This program takes a Unix ImageMap file (for use with clickable gifs on WWW) like one created by WebMap for Macintosh, and translates the document into an AppleScript text file, suitable for immediate compilation with the Script Editor into a CGI or ACGI.
It is drag and dropable. The shell is written in CodeWarrior C using DropStuff2.0 written by Leonard Rosenthol, Marshall Clow, and Stephan Somogyi. The translation utils were written in CW Pascal.
Special Hints:
Always Always Always supply a default URL by typing it in or giving it to WebMap.
No circles, triangles, or other non-square shapes can be used. AppleScript don't like them, only squares.
Try not to modify the file you get from WebMap too much. The file must be the exact syntax of Unix ImageMaps, otherwise your results will be less than pleasing.
Gregory Combs June 13, 1995
I want to say thank you to my mentor Felipe Campos, for getting me interested in all this crap. I have you to thank for all my horrible grades. (BTW, in case you don't know it by heart, his WWW page is