeleFinder displays the addressee’s name under this heading.
TeleFinder displays the file’s name under this heading.
Click here to add another file to the outbox.
You can select any existing file from one of your disks.
You can add up to 250 entries to the outbox.
Click here to re-address the selected file to a different user.
Select an entry fom the list. Then click here to re-address the file to a different user.
Click here to remove the selected entry from the outbox.
Click here to hold the files in the outbox until you choose to send them.
Click here to select a time of day to send the files in your outbox.
The TeleFinder application must be open at the time you choose.
TeleFinder will send your mail at the specified time.
Click here to change the chosen time.
The TeleFinder application must be open at this time.
Click here if you want TeleFinder to receive the mail that is waiting for you.
TeleFinder will do this the next time it performs outbox tasks.
TeleFinder will get your mail the next time it performs outbox tasks.
TeleFinder will save the mail it receives in the default destination.
Use the receive icon to select a folder as the default destination.
TeleFinder will hold the files in the outbox until you choose to send them.
Click here to select a TeleFinder host to send the files in your outbox to.
You must select a host to use timed mail delivery.
Select an entry fom the list. Then click here to remove the entry from the list.
Click here to perform the outbox tasks immediately.