I was wandering through my Eudora Q&A stack one night (last night actually) and wondered if there was a better way to control all the neat options that Steve Dorner had made accessible throguuh ResEdit. I since I had just purchased Eudora 2.1 and had installed the Esoteric Settings file, something clicked. So I dug around in the Esoteric Settings file and figured out (I hope) how to create Settings panels to manipulate these even more esoteric settings.
There is one file, Extra Settings, which contains the panels Attributions, X-Headers, and Edit From: Headers. Just pop it into the Eudora Folder and away you go. When you Start Eudora again, the extra panels will be there right under the ones you've come to love. Oh yes, It only works with Eudora 1.5 and above (you need the panelled Settings Window...)
*** Attributions
This panel controls the attribution line that goes before your quoted text when you reply, and there's one for replying to the sender and one for forwarding and replying to a group. The substitution codes are pretty self-explanatory.
*** X-Headers
I like putting extra headers in for various reasons. Make sure you actually put in the whole header line, i.e.
X-Mailer: Eudora 2.1.1
*** Edit From: Header
Now I know that this is naughty, but I sometimes like to edit my name in outgoing mail (not the address) to something witty (infrequent) or something silly (far too frequent).
Ok. I think that's enough. If you like it, great. If you don't, that's ok too. It's not like I've done something original... just some dog work that Steve Dorner didn't want to do... :)
However, if you do like it and have suggestions for more panels, give me a shout.